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(?=\\s*(?:\\#|$)) )\n | (?=\\n|\\#)\n", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.arguments.end.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.decorator.python" } }, "name": "meta.function.decorator.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#decorator-name" }, { "include": "#function-arguments" }] }, "decorator-name": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#builtin-callables" }, { "include": "#illegal-object-name" }, { "captures": { "2": { "name": "punctuation.separator.period.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n ([[:alpha:]_]\\w*) | (\\.)\n", "name": "" }, { "include": "#line-continuation" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "invalid.illegal.decorator.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n \\s* ([^([:alpha:]\\s_\\.#\\\\] .*?) (?=\\#|$)\n", "name": "invalid.illegal.decorator.python" }] }, "docstring": { "patterns": [{ "begin": `(\\'\\'\\'|\\"\\"\\")`, "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python" } }, "end": "(\\1)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.python" } }, "name": "string.quoted.docstring.multi.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#docstring-prompt" }, { "include": "#codetags" }, { "include": "#docstring-guts-unicode" }] }, { "begin": `([rR])(\\'\\'\\'|\\"\\"\\")`, "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.string.python" }, "2": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python" } }, "end": "(\\2)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.python" } }, "name": "string.quoted.docstring.raw.multi.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#string-consume-escape" }, { "include": "#docstring-prompt" }, { "include": "#codetags" }] }, { "begin": `(\\'|\\")`, "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python" } }, "end": "(\\1)|(\\n)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "name": "string.quoted.docstring.single.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#codetags" }, { "include": "#docstring-guts-unicode" }] }, { "begin": `([rR])(\\'|\\")`, "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.string.python" }, "2": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python" } }, "end": "(\\2)|(\\n)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "name": "string.quoted.docstring.raw.single.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#string-consume-escape" }, { "include": "#codetags" }] }] }, "docstring-guts-unicode": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#escape-sequence-unicode" }, { "include": "#escape-sequence" }, { "include": "#string-line-continuation" }] }, "docstring-prompt": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.control.flow.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n (?:\n (?:^|\\G) \\s* (?# '\\G' is necessary for ST)\n ((?:>>>|\\.\\.\\.) \\s) (?=\\s*\\S)\n )\n" }, "docstring-statement": { "begin": `^(?=\\s*[rR]?(\\'\\'\\'|\\"\\"\\"|\\'|\\"))`, "comment": "the string either terminates correctly or by the beginning of a new line (this is for single line docstrings that aren't terminated) AND it's not followed by another docstring", "end": `((?<=\\1)|^)(?!\\s*[rR]?(\\'\\'\\'|\\"\\"\\"|\\'|\\"))`, "patterns": [{ "include": "#docstring" }] }, "double-one-regexp-character-set": { "patterns": [{ "match": "(?x)\n \\[ \\^? \\] (?! .*?\\])\n" }, { "begin": "(\\[)(\\^)?(\\])?", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.character.set.begin.regexp constant.other.set.regexp" }, "2": { "name": "keyword.operator.negation.regexp" }, "3": { "name": "constant.character.set.regexp" } }, "end": '(\\]|(?="))|((?=(?)\n", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.named.begin.regexp" }, "2": { "name": "" } }, "end": '(\\)|(?="))|((?=(?)\n", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.named.begin.regexp" }, "2": { "name": "" } }, "end": '(\\)|(?