'use strict'; var meow = require('meow'); var errors = require('@changesets/errors'); var logger = require('@changesets/logger'); var util = require('util'); var fs = require('fs-extra'); var path = require('path'); var getPackages = require('@manypkg/get-packages'); var getDependentsGraph = require('@changesets/get-dependents-graph'); var config = require('@changesets/config'); var _objectSpread = require('@babel/runtime/helpers/objectSpread2'); var chalk = require('chalk'); var child_process = require('child_process'); var termSize = require('term-size'); var enquirer = require('enquirer'); var externalEditor = require('external-editor'); var ansiColors = require('ansi-colors'); var git = require('@changesets/git'); var writeChangeset = require('@changesets/write'); var resolveFrom = require('resolve-from'); var semverLt = require('semver/functions/lt'); var outdent = require('outdent'); var applyReleasePlan = require('@changesets/apply-release-plan'); var readChangesets = require('@changesets/read'); var assembleReleasePlan = require('@changesets/assemble-release-plan'); var pre$1 = require('@changesets/pre'); var semverParse = require('semver/functions/parse'); var pLimit = require('p-limit'); var preferredPM = require('preferred-pm'); var spawn = require('spawndamnit'); var ciInfo = require('ci-info'); var table = require('tty-table'); var getReleasePlan = require('@changesets/get-release-plan'); function _interopDefault (e) { return e && e.__esModule ? e : { 'default': e }; } function _interopNamespace(e) { if (e && e.__esModule) return e; var n = Object.create(null); if (e) { Object.keys(e).forEach(function (k) { if (k !== 'default') { var d = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, k); Object.defineProperty(n, k, d.get ? d : { enumerable: true, get: function () { return e[k]; } }); } }); } n["default"] = e; return Object.freeze(n); } var meow__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(meow); var logger__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(logger); var fs__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(fs); var path__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(path); var chalk__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(chalk); var termSize__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(termSize); var git__namespace = /*#__PURE__*/_interopNamespace(git); var writeChangeset__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(writeChangeset); var resolveFrom__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(resolveFrom); var semverLt__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(semverLt); var outdent__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(outdent); var applyReleasePlan__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(applyReleasePlan); var readChangesets__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(readChangesets); var assembleReleasePlan__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(assembleReleasePlan); var semverParse__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(semverParse); var pLimit__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(pLimit); var preferredPM__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(preferredPM); var spawn__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(spawn); var table__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(table); var getReleasePlan__default = /*#__PURE__*/_interopDefault(getReleasePlan); const pkgPath = path__default["default"].dirname(require.resolve("@changesets/cli/package.json")); // Modify base branch to "main" without changing defaultWrittenConfig since it also serves as a fallback // for config files that don't specify a base branch. Changing that to main would be a breaking change. const defaultConfig = `${JSON.stringify(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, config.defaultWrittenConfig), {}, { baseBranch: "main" }), null, 2)}\n`; async function init(cwd) { const changesetBase = path__default["default"].resolve(cwd, ".changeset"); if (fs__default["default"].existsSync(changesetBase)) { if (!fs__default["default"].existsSync(path__default["default"].join(changesetBase, "config.json"))) { if (fs__default["default"].existsSync(path__default["default"].join(changesetBase, "config.js"))) { logger.error("It looks like you're using the version 1 `.changeset/config.js` file"); logger.error("The format of the config object has significantly changed in v2 as well"); logger.error(" - we thoroughly recommend looking at the changelog for this package for what has changed"); logger.error("Changesets will write the defaults for the new config, remember to transfer your options into the new config at `.changeset/config.json`"); } else { logger.error("It looks like you don't have a config