import process$1 from 'node:process'; import UnocssInspector from '@unocss/inspector'; import { resolve, isAbsolute, dirname } from 'node:path'; import fs from 'node:fs/promises'; import fg from 'fast-glob'; import MagicString from 'magic-string'; import remapping from '@ampproject/remapping'; import { createHash } from 'node:crypto'; import { cssIdRE, createGenerator, BetterMap, notNull, toEscapedSelector } from '@unocss/core'; import { Buffer } from 'node:buffer'; import { createFilter } from '@rollup/pluginutils'; import fs$1 from 'node:fs'; import { fileURLToPath } from 'node:url'; import { loadConfig } from '@unocss/config'; const defaultPipelineExclude = [cssIdRE]; const defaultPipelineInclude = [/\.(vue|svelte|[jt]sx|mdx?|astro|elm|php|phtml|html)($|\?)/]; const VIRTUAL_ENTRY_ALIAS = [ /^(?:virtual:)?uno(?::(.+))?\.css(\?.*)?$/ ]; const LAYER_MARK_ALL = "__ALL__"; const RESOLVED_ID_WITH_QUERY_RE = /[\/\\]__uno(?:(_.*?))?\.css(\?.*)?$/; const RESOLVED_ID_RE = /[\/\\]__uno(?:(_.*?))?\.css$/; function resolveId(id) { if (id.match(RESOLVED_ID_WITH_QUERY_RE)) return id; for (const alias of VIRTUAL_ENTRY_ALIAS) { const match = id.match(alias); if (match) { return match[1] ? `/__uno_${match[1]}.css` : "/__uno.css"; } } } function resolveLayer(id) { const match = id.match(RESOLVED_ID_RE); if (match) return match[1] || LAYER_MARK_ALL; } const LAYER_PLACEHOLDER_RE = /(\\?")?#--unocss--\s*{\s*layer\s*:\s*(.+?);?\s*}/g; function getLayerPlaceholder(layer) { return `#--unocss--{layer:${layer}}`; } const HASH_PLACEHOLDER_RE = /#--unocss-hash--\s*{\s*content\s*:\s*\\*"(.+?)\\*";?\s*}/g; function getHashPlaceholder(hash) { return `#--unocss-hash--{content:"${hash}"}`; } const INCLUDE_COMMENT = "@unocss-include"; const IGNORE_COMMENT = "@unocss-ignore"; const CSS_PLACEHOLDER = "@unocss-placeholder"; const SKIP_START_COMMENT = "@unocss-skip-start"; const SKIP_END_COMMENT = "@unocss-skip-end"; const SKIP_COMMENT_RE = new RegExp(`(//\\s*?${SKIP_START_COMMENT}\\s*?|\\/\\*\\s*?${SKIP_START_COMMENT}\\s*?\\*\\/|)[\\s\\S]*?(//\\s*?${SKIP_END_COMMENT}\\s*?|\\/\\*\\s*?${SKIP_END_COMMENT}\\s*?\\*\\/|)`, "g"); function deprecationCheck(config) { let warned = false; function warn(msg) { warned = true; console.warn(`[unocss] ${msg}`); } if (config.include) warn("`include` option is deprecated, use `content.pipeline.include` instead."); if (config.exclude) warn("`exclude` option is deprecated, use `content.pipeline.exclude` instead."); if (config.extraContent) warn("`extraContent` option is deprecated, use `content` instead."); if (config.content?.plain) warn("`content.plain` option is renamed to `content.inline`."); if (warned && typeof process !== "undefined" && process.env.CI) throw new Error("deprecation warning"); } function createContext(configOrPath, defaults = {}, extraConfigSources = [], resolveConfigResult = () => { }) { let root = process$1.cwd(); let rawConfig = {}; let configFileList = []; const uno = createGenerator(rawConfig, defaults); let rollupFilter = createFilter(defaultPipelineInclude, defaultPipelineExclude); const invalidations = []; const reloadListeners = []; const modules = new BetterMap(); const tokens = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const tasks = []; const affectedModules = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); let ready = reloadConfig(); async function reloadConfig() { const result = await loadConfig(root, configOrPath, extraConfigSources, defaults); resolveConfigResult(result); deprecationCheck(result.config); rawConfig = result.config; configFileList = result.sources; uno.setConfig(rawConfig); uno.config.envMode = "dev"; rollupFilter = rawConfig.content?.pipeline === false ? () => false : createFilter( rawConfig.content?.pipeline?.include || rawConfig.include || defaultPipelineInclude, rawConfig.content?.pipeline?.exclude || rawConfig.exclude || defaultPipelineExclude ); tokens.clear(); await Promise.all(, id) => uno.applyExtractors(code.replace(SKIP_COMMENT_RE, ""), id, tokens))); invalidate(); dispatchReload(); const presets = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); uno.config.presets.forEach((i) => { if (! return; if (presets.has( console.warn(`[unocss] duplication of preset ${} found, there might be something wrong with your config.