"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.patternLikeCommon = exports.functionTypeAnnotationCommon = exports.functionDeclarationCommon = exports.functionCommon = exports.classMethodOrPropertyCommon = exports.classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon = void 0; var _is = require("../validators/is.js"); var _isValidIdentifier = require("../validators/isValidIdentifier.js"); var _helperValidatorIdentifier = require("@babel/helper-validator-identifier"); var _helperStringParser = require("@babel/helper-string-parser"); var _index = require("../constants/index.js"); var _utils = require("./utils.js"); const defineType = (0, _utils.defineAliasedType)("Standardized"); defineType("ArrayExpression", { fields: { elements: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeOrValueType)("null", "Expression", "SpreadElement"))), default: !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? [] : undefined } }, visitor: ["elements"], aliases: ["Expression"] }); defineType("AssignmentExpression", { fields: { operator: { validate: function () { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) { return (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string"); } const identifier = (0, _utils.assertOneOf)(..._index.ASSIGNMENT_OPERATORS); const pattern = (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("="); return function (node, key, val) { const validator = (0, _is.default)("Pattern", node.left) ? pattern : identifier; validator(node, key, val); }; }() }, left: { validate: !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("LVal", "OptionalMemberExpression") : (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "MemberExpression", "OptionalMemberExpression", "ArrayPattern", "ObjectPattern", "TSAsExpression", "TSSatisfiesExpression", "TSTypeAssertion", "TSNonNullExpression") }, right: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } }, builder: ["operator", "left", "right"], visitor: ["left", "right"], aliases: ["Expression"] }); defineType("BinaryExpression", { builder: ["operator", "left", "right"], fields: { operator: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)(..._index.BINARY_OPERATORS) }, left: { validate: function () { const expression = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"); const inOp = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression", "PrivateName"); const validator = Object.assign(function (node, key, val) { const validator = node.operator === "in" ? inOp : expression; validator(node, key, val); }, { oneOfNodeTypes: ["Expression", "PrivateName"] }); return validator; }() }, right: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } }, visitor: ["left", "right"], aliases: ["Binary", "Expression"] }); defineType("InterpreterDirective", { builder: ["value"], fields: { value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string") } } }); defineType("Directive", { visitor: ["value"], fields: { value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("DirectiveLiteral") } } }); defineType("DirectiveLiteral", { builder: ["value"], fields: { value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string") } } }); defineType("BlockStatement", { builder: ["body", "directives"], visitor: ["directives", "body"], fields: { directives: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Directive"))), default: [] }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement"))) } }, aliases: ["Scopable", "BlockParent", "Block", "Statement"] }); defineType("BreakStatement", { visitor: ["label"], fields: { label: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"), optional: true } }, aliases: ["Statement", "Terminatorless", "CompletionStatement"] }); defineType("CallExpression", { visitor: ["callee", "arguments", "typeParameters", "typeArguments"], builder: ["callee", "arguments"], aliases: ["Expression"], fields: Object.assign({ callee: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression", "Super", "V8IntrinsicIdentifier") }, arguments: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression", "SpreadElement", "JSXNamespacedName", "ArgumentPlaceholder"))) } }, !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? { optional: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)(true, false), optional: true } } : {}, { typeArguments: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterInstantiation"), optional: true }, typeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TSTypeParameterInstantiation"), optional: true } }) }); defineType("CatchClause", { visitor: ["param", "body"], fields: { param: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "ArrayPattern", "ObjectPattern"), optional: true }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement") } }, aliases: ["Scopable", "BlockParent"] }); defineType("ConditionalExpression", { visitor: ["test", "consequent", "alternate"], fields: { test: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, consequent: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, alternate: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } }, aliases: ["Expression", "Conditional"] }); defineType("ContinueStatement", { visitor: ["label"], fields: { label: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"), optional: true } }, aliases: ["Statement", "Terminatorless", "CompletionStatement"] }); defineType("DebuggerStatement", { aliases: ["Statement"] }); defineType("DoWhileStatement", { visitor: ["test", "body"], fields: { test: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement") } }, aliases: ["Statement", "BlockParent", "Loop", "While", "Scopable"] }); defineType("EmptyStatement", { aliases: ["Statement"] }); defineType("ExpressionStatement", { visitor: ["expression"], fields: { expression: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } }, aliases: ["Statement", "ExpressionWrapper"] }); defineType("File", { builder: ["program", "comments", "tokens"], visitor: ["program"], fields: { program: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Program") }, comments: { validate: !