file"); logger.info("The default config file will be written at `.changeset/config.json`"); } await fs__default["default"].writeFile(path__default["default"].resolve(changesetBase, "config.json"), defaultConfig); } else { logger.warn("It looks like you already have changesets initialized. You should be able to run changeset commands no problems."); } } else { await fs__default["default"].copy(path__default["default"].resolve(pkgPath, "./default-files"), changesetBase); await fs__default["default"].writeFile(path__default["default"].resolve(changesetBase, "config.json"), defaultConfig); logger.log(chalk__default["default"]`Thanks for choosing {green changesets} to help manage your versioning and publishing\n`); logger.log("You should be set up to start using changesets now!\n"); logger.info("We have added a `.changeset` folder, and a couple of files to help you out:"); logger.info(chalk__default["default"]`- {blue .changeset/README.md} contains information about using changesets`); logger.info(chalk__default["default"]`- {blue .changeset/config.json} is our default config`); } } // @ts-ignore it's not worth writing a TS declaration file in this repo for a tiny module we use once like this // so we can make type assertions using them because `enquirer` types do no support `prefix` right now /* Notes on using inquirer: * Each question needs a key, as inquirer is assembling an object behind-the-scenes. * At each call, the entire responses object is returned, so we need a unique * identifier for the name every time. This is why we are using serial IDs */ const serialId = function () { let id = 0; return () => id++; }(); const limit = Math.max(termSize__default["default"]().rows - 5, 10); let cancelFlow = () => { logger.success("Cancelled... 👋 "); process.exit(); }; async function askCheckboxPlus(message, choices, format) { const name = `CheckboxPlus-${serialId()}`; return enquirer.prompt({ type: "autocomplete", name, message, prefix: logger.prefix, multiple: true, choices, format, limit, onCancel: cancelFlow, symbols: { indicator: ansiColors.symbols.radioOff, checked: ansiColors.symbols.radioOn }, indicator(state, choice) { return choice.enabled ? state.symbols.checked : state.symbols.indicator; } }).then(responses => responses[name]).catch(err => { logger.error(err); }); } async function askQuestion(message) { const name = `Question-${serialId()}`; return enquirer.prompt([{ type: "input", message, name, prefix: logger.prefix, onCancel: cancelFlow }]).then(responses => responses[name]).catch(err => { logger.error(err); }); } function askQuestionWithEditor(message) { const response = externalEditor.edit(message, { postfix: ".md" }); return response.replace(/^#.*\n?/gm, "").replace(/\n+$/g, "").trim(); } async function askConfirm(message) { const name = `Confirm-${serialId()}`; return enquirer.prompt([{ message, name, prefix: logger.prefix, type: "confirm", initial: true, onCancel: cancelFlow }]).then(responses => responses[name]).catch(err => { logger.error(err); }); } async function askList(message, choices) { const name = `List-${serialId()}`; return enquirer.prompt([{ choices, message, name, prefix: logger.prefix, type: "select", onCancel: cancelFlow }]).then(responses => responses[name]).catch(err => { logger.error(err); }); } function getCommitFunctions(commit, cwd) { let commitFunctions = {}; if (!commit) { return [commitFunctions, null]; } let commitOpts = commit[1]; let changesetPath = path__default["default"].join(cwd, ".changeset"); let commitPath = resolveFrom__default["default"](changesetPath, commit[0]); let possibleCommitFunc = require(commitPath); if (possibleCommitFunc.default) { possibleCommitFunc = possibleCommitFunc.default; } if (typeof possibleCommitFunc.getAddMessage === "function" || typeof possibleCommitFunc.getVersionMessage === "function") { commitFunctions = possibleCommitFunc; } else { throw new Error("Could not resolve commit generation functions"); } return [commitFunctions, commitOpts]; } const { green, yellow, red, bold, blue, cyan } = chalk__default["default"]; async function confirmMajorRelease(pkgJSON) { if (semverLt__default["default"](pkgJSON.version, "1.0.0")) { // prettier-ignore logger.log(yellow(`WARNING: Releasing a major version for ${green(pkgJSON.name)} will be its ${red('first major release')}.`)); logger.log(yellow(`If you are unsure if this is correct, contact the package's maintainers ${red("before committing this changeset")}.`)); let shouldReleaseFirstMajor = await askConfirm(bold(`Are you sure you want to release the ${red("first major version")} of ${pkgJSON.name}?`)); return shouldReleaseFirstMajor; } return true; } async function getPackagesToRelease(changedPackages, allPackages) { function askInitialReleaseQuestion(defaultChoiceList) { return askCheckboxPlus( // TODO: Make this wording better // TODO: take objects and be fancy with matching `Which packages would you like to include?