import { mergeDeep, definePreset, toEscapedSelector } from '@unocss/core'; function DEFAULT(theme) { return { "h1,h2,h3,h4,h5,h6": { "color": "var(--un-prose-headings)", "font-weight": "600", "line-height": 1.25 }, "a": { "color": "var(--un-prose-links)", "text-decoration": "underline", "font-weight": "500" }, "a code": { color: "var(--un-prose-links)" }, "p,ul,ol,pre": { "margin": "1em 0", "line-height": 1.75 }, "blockquote": { "margin": "1em 0", "padding-left": "1em", "font-style": "italic", "border-left": ".25em solid var(--un-prose-borders)" }, // taking 16px as a base, we scale h1, h2, h3, and h4 like // 16 (base) > 18 (h4) > 22 (h3) > 28 (h2) > 36 (h1) "h1": { "margin": "1rem 0", // h1 is always at the top of the page, so only margin 1 * root font size "font-size": "2.25em" }, "h2": { "margin": "1.75em 0 .5em", "font-size": "1.75em" }, "h3": { "margin": "1.5em 0 .5em", "font-size": "1.375em" }, "h4": { "margin": "1em 0", "font-size": "1.125em" }, "img,video": { "max-width": "100%" }, "figure,picture": { margin: "1em 0" }, "figcaption": { "color": "var(--un-prose-captions)", "font-size": ".875em" }, "code": { "color": "var(--un-prose-code)", "font-size": ".875em", "font-weight": 600, "font-family": theme.fontFamily?.mono }, ":not(pre) > code::before,:not(pre) > code::after": { content: '"`"' }, "pre": { "padding": "1.25rem 1.5rem", "overflow-x": "auto", "border-radius": ".375rem" }, "pre,code": { "white-space": "pre", "word-spacing": "normal", "word-break": "normal", "word-wrap": "normal", "-moz-tab-size": 4, "-o-tab-size": 4, "tab-size": 4, "-webkit-hyphens": "none", "-moz-hyphens": "none", "hyphens": "none", "background": "transparent" }, "pre code": { "font-weight": "inherit" }, "ol,ul": { "padding-left": "1.25em" }, "ol": { "list-style-type": "decimal" }, 'ol[type="A"]': { "list-style-type": "upper-alpha" }, 'ol[type="a"]': { "list-style-type": "lower-alpha" }, 'ol[type="A" s]': { "list-style-type": "upper-alpha" }, 'ol[type="a" s]': { "list-style-type": "lower-alpha" }, 'ol[type="I"]': { "list-style-type": "upper-roman" }, 'ol[type="i"]': { "list-style-type": "lower-roman" }, 'ol[type="I" s]': { "list-style-type": "upper-roman" }, 'ol[type="i" s]': { "list-style-type": "lower-roman" }, 'ol[type="1"]': { "list-style-type": "decimal" }, "ul": { "list-style-type": "disc" }, "ol > li::marker,ul > li::marker,summary::marker": { color: "var(--un-prose-lists)" }, "hr": { margin: "2em 0", border: "1px solid var(--un-prose-hr)" }, "table": { "display": "block", "margin": "1em 0", "border-collapse": "collapse", "overflow-x": "auto" }, "tr:nth-child(2n)": { background: "var(--un-prose-bg-soft)" }, "td,th": { border: "1px solid var(--un-prose-borders)", padding: ".625em 1em" }, "abbr": { cursor: "help" }, "kbd": { "color": "var(--un-prose-code)", "border": "1px solid", "padding": ".25rem .5rem", "font-size": ".875em", "border-radius": ".25rem" }, "details": { margin: "1em 0", padding: "1.25rem 1.5rem", background: "var(--un-prose-bg-soft)" }, "summary": { "cursor": "pointer", "font-weight": "600" } }; } function getCSS(options) { let css = ""; const { escapedSelector, selectorName, preflights, compatibility } = options; const disableNotUtility = compatibility?.noColonNot || compatibility?.noColonWhere; for (const selector in preflights) { const cssDeclarationBlock = preflights[selector]; const notProseSelector = `:not(:where(.not-${selectorName},.not-${selectorName} *))`; const pseudoCSSMatchArray = selector.split(",").map((s) => { const match = s.match(/::?