import type { Service } from '@volar/language-service'; import { type Options, type ResolveConfigOptions } from 'prettier'; export declare function create(options?: { /** * Languages to be formatted by prettier. * * @default * ['html', 'css', 'scss', 'typescript', 'javascript'] */ languages?: string[]; html?: { /** * Preprocessing to break "contents" from "HTML tags". * This will prevent HTML closing tags, and opening tags without attributes * from breaking into a blank `>` or `<` on a new line. */ breakContentsFromTags?: boolean; }; /** * Do not use settings from VSCode's `editor.tabSize` and temporary tabSize on status bar * * @see */ ignoreIdeOptions?: boolean; /** * Determine if IDE options should be used as a fallback if there's no Prettier specific settings in the workspace */ useIdeOptionsFallback?: boolean; /** * Additional options to pass to Prettier * This is useful, for instance, to add specific plugins you need. */ additionalOptions?: (resolvedConfig: Options) => Options | Promise; /** * Options to use when resolving the Prettier config */ resolveConfigOptions?: ResolveConfigOptions; /** * Prettier instance to use. If undefined, Prettier will be imported through a normal `import('prettier')`. * This property is useful whenever you want to load a specific instance of Prettier (for instance, loading the Prettier version installed in the user's project) */ prettier?: typeof import('prettier') | undefined; }, getPrettierConfig?: (filePath: string, prettier: typeof import('prettier'), config?: ResolveConfigOptions) => Promise): Service; export default create; //#