# IANA Language Tags for JavaScript # [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/mattcg/language-tags.png?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/mattcg/language-tags) [![Coverage Status](https://coveralls.io/repos/mattcg/language-tags/badge.png)](https://coveralls.io/r/mattcg/language-tags) Based on [BCP 47](https://www.rfc-editor.org/info/bcp47) ([RFC 5646](https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc5646.html)) and the latest [IANA language subtag registry](http://www.iana.org/assignments/language-subtag-registry). This project will be updated as the standards change. ## JSON data ## See the [language-subtag-registry](https://github.com/mattcg/language-subtag-registry) project for the underlying JSON data. ## API ## ```js var tags = require('language-tags') ``` Note that all lookups and checks for tags and subtags are case insensitive. For formatting according to common conventions, see `tag.format`. ### tags(tag) ### Check whether a hyphen-separated tag is valid and well-formed. Always returns a `Tag`, which can be checked using the `valid` method. ### tags.check(tag) ### Shortcut for `tags(tag).valid()`. Return `true` if the tag is valid, `false` otherwise. For meaningful error output see `tag.errors()`. ### tags.subtags(subtag), tags.subtags(subtags) ### Look up one or more subtags. Returns an array of `Subtag` objects. Returns an empty array if all of the subtags are non-existent. Calling `tags.subtags('mt')` will return an array with two `Subtag` objects: one for Malta (the 'region' type subtag) and one for Maltese (the 'language' type subtag). ``` > tags.subtags('mt'); [Subtag, Subtag] > tags.subtags('bumblebee'); [] ``` To get or check a single subtag by type use `tags.language(subtag)`, `tags.region(subtag)` or `tags.type(subtag, type)`. ### tags.filter(subtags) ### The opposite of `tags.subtags(subtags)`. Returns an array of codes that are not registered subtags, otherwise returns an empty array. ``` > tags.filter(['en', 'Aargh']); ['Aargh'] ``` ### tags.search(description, [all]) ### Search for tags and subtags by description. Supports either a RegExp object or a string for `description`. Returns an array of `Subtag` and `Tag` objects or an empty array if no results were found. Note that `Tag` objects in the results represent 'grandfathered' or 'redundant' tags. These are excluded by default. Set the `all` parameter to `true` to include them. Search is case-insensitive if `description` is a string. ### tags.languages(macrolanguage) ### Returns an array of `Subtag` objects representing all the 'language' type subtags belonging to the given 'macrolanguage' type subtag. Throws an error if `macrolanguage` is not a macrolanguage. ``` > tags.languages('zh'); [Subtag, Subtag...] > tags.languages('en'); Error: 'en' is not a valid macrolanguage. ``` ### tags.language(subtag) ### Convenience method to get a single 'language' type subtag. Can be used to validate an input value as a language subtag. Returns a `Subtag` object or `null`. ``` > tags.language('en'); Subtag > tags.language('us'); null ``` ### tags.region(subtag) ### As above, but with 'region' type subtags. ``` > tags.region('mt'); Subtag > tags.region('en'); null ``` ### tags.type(subtag, type) ### Get a subtag by type. Returns the subtag matching `type` as a `Subtag` object otherwise returns `null`. A `type` consists of one of the following strings: 'language', 'extlang', 'script', 'region' or 'variant'. To get a 'grandfathered' or 'redundant' type tag use `tags(tag)`. ``` > tags.type('zh', 'macrolanguage'); Subtag > tags.type('zh', 'script'); null ``` ### tags.date() ### Returns the file date for the underlying data, as a string. ``` > tags.date(); '2004-06-28' ``` ### Subtag ### #### subtag.type() #### Get the subtag type (either 'language', 'extlang', 'script', 'region' or 'variant'). See [RFC 5646 section 2.2](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5646#section-2.2) for type definitions. #### subtag.descriptions() #### Returns an array of description strings (a subtag may have more than one description). ``` > tags.language('ro').descriptions(); ['Romanian', 'Moldavian', 'Moldovan'] ``` #### subtag.preferred() #### Returns a preferred subtag as a `Subtag` object if the