import { transformWithEsbuild } from "vite"; import { compile } from "../core/compile/index.js"; import { getFileInfo } from "../vite-plugin-utils/index.js"; import { frontmatterRE } from "./utils.js"; async function compileAstro({ compileProps, astroFileToCompileMetadata, logger }) { let transformResult; let esbuildResult; try { transformResult = await compile(compileProps); esbuildResult = await transformWithEsbuild(transformResult.code, compileProps.filename, { loader: "ts", target: "esnext", sourcemap: "external", tsconfigRaw: { compilerOptions: { // Ensure client:only imports are treeshaken verbatimModuleSyntax: false, importsNotUsedAsValues: "remove" } } }); } catch (err) { await enhanceCompileError({ err, id: compileProps.filename, source: compileProps.source, config: compileProps.astroConfig, logger }); throw err; } const { fileId: file, fileUrl: url } = getFileInfo( compileProps.filename, compileProps.astroConfig ); let SUFFIX = ""; SUFFIX += ` const $$file = ${JSON.stringify(file)}; const $$url = ${JSON.stringify( url )};export { $$file as file, $$url as url }; `; if (!compileProps.viteConfig.isProduction) { let i = 0; while (i < transformResult.scripts.length) { SUFFIX += `import "${compileProps.filename}?astro&type=script&index=${i}&lang.ts";`; i++; } } astroFileToCompileMetadata.set(compileProps.filename, { originalCode: compileProps.source, css: transformResult.css, scripts: transformResult.scripts }); return { ...transformResult, code: esbuildResult.code + SUFFIX, map: }; } async function enhanceCompileError({ err, id, source }) { const lineText = err.loc?.lineText; const scannedFrontmatter = frontmatterRE.exec(source); if (scannedFrontmatter) { const frontmatter = scannedFrontmatter[1].replace(/\breturn\b/g, "throw"); if (lineText && !frontmatter.includes(lineText)) throw err; try { await transformWithEsbuild(frontmatter, id, { loader: "ts", target: "esnext", sourcemap: false }); } catch (frontmatterErr) { if (frontmatterErr?.message) { frontmatterErr.message = frontmatterErr.message.replace( "end of file", "end of frontmatter" ); } throw frontmatterErr; } } throw err; } export { compileAstro };