`, defaultChoiceList, x => { // this removes changed packages and unchanged packages from the list // of packages shown after selection if (Array.isArray(x)) { return x.filter(x => x !== "changed packages" && x !== "unchanged packages").map(x => cyan(x)).join(", "); } return x; }); } if (allPackages.length > 1) { const unchangedPackagesNames = allPackages.map(({ packageJson }) => packageJson.name).filter(name => !changedPackages.includes(name)); const defaultChoiceList = [{ name: "changed packages", choices: changedPackages }, { name: "unchanged packages", choices: unchangedPackagesNames }].filter(({ choices }) => choices.length !== 0); let packagesToRelease = await askInitialReleaseQuestion(defaultChoiceList); if (packagesToRelease.length === 0) { do { logger.error("You must select at least one package to release"); logger.error("(You most likely hit enter instead of space!)"); packagesToRelease = await askInitialReleaseQuestion(defaultChoiceList); } while (packagesToRelease.length === 0); } return packagesToRelease.filter(pkgName => pkgName !== "changed packages" && pkgName !== "unchanged packages"); } return [allPackages[0].packageJson.name]; } function getPkgJsonsByName(packages) { return new Map(packages.map(({ packageJson }) => [packageJson.name, packageJson])); } function formatPkgNameAndVersion(pkgName, version) { return `${bold(pkgName)}@${bold(version)}`; } async function createChangeset(changedPackages, allPackages) { const releases = []; if (allPackages.length > 1) { const packagesToRelease = await getPackagesToRelease(changedPackages, allPackages); let pkgJsonsByName = getPkgJsonsByName(allPackages); let pkgsLeftToGetBumpTypeFor = new Set(packagesToRelease); let pkgsThatShouldBeMajorBumped = (await askCheckboxPlus(bold(`Which packages should have a ${red("major")} bump?`), [{ name: "all packages", choices: packagesToRelease.map(pkgName => { return { name: pkgName, message: formatPkgNameAndVersion(pkgName, pkgJsonsByName.get(pkgName).version) }; }) }], x => { // this removes changed packages and unchanged packages from the list // of packages shown after selection if (Array.isArray(x)) { return x.filter(x => x !== "all packages").map(x => cyan(x)).join(", "); } return x; })).filter(x => x !== "all packages"); for (const pkgName of pkgsThatShouldBeMajorBumped) { // for packages that are under v1, we want to make sure major releases are intended, // as some repo-wide sweeping changes have mistakenly release first majors // of packages. let pkgJson = pkgJsonsByName.get(pkgName); let shouldReleaseFirstMajor = await confirmMajorRelease(pkgJson); if (shouldReleaseFirstMajor) { pkgsLeftToGetBumpTypeFor.delete(pkgName); releases.push({ name: pkgName, type: "major" }); } } if (pkgsLeftToGetBumpTypeFor.size !== 0) { let pkgsThatShouldBeMinorBumped = (await askCheckboxPlus(bold(`Which packages should have a ${green("minor")} bump?`), [{ name: "all packages", choices: [...pkgsLeftToGetBumpTypeFor].map(pkgName => { return { name: pkgName, message: formatPkgNameAndVersion(pkgName, pkgJsonsByName.get(pkgName).version) }; }) }], x => { // this removes changed packages and unchanged packages from the list // of packages shown after selection if (Array.isArray(x)) { return x.filter(x => x !== "all packages").map(x => cyan(x)).join(", "); } return x; })).filter(x => x !== "all packages"); for (const pkgName of pkgsThatShouldBeMinorBumped) { pkgsLeftToGetBumpTypeFor.delete(pkgName); releases.push({ name: pkgName, type: "minor" }); } } if (pkgsLeftToGetBumpTypeFor.size !== 0) { logger.log(`The following packages will be ${blue("patch")} bumped:`); pkgsLeftToGetBumpTypeFor.forEach(pkgName => { logger.log(formatPkgNameAndVersion(pkgName, pkgJsonsByName.get(pkgName).version)); }); for (const pkgName of pkgsLeftToGetBumpTypeFor) { releases.push({ name: pkgName, type: "patch" }); } } } else { let pkg = allPackages[0]; let type = await askList(`What kind of change is this for ${green(pkg.packageJson.name)}? (current version is ${pkg.packageJson.version})`, ["patch", "minor", "major"]); if (type === "major") { let shouldReleaseAsMajor = await confirmMajorRelease(pkg.packageJson); if (!shouldReleaseAsMajor) { throw new errors.ExitError(1); } } releases.push({ name: pkg.packageJson.name, type }); } logger.log("Please enter a summary for this change (this will be in the changelogs)."); logger.log(chalk__default["default"].gray(" (submit empty line to open external editor)")); let summary = await askQuestion("Summary"); if (summary.length === 0) { try { summary = askQuestionWithEditor("\n\n# Please enter a summary for your changes.