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? Object.assign(() => {}, { each: { oneOfNodeTypes: ["CommentBlock", "CommentLine"] } }) : (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("CommentBlock", "CommentLine")), optional: true }, tokens: { validate: (0, _utils.assertEach)(Object.assign(() => {}, { type: "any" })), optional: true } } }); defineType("ForInStatement", { visitor: ["left", "right", "body"], aliases: ["Scopable", "Statement", "For", "BlockParent", "Loop", "ForXStatement"], fields: { left: { validate: !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("VariableDeclaration", "LVal") : (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("VariableDeclaration", "Identifier", "MemberExpression", "ArrayPattern", "ObjectPattern", "TSAsExpression", "TSSatisfiesExpression", "TSTypeAssertion", "TSNonNullExpression") }, right: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement") } } }); defineType("ForStatement", { visitor: ["init", "test", "update", "body"], aliases: ["Scopable", "Statement", "For", "BlockParent", "Loop"], fields: { init: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("VariableDeclaration", "Expression"), optional: true }, test: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"), optional: true }, update: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"), optional: true }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement") } } }); const functionCommon = () => ({ params: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "Pattern", "RestElement"))) }, generator: { default: false }, async: { default: false } }); exports.functionCommon = functionCommon; const functionTypeAnnotationCommon = () => ({ returnType: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeAnnotation", "TSTypeAnnotation", "Noop"), optional: true }, typeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterDeclaration", "TSTypeParameterDeclaration", "Noop"), optional: true } }); exports.functionTypeAnnotationCommon = functionTypeAnnotationCommon; const functionDeclarationCommon = () => Object.assign({}, functionCommon(), { declare: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, id: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"), optional: true } }); exports.functionDeclarationCommon = functionDeclarationCommon; defineType("FunctionDeclaration", { builder: ["id", "params", "body", "generator", "async"], visitor: ["id", "params", "body", "returnType", "typeParameters"], fields: Object.assign({}, functionDeclarationCommon(), functionTypeAnnotationCommon(), { body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement") }, predicate: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("DeclaredPredicate", "InferredPredicate"), optional: true } }), aliases: ["Scopable", "Function", "BlockParent", "FunctionParent", "Statement", "Pureish", "Declaration"], validate: function () { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return () => {}; const identifier = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"); return function (parent, key, node) { if (!(0, _is.default)("ExportDefaultDeclaration", parent)) { identifier(node, "id", node.id); } }; }() }); defineType("FunctionExpression", { inherits: "FunctionDeclaration", aliases: ["Scopable", "Function", "BlockParent", "FunctionParent", "Expression", "Pureish"], fields: Object.assign({}, functionCommon(), functionTypeAnnotationCommon(), { id: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"), optional: true }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement") }, predicate: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("DeclaredPredicate", "InferredPredicate"), optional: true } }) }); const patternLikeCommon = () => ({ typeAnnotation: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeAnnotation", "TSTypeAnnotation", "Noop"), optional: true }, optional: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true } }); exports.patternLikeCommon = patternLikeCommon; defineType("Identifier", { builder: ["name"], visitor: ["typeAnnotation", "decorators"], aliases: ["Expression", "PatternLike", "LVal", "TSEntityName"], fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon(), { name: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("string"), Object.assign(function (node, key, val) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; if (!(0, _isValidIdentifier.default)(val, false)) { throw new TypeError(`"${val}" is not a valid identifier name`); } }, { type: "string" })) } }), validate(parent, key, node) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; const match = /\.(\w+)$/.exec(key); if (!match) return; const [, parentKey] = match; const nonComp = { computed: false }; if (parentKey === "property") { if ((0, _is.default)("MemberExpression", parent, nonComp)) return; if ((0, _is.default)("OptionalMemberExpression", parent, nonComp)) return; } else if (parentKey === "key") { if ((0, _is.default)("Property", parent, nonComp)) return; if ((0, _is.default)("Method", parent, nonComp)) return; } else if (parentKey === "exported") { if ((0, _is.default)("ExportSpecifier", parent)) return; } else if (parentKey === "imported") { if ((0, _is.default)("ImportSpecifier", parent, { imported: node })) return; } else if (parentKey === "meta") { if ((0, _is.default)("MetaProperty", parent, { meta: node })) return; } if (((0, _helperValidatorIdentifier.isKeyword)(node.name) || (0, _helperValidatorIdentifier.isReservedWord)(node.name, false)) && node.name !