import {mergeInitialWordSymbol} from './plugin/merge-initial-word-symbol.js' import {mergeFinalWordSymbol} from './plugin/merge-final-word-symbol.js' import {mergeInnerWordSymbol} from './plugin/merge-inner-word-symbol.js' import {mergeInnerWordSlash} from './plugin/merge-inner-word-slash.js' import {mergeInitialisms} from './plugin/merge-initialisms.js' import {mergeWords} from './plugin/merge-words.js' import {patchPosition} from './plugin/patch-position.js' import {mergeNonWordSentences} from './plugin/merge-non-word-sentences.js' import {mergeAffixSymbol} from './plugin/merge-affix-symbol.js' import {mergeInitialLowerCaseLetterSentences} from './plugin/merge-initial-lower-case-letter-sentences.js' import {mergeInitialDigitSentences} from './plugin/merge-initial-digit-sentences.js' import {mergePrefixExceptions} from './plugin/merge-prefix-exceptions.js' import {mergeAffixExceptions} from './plugin/merge-affix-exceptions.js' import {mergeRemainingFullStops} from './plugin/merge-remaining-full-stops.js' import {makeInitialWhiteSpaceSiblings} from './plugin/make-initial-white-space-siblings.js' import {makeFinalWhiteSpaceSiblings} from './plugin/make-final-white-space-siblings.js' import {breakImplicitSentences} from './plugin/break-implicit-sentences.js' import {removeEmptyNodes} from './plugin/remove-empty-nodes.js' import {parserFactory} from './parser.js' import { newLine, punctuation, surrogates, terminalMarker, whiteSpace, word } from './expressions.js' // PARSE LATIN // Transform Latin-script natural language into an NLCST-tree. export class ParseLatin { constructor(doc, file) { const value = file || doc this.doc = value ? String(value) : null } // Run transform plugins for `key` on `nodes`. run(key, nodes) { const wareKey = key + 'Plugins' const plugins = this[wareKey] let index = -1 if (plugins) { while (plugins[++index]) { plugins[index](nodes) } } return nodes } // Easy access to the document parser. This additionally supports retext-style // invocation: where an instance is created for each file, and the file is given // on construction. parse(value) { return this.tokenizeRoot(value || this.doc) } // Transform a `value` into a list of `NLCSTNode`s. tokenize(value) { const tokens = [] if (value === null || value === undefined) { value = '' } else if (value instanceof String) { value = value.toString() } if (typeof value !== 'string') { // Return the given nodes if this is either an empty array, or an array with // a node as a first child. if ('length' in value && (!value[0] || value[0].type)) { return value } throw new Error( "Illegal invocation: '" + value + "' is not a valid argument for 'ParseLatin'" ) } if (!value) { return tokens } // Eat mechanism to use. const eater = this.position ? eat : noPositionEat let index = 0 let offset = 0 let line = 1 let column = 1 let previous = '' let queue = '' let left let right let character while (index < value.length) { character = value.charAt(index) if (whiteSpace.test(character)) { right = 'WhiteSpace' } else if (punctuation.test(character)) { right = 'Punctuation' } else if (word.test(character)) { right = 'Word' } else { right = 'Symbol' } previous = character character = '' left = right right = null index++ } return tokens // Check one character. function tick() { if ( left === right && (left === 'Word' || left === 'WhiteSpace' || character === previous || surrogates.test(character)) ) { queue += character } else { // Flush the previous queue. if (queue) { this['tokenize' + left](queue, eater) } queue = character } } // Remove `subvalue` from `value`. // Expects `subvalue` to be at the start from `value`, and applies no // validation. function eat(subvalue) { const pos = position() update(subvalue) return apply // Add the given arguments, add `position` to the returned node, and return // the node. function apply(...input) { return pos(add(...input)) } } // Remove `subvalue` from `value`. // Does not patch positional information. function noPositionEat() { return add } // Add mechanism. function add(node, parent) { if (parent) { parent.children.push(node) } else { tokens.push(node) } return node } // Mark position and patch `node.position`. function position() { const before = now() // Add the position to a node. function patch(node) { node.position = new Position(before) return node } return patch } // Update line and column based on `value`. function update(subvalue) { let character = -1 let lastIndex = -1 offset += subvalue.length while (++character < subvalue.length) { if (subvalue.charAt(character) === '\n') { lastIndex = character line++ } } if (lastIndex < 0) { column += subvalue.length } else { column = subvalue.length - lastIndex } } // Store position information for a node. function Position(start) { this.start = start this.end = now() } // Get the current position. function now() { return {line, column, offset} } } } // Default position. ParseLatin.prototype.position = true // Create text nodes. ParseLatin.prototype.tokenizeSymbol = createTextFactory('Symbol') ParseLatin.prototype.tokenizeWhiteSpace = createTextFactory('WhiteSpace') ParseLatin.prototype.tokenizePunctuation = createTextFactory('Punctuation') ParseLatin.prototype.tokenizeSource = createTextFactory('Source') ParseLatin.prototype.tokenizeText = createTextFactory('Text') // Inject `plugins` to modifiy the result of the method at `key` on the operated // on context. ParseLatin.prototype.use = useFactory(function (context, key, plugins) { context[key] = context[key].concat(plugins) }) // Inject `plugins` to modifiy the result of the method at `key` on the operated // on context, before any other. ParseLatin.prototype.useFirst = useFactory(function (context, key, plugins) { context[key] = plugins.concat(context[key]) }) // PARENT NODES // // All these nodes are `pluggable`: they come with a `use` method which accepts // a plugin (`function(NLCSTNode)`). // Every time one of these methods are called, the plugin is invoked with the // node, allowing for easy modification. // // In fact, the internal transformation from `tokenize` (a list of words, white // space, punctuation, and symbols) to `tokenizeRoot` (an NLCST tree), is also // implemented through this mechanism. // Create a `WordNode` with its children set to a single `TextNode`, its value // set to the given `value`. pluggable(ParseLatin, 'tokenizeWord', function (value, eat) { const add = (eat || noopEat)('') const parent = {type: 'WordNode', children: []} this.tokenizeText(value, eat, parent) return add(parent) }) // Create a `SentenceNode` with its children set to `Node`s, their values set // to the tokenized given `value`. // // Unless plugins add new nodes, the sentence is populated by `WordNode`s, // `SymbolNode`s, `PunctuationNode`s, and `WhiteSpaceNode`s. pluggable( ParseLatin, 'tokenizeSentence', parserFactory({type: 'SentenceNode', tokenizer: 'tokenize'}) ) // Create a `ParagraphNode` with its children set to `Node`s, their values set // to the tokenized given `value`. // // Unless plugins add new nodes, the paragraph is populated by `SentenceNode`s // and `WhiteSpaceNode`s. pluggable( ParseLatin, 'tokenizeParagraph', parserFactory({ type: 'ParagraphNode', delimiter: terminalMarker, delimiterType: 'PunctuationNode', tokenizer: 'tokenizeSentence' }) ) // Create a `RootNode` with its children set to `Node`s, their values set to the // tokenized given `value`. pluggable( ParseLatin, 'tokenizeRoot', parserFactory({ type: 'RootNode', delimiter: newLine, delimiterType: 'WhiteSpaceNode', tokenizer: 'tokenizeParagraph' }) ) // PLUGINS ParseLatin.prototype.use('tokenizeSentence', [ mergeInitialWordSymbol, mergeFinalWordSymbol, mergeInnerWordSymbol, mergeInnerWordSlash, mergeInitialisms, mergeWords, patchPosition ]) ParseLatin.prototype.use('tokenizeParagraph', [ mergeNonWordSentences, mergeAffixSymbol, mergeInitialLowerCaseLetterSentences, mergeInitialDigitSentences, mergePrefixExceptions, mergeAffixExceptions, mergeRemainingFullStops, makeInitialWhiteSpaceSiblings, makeFinalWhiteSpaceSiblings, breakImplicitSentences, removeEmptyNodes, patchPosition ]) ParseLatin.prototype.use('tokenizeRoot', [ makeInitialWhiteSpaceSiblings, makeFinalWhiteSpaceSiblings, removeEmptyNodes, patchPosition ]) // TEXT NODES // Factory to create a `Text`. function createTextFactory(type) { type += 'Node' return createText // Construct a `Text` from a bound `type` function createText(value, eat, parent) { if (value === null || value === undefined) { value = '' } return (eat || noopEat)(value)({type, value: String(value)}, parent) } } // Make a method “pluggable”. function pluggable(Constructor, key, callback) { // Set a pluggable version of `callback` on `Constructor`. Constructor.prototype[key] = function (...input) { return, callback.apply(this, input)) } } // Factory to inject `plugins`. Takes `callback` for the actual inserting. function useFactory(callback) { return use // Validate if `plugins` can be inserted. // Invokes the bound `callback` to do the actual inserting. function use(key, plugins) { // Throw if the method is not pluggable. if (!(key in this)) { throw new Error( 'Illegal Invocation: Unsupported `key` for ' + '`use(key, plugins)`. Make sure `key` is a ' + 'supported function' ) } // Fail silently when no plugins are given. if (!plugins) { return } const wareKey = key + 'Plugins' // Make sure `plugins` is a list. plugins = typeof plugins === 'function' ? [plugins] : plugins.concat() // Make sure `wareKey` exists. if (!this[wareKey]) { this[wareKey] = [] } // Invoke callback with the ware key and plugins. callback(this, wareKey, plugins) } } // Add mechanism used when text-tokenisers are called directly outside of the // `tokenize` function. function noopAdd(node, parent) { if (parent) { parent.children.push(node) } return node } // Eat and add mechanism without adding positional information, used when // text-tokenisers are called directly outside of the `tokenize` function. function noopEat() { return noopAdd }