`); else presets.add(; }); return result; } async function updateRoot(newRoot) { if (newRoot !== root) { root = newRoot; ready = reloadConfig(); } return await ready; } function invalidate() { invalidations.forEach((cb) => cb()); } function dispatchReload() { reloadListeners.forEach((cb) => cb()); } async function extract(code, id) { if (id) modules.set(id, code); const len = tokens.size; await uno.applyExtractors(code.replace(SKIP_COMMENT_RE, ""), id, tokens); if (tokens.size > len) invalidate(); } function filter(code, id) { if (code.includes(IGNORE_COMMENT)) return false; return code.includes(INCLUDE_COMMENT) || code.includes(CSS_PLACEHOLDER) || rollupFilter(id.replace(/\?v=\w+$/, "")); } async function getConfig() { await ready; return rawConfig; } async function flushTasks() { const _tasks = [...tasks]; await Promise.all(_tasks); tasks.splice(0, _tasks.length); } return { get ready() { return ready; }, tokens, modules, affectedModules, tasks, flushTasks, invalidate, onInvalidate(fn) { invalidations.push(fn); }, filter, reloadConfig, onReload(fn) { reloadListeners.push(fn); }, uno, extract, getConfig, get root() { return root; }, updateRoot, getConfigFileList: () => configFileList }; } function getPath(id) { return id.replace(/\?.*$/, ""); } function getHash(input, length = 8) { return createHash("sha256").update(input).digest("hex").slice(0, length); } function hash(str) { let i; let l; let hval = 2166136261; for (i = 0, l = str.length; i < l; i++) { hval ^= str.charCodeAt(i); hval += (hval << 1) + (hval << 4) + (hval << 7) + (hval << 8) + (hval << 24); } return `00000${(hval >>> 0).toString(36)}`.slice(-6); } function replaceAsync(string, searchValue, replacer) { try { if (typeof replacer === "function") { const values = [];, searchValue, (...args) => { values.push(replacer(...args)); return ""; }); return Promise.all(values).then((resolvedValues) => { return, searchValue, () => { return resolvedValues.shift() || ""; }); }); } else { return Promise.resolve(, searchValue, replacer) ); } } catch (error) { return Promise.reject(error); } } function ChunkModeBuildPlugin({ uno, filter }) { let cssPlugin; const files = {}; return { name: "unocss:chunk", apply: "build", enforce: "pre", configResolved(config) { cssPlugin = config.plugins.find((i) => === "vite:css-post"); }, transform(code, id) { if (!filter(code, id)) return; files[id] = code; return null; }, async renderChunk(_, chunk) { const chunks = Object.keys(chunk.modules).map((i) => files[i]).filter(Boolean); if (!chunks.length) return null; const tokens = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); await Promise.all( => uno.applyExtractors(c, void 0, tokens))); const { css } = await uno.generate(tokens); const fakeCssId = `${chunk.fileName}.css`; await cssPlugin.transform(css, fakeCssId); chunk.modules[fakeCssId] = { code: null, originalLength: 0, removedExports: [], renderedExports: [], renderedLength: 0 }; return null; }, async transformIndexHtml(code) { const { css } = await uno.generate(code); if (css) return `${code}`; } }; } async function applyTransformers(ctx, original, id, enforce = "default") { if (original.includes(IGNORE_COMMENT)) return; const transformers = ( || []).filter((i) => (i.enforce || "default") === enforce); if (!transformers.length) return; const skipMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let code = original; let s = new MagicString(transformSkipCode(code, skipMap)); const maps = []; for (const t of transformers) { if (t.idFilter) { if (!t.idFilter(id)) continue; } else if (!ctx.filter(code, id)) { continue; } await t.transform(s, id, ctx); if (s.hasChanged()) { code = restoreSkipCode(s.toString(), skipMap); maps.push(s.generateMap({ hires: true, source: id })); s = new MagicString(code); } } if (code !