'use strict'; var $SyntaxError = require('es-errors/syntax'); var SLOT = require('internal-slot'); // https://262.ecma-international.org/6.0/#sec-completion-record-specification-type var CompletionRecord = function CompletionRecord(type, value) { if (!(this instanceof CompletionRecord)) { return new CompletionRecord(type, value); } if (type !== 'normal' && type !== 'break' && type !== 'continue' && type !== 'return' && type !== 'throw') { throw new $SyntaxError('Assertion failed: `type` must be one of "normal", "break", "continue", "return", or "throw"'); } SLOT.set(this, '[[type]]', type); SLOT.set(this, '[[value]]', value); // [[target]] slot? }; CompletionRecord.prototype.type = function type() { return SLOT.get(this, '[[type]]'); }; CompletionRecord.prototype.value = function value() { return SLOT.get(this, '[[value]]'); }; CompletionRecord.prototype['?'] = function ReturnIfAbrupt() { var type = SLOT.get(this, '[[type]]'); var value = SLOT.get(this, '[[value]]'); if (type === 'normal') { return value; } if (type === 'throw') { throw value; } throw new $SyntaxError('Completion Record is not of type "normal" or "throw": other types not supported'); }; CompletionRecord.prototype['!'] = function assert() { var type = SLOT.get(this, '[[type]]'); if (type !== 'normal') { throw new $SyntaxError('Assertion failed: Completion Record is not of type "normal"'); } return SLOT.get(this, '[[value]]'); }; module.exports = CompletionRecord;