"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const regexpp_1 = require("@eslint-community/regexpp"); const utils_1 = require("@typescript-eslint/utils"); const util_1 = require("../util"); const EQ_OPERATORS = /^[=!]=/; const regexpp = new regexpp_1.RegExpParser(); exports.default = (0, util_1.createRule)({ name: 'prefer-string-starts-ends-with', defaultOptions: [], meta: { type: 'suggestion', docs: { description: 'Enforce using `String#startsWith` and `String#endsWith` over other equivalent methods of checking substrings', recommended: 'stylistic', requiresTypeChecking: true, }, messages: { preferStartsWith: "Use 'String#startsWith' method instead.", preferEndsWith: "Use the 'String#endsWith' method instead.", }, schema: [], fixable: 'code', }, create(context) { const globalScope = context.sourceCode.getScope(context.sourceCode.ast); const services = (0, util_1.getParserServices)(context); const checker = services.program.getTypeChecker(); /** * Check if a given node is a string. * @param node The node to check. */ function isStringType(node) { const objectType = services.getTypeAtLocation(node); return (0, util_1.getTypeName)(checker, objectType) === 'string'; } /** * Check if a given node is a `Literal` node that is null. * @param node The node to check. */ function isNull(node) { const evaluated = (0, util_1.getStaticValue)(node, globalScope); return evaluated != null && evaluated.value == null; } /** * Check if a given node is a `Literal` node that is a given value. * @param node The node to check. * @param value The expected value of the `Literal` node. */ function isNumber(node, value) { const evaluated = (0, util_1.getStaticValue)(node, globalScope); return evaluated != null && evaluated.value === value; } /** * Check if a given node is a `Literal` node that is a character. * @param node The node to check. */ function isCharacter(node) { const evaluated = (0, util_1.getStaticValue)(node, globalScope); return (evaluated != null && typeof evaluated.value === 'string' && // checks if the string is a character long evaluated.value[0] === evaluated.value); } /** * Check if a given node is `==`, `===`, `!=`, or `!==`. * @param node The node to check. */ function isEqualityComparison(node) { return (node.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.BinaryExpression && EQ_OPERATORS.test(node.operator)); } /** * Check if two given nodes are the same meaning. * @param node1 A node to compare. * @param node2 Another node to compare. */ function isSameTokens(node1, node2) { const tokens1 = context.sourceCode.getTokens(node1); const tokens2 = context.sourceCode.getTokens(node2); if (tokens1.length !== tokens2.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < tokens1.length; ++i) { const token1 = tokens1[i]; const token2 = tokens2[i]; if (token1.type !== token2.type || token1.value !== token2.value) { return false; } } return true; } /** * Check if a given node is the expression of the length of a string. * * - If `length` property access of `expectedObjectNode`, it's `true`. * E.g., `foo` → `foo.length` / `"foo"` → `"foo".length` * - If `expectedObjectNode` is a string literal, `node` can be a number. * E.g., `"foo"` → `3` * * @param node The node to check. * @param expectedObjectNode The node which is expected as the receiver of `length` property. */ function isLengthExpression(node, expectedObjectNode) { if (node.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.MemberExpression) { return ((0, util_1.getPropertyName)(node, globalScope) === 'length' && isSameTokens(node.object, expectedObjectNode)); } const evaluatedLength = (0, util_1.getStaticValue)(node, globalScope); const evaluatedString = (0, util_1.getStaticValue)(expectedObjectNode, globalScope); return (evaluatedLength != null && evaluatedString != null && typeof evaluatedLength.value === 'number' && typeof evaluatedString.value === 'string' && evaluatedLength.value === evaluatedString.value.length); } /** * Returns true if `node` is `-substring.length` or * `parentString.length - substring.length` */ function isLengthAheadOfEnd(node, substring, parentString) { return ((node.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.UnaryExpression && node.operator === '-' && isLengthExpression(node.argument, substring)) || (node.