'use strict'; var defineProperties = require('define-properties'); var test = require('tape'); var callBind = require('call-bind'); var functionsHaveNames = require('functions-have-names')(); var hasStrictMode = require('has-strict-mode')(); var forEachNormal = require('for-each'); var debug = require('object-inspect'); var v = require('es-value-fixtures'); var hasSymbols = require('has-symbols/shams')(); var index = require('../Iterator.prototype.forEach'); var impl = require('../Iterator.prototype.forEach/implementation'); var fnName = 'forEach'; var isEnumerable = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable; var testIterator = require('./helpers/testIterator'); module.exports = { tests: function (forEach, name, t) { t['throws']( function () { return new forEach(); }, // eslint-disable-line new-cap TypeError, '`' + name + '` is not a constructor' ); forEachNormal(v.primitives.concat(v.objects), function (nonIterator) { t['throws']( function () { forEach(nonIterator); }, TypeError, debug(nonIterator) + ' is not an Object with a callable `next` method' ); var badNext = { next: nonIterator }; t['throws']( function () { forEach(badNext); }, TypeError, debug(badNext) + ' is not an Object with a callable `next` method' ); }); forEachNormal(v.nonFunctions, function (nonFunction) { t['throws']( function () { forEach({ next: function () {} }, nonFunction); }, TypeError, debug(nonFunction) + ' is not a function' ); }); t.test('actual iteration', { skip: !hasSymbols }, function (st) { var arr = [1, 2, 3]; var iterator = callBind(arr[Symbol.iterator], arr); st['throws']( function () { return new forEach(iterator()); }, // eslint-disable-line new-cap TypeError, '`' + name + '` iterator is not a constructor' ); st['throws']( function () { return new forEach(iterator(), function () {}); }, // eslint-disable-line new-cap TypeError, '`' + name + '` iterator is not a constructor' ); testIterator(iterator(), [1, 2, 3], st, 'original'); var results = []; var ret = forEach( iterator(), function (x, i) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-invalid-this results.push({ value: x, count: i, 'this': this, args: arguments.length }); } ); st.equal(ret, undefined, 'returns undefined'); st.deepEqual( results, [ { value: 1, count: 0, 'this': undefined, args: 2 }, { value: 2, count: 1, 'this': undefined, args: 2 }, { value: 3, count: 2, 'this': undefined, args: 2 } ], 'forEach callback receives the expected values' ); st.end(); }); }, index: function () { test('Iterator.prototype.' + fnName + ': index', function (t) { module.exports.tests(index, 'Iterator.prototype.' + fnName, t); t.end(); }); }, implementation: function () { test('Iterator.prototype.' + fnName + ': implementation', function (t) { module.exports.tests(callBind(impl), 'Iterator.prototype.' + fnName, t); t.end(); }); }, shimmed: function () { test('Iterator.prototype.' + fnName + ': shimmed', function (t) { t.test('Function name', { skip: !functionsHaveNames }, function (st) { st.equal(Iterator.prototype[fnName].name, fnName, 'Iterator#' + fnName + ' has name "' + fnName + '"'); st.end(); }); t.test('enumerability', { skip: !defineProperties.supportsDescriptors }, function (et) { et.equal(false, isEnumerable.call(Iterator.prototype, fnName), 'Iterator#' + fnName + ' is not enumerable'); et.end(); }); t.test('bad string/this value', { skip: !hasStrictMode }, function (st) { st['throws'](function () { return Iterator.prototype[fnName].call(undefined, 'a'); }, TypeError, 'undefined is not an object'); st['throws'](function () { return Iterator.prototype[fnName].call(null, 'a'); }, TypeError, 'null is not an object'); st.end(); }); module.exports.tests(callBind(Iterator.prototype[fnName]), 'Iterator.prototype.' + fnName, t); t.end(); }); } };