\n# An empty message aborts the editor."); if (summary.length > 0) { return { confirmed: true, summary, releases }; } } catch (err) { logger.log("An error happened using external editor. Please type your summary here:"); } summary = await askQuestion(""); while (summary.length === 0) { summary = await askQuestion("\n\n# A summary is required for the changelog! 😪"); } } return { confirmed: false, summary, releases }; } function printConfirmationMessage(changeset, repoHasMultiplePackages) { function getReleasesOfType(type) { return changeset.releases.filter(release => release.type === type).map(release => release.name); } logger.log("\n=== Summary of changesets ==="); const majorReleases = getReleasesOfType("major"); const minorReleases = getReleasesOfType("minor"); const patchReleases = getReleasesOfType("patch"); if (majorReleases.length > 0) logger.log(`${chalk__default["default"].bold.green("major")}: ${majorReleases.join(", ")}`); if (minorReleases.length > 0) logger.log(`${chalk__default["default"].bold.green("minor")}: ${minorReleases.join(", ")}`); if (patchReleases.length > 0) logger.log(`${chalk__default["default"].bold.green("patch")}: ${patchReleases.join(", ")}`); logger.log(""); if (repoHasMultiplePackages) { const message = outdent__default["default"]` Note: All dependents of these packages that will be incompatible with the new version will be ${chalk__default["default"].redBright("patch bumped")} when this changeset is applied. `; logger.log(message + "\n"); } } function isListablePackage(config, packageJson) { const packageIgnoredInConfig = config.ignore.includes(packageJson.name); if (packageIgnoredInConfig) { return false; } if (!config.privatePackages.version && packageJson.private) { return false; } const hasVersionField = !!packageJson.version; return hasVersionField; } async function add(cwd, { empty, open }, config) { const packages = await getPackages.getPackages(cwd); if (packages.packages.length === 0) { throw new Error(`No packages found. You might have ${packages.tool} workspaces configured but no packages yet?`); } const listablePackages = packages.packages.filter(pkg => isListablePackage(config, pkg.packageJson)); const changesetBase = path__default["default"].resolve(cwd, ".changeset"); let newChangeset; if (empty) { newChangeset = { confirmed: true, releases: [], summary: `` }; } else { const changedPackages = await git__namespace.getChangedPackagesSinceRef({ cwd, ref: config.baseBranch, changedFilePatterns: config.changedFilePatterns }); const changedPackagesName = changedPackages.filter(pkg => isListablePackage(config, pkg.packageJson)).map(pkg => pkg.packageJson.name); newChangeset = await createChangeset(changedPackagesName, listablePackages); printConfirmationMessage(newChangeset, listablePackages.length > 1); if (!newChangeset.confirmed) { newChangeset = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, newChangeset), {}, { confirmed: await askConfirm("Is this your desired changeset?") }); } } if (newChangeset.confirmed) { const changesetID = await writeChangeset__default["default"](newChangeset, cwd); const [{ getAddMessage }, commitOpts] = getCommitFunctions(config.commit, cwd); if (getAddMessage) { await git__namespace.add(path__default["default"].resolve(changesetBase, `${changesetID}.md`), cwd); await git__namespace.commit(await getAddMessage(newChangeset, commitOpts), cwd); logger.log(chalk__default["default"].green(`${empty ? "Empty " : ""}Changeset added and committed`)); } else { logger.log(chalk__default["default"].green(`${empty ? "Empty " : ""}Changeset added! - you can now commit it\n`)); } let hasMajorChange = [...newChangeset.releases].find(c => c.type === "major"); if (hasMajorChange) { logger.warn("This Changeset includes a major change and we STRONGLY recommend adding more information to the changeset:"); logger.warn("WHAT the breaking change is"); logger.warn("WHY the change was made"); logger.warn("HOW a consumer should update their code"); } else { logger.log(chalk__default["default"].green("If you want to modify or expand on the changeset summary, you can find it here")); } const changesetPath = path__default["default"].resolve(changesetBase, `${changesetID}.md`); logger.info(chalk__default["default"].blue(changesetPath)); if (open) { // this is really a hack to reuse the logic embedded in `external-editor` related to determining the editor const externalEditor$1 = new externalEditor.ExternalEditor(); externalEditor$1.cleanup(); child_process.spawn(externalEditor$1.editor.bin, externalEditor$1.editor.args.concat([changesetPath]), { detached: true, stdio: "inherit" }); } } } // folder, and tidy up the subfolders // THIS SHOULD BE REMOVED WHEN SUPPORT FOR CHANGESETS FROM V1 IS DROPPED const removeEmptyFolders = async folderPath => { const dirContents = fs__default["default"].readdirSync(folderPath); return Promise.all(dirContents.map(async contentPath => { const singleChangesetPath = path__default["default"].resolve(folderPath, contentPath); try { if ((await fs__default["default"].readdir(singleChangesetPath)).length < 1) { await fs__default["default"].rmdir(singleChangesetPath); } } catch (err) { if (err.code !