import { map } from './common/map.js'; import { nullTag } from './common/null.js'; import { seq } from './common/seq.js'; import { string } from './common/string.js'; import { boolTag } from './core/bool.js'; import { float, floatExp, floatNaN } from './core/float.js'; import { int, intHex, intOct } from './core/int.js'; import { schema } from './core/schema.js'; import { schema as schema$1 } from './json/schema.js'; import { binary } from './yaml-1.1/binary.js'; import { omap } from './yaml-1.1/omap.js'; import { pairs } from './yaml-1.1/pairs.js'; import { schema as schema$2 } from './yaml-1.1/schema.js'; import { set } from './yaml-1.1/set.js'; import { timestamp, floatTime, intTime } from './yaml-1.1/timestamp.js'; const schemas = new Map([ ['core', schema], ['failsafe', [map, seq, string]], ['json', schema$1], ['yaml11', schema$2], ['yaml-1.1', schema$2] ]); const tagsByName = { binary, bool: boolTag, float, floatExp, floatNaN, floatTime, int, intHex, intOct, intTime, map, null: nullTag, omap, pairs, seq, set, timestamp }; const coreKnownTags = { ',2002:binary': binary, ',2002:omap': omap, ',2002:pairs': pairs, ',2002:set': set, ',2002:timestamp': timestamp }; function getTags(customTags, schemaName) { let tags = schemas.get(schemaName); if (!tags) { if (Array.isArray(customTags)) tags = []; else { const keys = Array.from(schemas.keys()) .filter(key => key !== 'yaml11') .map(key => JSON.stringify(key)) .join(', '); throw new Error(`Unknown schema "${schemaName}"; use one of ${keys} or define customTags array`); } } if (Array.isArray(customTags)) { for (const tag of customTags) tags = tags.concat(tag); } else if (typeof customTags === 'function') { tags = customTags(tags.slice()); } return => { if (typeof tag !== 'string') return tag; const tagObj = tagsByName[tag]; if (tagObj) return tagObj; const keys = Object.keys(tagsByName) .map(key => JSON.stringify(key)) .join(', '); throw new Error(`Unknown custom tag "${tag}"; use one of ${keys}`); }); } export { coreKnownTags, getTags };