import fs from 'node:fs/promises' import fsSync from 'node:fs' import path from 'node:path' import { isDepIncluded, isDepExcluded, isDepNoExternaled, isDepExternaled } from './sync.cjs' /** @type {import('pnpapi')} */ let pnp if (process.versions.pnp) { try { const { createRequire } = (await import('module')).default pnp = createRequire(import.meta.url)('pnpapi') } catch {} } export { isDepIncluded, isDepExcluded, isDepNoExternaled, isDepExternaled } /** @type {import('..').crawlFrameworkPkgs} */ export async function crawlFrameworkPkgs(options) { const pkgJsonPath = await findClosestPkgJsonPath(options.root) if (!pkgJsonPath) { // @ts-expect-error don't throw in deno as package.json is not required if (typeof Deno !== 'undefined') { return { optimizeDeps: { include: [], exclude: [] }, ssr: { noExternal: [], external: [] } } } else { throw new Error(`Cannot find package.json from ${options.root}`) } } const pkgJson = await readJson(pkgJsonPath).catch((e) => { throw new Error(`Unable to read ${pkgJsonPath}`, { cause: e }) }) /** @type {string[]} */ let optimizeDepsInclude = [] /** @type {string[]} */ let optimizeDepsExclude = [] /** @type {string[]} */ let ssrNoExternal = [] /** @type {string[]} */ let ssrExternal = [] await crawl(pkgJsonPath, pkgJson) // respect vite user config if (options.viteUserConfig) { // remove includes that are explicitly excluded in optimizeDeps const _optimizeDepsExclude = options.viteUserConfig?.optimizeDeps?.exclude if (_optimizeDepsExclude) { optimizeDepsInclude = optimizeDepsInclude.filter( (dep) => !isDepExcluded(dep, _optimizeDepsExclude) ) } // remove excludes that are explicitly included in optimizeDeps const _optimizeDepsInclude = options.viteUserConfig?.optimizeDeps?.include if (_optimizeDepsInclude) { optimizeDepsExclude = optimizeDepsExclude.filter( (dep) => !isDepIncluded(dep, _optimizeDepsInclude) ) } // remove noExternals that are explicitly externalized const _ssrExternal = options.viteUserConfig?.ssr?.external if (_ssrExternal) { ssrNoExternal = ssrNoExternal.filter( (dep) => !isDepExternaled(dep, _ssrExternal) ) } // remove externals that are explicitly noExternal const _ssrNoExternal = options.viteUserConfig?.ssr?.noExternal if (_ssrNoExternal) { ssrExternal = ssrExternal.filter( (dep) => !isDepNoExternaled(dep, _ssrNoExternal) ) } } return { optimizeDeps: { include: optimizeDepsInclude, exclude: optimizeDepsExclude }, ssr: { noExternal: ssrNoExternal, external: ssrExternal } } /** * crawl the package.json dependencies for framework packages. rules: * 1. a framework package should be `optimizeDeps.exclude` and `ssr.noExternal`. * 2. the deps of the framework package should be `optimizeDeps.include` and `ssr.external` * unless the dep is also a framework package, in which case do no1 & no2 recursively. * 3. any non-framework packages that aren't imported by a framework package can be skipped entirely. * 4. a semi-framework package is like a framework package, except it isn't `optimizeDeps.exclude`, * but only applies `ssr.noExternal`. * @param {string} pkgJsonPath * @param {Record} pkgJson * @param {string[]} [parentDepNames] */ async function crawl(pkgJsonPath, pkgJson, parentDepNames = []) { const isRoot = parentDepNames.length === 0 /** @type {string[]} */ let deps = [ ...Object.keys(pkgJson.dependencies || {}), ...(isRoot ? Object.keys(pkgJson.devDependencies || {}) : []) ] deps = deps.filter((dep) => { // skip circular deps if (parentDepNames.includes(dep)) { return false } const isFrameworkPkg = options.isFrameworkPkgByName?.(dep) const isSemiFrameworkPkg = options.isSemiFrameworkPkgByName?.