== "this") { throw new TypeError(`"${node.name}" is not a valid identifier`); } } }); defineType("IfStatement", { visitor: ["test", "consequent", "alternate"], aliases: ["Statement", "Conditional"], fields: { test: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, consequent: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement") }, alternate: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement") } } }); defineType("LabeledStatement", { visitor: ["label", "body"], aliases: ["Statement"], fields: { label: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement") } } }); defineType("StringLiteral", { builder: ["value"], fields: { value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string") } }, aliases: ["Expression", "Pureish", "Literal", "Immutable"] }); defineType("NumericLiteral", { builder: ["value"], deprecatedAlias: "NumberLiteral", fields: { value: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("number"), Object.assign(function (node, key, val) { if (1 / val < 0 || !Number.isFinite(val)) { const error = new Error("NumericLiterals must be non-negative finite numbers. " + `You can use t.valueToNode(${val}) instead.`); {} } }, { type: "number" })) } }, aliases: ["Expression", "Pureish", "Literal", "Immutable"] }); defineType("NullLiteral", { aliases: ["Expression", "Pureish", "Literal", "Immutable"] }); defineType("BooleanLiteral", { builder: ["value"], fields: { value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean") } }, aliases: ["Expression", "Pureish", "Literal", "Immutable"] }); defineType("RegExpLiteral", { builder: ["pattern", "flags"], deprecatedAlias: "RegexLiteral", aliases: ["Expression", "Pureish", "Literal"], fields: { pattern: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string") }, flags: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("string"), Object.assign(function (node, key, val) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; const invalid = /[^gimsuy]/.exec(val); if (invalid) { throw new TypeError(`"${invalid[0]}" is not a valid RegExp flag`); } }, { type: "string" })), default: "" } } }); defineType("LogicalExpression", { builder: ["operator", "left", "right"], visitor: ["left", "right"], aliases: ["Binary", "Expression"], fields: { operator: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)(..._index.LOGICAL_OPERATORS) }, left: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, right: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } }); defineType("MemberExpression", { builder: ["object", "property", "computed", ...(!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? ["optional"] : [])], visitor: ["object", "property"], aliases: ["Expression", "LVal"], fields: Object.assign({ object: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression", "Super") }, property: { validate: function () { const normal = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "PrivateName"); const computed = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"); const validator = function (node, key, val) { const validator = node.computed ? computed : normal; validator(node, key, val); }; validator.oneOfNodeTypes = ["Expression", "Identifier", "PrivateName"]; return validator; }() }, computed: { default: false } }, !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? { optional: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)(true, false), optional: true } } : {}) }); defineType("NewExpression", { inherits: "CallExpression" }); defineType("Program", { visitor: ["directives", "body"], builder: ["body", "directives", "sourceType", "interpreter"], fields: { sourceType: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("script", "module"), default: "script" }, interpreter: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("InterpreterDirective"), default: null, optional: true }, directives: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Directive"))), default: [] }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement"))) } }, aliases: ["Scopable", "BlockParent", "Block"] }); defineType("ObjectExpression", { visitor: ["properties"], aliases: ["Expression"], fields: { properties: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ObjectMethod", "ObjectProperty", "SpreadElement"))) } } }); defineType("ObjectMethod", { builder: ["kind", "key", "params", "body", "computed", "generator", "async"], fields: Object.assign({}, functionCommon(), functionTypeAnnotationCommon(), { kind: Object.assign({ validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("method", "get", "set") }, !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? { default: "method" } : {}), computed: { default: false }, key: { validate: function () { const normal = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "BigIntLiteral"); const computed = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"); const validator = function (node, key, val) { const validator = node.computed ? computed : normal; validator(node, key, val); }; validator.oneOfNodeTypes = ["Expression", "Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "BigIntLiteral"]; return validator; }() }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement") } }), visitor: ["key", "params", "body", "decorators", "returnType", "typeParameters"], aliases: ["UserWhitespacable", "Function", "Scopable", "BlockParent", "FunctionParent", "Method", "ObjectMember"] }); defineType("ObjectProperty", { builder: ["key", "value", "computed", "shorthand", ...(!