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.BinaryExpression && node.operator === '-' && isLengthExpression(node.left, parentString) && isLengthExpression(node.right, substring))); } /** * Check if a given node is the expression of the last index. * * E.g. `foo.length - 1` * * @param node The node to check. * @param expectedObjectNode The node which is expected as the receiver of `length` property. */ function isLastIndexExpression(node, expectedObjectNode) { return (node.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.BinaryExpression && node.operator === '-' && isLengthExpression(node.left, expectedObjectNode) && isNumber(node.right, 1)); } /** * Get the range of the property of a given `MemberExpression` node. * * - `obj[foo]` → the range of `[foo]` * - `obf.foo` → the range of `.foo` * - `(obj).foo` → the range of `.foo` * * @param node The member expression node to get. */ function getPropertyRange(node) { const dotOrOpenBracket = context.sourceCode.getTokenAfter(node.object, util_1.isNotClosingParenToken); return [dotOrOpenBracket.range[0], node.range[1]]; } /** * Parse a given `RegExp` pattern to that string if it's a static string. * @param pattern The RegExp pattern text to parse. * @param unicode Whether the RegExp is unicode. */ function parseRegExpText(pattern, unicode) { // Parse it. const ast = regexpp.parsePattern(pattern, undefined, undefined, { unicode, }); if (ast.alternatives.length !== 1) { return null; } // Drop `^`/`$` assertion. const chars = ast.alternatives[0].elements; const first = chars[0]; if (first.type === 'Assertion' && first.kind === 'start') { chars.shift(); } else { chars.pop(); } // Check if it can determine a unique string. if (!chars.every(c => c.type === 'Character')) { return null; } // To string. return String.fromCodePoint(...chars.map(c => c.value)); } /** * Parse a given node if it's a `RegExp` instance. * @param node The node to parse. */ function parseRegExp(node) { const evaluated = (0, util_1.getStaticValue)(node, globalScope); if (evaluated == null || !(evaluated.value instanceof RegExp)) { return null; } const { source, flags } = evaluated.value; const isStartsWith = source.startsWith('^'); const isEndsWith = source.endsWith('$'); if (isStartsWith === isEndsWith || flags.includes('i') || flags.includes('m')) { return null; } const text = parseRegExpText(source, flags.includes('u')); if (text == null) { return null; } return { isEndsWith, isStartsWith, text }; } function getLeftNode(node) { if (node.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.ChainExpression) { return getLeftNode(node.expression); } let leftNode; if (node.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.CallExpression) { leftNode = node.callee; } else { leftNode = node; } if (leftNode.type !== utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.MemberExpression) { throw new Error(`Expected a MemberExpression, got ${leftNode.type}`); } return leftNode; } /** * Fix code with using the right operand as the search string. * For example: `foo.slice(0, 3) === 'bar'` → `foo.startsWith('bar')` * @param fixer The rule fixer. * @param node The node which was reported. * @param kind The kind of the report. * @param isNegative The flag to fix to negative condition. */ function* fixWithRightOperand(fixer, node, kind, isNegative, isOptional) { // left is CallExpression or MemberExpression. const leftNode = getLeftNode(node.left); const propertyRange = getPropertyRange(leftNode); if (isNegative) { yield fixer.insertTextBefore(node, '!'); } yield fixer.replaceTextRange([propertyRange[0], node.right.range[0]], `${isOptional ? '?.' : '.'}${kind}sWith(`); yield fixer.replaceTextRange([node.right.range[1], node.range[1]], ')'); } /** * Fix code with using the first argument as the search string. * For example: `foo.indexOf('bar') === 0` → `foo.startsWith('bar')` * @param fixer The rule fixer. * @param node The node which was reported. * @param kind The kind of the report. * @param negative The flag to fix to negative condition. */ function* fixWithArgument(fixer, node, callNode, calleeNode, kind, negative, isOptional) { if (negative) { yield fixer.insertTextBefore(node, '!'); } yield fixer.replaceTextRange(getPropertyRange(calleeNode), `${isOptional ? '?.' : '.'}${kind}sWith`); yield fixer.removeRange([callNode.range[1], node.range[1]]); } function getParent(node) { return (0, util_1.nullThrows)(node.parent?.