import { processError } from '@vitest/utils/error'; import { toArray } from '@vitest/utils'; function partitionSuiteChildren(suite) { let tasksGroup = []; const tasksGroups = []; for (const c of suite.tasks) { if (tasksGroup.length === 0 || c.concurrent === tasksGroup[0].concurrent) { tasksGroup.push(c); } else { tasksGroups.push(tasksGroup); tasksGroup = [c]; } } if (tasksGroup.length > 0) tasksGroups.push(tasksGroup); return tasksGroups; } function interpretTaskModes(suite, namePattern, onlyMode, parentIsOnly, allowOnly) { const suiteIsOnly = parentIsOnly || suite.mode === "only"; suite.tasks.forEach((t) => { const includeTask = suiteIsOnly || t.mode === "only"; if (onlyMode) { if (t.type === "suite" && (includeTask || someTasksAreOnly(t))) { if (t.mode === "only") { checkAllowOnly(t, allowOnly); t.mode = "run"; } } else if (t.mode === "run" && !includeTask) { t.mode = "skip"; } else if (t.mode === "only") { checkAllowOnly(t, allowOnly); t.mode = "run"; } } if (t.type === "test") { if (namePattern && !getTaskFullName(t).match(namePattern)) t.mode = "skip"; } else if (t.type === "suite") { if (t.mode === "skip") skipAllTasks(t); else interpretTaskModes(t, namePattern, onlyMode, includeTask, allowOnly); } }); if (suite.mode === "run") { if (suite.tasks.length && suite.tasks.every((i) => i.mode !== "run")) suite.mode = "skip"; } } function getTaskFullName(task) { return `${task.suite ? `${getTaskFullName(task.suite)} ` : ""}${}`; } function someTasksAreOnly(suite) { return suite.tasks.some((t) => t.mode === "only" || t.type === "suite" && someTasksAreOnly(t)); } function skipAllTasks(suite) { suite.tasks.forEach((t) => { if (t.mode === "run") { t.mode = "skip"; if (t.type === "suite") skipAllTasks(t); } }); } function checkAllowOnly(task, allowOnly) { if (allowOnly) return; const error = processError(new Error("[Vitest] Unexpected .only modifier. Remove it or pass --allowOnly argument to bypass this error")); task.result = { state: "fail", errors: [error] }; } function generateHash(str) { let hash = 0; if (str.length === 0) return `${hash}`; for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i++) { const char = str.charCodeAt(i); hash = (hash << 5) - hash + char; hash = hash & hash; } return `${hash}`; } function calculateSuiteHash(parent) { parent.tasks.forEach((t, idx) => { = `${}_${idx}`; if (t.type === "suite") calculateSuiteHash(t); }); } function createChainable(keys, fn) { function create(context) { const chain2 = function(...args) { return fn.apply(context, args); }; Object.assign(chain2, fn); chain2.withContext = () => chain2.bind(context); chain2.setContext = (key, value) => { context[key] = value; }; chain2.mergeContext = (ctx) => { Object.assign(context, ctx); }; for (const key of keys) { Object.defineProperty(chain2, key, { get() { return create({ ...context, [key]: true }); } }); } return chain2; } const chain = create({}); chain.fn = fn; return chain; } function isAtomTest(s) { return s.type === "test" || s.type === "custom"; } function getTests(suite) { const tests = []; const arraySuites = toArray(suite); for (const s of arraySuites) { if (isAtomTest(s)) { tests.push(s); } else { for (const task of s.tasks) { if (isAtomTest(task)) tests.push(task); else tests.push(...getTests(task)); } } } return tests; } function getTasks(tasks = []) { return toArray(tasks).flatMap((s) => isAtomTest(s) ? [s] : [s, ...getTasks(s.tasks)]); } function getSuites(suite) { return toArray(suite).flatMap((s) => s.type === "suite" ? [s, ...getSuites(s.tasks)] : []); } function hasTests(suite) { return toArray(suite).some((s) => s.tasks.some((c) => isAtomTest(c) || hasTests(c))); } function hasFailed(suite) { return toArray(suite).some((s) => { var _a; return ((_a = s.result) == null ? void 0 : _a.state) === "fail" || s.type === "suite" && hasFailed(s.tasks); }); } function getNames(task) { const names = []; let current = task; while ((current == null ? void 0 : current.suite) || (current == null ? void 0 : current.file)) { current = current.suite || current.file; if (current == null ? void 0 : names.unshift(; } return names; } export { getTests as a, getTasks as b, calculateSuiteHash as c, getSuites as d, hasFailed as e, getNames as f, generateHash as g, hasTests as h, interpretTaskModes as i, createChainable as j, partitionSuiteChildren as p, someTasksAreOnly as s };