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? ["decorators"] : [])], fields: { computed: { default: false }, key: { validate: function () { const normal = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "BigIntLiteral", "DecimalLiteral", "PrivateName"); const computed = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"); const validator = Object.assign(function (node, key, val) { const validator = node.computed ? computed : normal; validator(node, key, val); }, { oneOfNodeTypes: ["Expression", "Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "BigIntLiteral", "DecimalLiteral", "PrivateName"] }); return validator; }() }, value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression", "PatternLike") }, shorthand: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), Object.assign(function (node, key, val) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; if (val && node.computed) { throw new TypeError("Property shorthand of ObjectProperty cannot be true if computed is true"); } }, { type: "boolean" }), function (node, key, val) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; if (val && !(0, _is.default)("Identifier", node.key)) { throw new TypeError("Property shorthand of ObjectProperty cannot be true if key is not an Identifier"); } }), default: false }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true } }, visitor: ["key", "value", "decorators"], aliases: ["UserWhitespacable", "Property", "ObjectMember"], validate: function () { const pattern = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "Pattern", "TSAsExpression", "TSSatisfiesExpression", "TSNonNullExpression", "TSTypeAssertion"); const expression = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"); return function (parent, key, node) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; const validator = (0, _is.default)("ObjectPattern", parent) ? pattern : expression; validator(node, "value", node.value); }; }() }); defineType("RestElement", { visitor: ["argument", "typeAnnotation"], builder: ["argument"], aliases: ["LVal", "PatternLike"], deprecatedAlias: "RestProperty", fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon(), { argument: { validate: !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("LVal") : (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "ArrayPattern", "ObjectPattern", "MemberExpression", "TSAsExpression", "TSSatisfiesExpression", "TSTypeAssertion", "TSNonNullExpression") } }), validate(parent, key) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; const match = /(\w+)\[(\d+)\]/.exec(key); if (!match) throw new Error("Internal Babel error: malformed key."); const [, listKey, index] = match; if (parent[listKey].length > +index + 1) { throw new TypeError(`RestElement must be last element of ${listKey}`); } } }); defineType("ReturnStatement", { visitor: ["argument"], aliases: ["Statement", "Terminatorless", "CompletionStatement"], fields: { argument: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"), optional: true } } }); defineType("SequenceExpression", { visitor: ["expressions"], fields: { expressions: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"))) } }, aliases: ["Expression"] }); defineType("ParenthesizedExpression", { visitor: ["expression"], aliases: ["Expression", "ExpressionWrapper"], fields: { expression: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } }); defineType("SwitchCase", { visitor: ["test", "consequent"], fields: { test: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"), optional: true }, consequent: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement"))) } } }); defineType("SwitchStatement", { visitor: ["discriminant", "cases"], aliases: ["Statement", "BlockParent", "Scopable"], fields: { discriminant: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, cases: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("SwitchCase"))) } } }); defineType("ThisExpression", { aliases: ["Expression"] }); defineType("ThrowStatement", { visitor: ["argument"], aliases: ["Statement", "Terminatorless", "CompletionStatement"], fields: { argument: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } }); defineType("TryStatement", { visitor: ["block", "handler", "finalizer"], aliases: ["Statement"], fields: { block: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement"), Object.assign(function (node) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; if (!node.handler && !node.finalizer) { throw new TypeError("TryStatement expects either a handler or finalizer, or both"); } }, { oneOfNodeTypes: ["BlockStatement"] })) }, handler: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("CatchClause") }, finalizer: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement") } } }); defineType("UnaryExpression", { builder: ["operator", "argument", "prefix"], fields: { prefix: { default: true }, argument: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, operator: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)(..._index.UNARY_OPERATORS) } }, visitor: ["argument"], aliases: ["UnaryLike", "Expression"] }); defineType("UpdateExpression", { builder: ["operator", "argument", "prefix"], fields: { prefix: { default: false }, argument: { validate: !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") : (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "MemberExpression") }, operator: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)(..._index.UPDATE_OPERATORS) } }, visitor: ["argument"], aliases: ["Expression"] }); defineType("VariableDeclaration", { builder: ["kind", "declarations"], visitor: ["declarations"], aliases: ["Statement", "Declaration"], fields: { declare: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, kind: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("var", "let", "const", "using", "await using") }, declarations: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("VariableDeclarator"))) } }, validate(parent, key, node) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; if (!(0, _is.default)("ForXStatement", parent, { left: node })) return; if (node.declarations.length !