import { cyan } from "kleur/colors"; import { printHelp } from "../../core/messages.js"; import previewServer from "../../core/preview/index.js"; import { flagsToAstroInlineConfig } from "../flags.js"; async function preview({ flags }) { if (flags?.help || flags?.h) { printHelp({ commandName: "astro preview", usage: "[...flags]", tables: { Flags: [ ["--port", `Specify which port to run on. Defaults to 4321.`], ["--host", `Listen on all addresses, including LAN and public addresses.`], ["--host ", `Expose on a network IP address at `], ["--open", "Automatically open the app in the browser on server start"], ["--help (-h)", "See all available flags."] ] }, description: `Starts a local server to serve your static dist/ directory. Check ${cyan( "" )} for more information.` }); return; } const inlineConfig = flagsToAstroInlineConfig(flags); return await previewServer(inlineConfig); } export { preview };