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.ChainExpression ? node.parent.parent : node.parent, util_1.NullThrowsReasons.MissingParent); } return { // foo[0] === "a" // foo.charAt(0) === "a" // foo[foo.length - 1] === "a" // foo.charAt(foo.length - 1) === "a" [[ 'BinaryExpression > MemberExpression.left[computed=true]', 'BinaryExpression > CallExpression.left > MemberExpression.callee[property.name="charAt"][computed=false]', 'BinaryExpression > ChainExpression.left > MemberExpression[computed=true]', 'BinaryExpression > ChainExpression.left > CallExpression > MemberExpression.callee[property.name="charAt"][computed=false]', ].join(', ')](node) { let parentNode = getParent(node); let indexNode = null; if (parentNode.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.CallExpression) { if (parentNode.arguments.length === 1) { indexNode = parentNode.arguments[0]; } parentNode = getParent(parentNode); } else { indexNode = node.property; } if (indexNode == null || !isEqualityComparison(parentNode) || !isStringType(node.object)) { return; } const isEndsWith = isLastIndexExpression(indexNode, node.object); const isStartsWith = !isEndsWith && isNumber(indexNode, 0); if (!isStartsWith && !isEndsWith) { return; } const eqNode = parentNode; context.report({ node: parentNode, messageId: isStartsWith ? 'preferStartsWith' : 'preferEndsWith', fix(fixer) { // Don't fix if it can change the behavior. if (!isCharacter(eqNode.right)) { return null; } return fixWithRightOperand(fixer, eqNode, isStartsWith ? 'start' : 'end', eqNode.operator.startsWith('!'), node.optional); }, }); }, // foo.indexOf('bar') === 0 [[ 'BinaryExpression > CallExpression.left > MemberExpression.callee[property.name="indexOf"][computed=false]', 'BinaryExpression > ChainExpression.left > CallExpression > MemberExpression.callee[property.name="indexOf"][computed=false]', ].join(', ')](node) { const callNode = getParent(node); const parentNode = getParent(callNode); if (callNode.arguments.length !== 1 || !isEqualityComparison(parentNode) || !isNumber(parentNode.right, 0) || !isStringType(node.object)) { return; } context.report({ node: parentNode, messageId: 'preferStartsWith', fix(fixer) { return fixWithArgument(fixer, parentNode, callNode, node, 'start', parentNode.operator.startsWith('!'), node.optional); }, }); }, // foo.lastIndexOf('bar') === foo.length - 3 // foo.lastIndexOf(bar) === foo.length - bar.length [[ 'BinaryExpression > CallExpression.left > MemberExpression.callee[property.name="lastIndexOf"][computed=false]', 'BinaryExpression > ChainExpression.left > CallExpression > MemberExpression.callee[property.name="lastIndexOf"][computed=false]', ].join(', ')](node) { const callNode = getParent(node); const parentNode = getParent(callNode); if (callNode.arguments.length !== 1 || !isEqualityComparison(parentNode) || parentNode.right.type !== utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.BinaryExpression || parentNode.right.operator !== '-' || !isLengthExpression(parentNode.right.left, node.object) || !isLengthExpression(parentNode.right.right, callNode.arguments[0]) || !isStringType(node.object)) { return; } context.report({ node: parentNode, messageId: 'preferEndsWith', fix(fixer) { return fixWithArgument(fixer, parentNode, callNode, node, 'end', parentNode.operator.startsWith('!'), node.optional); }, }); }, // foo.match(/^bar/) === null // foo.match(/bar$/) === null [[ 'BinaryExpression > CallExpression.left > MemberExpression.callee[property.name="match"][computed=false]', 'BinaryExpression > ChainExpression.left > CallExpression > MemberExpression.callee[property.name="match"][computed=false]', ].join(', ')](node) { const callNode = getParent(node); const parentNode = getParent(callNode); if (!isEqualityComparison(parentNode) || !isNull(parentNode.right) || !isStringType(node.object)) { return; } const parsed = callNode.arguments.length === 1 ? parseRegExp(callNode.arguments[0]) : null; if (parsed == null) { return; } const { isStartsWith, text } = parsed; context.report({ node: callNode, messageId: isStartsWith ? 'preferStartsWith' : 'preferEndsWith', *fix(fixer) { if (!parentNode.operator.startsWith('!')) { yield fixer.insertTextBefore(parentNode, '!'); } yield fixer.replaceTextRange(getPropertyRange(node), `${node.optional ? '?.' : '.'}${isStartsWith ? 