== "ENOTDIR") { throw err; } } })); }; let importantSeparator$1 = chalk__default["default"].red("===============================IMPORTANT!==============================="); let importantEnd$1 = chalk__default["default"].red("----------------------------------------------------------------------"); async function version(cwd, options, config) { var _config$snapshot$prer; const releaseConfig = _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, config), {}, { // Disable committing when in snapshot mode commit: options.snapshot ? false : config.commit }); const [changesets, preState] = await Promise.all([readChangesets__default["default"](cwd), pre$1.readPreState(cwd), removeEmptyFolders(path__default["default"].resolve(cwd, ".changeset"))]); if ((preState === null || preState === void 0 ? void 0 : preState.mode) === "pre") { logger.warn(importantSeparator$1); if (options.snapshot !== undefined) { logger.error("Snapshot release is not allowed in pre mode"); logger.log("To resolve this exit the pre mode by running `changeset pre exit`"); throw new errors.ExitError(1); } else { logger.warn("You are in prerelease mode"); logger.warn("If you meant to do a normal release you should revert these changes and run `changeset pre exit`"); logger.warn("You can then run `changeset version` again to do a normal release"); } logger.warn(importantEnd$1); } if (changesets.length === 0 && (preState === undefined || preState.mode !== "exit")) { logger.warn("No unreleased changesets found, exiting."); return; } let packages = await getPackages.getPackages(cwd); let releasePlan = assembleReleasePlan__default["default"](changesets, packages, releaseConfig, preState, options.snapshot ? { tag: options.snapshot === true ? undefined : options.snapshot, commit: (_config$snapshot$prer = config.snapshot.prereleaseTemplate) !== null && _config$snapshot$prer !== void 0 && _config$snapshot$prer.includes("{commit}") ? await git.getCurrentCommitId({ cwd }) : undefined } : undefined); let [...touchedFiles] = await applyReleasePlan__default["default"](releasePlan, packages, releaseConfig, options.snapshot); const [{ getVersionMessage }, commitOpts] = getCommitFunctions(releaseConfig.commit, cwd); if (getVersionMessage) { let touchedFile; // Note, git gets angry if you try and have two git actions running at once // So we need to be careful that these iterations are properly sequential while (touchedFile = touchedFiles.shift()) { await git__namespace.add(path__default["default"].relative(cwd, touchedFile), cwd); } const commit = await git__namespace.commit(await getVersionMessage(releasePlan, commitOpts), cwd); if (!commit) { logger.error("Changesets ran into trouble committing your files"); } else { logger.log("All files have been updated and committed. You're ready to publish!"); } } else { logger.log("All files have been updated. Review them and commit at your leisure"); } } const getLastJsonObjectFromString = str => { str = str.replace(/[^}]*$/, ""); while (str) { str = str.replace(/[^{]*/, ""); try { return JSON.parse(str); } catch (err) { // move past the potentially leading `{` so the regexp in the loop can try to match for the next `{` str = str.slice(1); } } return null; }; const npmRequestLimit = pLimit__default["default"](40); const npmPublishLimit = pLimit__default["default"](10); function jsonParse(input) { try { return JSON.parse(input); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof SyntaxError) { console.error("error parsing json:", input); } throw err; } } function getCorrectRegistry(packageJson) { var _packageJson$publishC, _packageJson$publishC2; const registry = (_packageJson$publishC = packageJson === null || packageJson === void 0 ? void 0 : (_packageJson$publishC2 = packageJson.publishConfig) === null || _packageJson$publishC2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _packageJson$publishC2.registry) !== null && _packageJson$publishC !== void 0 ? _packageJson$publishC : process.env.npm_config_registry; return !registry || registry === "https://registry.yarnpkg.com" ? "https://registry.npmjs.org" : registry; } async function getPublishTool(cwd) { const pm = await preferredPM__default["default"](cwd); if (!pm || pm.name !