== 1) { throw new TypeError(`Exactly one VariableDeclarator is required in the VariableDeclaration of a ${parent.type}`); } } }); defineType("VariableDeclarator", { visitor: ["id", "init"], fields: { id: { validate: function () { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) { return (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("LVal"); } const normal = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "ArrayPattern", "ObjectPattern"); const without = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"); return function (node, key, val) { const validator = node.init ? normal : without; validator(node, key, val); }; }() }, definite: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean") }, init: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } }); defineType("WhileStatement", { visitor: ["test", "body"], aliases: ["Statement", "BlockParent", "Loop", "While", "Scopable"], fields: { test: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement") } } }); defineType("WithStatement", { visitor: ["object", "body"], aliases: ["Statement"], fields: { object: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement") } } }); defineType("AssignmentPattern", { visitor: ["left", "right", "decorators"], builder: ["left", "right"], aliases: ["Pattern", "PatternLike", "LVal"], fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon(), { left: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "ObjectPattern", "ArrayPattern", "MemberExpression", "TSAsExpression", "TSSatisfiesExpression", "TSTypeAssertion", "TSNonNullExpression") }, right: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true } }) }); defineType("ArrayPattern", { visitor: ["elements", "typeAnnotation"], builder: ["elements"], aliases: ["Pattern", "PatternLike", "LVal"], fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon(), { elements: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeOrValueType)("null", "PatternLike", "LVal"))) } }) }); defineType("ArrowFunctionExpression", { builder: ["params", "body", "async"], visitor: ["params", "body", "returnType", "typeParameters"], aliases: ["Scopable", "Function", "BlockParent", "FunctionParent", "Expression", "Pureish"], fields: Object.assign({}, functionCommon(), functionTypeAnnotationCommon(), { expression: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean") }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement", "Expression") }, predicate: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("DeclaredPredicate", "InferredPredicate"), optional: true } }) }); defineType("ClassBody", { visitor: ["body"], fields: { body: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ClassMethod", "ClassPrivateMethod", "ClassProperty", "ClassPrivateProperty", "ClassAccessorProperty", "TSDeclareMethod", "TSIndexSignature", "StaticBlock"))) } } }); defineType("ClassExpression", { builder: ["id", "superClass", "body", "decorators"], visitor: ["id", "body", "superClass", "mixins", "typeParameters", "superTypeParameters", "implements", "decorators"], aliases: ["Scopable", "Class", "Expression"], fields: { id: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"), optional: true }, typeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterDeclaration", "TSTypeParameterDeclaration", "Noop"), optional: true }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ClassBody") }, superClass: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, superTypeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterInstantiation", "TSTypeParameterInstantiation"), optional: true }, implements: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TSExpressionWithTypeArguments", "ClassImplements"))), optional: true }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true }, mixins: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("InterfaceExtends"), optional: true } } }); defineType("ClassDeclaration", { inherits: "ClassExpression", aliases: ["Scopable", "Class", "Statement", "Declaration"], fields: { id: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"), optional: true }, typeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterDeclaration", "TSTypeParameterDeclaration", "Noop"), optional: true }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ClassBody") }, superClass: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, superTypeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterInstantiation", "TSTypeParameterInstantiation"), optional: true }, implements: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TSExpressionWithTypeArguments", "ClassImplements"))), optional: true }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true }, mixins: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("InterfaceExtends"), optional: true }, declare: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, abstract: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true } }, validate: function () { const identifier = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"); return function (parent, key, node) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; if (!