="""))', "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.named.end.regexp" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "name": "meta.named.regexp", "patterns": [{ "include": "#double-three-regexp-expression" }, { "include": "#comments-string-double-three" }] }, "double-three-regexp-parentheses": { "begin": "\\(", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.begin.regexp" } }, "end": '(\\)|(?="""))', "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.end.regexp" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "patterns": [{ "include": "#double-three-regexp-expression" }, { "include": "#comments-string-double-three" }] }, "double-three-regexp-parentheses-non-capturing": { "begin": "\\(\\?:", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.non-capturing.begin.regexp" } }, "end": '(\\)|(?="""))', "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.non-capturing.end.regexp" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "patterns": [{ "include": "#double-three-regexp-expression" }, { "include": "#comments-string-double-three" }] }, "ellipsis": { "match": "\\.\\.\\.", "name": "constant.other.ellipsis.python" }, "escape-sequence": { "match": `(?x) \\\\ ( x[0-9A-Fa-f]{2} | [0-7]{1,3} | [\\\\"'abfnrtv] ) `, "name": "constant.character.escape.python" }, "escape-sequence-unicode": { "patterns": [{ "match": "(?x)\n \\\\ (\n u[0-9A-Fa-f]{4}\n | U[0-9A-Fa-f]{8}\n | N\\{[\\w\\s]+?\\}\n )\n", "name": "constant.character.escape.python" }] }, "expression": { "comment": "All valid Python expressions", "patterns": [{ "include": "#expression-base" }, { "include": "#member-access" }, { "comment": "Tokenize identifiers to help linters", "match": "(?x) \\b ([[:alpha:]_]\\w*) \\b" }] }, "expression-bare": { "comment": "valid Python expressions w/o comments and line continuation", "patterns": [{ "include": "#backticks" }, { "include": "#illegal-anno" }, { "include": "#literal" }, { "include": "#regexp" }, { "include": "#string" }, { "include": "#lambda" }, { "include": "#generator" }, { "include": "#illegal-operator" }, { "include": "#operator" }, { "include": "#curly-braces" }, { "include": "#item-access" }, { "include": "#list" }, { "include": "#odd-function-call" }, { "include": "#round-braces" }, { "include": "#function-call" }, { "include": "#builtin-functions" }, { "include": "#builtin-types" }, { "include": "#builtin-exceptions" }, { "include": "#magic-names" }, { "include": "#special-names" }, { "include": "#illegal-names" }, { "include": "#special-variables" }, { "include": "#ellipsis" }, { "include": "#punctuation" }, { "include": "#line-continuation" }] }, "expression-base": { "comment": "valid Python expressions with comments and line continuation", "patterns": [{ "include": "#comments" }, { "include": "#expression-bare" }, { "include": "#line-continuation" }] }, "f-expression": { "comment": "All valid Python expressions, except comments and line continuation", "patterns": [{ "include": "#expression-bare" }, { "include": "#member-access" }, { "comment": "Tokenize identifiers to help linters", "match": "(?x) \\b ([[:alpha:]_]\\w*) \\b" }] }, "fregexp-base-expression": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#fregexp-quantifier" }, { "include": "#fstring-formatting-braces" }, { "match": "\\{.*?\\}" }, { "include": "#regexp-base-common" }] }, "fregexp-quantifier": { "match": "(?x)\n \\{\\{(\n \\d+ | \\d+,(\\d+)? | ,\\d+\n )\\}\\}\n", "name": "keyword.operator.quantifier.regexp" }, "fstring-fnorm-quoted-multi-line": { "begin": `(\\b[fF])([bBuU])?('''|""")`, "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.interpolated.python string.quoted.multi.python storage.type.string.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.prefix.python" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python string.interpolated.python string.quoted.multi.python" } }, "end": "(\\3)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.python string.interpolated.python string.quoted.multi.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "name": "meta.fstring.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#fstring-guts" }, { "include": "#fstring-illegal-multi-brace" }, { "include": "#fstring-multi-brace" }, { "include": "#fstring-multi-core" }] }, "fstring-fnorm-quoted-single-line": { "begin": `(\\b[fF])([bBuU])?