/** * @fileoverview Rule to disallow returning values from Promise executor functions * @author Milos Djermanovic */ "use strict"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Requirements //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const { findVariable } = require("@eslint-community/eslint-utils"); const astUtils = require("./utils/ast-utils"); //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const functionTypesToCheck = new Set(["ArrowFunctionExpression", "FunctionExpression"]); /** * Determines whether the given identifier node is a reference to a global variable. * @param {ASTNode} node `Identifier` node to check. * @param {Scope} scope Scope to which the node belongs. * @returns {boolean} True if the identifier is a reference to a global variable. */ function isGlobalReference(node, scope) { const variable = findVariable(scope, node); return variable !== null && variable.scope.type === "global" && variable.defs.length === 0; } /** * Finds function's outer scope. * @param {Scope} scope Function's own scope. * @returns {Scope} Function's outer scope. */ function getOuterScope(scope) { const upper = scope.upper; if (upper.type === "function-expression-name") { return upper.upper; } return upper; } /** * Determines whether the given function node is used as a Promise executor. * @param {ASTNode} node The node to check. * @param {Scope} scope Function's own scope. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the node is a Promise executor. */ function isPromiseExecutor(node, scope) { const parent = node.parent; return parent.type === "NewExpression" && parent.arguments[0] === node && parent.callee.type === "Identifier" && parent.callee.name === "Promise" && isGlobalReference(parent.callee, getOuterScope(scope)); } /** * Checks if the given node is a void expression. * @param {ASTNode} node The node to check. * @returns {boolean} - `true` if the node is a void expression */ function expressionIsVoid(node) { return node.type === "UnaryExpression" && node.operator === "void"; } /** * Fixes the linting error by prepending "void " to the given node * @param {Object} sourceCode context given by context.sourceCode * @param {ASTNode} node The node to fix. * @param {Object} fixer The fixer object provided by ESLint. * @returns {Array} - An array of fix objects to apply to the node. */ function voidPrependFixer(sourceCode, node, fixer) { const requiresParens = // prepending `void ` will fail if the node has a lower precedence than void astUtils.getPrecedence(node) < astUtils.getPrecedence({ type: "UnaryExpression", operator: "void" }) && // check if there are parentheses around the node to avoid redundant parentheses !astUtils.isParenthesised(sourceCode, node); // avoid parentheses issues const returnOrArrowToken = sourceCode.getTokenBefore( node, node.parent.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" ? astUtils.isArrowToken // isReturnToken : token => token.type === "Keyword" && token.value === "return" ); const firstToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(returnOrArrowToken); const prependSpace = // is return token, as => allows void to be adjacent returnOrArrowToken.value === "return" && // If two tokens (return and "(") are adjacent returnOrArrowToken.range[1] === firstToken.range[0]; return [ fixer.insertTextBefore(firstToken, `${prependSpace ? " " : ""}void ${requiresParens ? "(" : ""}`), fixer.insertTextAfter(node, requiresParens ? ")" : "") ]; } /** * Fixes the linting error by `wrapping {}` around the given node's body. * @param {Object} sourceCode context given by context.sourceCode * @param {ASTNode} node The node to fix. * @param {Object} fixer The fixer object provided by ESLint. * @returns {Array} - An array of fix objects to apply to the node. */ function curlyWrapFixer(sourceCode, node, fixer) { // https://github.com/eslint/eslint/pull/17282#issuecomment-1592795923 const arrowToken = sourceCode.getTokenBefore(node.body, astUtils.isArrowToken); const firstToken = sourceCode.getTokenAfter(arrowToken); const lastToken = sourceCode.getLastToken(node); return [ fixer.insertTextBefore(firstToken, "{"), fixer.insertTextAfter(lastToken, "}") ]; } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Rule Definition //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ /** @type {import('../shared/types').Rule} */ module.exports = { meta: { type: "problem", docs: { description: "Disallow returning values from Promise executor functions", recommended: false, url: "https://eslint.org/docs/latest/rules/no-promise-executor-return" }, hasSuggestions: true, schema: [{ type: "object", properties: { allowVoid: { type: "boolean", default: false } }, additionalProperties: false }], messages: { returnsValue: "Return values from promise executor functions cannot be read.", // arrow and function suggestions prependVoid: "Prepend `void` to the expression.", // only arrow suggestions wrapBraces: "Wrap the expression in `{}`." } }, create(context) { let funcInfo = null; const sourceCode = context.sourceCode; const { allowVoid = false } = context.options[0] || {}; return { onCodePathStart(_, node) { funcInfo = { upper: funcInfo, shouldCheck: functionTypesToCheck.has(node.type) && isPromiseExecutor(node, sourceCode.getScope(node)) }; if (// Is a Promise executor funcInfo.shouldCheck && node.type === "ArrowFunctionExpression" && node.expression && // Except void !(allowVoid && expressionIsVoid(node.body)) ) { const suggest = []; // prevent useless refactors if (allowVoid) { suggest.push({ messageId: "prependVoid", fix(fixer) { return voidPrependFixer(sourceCode, node.body, fixer); } }); } // Do not suggest wrapping an unnamed FunctionExpression in braces as that would be invalid syntax. if (!(node.body.type === "FunctionExpression" && !node.body.id)) { suggest.push({ messageId: "wrapBraces", fix(fixer) { return curlyWrapFixer(sourceCode, node, fixer); } }); } context.report({ node: node.body, messageId: "returnsValue", suggest }); } }, onCodePathEnd() { funcInfo = funcInfo.upper; }, ReturnStatement(node) { if (!(funcInfo.shouldCheck && node.argument)) { return; } // node is `return ` if (!allowVoid) { context.report({ node, messageId: "returnsValue" }); return; } if (expressionIsVoid(node.argument)) { return; } // allowVoid && !expressionIsVoid context.report({ node, messageId: "returnsValue", suggest: [{ messageId: "prependVoid", fix(fixer) { return voidPrependFixer(sourceCode, node.argument, fixer); } }] }); } }; } };