import { EventEmitter } from 'eventemitter3'; import pTimeout, { TimeoutError } from 'p-timeout'; import PriorityQueue from './priority-queue.js'; /** Promise queue with concurrency control. */ export default class PQueue extends EventEmitter { #carryoverConcurrencyCount; #isIntervalIgnored; #intervalCount = 0; #intervalCap; #interval; #intervalEnd = 0; #intervalId; #timeoutId; #queue; #queueClass; #pending = 0; // The `!` is needed because of #concurrency; #isPaused; #throwOnTimeout; /** Per-operation timeout in milliseconds. Operations fulfill once `timeout` elapses if they haven't already. Applies to each future operation. */ timeout; // TODO: The `throwOnTimeout` option should affect the return types of `add()` and `addAll()` constructor(options) { super(); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/consistent-type-assertions options = { carryoverConcurrencyCount: false, intervalCap: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, interval: 0, concurrency: Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, autoStart: true, queueClass: PriorityQueue, ...options, }; if (!(typeof options.intervalCap === 'number' && options.intervalCap >= 1)) { throw new TypeError(`Expected \`intervalCap\` to be a number from 1 and up, got \`${options.intervalCap?.toString() ?? ''}\` (${typeof options.intervalCap})`); } if (options.interval === undefined || !(Number.isFinite(options.interval) && options.interval >= 0)) { throw new TypeError(`Expected \`interval\` to be a finite number >= 0, got \`${options.interval?.toString() ?? ''}\` (${typeof options.interval})`); } this.#carryoverConcurrencyCount = options.carryoverConcurrencyCount; this.#isIntervalIgnored = options.intervalCap === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY || options.interval === 0; this.#intervalCap = options.intervalCap; this.#interval = options.interval; this.#queue = new options.queueClass(); this.#queueClass = options.queueClass; this.concurrency = options.concurrency; this.timeout = options.timeout; this.#throwOnTimeout = options.throwOnTimeout === true; this.#isPaused = options.autoStart === false; } get #doesIntervalAllowAnother() { return this.#isIntervalIgnored || this.#intervalCount < this.#intervalCap; } get #doesConcurrentAllowAnother() { return this.#pending < this.#concurrency; } #next() { this.#pending--; this.#tryToStartAnother(); this.emit('next'); } #onResumeInterval() { this.#onInterval(); this.#initializeIntervalIfNeeded(); this.#timeoutId = undefined; } get #isIntervalPaused() { const now =; if (this.#intervalId === undefined) { const delay = this.#intervalEnd - now; if (delay < 0) { // Act as the interval was done // We don't need to resume it here because it will be resumed on line 160 this.#intervalCount = (this.#carryoverConcurrencyCount) ? this.#pending : 0; } else { // Act as the interval is pending if (this.#timeoutId === undefined) { this.#timeoutId = setTimeout(() => { this.#onResumeInterval(); }, delay); } return true; } } return false; } #tryToStartAnother() { if (this.#queue.size === 0) { // We can clear the interval ("pause") // Because we can redo it later ("resume") if (this.#intervalId) { clearInterval(this.#intervalId); } this.#intervalId = undefined; this.emit('empty'); if (this.#pending === 0) { this.emit('idle'); } return false; } if (!this.#isPaused) { const canInitializeInterval = !this.#isIntervalPaused; if (this.#doesIntervalAllowAnother && this.#doesConcurrentAllowAnother) { const job = this.#queue.dequeue(); if (!job) { return false; } this.emit('active'); job(); if (canInitializeInterval) { this.#initializeIntervalIfNeeded(); } return true; } } return false; } #initializeIntervalIfNeeded() { if (this.#isIntervalIgnored || this.#intervalId !== undefined) { return; } this.#intervalId = setInterval(() => { this.#onInterval(); }, this.#interval); this.#intervalEnd = + this.#interval; } #onInterval() { if (this.#intervalCount === 0 && this.#pending === 0 && this.#intervalId) { clearInterval(this.#intervalId); this.#intervalId = undefined; } this.#intervalCount = this.#carryoverConcurrencyCount ? this.#pending : 0; this.#processQueue(); } /** Executes all queued functions until it reaches the limit. */ #processQueue() { // eslint-disable-next-line no-empty while (this.