((['"]))`, "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "string.interpolated.python string.quoted.single.python storage.type.string.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.prefix.python" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python string.interpolated.python string.quoted.single.python" } }, "end": "(\\3)|((?=^]? [-+ ]? \\#?\n \\d* ,? (\\.\\d+)? [bcdeEfFgGnosxX%]? )(?=})\n" }, { "include": "#fstring-terminator-multi-tail" }] }, "fstring-terminator-multi-tail": { "begin": "((?:=?)(?:![rsa])?)(:)(?=.*?{)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, "2": { "name": "storage.type.format.python" } }, "end": "(?=})", "patterns": [{ "include": "#fstring-illegal-multi-brace" }, { "include": "#fstring-multi-brace" }, { "match": "([bcdeEfFgGnosxX%])(?=})", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(\\.\\d+)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(,)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(\\d+)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(\\#)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "([-+ ])", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "([<>=^])", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(\\w)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }] }, "fstring-terminator-single": { "patterns": [{ "match": "(=(![rsa])?)(?=})", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(=?![rsa])(?=})", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, "2": { "name": "storage.type.format.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n ( (?: =?) (?: ![rsa])? )\n ( : \\w? [<>=^]? [-+ ]? \\#?\n \\d* ,? (\\.\\d+)? [bcdeEfFgGnosxX%]? )(?=})\n" }, { "include": "#fstring-terminator-single-tail" }] }, "fstring-terminator-single-tail": { "begin": "((?:=?)(?:![rsa])?)(:)(?=.*?{)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, "2": { "name": "storage.type.format.python" } }, "end": "(?=})|(?=\\n)", "patterns": [{ "include": "#fstring-illegal-single-brace" }, { "include": "#fstring-single-brace" }, { "match": "([bcdeEfFgGnosxX%])(?=})", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(\\.\\d+)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(,)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(\\d+)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(\\#)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "([-+ ])", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "([<>=^])", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, { "match": "(\\w)", "name": "storage.type.format.python" }] }, "function-arguments": { "begin": "(\\()", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.arguments.begin.python" } }, "contentName": "meta.function-call.arguments.python", "end": "(?=\\))(?!\\)\\s*\\()", "patterns": [{ "match": "(,)", "name": "punctuation.separator.arguments.python" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.operator.unpacking.arguments.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n (?:(?<=[,(])|^) \\s* (\\*{1,2})\n" }, { "include": "#lambda-incomplete" }, { "include": "#illegal-names" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "variable.parameter.function-call.python" }, "2": { "name": "keyword.operator.assignment.python" } }, "match": "\\b([[:alpha:]_]\\w*)\\s*(=)(?!=)" }, { "match": "=(?!=)", "name": "keyword.operator.assignment.python" }, { "include": "#expression" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.arguments.end.python" }, "2": { "name": "punctuation.definition.arguments.begin.python" } }, "match": "\\s*(\\))\\s*(\\()" }] }, "function-call": { "begin": "(?x)\n \\b(?=\n ([[:alpha:]_]\\w*) \\s* (\\()\n )\n", "comment": 'Regular function call of the type "name(args)"', "end": "(\\))", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.arguments.end.python" } }, "name": "meta.function-call.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#special-variables" }, { "include": "#function-name" }, { "include": "#function-arguments" }] }, "function-declaration": { "begin": "(?x)\n \\s*\n (?:\\b(async) \\s+)? \\b(def)\\s+\n (?