== "pnpm") return { name: "npm" }; try { let result = await spawn__default["default"]("pnpm", ["--version"], { cwd }); let version = result.stdout.toString().trim(); let parsed = semverParse__default["default"](version); return { name: "pnpm", shouldAddNoGitChecks: (parsed === null || parsed === void 0 ? void 0 : parsed.major) === undefined ? false : parsed.major >= 5 }; } catch (e) { return { name: "pnpm", shouldAddNoGitChecks: false }; } } async function getTokenIsRequired() { // Due to a super annoying issue in yarn, we have to manually override this env variable // See: https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/2935#issuecomment-355292633 const envOverride = { npm_config_registry: getCorrectRegistry() }; let result = await spawn__default["default"]("npm", ["profile", "get", "--json"], { env: Object.assign({}, process.env, envOverride) }); if (result.code !== 0) { logger.error("error while checking if token is required", result.stderr.toString().trim() || result.stdout.toString().trim()); return false; } let json = jsonParse(result.stdout.toString()); if (json.error || !json.tfa || !json.tfa.mode) { return false; } return json.tfa.mode === "auth-and-writes"; } function getPackageInfo(packageJson) { return npmRequestLimit(async () => { logger.info(`npm info ${packageJson.name}`); // Due to a couple of issues with yarnpkg, we also want to override the npm registry when doing // npm info. // Issues: We sometimes get back cached responses, i.e old data about packages which causes // `publish` to behave incorrectly. It can also cause issues when publishing private packages // as they will always give a 404, which will tell `publish` to always try to publish. // See: https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/2935#issuecomment-355292633 let result = await spawn__default["default"]("npm", ["info", packageJson.name, "--registry", getCorrectRegistry(packageJson), "--json"]); // Github package registry returns empty string when calling npm info // for a non-existent package instead of a E404 if (result.stdout.toString() === "") { return { error: { code: "E404" } }; } return jsonParse(result.stdout.toString()); }); } async function infoAllow404(packageJson) { var _pkgInfo$error; let pkgInfo = await getPackageInfo(packageJson); if (((_pkgInfo$error = pkgInfo.error) === null || _pkgInfo$error === void 0 ? void 0 : _pkgInfo$error.code) === "E404") { logger.warn(`Received 404 for npm info ${chalk__default["default"].cyan(`"${packageJson.name}"`)}`); return { published: false, pkgInfo: {} }; } if (pkgInfo.error) { logger.error(`Received an unknown error code: ${pkgInfo.error.code} for npm info ${chalk__default["default"].cyan(`"${packageJson.name}"`)}`); logger.error(pkgInfo.error.summary); if (pkgInfo.error.detail) logger.error(pkgInfo.error.detail); throw new errors.ExitError(1); } return { published: true, pkgInfo }; } let otpAskLimit = pLimit__default["default"](1); let askForOtpCode = twoFactorState => otpAskLimit(async () => { if (twoFactorState.token !== null) return twoFactorState.token; logger.info("This operation requires a one-time password from your authenticator."); let val = await askQuestion("Enter one-time password:"); twoFactorState.token = val; return val; }); let getOtpCode = async twoFactorState => { if (twoFactorState.token !== null) { return twoFactorState.token; } return askForOtpCode(twoFactorState); }; // we have this so that we can do try a publish again after a publish without // the call being wrapped in the npm request limit and causing the publishes to potentially never run async function internalPublish(pkgName, opts, twoFactorState) { let publishTool = await getPublishTool(opts.cwd); let publishFlags = opts.access ? ["--access", opts.access] : []; publishFlags.push("--tag", opts.tag); if ((await twoFactorState.isRequired) && !ciInfo.isCI) { let otpCode = await getOtpCode(twoFactorState); publishFlags.push("--otp", otpCode); } if (publishTool.name === "pnpm" && publishTool.shouldAddNoGitChecks) { publishFlags.push("--no-git-checks"); } // Due to a super annoying issue in yarn, we have to manually override this env variable // See: https://github.com/yarnpkg/yarn/issues/2935#issuecomment-355292633 const envOverride = { npm_config_registry: getCorrectRegistry() }; let { code, stdout, stderr } = publishTool.name === "pnpm" ? await spawn__default["default"]("pnpm", ["publish", "--json", ...publishFlags], { env: Object.assign({}, process.env, envOverride), cwd: opts.cwd }) : await spawn__default["default"](publishTool.name, ["publish", opts.publishDir, "--json", ...publishFlags], { env: Object.assign({}, process.env, envOverride) }); if (code !== 0) { // NPM's --json output is included alongside the `prepublish` and `postpublish` output in terminal // We want to handle this as best we can but it has some struggles: // - output of those lifecycle scripts can contain JSON // - npm7 has switched to printing `--json` errors to stderr (https://github.com/npm/cli/commit/1dbf0f9bb26ba70f4c6d0a807701d7652c31d7d4) // Note that the `--json` output is always printed at the end so this should work let json = getLastJsonObjectFromString(stderr.toString()) || getLastJsonObjectFromString(stdout.toString()); if (json !