== original) { ctx.affectedModules.add(id); return { code, map: remapping(maps, () => null) }; } } function transformSkipCode(code, map) { for (const item of Array.from(code.matchAll(SKIP_COMMENT_RE))) { if (item != null) { const matched = item[0]; const withHashKey = `@unocss-skip-placeholder-${hash(matched)}`; map.set(withHashKey, matched); code = code.replace(matched, withHashKey); } } return code; } function restoreSkipCode(code, map) { for (const [withHashKey, matched] of map.entries()) code = code.replace(withHashKey, matched); return code; } async function setupContentExtractor(ctx, shouldWatch = false) { const { content } = await ctx.getConfig(); const { extract, tasks, root, filter } = ctx; if (content?.inline) { await Promise.all( (c, idx) => { if (typeof c === "function") c = await c(); if (typeof c === "string") c = { code: c }; return extract(c.code, ?? `__plain_content_${idx}__`); }) ); } if (content?.filesystem) { const files = await fg(content.filesystem, { cwd: root }); async function extractFile(file) { file = isAbsolute(file) ? file : resolve(root, file); const code = await fs.readFile(file, "utf-8"); if (!filter(code, file)) return; const preTransform = await applyTransformers(ctx, code, file, "pre"); const defaultTransform = await applyTransformers(ctx, preTransform?.code || code, file); await applyTransformers(ctx, defaultTransform?.code || preTransform?.code || code, file, "post"); return await extract(preTransform?.code || code, file); } if (shouldWatch) { const { watch } = await import('chokidar'); const ignored = ["**/{.git,node_modules}/**"]; const watcher = watch(files, { ignorePermissionErrors: true, ignored, cwd: root, ignoreInitial: true }); watcher.on("all", (type, file) => { if (type === "add" || type === "change") { const absolutePath = resolve(root, file); tasks.push(extractFile(absolutePath)); } }); } await Promise.all(; } } function isLegacyChunk(chunk, options) { return options.format === "system" && chunk.fileName.includes("-legacy"); } function GlobalModeBuildPlugin(ctx) { const { uno, ready, extract, tokens, filter, getConfig, tasks, flushTasks } = ctx; const vfsLayers = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const layerImporterMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let viteConfig; const cssPostPlugins = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const cssPlugins = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); async function applyCssTransform(css, id, dir, ctx2) { const { postcss = true } = await getConfig(); if (!cssPlugins.get(dir) || !postcss) return css; const result = await cssPlugins.get(dir), css, id); if (!result) return css; if (typeof result === "string") css = result; else if (result.code) css = result.code; css = css.replace(/[\n\r]/g, ""); return css; } let lastTokenSize = 0; let lastResult; async function generateAll() { await flushTasks(); if (lastResult && lastTokenSize === tokens.size) return lastResult; lastResult = await uno.generate(tokens, { minify: true }); lastTokenSize = tokens.size; return lastResult; } let replaced = false; return [ { name: "unocss:global:build:scan", apply: "build", enforce: "pre", async buildStart() { vfsLayers.clear(); tasks.length = 0; lastTokenSize = 0; lastResult = void 0; }, transform(code, id) { if (filter(code, id)) tasks.push(extract(code, id)); return null; }, transformIndexHtml: { order: "pre", handler(code, { filename }) { tasks.push(extract(code, filename)); }, // Compatibility with Legacy Vite enforce: "pre", transform(code, { filename }) { tasks.push(extract(code, filename)); } }, resolveId(id, importer) { const entry = resolveId(id); if (entry) { const layer = resolveLayer(entry); if (layer) { vfsLayers.add(layer); if (importer) layerImporterMap.set(importer, entry); } return entry; } }, load(id) { const layer = resolveLayer(getPath(id)); if (layer) { vfsLayers.add(layer); return getLayerPlaceholder(layer); } }, moduleParsed({ id, importedIds }) { if (!layerImporterMap.has(id)) return; const layerKey = layerImporterMap.get(id); if (!importedIds.includes(layerKey)) { layerImporterMap.delete(id); vfsLayers.delete(resolveLayer(layerKey)); } }, async