'use strict'; var GetIntrinsic = require('get-intrinsic'); var hasSymbols = require('has-symbols')(); var $TypeError = require('es-errors/type'); var IteratorPrototype = GetIntrinsic('%IteratorPrototype%', true); var AdvanceStringIndex = require('./AdvanceStringIndex'); var CreateIterResultObject = require('./CreateIterResultObject'); var CreateMethodProperty = require('./CreateMethodProperty'); var Get = require('./Get'); var OrdinaryObjectCreate = require('./OrdinaryObjectCreate'); var RegExpExec = require('./RegExpExec'); var Set = require('./Set'); var ToLength = require('./ToLength'); var ToString = require('./ToString'); var Type = require('./Type'); var SLOT = require('internal-slot'); var setToStringTag = require('es-set-tostringtag'); var RegExpStringIterator = function RegExpStringIterator(R, S, global, fullUnicode) { if (typeof S !== 'string') { throw new $TypeError('`S` must be a string'); } if (typeof global !== 'boolean') { throw new $TypeError('`global` must be a boolean'); } if (typeof fullUnicode !== 'boolean') { throw new $TypeError('`fullUnicode` must be a boolean'); } SLOT.set(this, '[[IteratingRegExp]]', R); SLOT.set(this, '[[IteratedString]]', S); SLOT.set(this, '[[Global]]', global); SLOT.set(this, '[[Unicode]]', fullUnicode); SLOT.set(this, '[[Done]]', false); }; if (IteratorPrototype) { RegExpStringIterator.prototype = OrdinaryObjectCreate(IteratorPrototype); } var RegExpStringIteratorNext = function next() { var O = this; // eslint-disable-line no-invalid-this if (Type(O) !== 'Object') { throw new $TypeError('receiver must be an object'); } if ( !(O instanceof RegExpStringIterator) || !SLOT.has(O, '[[IteratingRegExp]]') || !SLOT.has(O, '[[IteratedString]]') || !SLOT.has(O, '[[Global]]') || !SLOT.has(O, '[[Unicode]]') || !SLOT.has(O, '[[Done]]') ) { throw new $TypeError('"this" value must be a RegExpStringIterator instance'); } if (SLOT.get(O, '[[Done]]')) { return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true); } var R = SLOT.get(O, '[[IteratingRegExp]]'); var S = SLOT.get(O, '[[IteratedString]]'); var global = SLOT.get(O, '[[Global]]'); var fullUnicode = SLOT.get(O, '[[Unicode]]'); var match = RegExpExec(R, S); if (match === null) { SLOT.set(O, '[[Done]]', true); return CreateIterResultObject(undefined, true); } if (global) { var matchStr = ToString(Get(match, '0')); if (matchStr === '') { var thisIndex = ToLength(Get(R, 'lastIndex')); var nextIndex = AdvanceStringIndex(S, thisIndex, fullUnicode); Set(R, 'lastIndex', nextIndex, true); } return CreateIterResultObject(match, false); } SLOT.set(O, '[[Done]]', true); return CreateIterResultObject(match, false); }; CreateMethodProperty(RegExpStringIterator.prototype, 'next', RegExpStringIteratorNext); if (hasSymbols) { setToStringTag(RegExpStringIterator.prototype, 'RegExp String Iterator'); if (Symbol.iterator && typeof RegExpStringIterator.prototype[Symbol.iterator] !== 'function') { var iteratorFn = function SymbolIterator() { return this; }; CreateMethodProperty(RegExpStringIterator.prototype, Symbol.iterator, iteratorFn); } } // https://262.ecma-international.org/11.0/#sec-createregexpstringiterator module.exports = function CreateRegExpStringIterator(R, S, global, fullUnicode) { // assert R.global === global && R.unicode === fullUnicode? return new RegExpStringIterator(R, S, global, fullUnicode); };