(0, _is.default)("ExportDefaultDeclaration", parent)) { identifier(node, "id", node.id); } }; }() }); defineType("ExportAllDeclaration", { builder: ["source"], visitor: ["source", "attributes", "assertions"], aliases: ["Statement", "Declaration", "ImportOrExportDeclaration", "ExportDeclaration"], fields: { source: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("StringLiteral") }, exportKind: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.assertOneOf)("type", "value")), attributes: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ImportAttribute"))) }, assertions: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ImportAttribute"))) } } }); defineType("ExportDefaultDeclaration", { visitor: ["declaration"], aliases: ["Statement", "Declaration", "ImportOrExportDeclaration", "ExportDeclaration"], fields: { declaration: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TSDeclareFunction", "FunctionDeclaration", "ClassDeclaration", "Expression") }, exportKind: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.assertOneOf)("value")) } }); defineType("ExportNamedDeclaration", { builder: ["declaration", "specifiers", "source"], visitor: ["declaration", "specifiers", "source", "attributes", "assertions"], aliases: ["Statement", "Declaration", "ImportOrExportDeclaration", "ExportDeclaration"], fields: { declaration: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Declaration"), Object.assign(function (node, key, val) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; if (val && node.specifiers.length) { throw new TypeError("Only declaration or specifiers is allowed on ExportNamedDeclaration"); } }, { oneOfNodeTypes: ["Declaration"] }), function (node, key, val) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; if (val && node.source) { throw new TypeError("Cannot export a declaration from a source"); } }) }, attributes: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ImportAttribute"))) }, assertions: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ImportAttribute"))) }, specifiers: { default: [], validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)(function () { const sourced = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ExportSpecifier", "ExportDefaultSpecifier", "ExportNamespaceSpecifier"); const sourceless = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ExportSpecifier"); if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return sourced; return function (node, key, val) { const validator = node.source ? sourced : sourceless; validator(node, key, val); }; }())) }, source: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("StringLiteral"), optional: true }, exportKind: (0, _utils.validateOptional)((0, _utils.assertOneOf)("type", "value")) } }); defineType("ExportSpecifier", { visitor: ["local", "exported"], aliases: ["ModuleSpecifier"], fields: { local: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") }, exported: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral") }, exportKind: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("type", "value"), optional: true } } }); defineType("ForOfStatement", { visitor: ["left", "right", "body"], builder: ["left", "right", "body", "await"], aliases: ["Scopable", "Statement", "For", "BlockParent", "Loop", "ForXStatement"], fields: { left: { validate: function () { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) { return (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("VariableDeclaration", "LVal"); } const declaration = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("VariableDeclaration"); const lval = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "MemberExpression", "ArrayPattern", "ObjectPattern", "TSAsExpression", "TSSatisfiesExpression", "TSTypeAssertion", "TSNonNullExpression"); return function (node, key, val) { if ((0, _is.default)("VariableDeclaration", val)) { declaration(node, key, val); } else { lval(node, key, val); } }; }() }, right: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement") }, await: { default: false } } }); defineType("ImportDeclaration", { builder: ["specifiers", "source"], visitor: ["specifiers", "source", "attributes", "assertions"], aliases: ["Statement", "Declaration", "ImportOrExportDeclaration"], fields: { attributes: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ImportAttribute"))) }, assertions: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ImportAttribute"))) }, module: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean") }, phase: { default: null, validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("source", "defer") }, specifiers: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("ImportSpecifier", "ImportDefaultSpecifier", "ImportNamespaceSpecifier"))) }, source: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("StringLiteral") }, importKind: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("type", "typeof", "value"), optional: true } } }); defineType("ImportDefaultSpecifier", { visitor: ["local"], aliases: ["ModuleSpecifier"], fields: { local: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") } } }); defineType("ImportNamespaceSpecifier", { visitor: ["local"], aliases: ["ModuleSpecifier"], fields: { local: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") } } }); defineType("ImportSpecifier", { visitor: ["local", "imported"], aliases: ["ModuleSpecifier"], fields: { local: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") }, imported: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral") }, importKind: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("type", "typeof", "value"), optional: true } } }); defineType("ImportExpression", { visitor: ["source", "options"], aliases: ["Expression"], fields: { phase: { default: null, validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("source", "defer") }, source: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, options: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"), optional: true } } }); defineType("MetaProperty", { visitor: ["meta", "property"], aliases: ["Expression"], fields: { meta: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"), Object.assign(function (node, key, val) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; let property; switch (val.name) { case "function": property = "sent"; break; case "new": property = "target"; break; case "import": property = "meta"; break; } if (!