configResolved(config) { const distDirs = [ resolve(config.root, ]; if ( { const outputOptions =; const outputDirs = Array.isArray(outputOptions) ? => option.dir).filter(Boolean) : outputOptions.dir ? [outputOptions.dir] : []; outputDirs.forEach((dir) => { distDirs.push(dir); if (!isAbsolute(dir)) distDirs.push(resolve(config.root, dir)); }); } const cssPostPlugin = config.plugins.find((i) => === "vite:css-post"); const cssPlugin = config.plugins.find((i) => === "vite:css"); if (cssPostPlugin) distDirs.forEach((dir) => cssPostPlugins.set(dir, cssPostPlugin)); if (cssPlugin) distDirs.forEach((dir) => cssPlugins.set(dir, cssPlugin)); await ready; }, // we inject a hash to chunk before the dist hash calculation to make sure // the hash is different when unocss changes async renderChunk(_, chunk, options) { if (isLegacyChunk(chunk, options)) return null; if (!Object.keys(chunk.modules).some((i) => i.match(RESOLVED_ID_RE))) return null; const cssPost = cssPostPlugins.get(options.dir); if (!cssPost) { this.warn("[unocss] failed to find vite:css-post plugin. It might be an internal bug of UnoCSS"); return null; } let { css } = await generateAll(); const fakeCssId = `${viteConfig.root}/${chunk.fileName}-unocss-hash.css`; css = await applyCssTransform(css, fakeCssId, options.dir, this); const hash = getHash(css); const transformHandler = "handler" in cssPost.transform ? cssPost.transform.handler : cssPost.transform; await{}, getHashPlaceholder(hash), fakeCssId); chunk.modules[fakeCssId] = { code: null, originalLength: 0, removedExports: [], renderedExports: [], renderedLength: 0 }; return null; } }, { name: "unocss:global:content", enforce: "pre", configResolved(config) { viteConfig = config; }, buildStart() { tasks.push(setupContentExtractor(ctx, viteConfig.command === "serve")); } }, { name: "unocss:global:build:generate", apply: "build", async renderChunk(code, chunk, options) { if (isLegacyChunk(chunk, options)) return null; if (!Object.keys(chunk.modules).some((i) => i.match(RESOLVED_ID_RE))) return null; const cssPost = cssPostPlugins.get(options.dir); if (!cssPost) { this.warn("[unocss] failed to find vite:css-post plugin. It might be an internal bug of UnoCSS"); return null; } const result = await generateAll(); const mappedVfsLayer = Array.from(vfsLayers).map((layer) => layer === LAYER_MARK_ALL ? layer : layer.replace(/^_/, "")); const cssWithLayers = Array.from(vfsLayers).map((layer) => `#--unocss-layer-start--${layer}--{start:${layer}} ${layer === LAYER_MARK_ALL ? result.getLayers(void 0, mappedVfsLayer) : result.getLayer(layer.replace(/^_/, "")) || ""} #--unocss-layer-end--${layer}--{end:${layer}}`).join(""); const fakeCssId = `${viteConfig.root}/${chunk.fileName}-unocss-hash.css`; const css = await applyCssTransform(cssWithLayers, fakeCssId, options.dir, this); const transformHandler = "handler" in cssPost.transform ? cssPost.transform.handler : cssPost.transform; await{}, css, fakeCssId); } }, { name: "unocss:global:build:bundle", apply: "build", enforce: "post", // rewrite the css placeholders async generateBundle(options, bundle) { const checkJs = ["umd", "amd", "iife"].includes(options.format); const files = Object.keys(bundle).filter((i) => i.endsWith(".css") || checkJs && i.endsWith(".js")); if (!files.length) return; if (!vfsLayers.size) { if (replaced) return; const msg = "[unocss] entry module not found, have you add `import 'uno.css'` in your main entry?"; this.warn(msg); return; } const getLayer = (layer, input, replace = false) => { const re = new RegExp(`#--unocss-layer-start--${layer}--\\{start:${layer}\\}([\\s\\S]*?)