type IsAny = 0 extends (1 & T) ? true : false; // https://stackoverflow.com/a/49928360/3406963 type IsNever = [T] extends [never] ? true : false; type IsUnknown = IsNever extends false ? T extends unknown ? unknown extends T ? IsAny extends false ? true : false : false : false : false; /** Create a function type with a return type of your choice and the same parameters as the given function type. Use-case: You want to define a wrapped function that returns something different while receiving the same parameters. For example, you might want to wrap a function that can throw an error into one that will return `undefined` instead. @example ``` import type {SetReturnType} from 'type-fest'; type MyFunctionThatCanThrow = (foo: SomeType, bar: unknown) => SomeOtherType; type MyWrappedFunction = SetReturnType; //=> type MyWrappedFunction = (foo: SomeType, bar: unknown) => SomeOtherType | undefined; ``` @category Function */ export type SetReturnType any, TypeToReturn> = // Just using `Parameters` isn't ideal because it doesn't handle the `this` fake parameter. Fn extends (this: infer ThisArg, ...args: infer Arguments) => any ? ( // If a function did not specify the `this` fake parameter, it will be inferred to `unknown`. // We want to detect this situation just to display a friendlier type upon hovering on an IntelliSense-powered IDE. IsUnknown extends true ? (...args: Arguments) => TypeToReturn : (this: ThisArg, ...args: Arguments) => TypeToReturn ) : ( // This part should be unreachable, but we make it meaningful just in caseā€¦ (...args: Parameters) => TypeToReturn );