import { extname } from "node:path"; import { pathToFileURL } from "node:url"; import { moduleIsTopLevelPage, walkParentInfos } from "../core/build/graph.js"; import { getPageDataByViteID } from "../core/build/internal.js"; import { createViteLoader } from "../core/module-loader/vite.js"; import { joinPaths, prependForwardSlash } from "../core/path.js"; import { getStylesForURL } from "../vite-plugin-astro-server/css.js"; import { getScriptsForURL } from "../vite-plugin-astro-server/scripts.js"; import { CONTENT_RENDER_FLAG, LINKS_PLACEHOLDER, PROPAGATED_ASSET_FLAG, SCRIPTS_PLACEHOLDER, STYLES_PLACEHOLDER } from "./consts.js"; import { hasContentFlag } from "./utils.js"; function astroContentAssetPropagationPlugin({ mode, settings }) { let devModuleLoader; return { name: "astro:content-asset-propagation", enforce: "pre", async resolveId(id, importer, opts) { if (hasContentFlag(id, CONTENT_RENDER_FLAG)) { const base = id.split("?")[0]; for (const { extensions, handlePropagation = true } of settings.contentEntryTypes) { if (handlePropagation && extensions.includes(extname(base))) { return this.resolve(`${base}?${PROPAGATED_ASSET_FLAG}`, importer, { skipSelf: true, ...opts }); } } return this.resolve(base, importer, { skipSelf: true, ...opts }); } }, configureServer(server) { if (mode === "dev") { devModuleLoader = createViteLoader(server); } }, async transform(_, id, options) { if (hasContentFlag(id, PROPAGATED_ASSET_FLAG)) { const basePath = id.split("?")[0]; let stringifiedLinks, stringifiedStyles, stringifiedScripts; if (options?.ssr && devModuleLoader) { if (!devModuleLoader.getModuleById(basePath)?.ssrModule) { await devModuleLoader.import(basePath); } const { styles, urls, crawledFiles: styleCrawledFiles } = await getStylesForURL(pathToFileURL(basePath), devModuleLoader); const { scripts: hoistedScripts, crawledFiles: scriptCrawledFiles } = await getScriptsForURL(pathToFileURL(basePath), settings.config.root, devModuleLoader); for (const file of styleCrawledFiles) { if (!file.includes("node_modules")) { this.addWatchFile(file); } } for (const file of scriptCrawledFiles) { if (!file.includes("node_modules")) { this.addWatchFile(file); } } stringifiedLinks = JSON.stringify([...urls]); stringifiedStyles = JSON.stringify( => s.content)); stringifiedScripts = JSON.stringify([...hoistedScripts]); } else { stringifiedLinks = JSON.stringify(LINKS_PLACEHOLDER); stringifiedStyles = JSON.stringify(STYLES_PLACEHOLDER); stringifiedScripts = JSON.stringify(SCRIPTS_PLACEHOLDER); } const code = ` async function getMod() { return import(${JSON.stringify(basePath)}); } const collectedLinks = ${stringifiedLinks}; const collectedStyles = ${stringifiedStyles}; const collectedScripts = ${stringifiedScripts}; const defaultMod = { __astroPropagation: true, getMod, collectedLinks, collectedStyles, collectedScripts }; export default defaultMod; `; return { code, map: { mappings: "" } }; } } }; } function astroConfigBuildPlugin(options, internals) { let ssrPluginContext = void 0; return { targets: ["server"], hooks: { "build:before": ({ target }) => { return { vitePlugin: { name: "astro:content-build-plugin", generateBundle() { if (target === "server") { ssrPluginContext = this; } } } }; }, "build:post": ({ ssrOutputs, clientOutputs, mutate }) => { const outputs = ssrOutputs.flatMap((o) => o.output); const prependBase = (src) => { if ( { return joinPaths(, src); } else { return prependForwardSlash(joinPaths(options.settings.config.base, src)); } }; for (const chunk of outputs) { if (chunk.type === "chunk" && (chunk.code.includes(LINKS_PLACEHOLDER) || chunk.code.includes(SCRIPTS_PLACEHOLDER))) { let entryStyles = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); let entryLinks = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); let entryScripts = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); if (options.settings.config.experimental.contentCollectionCache) { for (const id of chunk.moduleIds) { const _entryCss = internals.propagatedStylesMap.get(id); const _entryScripts = internals.propagatedScriptsMap.get(id); if (_entryCss) { for (const value of _entryCss) { if (value.type === "inline") entryStyles.add(value.content); if (value.type === "external") entryLinks.add(value.src); } } if (_entryScripts) { for (const value of _entryScripts) { entryScripts.add(value); } } } } else { for (const id of Object.keys(chunk.modules)) { for (const [pageInfo] of walkParentInfos(id, ssrPluginContext)) { if (moduleIsTopLevelPage(pageInfo)) { const pageViteID =; const pageData = getPageDataByViteID(internals, pageViteID); if (!pageData) continue; const _entryCss = pageData.propagatedStyles?.get(id); const _entryScripts = pageData.propagatedScripts?.get(id); if (_entryCss) { for (const value of _entryCss) { if (value.type === "inline") entryStyles.add(value.content); if (value.type === "external") entryLinks.add(value.src); } } if (_entryScripts) { for (const value of _entryScripts) { entryScripts.add(value); } } } } } } let newCode = chunk.code; if (entryStyles.size) { newCode = newCode.replace( JSON.stringify(STYLES_PLACEHOLDER), JSON.stringify(Array.from(entryStyles)) ); } else { newCode = newCode.replace(JSON.stringify(STYLES_PLACEHOLDER), "[]"); } if (entryLinks.size) { newCode = newCode.replace( JSON.stringify(LINKS_PLACEHOLDER), JSON.stringify(Array.from(entryLinks).map(prependBase)) ); } else { newCode = newCode.replace(JSON.stringify(LINKS_PLACEHOLDER), "[]"); } if (entryScripts.size) { const entryFileNames = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); for (const output of clientOutputs) { for (const clientChunk of output.output) { if (clientChunk.type !== "chunk") continue; for (const [id] of Object.entries(clientChunk.modules)) { if (entryScripts.has(id)) { entryFileNames.add(clientChunk.fileName); } } } } newCode = newCode.replace( JSON.stringify(SCRIPTS_PLACEHOLDER), JSON.stringify( [...entryFileNames].map((src) => ({ props: { src: prependBase(src), type: "module" }, children: "" })) ) ); } else { newCode = newCode.replace(JSON.stringify(SCRIPTS_PLACEHOLDER), "[]"); } mutate(chunk, ["server"], newCode); } } } } }; } export { astroConfigBuildPlugin, astroContentAssetPropagationPlugin };