type X2jOptions = { /** * Preserve the order of tags in resulting JS object * * Defaults to `false` */ preserveOrder?: boolean; /** * Give a prefix to the attribute name in the resulting JS object * * Defaults to '@_' */ attributeNamePrefix?: string; /** * A name to group all attributes of a tag under, or `false` to disable * * Defaults to `false` */ attributesGroupName?: false | string; /** * The name of the next node in the resulting JS * * Defaults to `#text` */ textNodeName?: string; /** * Whether to ignore attributes when parsing * * Defaults to `true` */ ignoreAttributes?: boolean; /** * Whether to remove namespace string from tag and attribute names * * Defaults to `false` */ removeNSPrefix?: boolean; /** * Whether to allow attributes without value * * Defaults to `false` */ allowBooleanAttributes?: boolean; /** * Whether to parse tag value with `strnum` package * * Defaults to `true` */ parseTagValue?: boolean; /** * Whether to parse tag value with `strnum` package * * Defaults to `false` */ parseAttributeValue?: boolean; /** * Whether to remove surrounding whitespace from tag or attribute value * * Defaults to `true` */ trimValues?: boolean; /** * Give a property name to set CDATA values to instead of merging to tag's text value * * Defaults to `false` */ cdataPropName?: false | string; /** * If set, parse comments and set as this property * * Defaults to `false` */ commentPropName?: false | string; /** * Control how tag value should be parsed. Called only if tag value is not empty * * @returns {undefined|null} `undefined` or `null` to set original value. * @returns {unknown} * * 1. Different value or value with different data type to set new value. * 2. Same value to set parsed value if `parseTagValue: true`. * * Defaults to `(tagName, val, jPath, hasAttributes, isLeafNode) => val` */ tagValueProcessor?: (tagName: string, tagValue: string, jPath: string, hasAttributes: boolean, isLeafNode: boolean) => unknown; /** * Control how attribute value should be parsed * * @param attrName * @param attrValue * @param jPath * @returns {undefined|null} `undefined` or `null` to set original value * @returns {unknown} * * Defaults to `(attrName, val, jPath) => val` */ attributeValueProcessor?: (attrName: string, attrValue: string, jPath: string) => unknown; /** * Options to pass to `strnum` for parsing numbers * * Defaults to `{ hex: true, leadingZeros: true, eNotation: true }` */ numberParseOptions?: strnumOptions; /** * Nodes to stop parsing at * * Defaults to `[]` */ stopNodes?: string[]; /** * List of tags without closing tags * * Defaults to `[]` */ unpairedTags?: string[]; /** * Whether to always create a text node * * Defaults to `false` */ alwaysCreateTextNode?: boolean; /** * Determine whether a tag should be parsed as an array * * @param tagName * @param jPath * @param isLeafNode * @param isAttribute * @returns {boolean} * * Defaults to `() => false` */ isArray?: (tagName: string, jPath: string, isLeafNode: boolean, isAttribute: boolean) => boolean; /** * Whether to process default and DOCTYPE entities * * Defaults to `true` */ processEntities?: boolean; /** * Whether to process HTML entities * * Defaults to `false` */ htmlEntities?: boolean; /** * Whether to ignore the declaration tag from output * * Defaults to `false` */ ignoreDeclaration?: boolean; /** * Whether to ignore Pi tags * * Defaults to `false` */ ignorePiTags?: boolean; /** * Transform tag names * * Defaults to `false` */ transformTagName?: ((tagName: string) => string) | false; /** * Transform attribute names * * Defaults to `false` */ transformAttributeName?: ((attributeName: string) => string) | false; /** * Change the tag name when a different name is returned. Skip the tag from parsed result when false is returned. * Modify `attrs` object to control attributes for the given tag. * * @returns {string} new tag name. * @returns false to skip the tag * * Defaults to `(tagName, jPath, attrs) => tagName` */ updateTag?: (tagName: string, jPath: string, attrs: {[k: string]: string}) => string | boolean; }; type strnumOptions = { hex: boolean; leadingZeros: boolean, skipLike?: RegExp, eNotation?: boolean } type validationOptions = { /** * Whether to allow attributes without value * * Defaults to `false` */ allowBooleanAttributes?: boolean; /** * List of tags without closing tags * * Defaults to `[]` */ unpairedTags?: string[]; }; type XmlBuilderOptions = { /** * Give a prefix to the attribute name in the resulting JS object * * Defaults to '@_' */ attributeNamePrefix?: string; /** * A name to group all attributes of a tag under, or `false` to disable * * Defaults to `false` */ attributesGroupName?: false | string; /** * The name of the next node in the resulting JS * * Defaults to `#text` */ textNodeName?: string; /** * Whether to ignore attributes when parsing * * Defaults to `true` */ ignoreAttributes?: boolean; /** * Give a property name to set CDATA values to instead of merging to tag's text value * * Defaults to `false` */ cdataPropName?: false | string; /** * If set, parse comments and set as this property * * Defaults to `false` */ commentPropName?: false | string; /** * Whether to make output pretty instead of single line * * Defaults to `false` */ format?: boolean; /** * If `format` is set to `true`, sets the indent string * * Defaults to ` ` */ indentBy?: string; /** * Give a name to a top-level array * * Defaults to `undefined` */ arrayNodeName?: string; /** * Create empty tags for tags with no text value * * Defaults to `false` */ suppressEmptyNode?: boolean; /** * Suppress an unpaired tag * * Defaults to `true` */ suppressUnpairedNode?: boolean; /** * Don't put a value for boolean attributes * * Defaults to `true` */ suppressBooleanAttributes?: boolean; /** * Preserve the order of tags in resulting JS object * * Defaults to `false` */ preserveOrder?: boolean; /** * List of tags without closing tags * * Defaults to `[]` */ unpairedTags?: string[]; /** * Nodes to stop parsing at * * Defaults to `[]` */ stopNodes?: string[]; /** * Control how tag value should be parsed. Called only if tag value is not empty * * @returns {undefined|null} `undefined` or `null` to set original value. * @returns {unknown} * * 1. Different value or value with different data type to set new value. * 2. Same value to set parsed value if `parseTagValue: true`. * * Defaults to `(tagName, val, jPath, hasAttributes, isLeafNode) => val` */ tagValueProcessor?: (name: string, value: unknown) => string; /** * Control how attribute value should be parsed * * @param attrName * @param attrValue * @param jPath * @returns {undefined|null} `undefined` or `null` to set original value * @returns {unknown} * * Defaults to `(attrName, val, jPath) => val` */ attributeValueProcessor?: (name: string, value: unknown) => string; /** * Whether to process default and DOCTYPE entities * * Defaults to `true` */ processEntities?: boolean; oneListGroup?: boolean; }; type ESchema = string | object | Array; type ValidationError = { err: { code: string; msg: string, line: number, col: number }; }; export class XMLParser { constructor(options?: X2jOptions); parse(xmlData: string | Buffer ,validationOptions?: validationOptions | boolean): any; /** * Add Entity which is not by default supported by this library * @param entityIndentifier {string} Eg: 'ent' for &ent; * @param entityValue {string} Eg: '\r' */ addEntity(entityIndentifier: string, entityValue: string): void; } export class XMLValidator{ static validate( xmlData: string, options?: validationOptions): true | ValidationError; } export class XMLBuilder { constructor(options?: XmlBuilderOptions); build(jObj: any): any; }