import { blue, bold, green } from "kleur/colors"; import fs from "node:fs"; import { performance } from "node:perf_hooks"; import { fileURLToPath } from "node:url"; import { injectImageEndpoint } from "../../assets/endpoint/config.js"; import { telemetry } from "../../events/index.js"; import { eventCliSession } from "../../events/session.js"; import { runHookBuildDone, runHookBuildStart, runHookConfigDone, runHookConfigSetup } from "../../integrations/index.js"; import { isServerLikeOutput } from "../../prerender/utils.js"; import { resolveConfig } from "../config/config.js"; import { createNodeLogger } from "../config/logging.js"; import { createSettings } from "../config/settings.js"; import { createVite } from "../create-vite.js"; import { levels, timerMessage } from "../logger/core.js"; import { apply as applyPolyfill } from "../polyfill.js"; import { RouteCache } from "../render/route-cache.js"; import { createRouteManifest } from "../routing/index.js"; import { collectPagesData } from "./page-data.js"; import { staticBuild, viteBuild } from "./static-build.js"; import { getTimeStat } from "./util.js"; import { ensureProcessNodeEnv } from "../util.js"; async function build(inlineConfig, options = {}) { ensureProcessNodeEnv("production"); applyPolyfill(); const logger = createNodeLogger(inlineConfig); const { userConfig, astroConfig } = await resolveConfig(inlineConfig, "build"); telemetry.record(eventCliSession("build", userConfig)); if (astroConfig.experimental.contentCollectionCache && options.force) { const contentCacheDir = new URL("./content/", astroConfig.cacheDir); if (fs.existsSync(contentCacheDir)) { logger.debug("content", "clearing content cache"); await fs.promises.rm(contentCacheDir, { force: true, recursive: true }); logger.warn("content", "content cache cleared (force)"); } } const settings = await createSettings(astroConfig, fileURLToPath(astroConfig.root)); const builder = new AstroBuilder(settings, { ...options, logger, mode: inlineConfig.mode }); await; } class AstroBuilder { settings; logger; mode = "production"; origin; routeCache; manifest; timer; teardownCompiler; constructor(settings, options) { if (options.mode) { this.mode = options.mode; } this.settings = settings; this.logger = options.logger; this.teardownCompiler = options.teardownCompiler ?? true; this.routeCache = new RouteCache(this.logger); this.origin = ? new URL( : `http://localhost:${settings.config.server.port}`; this.manifest = { routes: [] }; this.timer = {}; } /** Setup Vite and run any async setup logic that couldn't run inside of the constructor. */ async setup() { this.logger.debug("build", "Initial setup..."); const { logger } = this; this.timer.init =; this.settings = await runHookConfigSetup({ settings: this.settings, command: "build", logger }); if (isServerLikeOutput(this.settings.config)) { this.settings = injectImageEndpoint(this.settings, "build"); } this.manifest = createRouteManifest({ settings: this.settings }, this.logger); const viteConfig = await createVite( { mode: this.mode, server: { hmr: false, middlewareMode: true } }, { settings: this.settings, logger: this.logger, mode: "build", command: "build" } ); await runHookConfigDone({ settings: this.settings, logger }); const { syncInternal } = await import("../sync/index.js"); const syncRet = await syncInternal(this.settings, { logger, fs }); if (syncRet !== 0) { return process.exit(syncRet); } return { viteConfig }; } /** Run the build logic. build() is marked private because usage should go through ".run()" */ async build({ viteConfig }) { await runHookBuildStart({ config: this.settings.config, logging: this.logger }); this.validateConfig();"build", `output: ${blue('"' + this.settings.config.output + '"')}`);"build", `directory: ${blue(fileURLToPath(this.settings.config.outDir))}`); if (this.settings.adapter) {"build", `adapter: ${green(}`); }"build", "Collecting build info..."); this.timer.loadStart =; const { assets, allPages } = await collectPagesData({ settings: this.settings, logger: this.logger, manifest: this.manifest }); this.logger.debug("build", timerMessage("All pages loaded", this.timer.loadStart)); const pageNames = []; this.timer.buildStart =; "build", green(`\u2713 Completed in ${getTimeStat(this.timer.init,}.`) ); const opts = { allPages, settings: this.settings, logger: this.logger, manifest: this.manifest, mode: this.mode, origin: this.origin, pageNames, routeCache: this.routeCache, teardownCompiler: this.teardownCompiler, viteConfig }; const { internals, ssrOutputChunkNames } = await viteBuild(opts); await staticBuild(opts, internals, ssrOutputChunkNames); this.timer.assetsStart =; Object.keys(assets).map((k) => { if (!assets[k]) return; const filePath = new URL(`file://${k}`); fs.mkdirSync(new URL("./", filePath), { recursive: true }); fs.writeFileSync(filePath, assets[k], "utf8"); delete assets[k]; }); this.logger.debug("build", timerMessage("Additional assets copied", this.timer.assetsStart)); await runHookBuildDone({ config: this.settings.config, pages: pageNames, routes: Object.values(allPages).flat().map((pageData) => pageData.route), logging: this.logger }); if (this.logger.level && levels[this.logger.level()] <= levels["info"]) { await this.printStats({ logger: this.logger, timeStart: this.timer.init, pageCount: pageNames.length, buildMode: this.settings.config.output }); } this.settings.timer.writeStats(); } /** Build the given Astro project. */ async run() { const setupData = await this.setup(); try { await; } catch (_err) { throw _err; } } validateConfig() { const { config } = this.settings; if (config.outDir.toString() === config.root.toString()) { throw new Error( `the outDir cannot be the root folder. Please build to a folder such as dist.` ); } } /** Stats */ async printStats({ logger, timeStart, pageCount, buildMode }) { const total = getTimeStat(timeStart,; let messages = []; if (buildMode === "static") { messages = [`${pageCount} page(s) built in`, bold(total)]; } else { messages = ["Server built in", bold(total)]; }"build", messages.join(" "));"build", `${bold("Complete!")}`); } } export { build as default };