(0, _is.default)("Identifier", node.property, { name: property })) { throw new TypeError("Unrecognised MetaProperty"); } }, { oneOfNodeTypes: ["Identifier"] })) }, property: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") } } }); const classMethodOrPropertyCommon = () => ({ abstract: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, accessibility: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("public", "private", "protected"), optional: true }, static: { default: false }, override: { default: false }, computed: { default: false }, optional: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, key: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)(function () { const normal = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "BigIntLiteral"); const computed = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"); return function (node, key, val) { const validator = node.computed ? computed : normal; validator(node, key, val); }; }(), (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "BigIntLiteral", "Expression")) } }); exports.classMethodOrPropertyCommon = classMethodOrPropertyCommon; const classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon = () => Object.assign({}, functionCommon(), classMethodOrPropertyCommon(), { params: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "Pattern", "RestElement", "TSParameterProperty"))) }, kind: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("get", "set", "method", "constructor"), default: "method" }, access: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("string"), (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("public", "private", "protected")), optional: true }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true } }); exports.classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon = classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon; defineType("ClassMethod", { aliases: ["Function", "Scopable", "BlockParent", "FunctionParent", "Method"], builder: ["kind", "key", "params", "body", "computed", "static", "generator", "async"], visitor: ["key", "params", "body", "decorators", "returnType", "typeParameters"], fields: Object.assign({}, classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon(), functionTypeAnnotationCommon(), { body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement") } }) }); defineType("ObjectPattern", { visitor: ["properties", "typeAnnotation", "decorators"], builder: ["properties"], aliases: ["Pattern", "PatternLike", "LVal"], fields: Object.assign({}, patternLikeCommon(), { properties: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("RestElement", "ObjectProperty"))) } }) }); defineType("SpreadElement", { visitor: ["argument"], aliases: ["UnaryLike"], deprecatedAlias: "SpreadProperty", fields: { argument: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } }); defineType("Super", { aliases: ["Expression"] }); defineType("TaggedTemplateExpression", { visitor: ["tag", "quasi", "typeParameters"], builder: ["tag", "quasi"], aliases: ["Expression"], fields: { tag: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, quasi: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TemplateLiteral") }, typeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterInstantiation", "TSTypeParameterInstantiation"), optional: true } } }); defineType("TemplateElement", { builder: ["value", "tail"], fields: { value: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertShape)({ raw: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string") }, cooked: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string"), optional: true } }), function templateElementCookedValidator(node) { const raw = node.value.raw; let unterminatedCalled = false; const error = () => { throw new Error("Internal @babel/types error."); }; const { str, firstInvalidLoc } = (0, _helperStringParser.readStringContents)("template", raw, 0, 0, 0, { unterminated() { unterminatedCalled = true; }, strictNumericEscape: error, invalidEscapeSequence: error, numericSeparatorInEscapeSequence: error, unexpectedNumericSeparator: error, invalidDigit: error, invalidCodePoint: error }); if (!unterminatedCalled) throw new Error("Invalid raw"); node.value.cooked = firstInvalidLoc ? null : str; }) }, tail: { default: false } } }); defineType("TemplateLiteral", { visitor: ["quasis", "expressions"], aliases: ["Expression", "Literal"], fields: { quasis: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TemplateElement"))) }, expressions: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression", "TSType")), function (node, key, val) { if (node.quasis.length !== val.length + 1) { throw new TypeError(`Number of ${node.type} quasis should be exactly one more than the number of expressions.\nExpected ${val.length + 1} quasis but got ${node.quasis.length}`); } }) } } }); defineType("YieldExpression", { builder: ["argument", "delegate"], visitor: ["argument"], aliases: ["Expression", "Terminatorless"], fields: { delegate: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), Object.assign(function (node, key, val) { if (!process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING) return; if (val && !node.argument) { throw new TypeError("Property delegate of YieldExpression cannot be true if there is no argument"); } }, { type: "boolean" })), default: false }, argument: { optional: true, validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } }); defineType("AwaitExpression", { builder: ["argument"], visitor: ["argument"], aliases: ["Expression", "Terminatorless"], fields: { argument: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") } } }); defineType("Import", { aliases: ["Expression"] }); defineType("BigIntLiteral", { builder: ["value"], fields: { value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("string") } }, aliases: ["Expression", "Pureish", "Literal", "Immutable"] }); defineType("ExportNamespaceSpecifier", { visitor: ["exported"], aliases: ["ModuleSpecifier"], fields: { exported: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") } } }); defineType("OptionalMemberExpression", { builder: ["object", "property", "computed", "optional"], visitor: ["object", "property"], aliases: ["Expression"], fields: { object: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, property: { validate: function () { const normal = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier"); const computed = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"); const validator = Object.assign(function (node, key, val) { const validator = node.computed ? computed : normal; validator(node, key, val); }, { oneOfNodeTypes: ["Expression", "Identifier"] }); return validator; }() }, computed: { default: false }, optional: { validate: !