== null && json !== void 0 && json.error) { // The first case is no 2fa provided, the second is when the 2fa is wrong (timeout or wrong words) if ((json.error.code === "EOTP" || json.error.code === "E401" && json.error.detail.includes("--otp=")) && !ciInfo.isCI) { if (twoFactorState.token !== null) { // the current otp code must be invalid since it errored twoFactorState.token = null; } // just in case this isn't already true twoFactorState.isRequired = Promise.resolve(true); return internalPublish(pkgName, opts, twoFactorState); } logger.error(`an error occurred while publishing ${pkgName}: ${json.error.code}`, json.error.summary, json.error.detail ? "\n" + json.error.detail : ""); } logger.error(stderr.toString() || stdout.toString()); return { published: false }; } return { published: true }; } function publish(pkgName, opts, twoFactorState) { // If there are many packages to be published, it's better to limit the // concurrency to avoid unwanted errors, for example from npm. return npmRequestLimit(() => npmPublishLimit(() => internalPublish(pkgName, opts, twoFactorState))); } function getReleaseTag(pkgInfo, preState, tag) { if (tag) return tag; if (preState !== undefined && pkgInfo.publishedState !== "only-pre") { return preState.tag; } return "latest"; } const isCustomRegistry = registry => !!registry && registry !== "https://registry.npmjs.org" && registry !== "https://registry.yarnpkg.com"; const getTwoFactorState = ({ otp, publicPackages }) => { if (otp) { return { token: otp, isRequired: Promise.resolve(true) }; } if (ciInfo.isCI || publicPackages.some(pkg => { var _pkg$packageJson$publ; return isCustomRegistry((_pkg$packageJson$publ = pkg.packageJson.publishConfig) === null || _pkg$packageJson$publ === void 0 ? void 0 : _pkg$packageJson$publ.registry); }) || isCustomRegistry(process.env.npm_config_registry)) { return { token: null, isRequired: Promise.resolve(false) }; } return { token: null, // note: we're not awaiting this here, we want this request to happen in parallel with getUnpublishedPackages isRequired: getTokenIsRequired() }; }; async function publishPackages({ packages, access, otp, preState, tag }) { const packagesByName = new Map(packages.map(x => [x.packageJson.name, x])); const publicPackages = packages.filter(pkg => !pkg.packageJson.private); const unpublishedPackagesInfo = await getUnpublishedPackages(publicPackages, preState); if (unpublishedPackagesInfo.length === 0) { return []; } const twoFactorState = getTwoFactorState({ otp, publicPackages }); return Promise.all(unpublishedPackagesInfo.map(pkgInfo => { let pkg = packagesByName.get(pkgInfo.name); return publishAPackage(pkg, access, twoFactorState, getReleaseTag(pkgInfo, preState, tag)); })); } async function publishAPackage(pkg, access, twoFactorState, tag) { const { name, version, publishConfig } = pkg.packageJson; logger.info(`Publishing ${chalk__default["default"].cyan(`"${name}"`)} at ${chalk__default["default"].green(`"${version}"`)}`); const publishConfirmation = await publish(name, { cwd: pkg.dir, publishDir: publishConfig !== null && publishConfig !== void 0 && publishConfig.directory ? path.join(pkg.dir, publishConfig.directory) : pkg.dir, access: (publishConfig === null || publishConfig === void 0 ? void 0 : publishConfig.access) || access, tag }, twoFactorState); return { name, newVersion: version, published: publishConfirmation.published }; } async function getUnpublishedPackages(packages, preState) { const results = await Promise.all(packages.map(async ({ packageJson }) => { const response = await infoAllow404(packageJson); let publishedState = "never"; if (response.published) { publishedState = "published"; if (preState !== undefined) { if (response.pkgInfo.versions && response.pkgInfo.versions.every(version => semverParse__default["default"](version).prerelease[0] === preState.tag)) { publishedState = "only-pre"; } } } return { name: packageJson.name, localVersion: packageJson.version, publishedState, publishedVersions: response.pkgInfo.versions || [] }; })); const packagesToPublish = []; for (const pkgInfo of results) { const { name, publishedState, localVersion, publishedVersions } = pkgInfo; if (!publishedVersions.includes(localVersion)) { packagesToPublish.push(pkgInfo); logger.info(`${name} is being published because our local version (${localVersion}) has not been published on npm`); if (preState !