subtag is deprecated. For example, `ro` is preferred over deprecated `mo`. ``` > tags.language('mo').preferred(); Subtag ``` #### subtag.script() #### For subtags of type 'language' or 'extlang', returns a `Subtag` object representing the language's default script. See [RFC 5646 section 3.1.9](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5646#section-3.1.9) for a definition of 'Suppress-Script'. #### subtag.scope() #### Returns the subtag scope as a string, or `null` if the subtag has no scope. Tip: if the subtag represents a macrolanguage, you can use `tags.languages(macrolanguage)` to get a list of all the macrolanguage's individual languages. ``` > tags.language('zh').scope(); 'macrolanguage' > tags.language('nah').scope(); 'collection' ``` #### subtag.deprecated() #### Returns a date string reflecting the deprecation date if the subtag is deprecated, otherwise returns `null`. ``` > tags.language('ja').deprecated(); '2008-11-22' ``` #### subtag.added() #### Returns a date string reflecting the date the subtag was added to the registry. ``` > tags.language('ja').added(); '2005-10-16' ``` #### subtag.comments() #### Returns an array of comments, if any, otherwise returns an empty array. ``` > tags.language('nmf').comments(); ['see ntx'] ``` #### subtag.format() #### Return the subtag code formatted according to the case conventions defined in [RFC 5646 section 2.1.1](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5646#section-2.1.1). - language codes are made lowercase ('mn' for Mongolian) - script codes are made lowercase with the initial letter capitalized ('Cyrl' for Cyrillic) - country codes are capitalized ('MN' for Mongolia) ### Tag ### #### tag.preferred() #### If the tag is listed as 'deprecated' or 'redundant' it might have a preferred value. This method returns a `Tag` object if so. ``` > tags('zh-cmn-Hant').preferred(); Tag ``` #### tag.type() #### Returns `grandfathered` if the tag is grandfathered, `redundant` if the tag is redundant, and `tag` if neither. For a definition of grandfathered and redundant tags, see [RFC 5646 section 2.2.8](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5646#section-2.2.8). #### tag.subtags() #### Returns an array of subtags making up the tag, as `Subtag` objects. #### tag.language(), tag.region(), tag.script() #### Shortcuts for `tag.find('language')`, `tag.find('region')` and `tag.find('script')`. #### tag.find(type) #### Find a subtag of the given type from those making up the tag. #### tag.valid() #### Returns `true` if the tag is valid, `false` otherwise. #### tag.errors() #### Returns an array of `Error` objects if the tag is invalid. The `message` property of each is readable and helpful enough for UI output. The `code` property can be checked against the `Tag.ERR_*` constants. Each error will also have either a `subtag` or `tag` property with the code of the offending tag. #### tag.format() #### Format a tag according to the case conventions defined in [RFC 5646 section 2.1.1](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5646#section-2.1.1). ``` > tags('en-gb').format(); 'en-GB' ``` #### tag.deprecated() #### For grandfathered or redundant tags, returns a date string reflecting the deprecation date if the tag is deprecated. ``` > tags('zh-cmn-Hant').deprecated(); '2009-07-29' ``` #### tag.added() #### For grandfathered or redundant tags, returns a date string reflecting the date the tag was added to the registry. #### tag.descriptions() #### Returns an array of tag descriptions for grandfathered or redundant tags, otherwise returns an empty array. ## Resources ## - [Python version by the Flanders Heritage Agency](https://github.com/OnroerendErfgoed/language-tags) - [Language Subtag Lookup tool by Richard Ishida](http://rishida.net/utils/subtags/) - [W3C Internationalization Checker](http://validator.w3.org/i18n-checker/) - [RFC 5646](http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5646) ## Credits and collaboration ## Copyright (c) 2013, [Matthew Caruana Galizia](http://twitter.com/mcaruanagalizia). The software part of this project is licensed under an [MIT licence](http://mattcg.mit-license.org/). Comments, feedback and suggestions are welcome. Please feel free to raise an issue or pull request. Enjoy.