=\n [[:alpha:]_][[:word:]]* \\s* \\(\n )\n", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "storage.type.function.async.python" }, "2": { "name": "storage.type.function.python" } }, "end": `(:|(?=[#'"\\n]))`, "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.section.function.begin.python" } }, "name": "meta.function.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#function-def-name" }, { "include": "#parameters" }, { "include": "#line-continuation" }, { "include": "#return-annotation" }] }, "function-def-name": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#illegal-object-name" }, { "include": "#builtin-possible-callables" }, { "match": "(?x)\n \\b ([[:alpha:]_]\\w*) \\b\n", "name": "" }] }, "function-name": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#builtin-possible-callables" }, { "comment": "Some color schemas support meta.function-call.generic scope", "match": "(?x)\n \\b ([[:alpha:]_]\\w*) \\b\n", "name": "meta.function-call.generic.python" }] }, "generator": { "begin": "\\bfor\\b", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "keyword.control.flow.python" } }, "comment": 'Match "for ... in" construct used in generators and for loops to\ncorrectly identify the "in" as a control flow keyword.\n', "end": "\\bin\\b", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "keyword.control.flow.python" } }, "patterns": [{ "include": "#expression" }] }, "illegal-anno": { "match": "->", "name": "invalid.illegal.annotation.python" }, "illegal-names": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "keyword.control.flow.python" }, "2": { "name": "keyword.control.import.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n \\b(?:\n (\n and | assert | async | await | break | class | continue | def\n | del | elif | else | except | finally | for | from | global\n | if | in | is | (?<=\\.)lambda | lambda(?=\\s*[\\.=])\n | nonlocal | not | or | pass | raise | return | try | while | with\n | yield\n ) | (\n as | import\n )\n )\\b\n" }, "illegal-object-name": { "comment": `It's illegal to name class or function "True"`, "match": "\\b(True|False|None)\\b", "name": "" }, "illegal-operator": { "patterns": [{ "match": "&&|\\|\\||--|\\+\\+", "name": "invalid.illegal.operator.python" }, { "match": "[?$]", "name": "invalid.illegal.operator.python" }, { "comment": "We don't want `!` to flash when we're typing `!=`", "match": "!\\b", "name": "invalid.illegal.operator.python" }] }, "import": { "comment": "Import statements used to correctly mark `from`, `import`, and `as`\n", "patterns": [{ "begin": "\\b(?> | & | \\| | \\^ | ~) (?# 3)\n\n | (\\*\\* | \\* | \\+ | - | % | // | / | @) (?# 4)\n\n | (!= | == | >= | <= | < | >) (?# 5)\n\n | (:=) (?# 6)\n" }, "parameter-special": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "variable.parameter.function.language.python" }, "2": { "name": "variable.parameter.function.language.special.self.python" }, "3": { "name": "variable.parameter.function.language.special.cls.python" }, "4": { "name": "punctuation.separator.parameters.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n \\b ((self)|(cls)) \\b \\s*(?:(,)|(?=\\)))\n" }, "parameters": { "begin": "(\\()", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.parameters.begin.python" } }, "end": "(\\))", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.parameters.end.python" } }, "name": "meta.function.parameters.python", "patterns": [{ "match": "/", "name": "keyword.operator.positional.parameter.python" }, { "match": "(\\*\\*|\\*)", "name": "keyword.operator.unpacking.parameter.python" }, { "include": "#lambda-incomplete" }, { "include": "#illegal-names" }, { "include": "#illegal-object-name" }, { "include": "#parameter-special" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "variable.parameter.function.language.python" }, "2": { "name": "punctuation.separator.parameters.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n ([[:alpha:]_]\\w*)\n \\s* (?: (,) | (?