#--unocss-layer-end--${layer}--\\{end:${layer}\\}`, "g"); if (replace) return input.replace(re, ""); const match = re.exec(input); if (match) return match[1]; return ""; }; for (const file of files) { const chunk = bundle[file]; if (chunk.type === "asset" && typeof chunk.source === "string") { const css = chunk.source.replace(HASH_PLACEHOLDER_RE, ""); chunk.source = await replaceAsync(css, LAYER_PLACEHOLDER_RE, async (_, __, layer) => { replaced = true; return getLayer(layer, css); }); Array.from(vfsLayers).forEach((layer) => { chunk.source = getLayer(layer, chunk.source, true); }); } else if (chunk.type === "chunk" && typeof chunk.code === "string") { const js = chunk.code.replace(HASH_PLACEHOLDER_RE, ""); chunk.code = await replaceAsync(js, LAYER_PLACEHOLDER_RE, async (_, __, layer) => { replaced = true; const css = getLayer(layer, js); return css.replace(/\n/g, "").replace(/(? { chunk.code = getLayer(layer, chunk.code, true); }); } } if (!replaced) { let msg = "[unocss] does not found CSS placeholder in the generated chunks"; if ( && checkJs) msg += "\nIt seems you are building in library mode, it's recommended to set `build.cssCodeSplit` to true.\nSee"; else msg += "\nThis is likely an internal bug of unocss vite plugin"; this.error(msg); } } } ]; } const WARN_TIMEOUT = 2e4; const WS_EVENT_PREFIX = "unocss:hmr"; const HASH_LENGTH = 6; function GlobalModeDevPlugin({ uno, tokens, tasks, flushTasks, affectedModules, onInvalidate, extract, filter, getConfig }) { const servers = []; const entries = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); let invalidateTimer; const lastServedHash = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let lastServedTime =; let resolved = false; let resolvedWarnTimer; async function generateCSS(layer) { await flushTasks(); let result; let tokensSize = tokens.size; do { result = await uno.generate(tokens); if (tokensSize === tokens.size) break; tokensSize = tokens.size; } while (true); const css = layer === LAYER_MARK_ALL ? result.getLayers(void 0, Array.from(entries).map((i) => resolveLayer(i)).filter((i) => !!i)) : result.getLayer(layer); const hash = getHash(css || "", HASH_LENGTH); lastServedHash.set(layer, hash); lastServedTime =; return { hash, css }; } function invalidate(timer = 10, ids = entries) { for (const server of servers) { for (const id of ids) { const mod = server.moduleGraph.getModuleById(id); if (!mod) continue; server.moduleGraph.invalidateModule(mod); } } clearTimeout(invalidateTimer); invalidateTimer = setTimeout(() => { lastServedHash.clear(); sendUpdate(ids); }, timer); } function sendUpdate(ids) { for (const server of servers) {{ type: "update", updates: Array.from(ids).map((id) => { const mod = server.moduleGraph.getModuleById(id); if (!mod) return null; return { acceptedPath: mod.url, path: mod.url, timestamp: lastServedTime, type: "js-update" }; }).filter(notNull) }); } } function setWarnTimer() { if (!resolved && !resolvedWarnTimer) { resolvedWarnTimer = setTimeout(() => { if (process$1.env.TEST || process$1.env.NODE_ENV === "test") return; if (!resolved) { const msg = "[unocss] entry module not found, have you add `import 'uno.css'` in your main entry?"; console.warn(msg); servers.forEach(({ ws }) => ws.send({ type: "error", err: { message: msg, stack: "" } })); } }, WARN_TIMEOUT); } } function clearWarnTimer() { if (resolvedWarnTimer) { clearTimeout(resolvedWarnTimer); resolvedWarnTimer = void 0; } } onInvalidate(() => { invalidate(10, /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([...entries, ...affectedModules])); }); return [ { name: "unocss:global", apply: "serve", enforce: "pre", async configureServer(_server) { servers.push(_server);, async ([layer]) => { const preHash = lastServedHash.get(layer); await generateCSS(layer); if (lastServedHash.get(layer) !== preHash) sendUpdate(entries); }); }, buildStart() { uno.generate([], { preflights: true }); }, transform(code, id) { if (filter(code, id)) tasks.push(extract(code, id)); return null; }, transformIndexHtml: { order: "pre", handler(code, { filename }) { setWarnTimer(); tasks.push(extract(code, filename)); }, // Compatibility with Legacy Vite enforce: "pre", transform(code, { filename }) { setWarnTimer(); tasks.push(extract(code, filename)); } }, resolveId(id) { const entry = resolveId(id); if (entry) { resolved = true; clearWarnTimer(); entries.add(entry); return entry; } }, async load(id) { const layer = resolveLayer(getPath(id)); if (!layer) return null; const { hash, css } = await generateCSS(layer); return { // add hash to the chunk of CSS that