"use strict"; /* -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. * Licensed under the MIT License. See License.txt in the project root for license information. * ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.Emitter = exports.Event = void 0; const ral_1 = require("./ral"); var Event; (function (Event) { const _disposable = { dispose() { } }; Event.None = function () { return _disposable; }; })(Event || (exports.Event = Event = {})); class CallbackList { add(callback, context = null, bucket) { if (!this._callbacks) { this._callbacks = []; this._contexts = []; } this._callbacks.push(callback); this._contexts.push(context); if (Array.isArray(bucket)) { bucket.push({ dispose: () => this.remove(callback, context) }); } } remove(callback, context = null) { if (!this._callbacks) { return; } let foundCallbackWithDifferentContext = false; for (let i = 0, len = this._callbacks.length; i < len; i++) { if (this._callbacks[i] === callback) { if (this._contexts[i] === context) { // callback & context match => remove it this._callbacks.splice(i, 1); this._contexts.splice(i, 1); return; } else { foundCallbackWithDifferentContext = true; } } } if (foundCallbackWithDifferentContext) { throw new Error('When adding a listener with a context, you should remove it with the same context'); } } invoke(...args) { if (!this._callbacks) { return []; } const ret = [], callbacks = this._callbacks.slice(0), contexts = this._contexts.slice(0); for (let i = 0, len = callbacks.length; i < len; i++) { try { ret.push(callbacks[i].apply(contexts[i], args)); } catch (e) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console (0, ral_1.default)().console.error(e); } } return ret; } isEmpty() { return !this._callbacks || this._callbacks.length === 0; } dispose() { this._callbacks = undefined; this._contexts = undefined; } } class Emitter { constructor(_options) { this._options = _options; } /** * For the public to allow to subscribe * to events from this Emitter */ get event() { if (!this._event) { this._event = (listener, thisArgs, disposables) => { if (!this._callbacks) { this._callbacks = new CallbackList(); } if (this._options && this._options.onFirstListenerAdd && this._callbacks.isEmpty()) { this._options.onFirstListenerAdd(this); } this._callbacks.add(listener, thisArgs); const result = { dispose: () => { if (!this._callbacks) { // disposable is disposed after emitter is disposed. return; } this._callbacks.remove(listener, thisArgs); result.dispose = Emitter._noop; if (this._options && this._options.onLastListenerRemove && this._callbacks.isEmpty()) { this._options.onLastListenerRemove(this); } } }; if (Array.isArray(disposables)) { disposables.push(result); } return result; }; } return this._event; } /** * To be kept private to fire an event to * subscribers */ fire(event) { if (this._callbacks) { this._callbacks.invoke.call(this._callbacks, event); } } dispose() { if (this._callbacks) { this._callbacks.dispose(); this._callbacks = undefined; } } } exports.Emitter = Emitter; Emitter._noop = function () { };