import path from "node:path"; import { appendForwardSlash } from "@astrojs/internal-helpers/path"; async function handleHotUpdate(ctx, { logger, compile, astroFileToCssAstroDeps, astroFileToCompileMetadata }) { const oldCode = astroFileToCompileMetadata.get(ctx.file)?.originalCode; const newCode = await; if (oldCode && isStyleOnlyChanged(oldCode, newCode)) { logger.debug("watch", "style-only change"); await compile(newCode, ctx.file); return ctx.modules.filter((mod) =>"astro&type=style")); } for (const [astroFile, cssAstroDeps] of astroFileToCssAstroDeps) { if (cssAstroDeps.has(ctx.file)) {"watch", getShortName(ctx.file, ctx.server.config.root)); const parentModules = ctx.server.moduleGraph.getModulesByFile(astroFile); if (parentModules) { for (const mod of parentModules) { ctx.server.moduleGraph.invalidateModule(mod); } }{ type: "full-reload", path: "*" }); } } } const frontmatterRE = /^\-\-\-.*?^\-\-\-/ms; const scriptRE = /.*?<\/script>/gs; const styleRE = /.*?<\/style>/gs; function isStyleOnlyChanged(oldCode, newCode) { if (oldCode === newCode) return false; let oldFrontmatter = ""; let newFrontmatter = ""; oldCode = oldCode.replace(frontmatterRE, (m) => (oldFrontmatter = m, "")); newCode = newCode.replace(frontmatterRE, (m) => (newFrontmatter = m, "")); if (oldFrontmatter !== newFrontmatter) return false; const oldScripts = []; const newScripts = []; oldCode = oldCode.replace(scriptRE, (m) => (oldScripts.push(m), "")); newCode = newCode.replace(scriptRE, (m) => (newScripts.push(m), "")); if (!isArrayEqual(oldScripts, newScripts)) return false; const oldStyles = []; const newStyles = []; oldCode.match(styleRE)?.forEach((m) => oldStyles.push(m)); newCode.match(styleRE)?.forEach((m) => newStyles.push(m)); return oldStyles.length === newStyles.length && !isArrayEqual(oldStyles, newStyles); } function isArrayEqual(a, b) { if (a.length !== b.length) { return false; } for (let i = 0; i < a.length; i++) { if (a[i] !== b[i]) { return false; } } return true; } function getShortName(file, root) { return file.startsWith(appendForwardSlash(root)) ? path.posix.relative(root, file) : file; } export { handleHotUpdate };