it will send back to client to check if there is new CSS generated code: `__uno_hash_${hash}{--:'';}${css}`, map: { mappings: "" } }; }, closeBundle() { clearWarnTimer(); } }, { name: "unocss:global:post", apply(config, env) { return env.command === "serve" && !; }, enforce: "post", async transform(code, id) { const layer = resolveLayer(getPath(id)); if (layer && code.includes("")) { let hmr = ` try { let hash = __vite__css.match(/__uno_hash_(\\w{${HASH_LENGTH}})/) hash = hash && hash[1] if (!hash) console.warn('[unocss-hmr]', 'failed to get unocss hash, hmr might not work') else await'${WS_EVENT_PREFIX}', ['${layer}']); } catch (e) { console.warn('[unocss-hmr]', e) } if (!import.meta.url.includes('?')) await new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, 100))`; const config = await getConfig(); if (config.hmrTopLevelAwait === false) hmr = `;(async function() {${hmr} })()`; hmr = ` if ( {${hmr}}`; const s = new MagicString(code); s.append(hmr); return { code: s.toString(), map: s.generateMap() }; } } } ]; } function GlobalModePlugin(ctx) { return [ ...GlobalModeBuildPlugin(ctx), ...GlobalModeDevPlugin(ctx) ]; } const VIRTUAL_PREFIX = "/@unocss/"; const SCOPE_IMPORT_RE = / from (['"])(@unocss\/scope)\1/; function PerModuleModePlugin({ uno, filter }) { const moduleMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); let server; const invalidate = (hash) => { if (!server) return; const id = `${VIRTUAL_PREFIX}${hash}.css`; const mod = server.moduleGraph.getModuleById(id); if (!mod) return; server.moduleGraph.invalidateModule(mod);{ type: "update", updates: [{ acceptedPath: id, path: id, timestamp:, type: "js-update" }] }); }; return [ { name: "unocss:module-scope:pre", enforce: "pre", resolveId(id) { const entry = resolveId(id); if (entry) return entry; }, async load(id) { const layer = resolveLayer(getPath(id)); if (!layer) return null; const { css } = await uno.generate("", { preflights: true }); if (!css) return null; return { code: css, map: null }; }, async transform(code, id) { if (!filter(code, id)) return; const hash = getHash(id); const hasScope = code.match(SCOPE_IMPORT_RE); const { css } = await uno.generate(code, { id, scope: hasScope ? `.${hash}` : void 0, preflights: false }); if (!css && !hasScope) return null; if (hasScope) code = code.replace(SCOPE_IMPORT_RE, ` from 'data:text/javascript;base64,${Buffer.from(`export default () => "${hash}"`).toString("base64")}'`); moduleMap.set(hash, [id, css]); invalidate(hash); return null; } }, { name: "unocss:module-scope", enforce: "post", configureServer(_server) { server = _server; }, async transform(code, id) { if (!filter(code, id)) return; const hash = getHash(id); invalidate(hash); const module = moduleMap.get(hash) || []; if (module.length) { return { code: `import "${VIRTUAL_PREFIX}${hash}.css";${code}`, map: null }; } }, resolveId(id) { return id.startsWith(VIRTUAL_PREFIX) ? id : null; }, load(id) { if (!id.startsWith(VIRTUAL_PREFIX)) return null; const hash = id.slice(VIRTUAL_PREFIX.length, -".css".length); const [source, css] = moduleMap.get(hash) || []; if (source) this.addWatchFile(source); return ` /* unocss ${source} */ ${css}`; } } ]; } function VueScopedPlugin({ uno, ready }) { let filter = createFilter([/\.vue$/], defaultPipelineExclude); async function transformSFC(code) { const { css } = await uno.generate(code); if (!css) return null; return `${code} `; } return { name: "unocss:vue-scoped", enforce: "pre", async configResolved() { const { config } = await ready; filter = config.content?.pipeline === false ? () => false : createFilter( config.content?.pipeline?.include ?? config.include ?? [/\.vue$/], config.content?.pipeline?.exclude ?? config.exclude ?? defaultPipelineExclude ); }, transform(code, id) { if (!filter(id)) return; return transformSFC(code); }, handleHotUpdate(ctx) { const read =; if (filter(ctx.file)) { = async () => { const code = await read(); return await transformSFC(code) || code; }; } } }; } function ShadowDomModuleModePlugin({ uno }) { const partExtractorRegex = /^part-\[(.+)]:/; const nameRegexp = /<([^\s^!