=[)#\\n=]))\n" }, { "include": "#comments" }, { "include": "#loose-default" }, { "include": "#annotated-parameter" }] }, "punctuation": { "patterns": [{ "match": ":", "name": "punctuation.separator.colon.python" }, { "match": ",", "name": "punctuation.separator.element.python" }] }, "regexp": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#regexp-single-three-line" }, { "include": "#regexp-double-three-line" }, { "include": "#regexp-single-one-line" }, { "include": "#regexp-double-one-line" }] }, "regexp-backreference": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.backreference.named.begin.regexp" }, "2": { "name": "" }, "3": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.backreference.named.end.regexp" } }, "match": "(?x)\n (\\() (\\?P= \\w+(?:\\s+[[:alnum:]]+)?) (\\))\n", "name": "meta.backreference.named.regexp" }, "regexp-backreference-number": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "" } }, "match": "(\\\\[1-9]\\d?)", "name": "meta.backreference.regexp" }, "regexp-base-common": { "patterns": [{ "match": "\\.", "name": "support.other.match.any.regexp" }, { "match": "\\^", "name": "support.other.match.begin.regexp" }, { "match": "\\$", "name": "support.other.match.end.regexp" }, { "match": "[+*?]\\??", "name": "keyword.operator.quantifier.regexp" }, { "match": "\\|", "name": "keyword.operator.disjunction.regexp" }, { "include": "#regexp-escape-sequence" }] }, "regexp-base-expression": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#regexp-quantifier" }, { "include": "#regexp-base-common" }] }, "regexp-charecter-set-escapes": { "patterns": [{ "match": "\\\\[abfnrtv\\\\]", "name": "constant.character.escape.regexp" }, { "include": "#regexp-escape-special" }, { "match": "\\\\([0-7]{1,3})", "name": "constant.character.escape.regexp" }, { "include": "#regexp-escape-character" }, { "include": "#regexp-escape-unicode" }, { "include": "#regexp-escape-catchall" }] }, "regexp-double-one-line": { "begin": '\\b(([uU]r)|([bB]r)|(r[bB]?))(")', "beginCaptures": { "2": { "name": "invalid.deprecated.prefix.python" }, "3": { "name": "storage.type.string.python" }, "4": { "name": "storage.type.string.python" }, "5": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python" } }, "end": '(")|(?)", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.separator.annotation.result.python" } }, "end": "(?=:)", "patterns": [{ "include": "#expression" }] }, "round-braces": { "begin": "\\(", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.parenthesis.begin.python" } }, "end": "\\)", "endCaptures": { "0": { "name": "punctuation.parenthesis.end.python" } }, "patterns": [{ "include": "#expression" }] }, "semicolon": { "patterns": [{ "match": "\\;$", "name": "invalid.deprecated.semicolon.python" }] }, "single-one-regexp-character-set": { "patterns": [{ "match": "(?x)\n \\[ \\^? \\] (?! .*?\\])\n" }, { "begin": "(\\[)(\\^)?(\\])?", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.character.set.begin.regexp constant.other.set.regexp" }, "2": { "name": "keyword.operator.negation.regexp" }, "3": { "name": "constant.character.set.regexp" } }, "end": "(\\]|(?=\\'))|((?=(?)\n", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.named.begin.regexp" }, "2": { "name": "" } }, "end": "(\\)|(?=\\'))|((?=(?)\n", "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.named.begin.regexp" }, "2": { "name": "" } }, "end": "(\\)|(?=\\'\\'\\'))", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.named.end.regexp" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "name": "meta.named.regexp", "patterns": [{ "include": "#single-three-regexp-expression" }, { "include": "#comments-string-single-three" }] }, "single-three-regexp-parentheses": { "begin": "\\(", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.begin.regexp" } }, "end": "(\\)|(?=\\'\\'\\'))", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.end.regexp" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "patterns": [{ "include": "#single-three-regexp-expression" }, { "include": "#comments-string-single-three" }] }, "single-three-regexp-parentheses-non-capturing": { "begin": "\\(\\?:", "beginCaptures": { "0": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.non-capturing.begin.regexp" } }, "end": "(\\)|(?