'start' : 'end'}sWith`); yield fixer.replaceText(callNode.arguments[0], JSON.stringify(text)); yield fixer.removeRange([callNode.range[1], parentNode.range[1]]); }, }); }, // foo.slice(0, 3) === 'bar' // foo.slice(-3) === 'bar' // foo.slice(-3, foo.length) === 'bar' // foo.substring(0, 3) === 'bar' // foo.substring(foo.length - 3) === 'bar' // foo.substring(foo.length - 3, foo.length) === 'bar' [[ 'BinaryExpression > CallExpression.left > MemberExpression.callee[property.name="slice"][computed=false]', 'BinaryExpression > CallExpression.left > MemberExpression.callee[property.name="substring"][computed=false]', 'BinaryExpression > ChainExpression.left > CallExpression > MemberExpression.callee[property.name="slice"][computed=false]', 'BinaryExpression > ChainExpression.left > CallExpression > MemberExpression.callee[property.name="substring"][computed=false]', ].join(', ')](node) { const callNode = getParent(node); const parentNode = getParent(callNode); if (!isEqualityComparison(parentNode) || !isStringType(node.object)) { return; } let isEndsWith = false; let isStartsWith = false; if (callNode.arguments.length === 1) { if ( // foo.slice(-bar.length) === bar // foo.slice(foo.length - bar.length) === bar isLengthAheadOfEnd(callNode.arguments[0], parentNode.right, node.object)) { isEndsWith = true; } } else if (callNode.arguments.length === 2) { if ( // foo.slice(0, bar.length) === bar isNumber(callNode.arguments[0], 0) && isLengthExpression(callNode.arguments[1], parentNode.right)) { isStartsWith = true; } else if ( // foo.slice(foo.length - bar.length, foo.length) === bar // foo.slice(foo.length - bar.length, 0) === bar // foo.slice(-bar.length, foo.length) === bar // foo.slice(-bar.length, 0) === bar (isLengthExpression(callNode.arguments[1], node.object) || isNumber(callNode.arguments[1], 0)) && isLengthAheadOfEnd(callNode.arguments[0], parentNode.right, node.object)) { isEndsWith = true; } } if (!isStartsWith && !isEndsWith) { return; } const eqNode = parentNode; const negativeIndexSupported = node.property.name === 'slice'; context.report({ node: parentNode, messageId: isStartsWith ? 'preferStartsWith' : 'preferEndsWith', fix(fixer) { // Don't fix if it can change the behavior. if (eqNode.operator.length === 2 && (eqNode.right.type !== utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.Literal || typeof eqNode.right.value !== 'string')) { return null; } // code being checked is likely mistake: // unequal length of strings being checked for equality // or reliant on behavior of substring (negative indices interpreted as 0) if (isStartsWith) { if (!isLengthExpression(callNode.arguments[1], eqNode.right)) { return null; } } else { const posNode = callNode.arguments[0]; const posNodeIsAbsolutelyValid = (posNode.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.BinaryExpression && posNode.operator === '-' && isLengthExpression(posNode.left, node.object) && isLengthExpression(posNode.right, eqNode.right)) || (negativeIndexSupported && posNode.type === utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.UnaryExpression && posNode.operator === '-' && isLengthExpression(posNode.argument, eqNode.right)); if (!posNodeIsAbsolutelyValid) { return null; } } return fixWithRightOperand(fixer, parentNode, isStartsWith ? 'start' : 'end', parentNode.operator.startsWith('!'), node.optional); }, }); }, // /^bar/.test(foo) // /bar$/.test(foo) 'CallExpression > MemberExpression.callee[property.name="test"][computed=false]'(node) { const callNode = getParent(node); const parsed = callNode.arguments.length === 1 ? parseRegExp(node.object) : null; if (parsed == null) { return; } const { isStartsWith, text } = parsed; const messageId = isStartsWith ? 'preferStartsWith' : 'preferEndsWith'; const methodName = isStartsWith ? 'startsWith' : 'endsWith'; context.report({ node: callNode, messageId, *fix(fixer) { const argNode = callNode.arguments[0]; const needsParen = argNode.type !== utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.Literal && argNode.type !== utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.TemplateLiteral && argNode.type !== utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.Identifier && argNode.type !== utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.MemberExpression && argNode.type !== utils_1.AST_NODE_TYPES.CallExpression; yield fixer.removeRange([callNode.range[0], argNode.range[0]]); if (needsParen) { yield fixer.insertTextBefore(argNode, '('); yield fixer.insertTextAfter(argNode, ')'); } yield fixer.insertTextAfter(argNode, `${node.optional ? '?.' : '.'}${methodName}(${JSON.stringify(text)}`); }, }); }, }; }, }); //# sourceMappingURL=prefer-string-starts-ends-with.js.map