>]+)\s*([^>]*)>/; const vueSFCStyleRE = new RegExp(`[\\s\\S]*${CSS_PLACEHOLDER}[\\s\\S]*<\\/style>`); const checkElement = (useParts, idxResolver, element) => { if (!element) return null; const applyParts = useParts.filter((p) => element[2].includes(p.rule)); if (applyParts.length === 0) return null; const name = element[1]; const idx = idxResolver(name); return { name, entries:{ rule, part }) => [ `.${rule.replace(/[:[\]]/g, "\\$&")}::part(${part})`, `${name}:nth-of-type(${idx})::part(${part})` ]) }; }; const idxMapFactory = () => { const elementIdxMap = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); return { idxResolver: (name) => { let idx = elementIdxMap.get(name); if (!idx) { idx = 1; elementIdxMap.set(name, idx); } return idx; }, incrementIdx: (name) => { elementIdxMap.set(name, elementIdxMap.get(name) + 1); } }; }; const transformWebComponent = async (code, id) => { if (!code.match(CSS_PLACEHOLDER)) return code; let { css, matched } = await uno.generate(code, { preflights: true, safelist: true }); if (css && matched) { const useParts = Array.from(matched).reduce((acc, rule) => { const matcher = rule.match(partExtractorRegex); if (matcher) acc.push({ part: matcher[1], rule }); return acc; }, new Array()); if (useParts.length > 0) { let useCode = code; let element; const partsToApply = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const { idxResolver, incrementIdx } = idxMapFactory(); while (element = nameRegexp.exec(useCode)) { const result = checkElement( useParts, idxResolver, element ); if (result) { result.entries.forEach(([name, replacement]) => { let list = partsToApply.get(name); if (!list) { list = []; partsToApply.set(name, list); } list.push(replacement); }); incrementIdx(; } useCode = useCode.slice(element[0].length + 1); } if (partsToApply.size > 0) { css = Array.from(partsToApply.entries()).reduce((k, [r, name]) => { return k.replace(r, name.join(",\n")); }, css); } } } if (id.includes("?vue&type=style") || id.endsWith(".vue") && vueSFCStyleRE.test(code)) return code.replace(new RegExp(`(\\/\\*\\s*)?${CSS_PLACEHOLDER}(\\s*\\*\\/)?`), css || ""); return code.replace(CSS_PLACEHOLDER, css?.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\")?.replace(/`/g, "\\`") ?? ""); }; return { name: "unocss:shadow-dom", enforce: "pre", async transform(code, id) { return transformWebComponent(code, id); }, handleHotUpdate(ctx) { const read =; = async () => { const code = await read(); return await transformWebComponent(code, ctx.file); }; } }; } function ConfigHMRPlugin(ctx) { const { ready, uno } = ctx; return { name: "unocss:config", async configResolved(config) { await ctx.updateRoot(config.root); }, async configureServer(server) { uno.config.envMode = "dev"; const { sources } = await ready; if (!sources.length) return; server.watcher.add(sources); server.watcher.on("change", async (p) => { if (!sources.includes(p)) return; await ctx.reloadConfig();{ type: "custom", event: "unocss:config-changed" }); }); } }; } function createTransformerPlugins(ctx) { const orders = ["default", "pre", "post"]; return => { const order = _order === "default" ? void 0 : _order; const htmlHandler = (code) => { return applyTransformers(ctx, code, "index.html", order).then((t) => t?.code); }; return { name: `unocss:transformers:${order}`, enforce: order, transform(code, id) { return applyTransformers(ctx, code, id, order); }, transformIndexHtml: { order, handler: htmlHandler, // Compatibility with Legacy Vite enforce: order, transform: htmlHandler } }; }); } const _dirname = typeof __dirname !