import { createRequire } from 'node:module'; import path from 'node:path'; import { AstroCheck } from '@astrojs/language-server'; import { watch } from 'chokidar'; import { bold, dim, red, yellow } from 'kleur/colors'; import yargs from 'yargs'; import { hideBin } from 'yargs/helpers'; import { options } from './options.js'; /** * Given a list of arguments from the command line (such as `process.argv`), return parsed and processed options */ export function parseArgsAsCheckConfig(args) { return yargs(hideBin(args)).options(options).parseSync(); } /** * Print diagnostics according to the given flags, and return whether or not the program should exit with an error code. */ export async function check(flags) { const workspaceRoot = path.resolve(flags.root ?? process.cwd()); const require = createRequire(import.meta.url); const checker = new AstroCheck(workspaceRoot, require.resolve('typescript'), flags.tsconfig); let req = 0; if ( { function createWatcher(rootPath, extensions) { return watch(`${rootPath}/**/*{${extensions.join(',')}}`, { ignored: (ignoredPath) => ignoredPath.includes('node_modules'), ignoreInitial: true, }); } // Dynamically get the list of extensions to watch from the files already included in the project const checkedExtensions = Array.from(new Set(checker.linter.languageHost.getScriptFileNames().map((fileName) => path.extname(fileName)))); createWatcher(workspaceRoot, checkedExtensions) .on('add', (fileName) => { checker.linter.fileCreated(fileName); update(); }) .on('unlink', (fileName) => { checker.linter.fileDeleted(fileName); update(); }) .on('change', (fileName) => { checker.linter.fileUpdated(fileName); update(); }); } async function update() { if (!flags.preserveWatchOutput) process.stdout.write('\x1Bc'); await lint(); } async function lint() { const currentReq = ++req; await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 100)); const isCanceled = () => currentReq !== req; if (isCanceled()) return; const minimumSeverity = flags.minimumSeverity || 'hint'; const result = await checker.lint({ logErrors: { level: minimumSeverity, }, cancel: isCanceled, });[ bold(`Result (${result.fileChecked} file${result.fileChecked === 1 ? '' : 's'}): `), ['error', 'warning', 'hint'].includes(minimumSeverity) ? bold(red(`${result.errors} ${result.errors === 1 ? 'error' : 'errors'}`)) : undefined, ['warning', 'hint'].includes(minimumSeverity) ? bold(yellow(`${result.warnings} ${result.warnings === 1 ? 'warning' : 'warnings'}`)) : undefined, ['hint'].includes(minimumSeverity) ? dim(`${result.hints} ${result.hints === 1 ? 'hint' : 'hints'}\n`) : undefined, ] .filter(Boolean) .join(`\n${dim('-')} `)); if ( {'Watching for changes...'); } else { switch (flags.minimumFailingSeverity) { case 'error': return result.errors > 0; case 'warning': return result.errors + result.warnings > 0; case 'hint': return result.errors + result.warnings + result.hints > 0; default: return result.errors > 0; } } } // Always lint on first run, even in watch mode. const lintResult = await lint(); if (! return lintResult; } //#