(?:[\(\)\:\-\d\w]+)$/g); if (match) { const matchStr = match[0]; s = s.replace(matchStr, ""); return => disableNotUtility ? `${e} ${s}${matchStr}` : `${e} :where(${s})${notProseSelector}${matchStr}`).join(","); } return null; }).filter((v) => v); if (pseudoCSSMatchArray.length) { css += pseudoCSSMatchArray.join(","); } else { css += => disableNotUtility ? selector.split(",").map((s) => `${e} ${s}`).join(",") : `${e} :where(${selector})${notProseSelector}`).join(","); } css += "{"; for (const k in cssDeclarationBlock) { const v = cssDeclarationBlock[k]; css += `${k}:${v};`; } css += "}"; } return css; } function getPreflights(context, options) { const { escapedSelectors, selectorName, cssExtend, compatibility } = options; let escapedSelector = Array.from(escapedSelectors); if (!escapedSelector[escapedSelector.length - 1].startsWith(".") && !compatibility?.noColonIs) escapedSelector = [`:is(${escapedSelector[escapedSelector.length - 1]},.${selectorName})`]; if (cssExtend) return getCSS({ escapedSelector, selectorName, preflights: mergeDeep(DEFAULT(context.theme), cssExtend), compatibility }); return getCSS({ escapedSelector, selectorName, preflights: DEFAULT(context.theme), compatibility }); } const presetTypography = definePreset((options) => { if (options?.className) { console.warn('[unocss:preset-typography] "className" is deprecated. Use "selectorName" instead.'); } const escapedSelectors = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(); const selectorName = options?.selectorName || options?.className || "prose"; const selectorNameRE = new RegExp(`^${selectorName}$`); const colorsRE = new RegExp(`^${selectorName}-([-\\w]+)$`); const invertRE = new RegExp(`^${selectorName}-invert$`); const compatibility = options?.compatibility; return { name: "@unocss/preset-typography", enforce: "post", layers: { typography: -20 }, rules: [ [ selectorNameRE, (_, { rawSelector }) => { escapedSelectors.add(toEscapedSelector(rawSelector)); return { "color": "var(--un-prose-body)", "max-width": "65ch" }; }, { layer: "typography" } ], [ colorsRE, ([, color], { theme }) => { const baseColor = theme.colors?.[color]; if (baseColor == null) return; const colorObject = typeof baseColor === "object" ? baseColor : {}; return { "--un-prose-body": colorObject[700] ?? baseColor, "--un-prose-headings": colorObject[900] ?? baseColor, "--un-prose-links": colorObject[900] ?? baseColor, "--un-prose-lists": colorObject[400] ?? baseColor, "--un-prose-hr": colorObject[200] ?? baseColor, "--un-prose-captions": colorObject[500] ?? baseColor, "--un-prose-code": colorObject[900] ?? baseColor, "--un-prose-borders": colorObject[200] ?? baseColor, "--un-prose-bg-soft": colorObject[100] ?? baseColor, // invert colors (dark mode) "--un-prose-invert-body": colorObject[200] ?? baseColor, "--un-prose-invert-headings": colorObject[100] ?? baseColor, "--un-prose-invert-links": colorObject[100] ?? baseColor, "--un-prose-invert-lists": colorObject[500] ?? baseColor, "--un-prose-invert-hr": colorObject[700] ?? baseColor, "--un-prose-invert-captions": colorObject[400] ?? baseColor, "--un-prose-invert-code": colorObject[100] ?? baseColor, "--un-prose-invert-borders": colorObject[700] ?? baseColor, "--un-prose-invert-bg-soft": colorObject[800] ?? baseColor }; }, { layer: "typography" } ], [ invertRE, () => { return { "--un-prose-body": "var(--un-prose-invert-body)", "--un-prose-headings": "var(--un-prose-invert-headings)", "--un-prose-links": "var(--un-prose-invert-links)", "--un-prose-lists": "var(--un-prose-invert-lists)", "--un-prose-hr": "var(--un-prose-invert-hr)", "--un-prose-captions": "var(--un-prose-invert-captions)", "--un-prose-code": "var(--un-prose-invert-code)", "--un-prose-borders": "var(--un-prose-invert-borders)", "--un-prose-bg-soft": "var(--un-prose-invert-bg-soft)" }; }, { layer: "typography" } ] ], preflights: [ { layer: "typography", getCSS: (context) => { if (escapedSelectors.size > 0) { const cssExtend = typeof options?.cssExtend === "function" ? options.cssExtend(context.theme) : options?.cssExtend; return getPreflights(context, { escapedSelectors, selectorName, cssExtend, compatibility }); } } } ] }; }); export { presetTypography as default, presetTypography };