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean") : (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), (0, _utils.assertOptionalChainStart)()) } } }); defineType("OptionalCallExpression", { visitor: ["callee", "arguments", "typeParameters", "typeArguments"], builder: ["callee", "arguments", "optional"], aliases: ["Expression"], fields: { callee: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression") }, arguments: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression", "SpreadElement", "JSXNamespacedName", "ArgumentPlaceholder"))) }, optional: { validate: !process.env.BABEL_TYPES_8_BREAKING ? (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean") : (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), (0, _utils.assertOptionalChainStart)()) }, typeArguments: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeParameterInstantiation"), optional: true }, typeParameters: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TSTypeParameterInstantiation"), optional: true } } }); defineType("ClassProperty", { visitor: ["key", "value", "typeAnnotation", "decorators"], builder: ["key", "value", "typeAnnotation", "decorators", "computed", "static"], aliases: ["Property"], fields: Object.assign({}, classMethodOrPropertyCommon(), { value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"), optional: true }, definite: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, typeAnnotation: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeAnnotation", "TSTypeAnnotation", "Noop"), optional: true }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true }, readonly: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, declare: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, variance: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Variance"), optional: true } }) }); defineType("ClassAccessorProperty", { visitor: ["key", "value", "typeAnnotation", "decorators"], builder: ["key", "value", "typeAnnotation", "decorators", "computed", "static"], aliases: ["Property", "Accessor"], fields: Object.assign({}, classMethodOrPropertyCommon(), { key: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)(function () { const normal = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "BigIntLiteral", "PrivateName"); const computed = (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"); return function (node, key, val) { const validator = node.computed ? computed : normal; validator(node, key, val); }; }(), (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier", "StringLiteral", "NumericLiteral", "BigIntLiteral", "Expression", "PrivateName")) }, value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"), optional: true }, definite: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, typeAnnotation: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeAnnotation", "TSTypeAnnotation", "Noop"), optional: true }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true }, readonly: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, declare: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, variance: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Variance"), optional: true } }) }); defineType("ClassPrivateProperty", { visitor: ["key", "value", "decorators", "typeAnnotation"], builder: ["key", "value", "decorators", "static"], aliases: ["Property", "Private"], fields: { key: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("PrivateName") }, value: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Expression"), optional: true }, typeAnnotation: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("TypeAnnotation", "TSTypeAnnotation", "Noop"), optional: true }, decorators: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Decorator"))), optional: true }, static: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), default: false }, readonly: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, definite: { validate: (0, _utils.assertValueType)("boolean"), optional: true }, variance: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Variance"), optional: true } } }); defineType("ClassPrivateMethod", { builder: ["kind", "key", "params", "body", "static"], visitor: ["key", "params", "body", "decorators", "returnType", "typeParameters"], aliases: ["Function", "Scopable", "BlockParent", "FunctionParent", "Method", "Private"], fields: Object.assign({}, classMethodOrDeclareMethodCommon(), functionTypeAnnotationCommon(), { kind: { validate: (0, _utils.assertOneOf)("get", "set", "method"), default: "method" }, key: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("PrivateName") }, body: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("BlockStatement") } }) }); defineType("PrivateName", { visitor: ["id"], aliases: ["Private"], fields: { id: { validate: (0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Identifier") } } }); defineType("StaticBlock", { visitor: ["body"], fields: { body: { validate: (0, _utils.chain)((0, _utils.assertValueType)("array"), (0, _utils.assertEach)((0, _utils.assertNodeType)("Statement"))) } }, aliases: ["Scopable", "BlockParent", "FunctionParent"] }); //# sourceMappingURL=core.js.map