== "undefined" ? __dirname : dirname(fileURLToPath(import.meta.url)); const DEVTOOLS_MODULE_ID = "virtual:unocss-devtools"; const MOCK_CLASSES_MODULE_ID = "virtual:unocss-mock-classes"; const MOCK_CLASSES_PATH = "/@unocss/mock-classes"; const DEVTOOLS_PATH = "/@unocss/devtools"; const DEVTOOLS_CSS_PATH = "/@unocss/devtools.css"; const devtoolCss = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const MODULES_MAP = { [DEVTOOLS_MODULE_ID]: DEVTOOLS_PATH, [MOCK_CLASSES_MODULE_ID]: MOCK_CLASSES_PATH }; const BASE_POST_PATH = "/@unocss-devtools-update"; function getBodyJson(req) { return new Promise((resolve2, reject) => { let body = ""; req.on("data", (chunk) => body += chunk); req.on("error", reject); req.on("end", () => { try { resolve2(JSON.parse(body) || {}); } catch (e) { reject(e); } }); }); } function createDevtoolsPlugin(ctx, pluginConfig) { let config; let server; let clientCode = ""; let devtoolTimer; let lastUpdate =; let postPath = BASE_POST_PATH; function toClass(name) { return `${toEscapedSelector(name)}{}`; } function updateDevtoolClass() { clearTimeout(devtoolTimer); devtoolTimer = setTimeout(() => { lastUpdate =; if (!server) return; const mod = server.moduleGraph.getModuleById(DEVTOOLS_CSS_PATH); if (!mod) return; server.moduleGraph.invalidateModule(mod);{ type: "update", updates: [{ acceptedPath: DEVTOOLS_CSS_PATH, path: DEVTOOLS_CSS_PATH, timestamp: lastUpdate, type: "js-update" }] }); }, 100); } async function getMockClassesInjector() { const suggest = Object.keys(; const comment = "/* unocss CSS mock class names for devtools auto-completion */\n"; const css =""); return ` const style = document.createElement('style') style.setAttribute('type', 'text/css') style.innerHTML = ${JSON.stringify(comment + css)} document.head.prepend(style) `; } return [ { name: "unocss:devtools", configResolved(_config) { config = _config; postPath = `${config.base?.replace(/\/$/, "") ?? ""}${BASE_POST_PATH}`; }, configureServer(_server) { server = _server; server.middlewares.use(async (req, res, next) => { if (req.url !== postPath) return next(); try { const data = await getBodyJson(req); const type = data?.type; let changed = false; switch (type) { case "add-classes": => { if (!devtoolCss.has(key)) { devtoolCss.add(key); changed = true; } }); if (changed) updateDevtoolClass(); } res.statusCode = 200; } catch (e) { console.error(e); res.statusCode = 500; } res.end(); }); }, resolveId(id) { if (id === DEVTOOLS_CSS_PATH) return DEVTOOLS_CSS_PATH; return MODULES_MAP[id]; }, async load(id) { if (id === DEVTOOLS_PATH) { if (!clientCode) { clientCode = [ await fs$1.promises.readFile(resolve(_dirname, "client.mjs"), "utf-8"), `import('${MOCK_CLASSES_MODULE_ID}')`, `import('${DEVTOOLS_CSS_PATH}')` ].join("\n").replace("__POST_PATH__", `${config.server?.origin ?? ""}${postPath}`).replace("__POST_FETCH_MODE__", pluginConfig.fetchMode ?? "cors"); } return config.command === "build" ? "" : clientCode; } else if (id === MOCK_CLASSES_PATH) { return await getMockClassesInjector(); } else if (id === DEVTOOLS_CSS_PATH) { const { css } = await; return css; } } } ]; } function defineConfig(config) { return config; } function UnocssPlugin(configOrPath, defaults = {}) { const ctx = createContext(configOrPath, { envMode: process$1.env.NODE_ENV === "development" ? "dev" : "build", ...defaults }); const inlineConfig = configOrPath && typeof configOrPath !== "string" ? configOrPath : {}; const mode = inlineConfig.mode ?? "global"; const plugins = [ ConfigHMRPlugin(ctx), ...createTransformerPlugins(ctx), ...createDevtoolsPlugin(ctx, inlineConfig), { name: "unocss:api", api: { getContext: () => ctx, getMode: () => mode } } ]; if (inlineConfig.inspector !== false) plugins.push(UnocssInspector(ctx)); if (mode === "per-module") { plugins.push(...PerModuleModePlugin(ctx)); } else if (mode === "vue-scoped") { plugins.push(VueScopedPlugin(ctx)); } else if (mode === "svelte-scoped") { throw new Error("[unocss] svelte-scoped mode is now its own package, please use @unocss/svelte-scoped according to the docs"); } else if (mode === "shadow-dom") { plugins.push(ShadowDomModuleModePlugin(ctx)); } else if (mode === "global") { plugins.push(...GlobalModePlugin(ctx)); } else if (mode === "dist-chunk") { plugins.push( ChunkModeBuildPlugin(ctx), ...GlobalModeDevPlugin(ctx) ); } else { throw new Error(`[unocss] unknown mode "${mode}"`); } return plugins.filter(Boolean); } export { ChunkModeBuildPlugin, GlobalModeBuildPlugin, GlobalModeDevPlugin, GlobalModePlugin, PerModuleModePlugin, VueScopedPlugin, UnocssPlugin as default, defineConfig };