import { instantiateEmscriptenWasm } from "./emscripten-utils.js"; import mozDec from "./mozjpeg/mozjpeg_node_dec.js"; import mozDecWasm from "./mozjpeg/mozjpeg_node_dec.wasm.js"; import mozEnc from "./mozjpeg/mozjpeg_node_enc.js"; import mozEncWasm from "./mozjpeg/mozjpeg_node_enc.wasm.js"; import webpDec from "./webp/webp_node_dec.js"; import webpDecWasm from "./webp/webp_node_dec.wasm.js"; import webpEnc from "./webp/webp_node_enc.js"; import webpEncWasm from "./webp/webp_node_enc.wasm.js"; import avifDec from "./avif/avif_node_dec.js"; import avifDecWasm from "./avif/avif_node_dec.wasm.js"; import avifEnc from "./avif/avif_node_enc.js"; import avifEncWasm from "./avif/avif_node_enc.wasm.js"; import * as pngEncDec from "./png/squoosh_png.js"; import pngEncDecWasm from "./png/squoosh_png_bg.wasm.js"; const pngEncDecInit = () => pngEncDec.default(pngEncDecWasm); import * as oxipng from "./png/squoosh_oxipng.js"; import oxipngWasm from "./png/squoosh_oxipng_bg.wasm.js"; const oxipngInit = () => oxipng.default(oxipngWasm); import * as resize from "./resize/squoosh_resize.js"; import resizeWasm from "./resize/squoosh_resize_bg.wasm.js"; const resizeInit = () => resize.default(resizeWasm); import rotateWasm from "./rotate/rotate.wasm.js"; import ImageData from "./image_data.js"; global.ImageData = ImageData; function resizeNameToIndex(name) { switch (name) { case "triangle": return 0; case "catrom": return 1; case "mitchell": return 2; case "lanczos3": return 3; default: throw Error(`Unknown resize algorithm "${name}"`); } } function resizeWithAspect({ input_width, input_height, target_width, target_height }) { if (!target_width && !target_height) { throw Error("Need to specify at least width or height when resizing"); } if (target_width && target_height) { return { width: target_width, height: target_height }; } if (!target_width) { return { width: Math.round(input_width / input_height * target_height), height: target_height }; } return { width: target_width, height: Math.round(input_height / input_width * target_width) }; } const preprocessors = { resize: { name: "Resize", description: "Resize the image before compressing", instantiate: async () => { await resizeInit(); return (buffer, input_width, input_height, { width, height, method, premultiply, linearRGB }) => { ; ({ width, height } = resizeWithAspect({ input_width, input_height, target_width: width, target_height: height })); const imageData = new ImageData( resize.resize( buffer, input_width, input_height, width, height, resizeNameToIndex(method), premultiply, linearRGB ), width, height ); resize.cleanup(); return imageData; }; }, defaultOptions: { method: "lanczos3", fitMethod: "stretch", premultiply: true, linearRGB: true } }, rotate: { name: "Rotate", description: "Rotate image", instantiate: async () => { return async (buffer, width, height, { numRotations }) => { const degrees = numRotations * 90 % 360; const sameDimensions = degrees === 0 || degrees === 180; const size = width * height * 4; const instance = (await WebAssembly.instantiate(rotateWasm)).instance; const { memory } = instance.exports; const additionalPagesNeeded = Math.ceil( (size * 2 - memory.buffer.byteLength + 8) / (64 * 1024) ); if (additionalPagesNeeded > 0) { memory.grow(additionalPagesNeeded); } const view = new Uint8ClampedArray(memory.buffer); view.set(buffer, 8); instance.exports.rotate(width, height, degrees); return new ImageData( view.slice(size + 8, size * 2 + 8), sameDimensions ? width : height, sameDimensions ? height : width ); }; }, defaultOptions: { numRotations: 0 } } }; const codecs = { mozjpeg: { name: "MozJPEG", extension: "jpg", detectors: [/^\xFF\xD8\xFF/], dec: () => instantiateEmscriptenWasm(mozDec, mozDecWasm), enc: () => instantiateEmscriptenWasm( mozEnc, mozEncWasm ), defaultEncoderOptions: { quality: 75, baseline: false, arithmetic: false, progressive: true, optimize_coding: true, smoothing: 0, color_space: 3, quant_table: 3, trellis_multipass: false, trellis_opt_zero: false, trellis_opt_table: false, trellis_loops: 1, auto_subsample: true, chroma_subsample: 2, separate_chroma_quality: false, chroma_quality: 75 }, autoOptimize: { option: "quality", min: 0, max: 100 } }, webp: { name: "WebP", extension: "webp", detectors: [/^RIFF....WEBPVP8[LX ]/s], dec: () => instantiateEmscriptenWasm(webpDec, webpDecWasm), enc: () => instantiateEmscriptenWasm( webpEnc, webpEncWasm ), defaultEncoderOptions: { quality: 75, target_size: 0, target_PSNR: 0, method: 4, sns_strength: 50, filter_strength: 60, filter_sharpness: 0, filter_type: 1, partitions: 0, segments: 4, pass: 1, show_compressed: 0, preprocessing: 0, autofilter: 0, partition_limit: 0, alpha_compression: 1, alpha_filtering: 1, alpha_quality: 100, lossless: 0, exact: 0, image_hint: 0, emulate_jpeg_size: 0, thread_level: 0, low_memory: 0, near_lossless: 100, use_delta_palette: 0, use_sharp_yuv: 0 }, autoOptimize: { option: "quality", min: 0, max: 100 } }, avif: { name: "AVIF", extension: "avif", // Disable eslint rule to not touch the original code // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex, regexp/control-character-escape detectors: [/^\x00\x00\x00 ftypavif\x00\x00\x00\x00/], dec: () => instantiateEmscriptenWasm(avifDec, avifDecWasm), enc: async () => { return instantiateEmscriptenWasm( avifEnc, avifEncWasm ); }, defaultEncoderOptions: { cqLevel: 33, cqAlphaLevel: -1, denoiseLevel: 0, tileColsLog2: 0, tileRowsLog2: 0, speed: 6, subsample: 1, chromaDeltaQ: false, sharpness: 0, tune: 0 }, autoOptimize: { option: "cqLevel", min: 62, max: 0 } }, oxipng: { name: "OxiPNG", extension: "png", // Disable eslint rule to not touch the original code // eslint-disable-next-line no-control-regex, regexp/control-character-escape detectors: [/^\x89PNG\x0D\x0A\x1A\x0A/], dec: async () => { await pngEncDecInit(); return { decode: (buffer) => { const imageData = pngEncDec.decode(buffer); pngEncDec.cleanup(); return imageData; } }; }, enc: async () => { await pngEncDecInit(); await oxipngInit(); return { encode: (buffer, width, height, opts) => { const simplePng = pngEncDec.encode( new Uint8Array(buffer), width, height ); const imageData = oxipng.optimise(simplePng, opts.level, false); oxipng.cleanup(); return imageData; } }; }, defaultEncoderOptions: { level: 2 }, autoOptimize: { option: "level", min: 6, max: 1 } } }; export { codecs, preprocessors };