const DEBOUNCE_DEFAULTS = { trailing: true }; function debounce(fn, wait = 25, options = {}) { options = { ...DEBOUNCE_DEFAULTS, ...options }; if (!Number.isFinite(wait)) { throw new TypeError("Expected `wait` to be a finite number"); } let leadingValue; let timeout; let resolveList = []; let currentPromise; let trailingArgs; const applyFn = (_this, args) => { currentPromise = _applyPromised(fn, _this, args); currentPromise.finally(() => { currentPromise = null; if (options.trailing && trailingArgs && !timeout) { const promise = applyFn(_this, trailingArgs); trailingArgs = null; return promise; } }); return currentPromise; }; return function(...args) { if (currentPromise) { if (options.trailing) { trailingArgs = args; } return currentPromise; } return new Promise((resolve) => { const shouldCallNow = !timeout && options.leading; clearTimeout(timeout); timeout = setTimeout(() => { timeout = null; const promise = options.leading ? leadingValue : applyFn(this, args); for (const _resolve of resolveList) { _resolve(promise); } resolveList = []; }, wait); if (shouldCallNow) { leadingValue = applyFn(this, args); resolve(leadingValue); } else { resolveList.push(resolve); } }); }; } async function _applyPromised(fn, _this, args) { return await fn.apply(_this, args); } export { debounce };