#tryToStartAnother()) { } } get concurrency() { return this.#concurrency; } set concurrency(newConcurrency) { if (!(typeof newConcurrency === 'number' && newConcurrency >= 1)) { throw new TypeError(`Expected \`concurrency\` to be a number from 1 and up, got \`${newConcurrency}\` (${typeof newConcurrency})`); } this.#concurrency = newConcurrency; this.#processQueue(); } async #throwOnAbort(signal) { return new Promise((_resolve, reject) => { signal.addEventListener('abort', () => { reject(signal.reason); }, { once: true }); }); } async add(function_, options = {}) { options = { timeout: this.timeout, throwOnTimeout: this.#throwOnTimeout, ...options, }; return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { this.#queue.enqueue(async () => { this.#pending++; this.#intervalCount++; try { options.signal?.throwIfAborted(); let operation = function_({ signal: options.signal }); if (options.timeout) { operation = pTimeout(Promise.resolve(operation), { milliseconds: options.timeout }); } if (options.signal) { operation = Promise.race([operation, this.#throwOnAbort(options.signal)]); } const result = await operation; resolve(result); this.emit('completed', result); } catch (error) { if (error instanceof TimeoutError && !options.throwOnTimeout) { resolve(); return; } reject(error); this.emit('error', error); } finally { this.#next(); } }, options); this.emit('add'); this.#tryToStartAnother(); }); } async addAll(functions, options) { return Promise.all( (function_) => this.add(function_, options))); } /** Start (or resume) executing enqueued tasks within concurrency limit. No need to call this if queue is not paused (via `options.autoStart = false` or by `.pause()` method.) */ start() { if (!this.#isPaused) { return this; } this.#isPaused = false; this.#processQueue(); return this; } /** Put queue execution on hold. */ pause() { this.#isPaused = true; } /** Clear the queue. */ clear() { this.#queue = new this.#queueClass(); } /** Can be called multiple times. Useful if you for example add additional items at a later time. @returns A promise that settles when the queue becomes empty. */ async onEmpty() { // Instantly resolve if the queue is empty if (this.#queue.size === 0) { return; } await this.#onEvent('empty'); } /** @returns A promise that settles when the queue size is less than the given limit: `queue.size < limit`. If you want to avoid having the queue grow beyond a certain size you can `await queue.onSizeLessThan()` before adding a new item. Note that this only limits the number of items waiting to start. There could still be up to `concurrency` jobs already running that this call does not include in its calculation. */ async onSizeLessThan(limit) { // Instantly resolve if the queue is empty. if (this.#queue.size < limit) { return; } await this.#onEvent('next', () => this.#queue.size < limit); } /** The difference with `.onEmpty` is that `.onIdle` guarantees that all work from the queue has finished. `.onEmpty` merely signals that the queue is empty, but it could mean that some promises haven't completed yet. @returns A promise that settles when the queue becomes empty, and all promises have completed; `queue.size === 0 && queue.pending === 0`. */ async onIdle() { // Instantly resolve if none pending and if nothing else is queued if (this.#pending === 0 && this.#queue.size === 0) { return; } await this.#onEvent('idle'); } async #onEvent(event, filter) { return new Promise(resolve => { const listener = () => { if (filter && !filter()) { return; }, listener); resolve(); }; this.on(event, listener); }); } /** Size of the queue, the number of queued items waiting to run. */ get size() { return this.#queue.size; } /** Size of the queue, filtered by the given options. For example, this can be used to find the number of items remaining in the queue with a specific priority level. */ sizeBy(options) { // eslint-disable-next-line unicorn/no-array-callback-reference return this.#queue.filter(options).length; } /** Number of running items (no longer in the queue). */ get pending() { return this.#pending; } /** Whether the queue is currently paused. */ get isPaused() { return this.#isPaused; } }