=\\'\\'\\'))", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "support.other.parenthesis.regexp punctuation.parenthesis.non-capturing.end.regexp" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "patterns": [{ "include": "#single-three-regexp-expression" }, { "include": "#comments-string-single-three" }] }, "special-names": { "match": '(?x)\n \\b\n # we want to see "enough", meaning 2 or more upper-case\n # letters in the beginning of the constant\n #\n # for more details refer to:\n #\n (\n _* [[:upper:]] [_\\d]* [[:upper:]]\n )\n [[:upper:]\\d]* (_\\w*)?\n \\b\n', "name": "constant.other.caps.python" }, "special-variables": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "variable.language.special.self.python" }, "2": { "name": "variable.language.special.cls.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n \\b (?=^]? [-+ ]? \\#? \\d* ,? (\\.\\d+)? [bcdeEfFgGnosxX%]? )? }) ) `, "name": "meta.format.brace.python" }, { "captures": { "1": { "name": "constant.character.format.placeholder.other.python" }, "3": { "name": "storage.type.format.python" }, "4": { "name": "storage.type.format.python" } }, "match": `(?x) ( { \\w* (\\.[[:alpha:]_]\\w* | \\[[^\\]'"]+\\])* (![rsa])? (:) [^'"{}\\n]* (?: \\{ [^'"}\\n]*? \\} [^'"{}\\n]* )* } ) `, "name": "meta.format.brace.python" }] }, "string-consume-escape": { "match": `\\\\['"\\n\\\\]` }, "string-entity": { "patterns": [{ "include": "#escape-sequence" }, { "include": "#string-line-continuation" }, { "include": "#string-formatting" }] }, "string-formatting": { "captures": { "1": { "name": "constant.character.format.placeholder.other.python" } }, "match": "(?x)\n (\n % (\\([\\w\\s]*\\))?\n [-+#0 ]*\n (\\d+|\\*)? (\\.(\\d+|\\*))?\n ([hlL])?\n [diouxXeEfFgGcrsab%]\n )\n", "name": "meta.format.percent.python" }, "string-line-continuation": { "match": "\\\\$", "name": "constant.language.python" }, "string-multi-bad-brace1-formatting-raw": { "begin": `(?x) (?= \\{% ( .*? (?!'''|""") ) %\\} ) `, "comment": "template using {% ... %}", "end": `(?='''|""")`, "patterns": [{ "include": "#string-consume-escape" }] }, "string-multi-bad-brace1-formatting-unicode": { "begin": `(?x) (?= \\{% ( .*? (?!'''|""") ) %\\} ) `, "comment": "template using {% ... %}", "end": `(?='''|""")`, "patterns": [{ "include": "#escape-sequence-unicode" }, { "include": "#escape-sequence" }, { "include": "#string-line-continuation" }] }, "string-multi-bad-brace2-formatting-raw": { "begin": `(?x) (?!\\{\\{) (?= \\{ ( \\w*? (?!'''|""") [^!:\\.\\[}\\w] ) .*?(?!'''|""") \\} ) `, "comment": "odd format or format-like syntax", "end": `(?='''|""")`, "patterns": [{ "include": "#string-consume-escape" }, { "include": "#string-formatting" }] }, "string-multi-bad-brace2-formatting-unicode": { "begin": `(?x) (?!\\{\\{) (?= \\{ ( \\w*? (?!'''|""") [^!:\\.\\[}\\w] ) .*?(?!'''|""") \\} ) `, "comment": "odd format or format-like syntax", "end": `(?='''|""")`, "patterns": [{ "include": "#escape-sequence-unicode" }, { "include": "#string-entity" }] }, "string-quoted-multi-line": { "begin": `(?:\\b([rR])(?=[uU]))?([uU])?('''|""")`, "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "invalid.illegal.prefix.python" }, "2": { "name": "storage.type.string.python" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python" } }, "end": "(\\3)", "endCaptures": { "1": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.end.python" }, "2": { "name": "invalid.illegal.newline.python" } }, "name": "string.quoted.multi.python", "patterns": [{ "include": "#string-multi-bad-brace1-formatting-unicode" }, { "include": "#string-multi-bad-brace2-formatting-unicode" }, { "include": "#string-unicode-guts" }] }, "string-quoted-single-line": { "begin": `(?:\\b([rR])(?=[uU]))?([uU])?((['"]))`, "beginCaptures": { "1": { "name": "invalid.illegal.prefix.python" }, "2": { "name": "storage.type.string.python" }, "3": { "name": "punctuation.definition.string.begin.python" } }, "end": "(\\3)|((?