"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Set = exports.Map = exports.version = exports.versionMajorMinor = void 0; // WARNING: The script `configurePrerelease.ts` uses a regexp to parse out these values. // If changing the text in this section, be sure to test `configurePrerelease` too. exports.versionMajorMinor = "4.9"; // The following is baselined as a literal template type without intervention /** The version of the TypeScript compiler release */ // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-inferrable-types exports.version = `${exports.versionMajorMinor}.0-dev`; /* @internal */ var NativeCollections; (function (NativeCollections) { const globals = typeof globalThis !== "undefined" ? globalThis : // @ts-ignore node global typeof global !== "undefined" ? global : typeof self !== "undefined" ? self : undefined; /** * Returns the native Map implementation if it is available and compatible (i.e. supports iteration). */ function tryGetNativeMap() { // Internet Explorer's Map doesn't support iteration, so don't use it. const gMap = globals?.Map; // eslint-disable-next-line local/no-in-operator const constructor = typeof gMap !== "undefined" && "entries" in gMap.prototype && new gMap([[0, 0]]).size === 1 ? gMap : undefined; if (!constructor) { throw new Error("No compatible Map implementation found."); } return constructor; } NativeCollections.tryGetNativeMap = tryGetNativeMap; /** * Returns the native Set implementation if it is available and compatible (i.e. supports iteration). */ function tryGetNativeSet() { // Internet Explorer's Set doesn't support iteration, so don't use it. const gSet = globals?.Set; // eslint-disable-next-line local/no-in-operator const constructor = typeof gSet !== "undefined" && "entries" in gSet.prototype && new gSet([0]).size === 1 ? gSet : undefined; if (!constructor) { throw new Error("No compatible Set implementation found."); } return constructor; } NativeCollections.tryGetNativeSet = tryGetNativeSet; })(NativeCollections || (NativeCollections = {})); /* @internal */ exports.Map = NativeCollections.tryGetNativeMap(); /* @internal */ exports.Set = NativeCollections.tryGetNativeSet(); //# sourceMappingURL=corePublic.js.map