(dep) if (isFrameworkPkg) { // framework packages should be excluded from optimization as esbuild can't handle them. // otherwise it'll cause optimizeDepsExclude.push(dep) // framework packages should be noExternal so that they go through vite's transformation // pipeline, since nodejs can't support them. ssrNoExternal.push(dep) } else if (isSemiFrameworkPkg) { // semi-framework packages should do the same except for optimization exclude as they // aren't needed to work (they don't contain raw framework components) ssrNoExternal.push(dep) } // only those that are explictly false can skip crawling since we don't need to do anything // special for them if (isFrameworkPkg === false || isSemiFrameworkPkg === false) { return false } // if `true`, we need to crawl the nested deps to deep include and ssr externalize them in dev. // if `undefined`, it's the same as "i don't know". we need to crawl and find the package.json // to find out. else { return true } }) const promises = (dep) => { const depPkgJsonPath = await findDepPkgJsonPath(dep, pkgJsonPath) if (!depPkgJsonPath) return const depPkgJson = await readJson(depPkgJsonPath).catch(() => {}) if (!depPkgJson) return // fast path if this dep is already a framework dep based on the filter condition above const cachedIsFrameworkPkg = ssrNoExternal.includes(dep) if (cachedIsFrameworkPkg) { return crawl(depPkgJsonPath, depPkgJson, parentDepNames.concat(dep)) } // check if this dep is a framework dep, if so, track and crawl it const isFrameworkPkg = options.isFrameworkPkgByJson?.(depPkgJson) const isSemiFrameworkPkg = options.isSemiFrameworkPkgByJson?.(depPkgJson) if (isFrameworkPkg || isSemiFrameworkPkg) { // see explanation in filter condition above if (isFrameworkPkg) { optimizeDepsExclude.push(dep) ssrNoExternal.push(dep) } else if (isSemiFrameworkPkg) { ssrNoExternal.push(dep) } return crawl(depPkgJsonPath, depPkgJson, parentDepNames.concat(dep)) } // if we're crawling in a non-root state, the parent is 100% a framework package // because of the above if block. in this case, if it's dep of a non-framework // package, handle special cases for them. if (!isRoot) { // deep include it if it's a CJS package, so it becomes ESM and vite is happy. if (await pkgNeedsOptimization(depPkgJson, depPkgJsonPath)) { optimizeDepsInclude.push(parentDepNames.concat(dep).join(' > ')) } // also externalize it in dev so it doesn't trip vite's SSR transformation. // we do in dev only as build cannot access deep external packages in strict // dependency installations, such as pnpm. if (!options.isBuild && !ssrExternal.includes(dep)) { ssrExternal.push(dep) } } }) await Promise.all(promises) } } /** @type {import('..').findDepPkgJsonPath} */ export async function findDepPkgJsonPath(dep, parent) { if (pnp) { try { const depRoot = pnp.resolveToUnqualified(dep, parent) if (!depRoot) return undefined return path.join(depRoot, 'package.json') } catch { return undefined } } let root = parent while (root) { const pkg = path.join(root, 'node_modules', dep, 'package.json') try { await fs.access(pkg) // use 'node:fs' version to match 'vite:resolve' and avoid realpath.native quirk // return fsSync.realpathSync(pkg) } catch {} const nextRoot = path.dirname(root) if (nextRoot === root) break root = nextRoot } return undefined } /** @type {import('..').findClosestPkgJsonPath} */ export async function findClosestPkgJsonPath(dir, predicate = undefined) { if (dir.endsWith('package.json')) { dir = path.dirname(dir) } while (dir) { const pkg = path.join(dir, 'package.json') try { const stat = await fs.stat(pkg) if (stat.isFile() && (!predicate || (await predicate(pkg)))) { return pkg } } catch {} const nextDir = path.dirname(dir) if (nextDir === dir) break dir = nextDir } return undefined } /** @type {import('..').pkgNeedsOptimization} */ export async function pkgNeedsOptimization(pkgJson, pkgJsonPath) { // only optimize if is cjs, using the below as heuristic // see if (pkgJson.module || pkgJson.exports) return false // if have main, ensure entry is js so vite can prebundle it // see if (pkgJson.main) { const entryExt = path.extname(pkgJson.main) return !entryExt || entryExt === '.js' || entryExt === '.cjs' } // check if has implicit index.js entrypoint to prebundle // see // see try { await fs.access(path.join(path.dirname(pkgJsonPath), 'index.js')) return true } catch { return false } } /** * @param {string} findDepPkgJsonPath * @returns {Promise>} */ async function readJson(findDepPkgJsonPath) { return JSON.parse(await fs.readFile(findDepPkgJsonPath, 'utf8')) }