== undefined && publishedState === "only-pre") { logger.info(`${name} is being published to ${chalk__default["default"].cyan("latest")} rather than ${chalk__default["default"].cyan(preState.tag)} because there has not been a regular release of it yet`); } } else { // If the local version is behind npm, something is wrong, we warn here, and by not getting published later, it will fail logger.warn(`${name} is not being published because version ${localVersion} is already published on npm`); } } return packagesToPublish; } async function getUntaggedPrivatePackages(privatePackages, cwd, tool) { const packageWithTags = await Promise.all(privatePackages.map(async privatePkg => { const tagName = tool === "root" ? `v${privatePkg.packageJson.version}` : `${privatePkg.packageJson.name}@${privatePkg.packageJson.version}`; const isMissingTag = !((await git__namespace.tagExists(tagName, cwd)) || (await git__namespace.remoteTagExists(tagName))); return { pkg: privatePkg, isMissingTag }; })); const untagged = []; for (const packageWithTag of packageWithTags) { if (packageWithTag.isMissingTag) { untagged.push({ name: packageWithTag.pkg.packageJson.name, newVersion: packageWithTag.pkg.packageJson.version, published: false }); } } return untagged; } function logReleases(pkgs) { const mappedPkgs = pkgs.map(p => `${p.name}@${p.newVersion}`).join("\n"); logger.log(mappedPkgs); } let importantSeparator = chalk__default["default"].red("===============================IMPORTANT!==============================="); let importantEnd = chalk__default["default"].red("----------------------------------------------------------------------"); function showNonLatestTagWarning(tag, preState) { logger.warn(importantSeparator); if (preState) { logger.warn(`You are in prerelease mode so packages will be published to the ${chalk__default["default"].cyan(preState.tag)} dist tag except for packages that have not had normal releases which will be published to ${chalk__default["default"].cyan("latest")}`); } else if (tag !== "latest") { logger.warn(`Packages will be released under the ${tag} tag`); } logger.warn(importantEnd); } async function run$2(cwd, { otp, tag, gitTag = true }, config) { const releaseTag = tag && tag.length > 0 ? tag : undefined; let preState = await pre$1.readPreState(cwd); if (releaseTag && preState && preState.mode === "pre") { logger.error("Releasing under custom tag is not allowed in pre mode"); logger.log("To resolve this exit the pre mode by running `changeset pre exit`"); throw new errors.ExitError(1); } if (releaseTag || preState) { showNonLatestTagWarning(tag, preState); } const { packages, tool } = await getPackages.getPackages(cwd); const tagPrivatePackages = config.privatePackages && config.privatePackages.tag; const publishedPackages = await publishPackages({ packages, // if not public, we won't pass the access, and it works as normal access: config.access, otp, preState, tag: releaseTag }); const privatePackages = packages.filter(pkg => pkg.packageJson.private && pkg.packageJson.version); const untaggedPrivatePackageReleases = tagPrivatePackages ? await getUntaggedPrivatePackages(privatePackages, cwd, tool) : []; if (publishedPackages.length === 0 && untaggedPrivatePackageReleases.length === 0) { logger.warn("No unpublished projects to publish"); } const successfulNpmPublishes = publishedPackages.filter(p => p.published); const unsuccessfulNpmPublishes = publishedPackages.filter(p => !p.published); if (successfulNpmPublishes.length > 0) { logger.success("packages published successfully:"); logReleases(successfulNpmPublishes); if (gitTag) { // We create the tags after the push above so that we know that HEAD won't change and that pushing // won't suffer from a race condition if another merge happens in the mean time (pushing tags won't // fail if we are behind the base branch). logger.log(`Creating git tag${successfulNpmPublishes.length > 1 ? "s" : ""}...`); await tagPublish(tool, successfulNpmPublishes, cwd); } } if (untaggedPrivatePackageReleases.length > 0) { logger.success("found untagged projects:"); logReleases(untaggedPrivatePackageReleases); await tagPublish(tool, untaggedPrivatePackageReleases, cwd); } if (unsuccessfulNpmPublishes.length > 0) { logger.error("packages failed to publish:"); logReleases(unsuccessfulNpmPublishes); throw new errors.ExitError(1); } } async function tagPublish(tool, packageReleases, cwd) { if (tool !== "root") { for (const pkg of packageReleases) { const tag = `${pkg.name}@${pkg.newVersion}`; logger.log("New tag: ", tag); await git__namespace.tag(tag, cwd); } } else { const tag = `v${packageReleases[0].newVersion}`; logger.log("New tag: ", tag); await git__namespace.tag(tag, cwd); } } async function getStatus(cwd, { sinceMaster, since, verbose, output }, config) { if (sinceMaster) { logger.warn("--sinceMaster is deprecated and will be removed in a future major version"); logger.warn("Use --since=master instead"); } const sinceBranch = since === undefined ? sinceMaster ? "master" : undefined : since; const releasePlan = await getReleasePlan__default["default"](cwd, sinceBranch, config); const { changesets, releases } = releasePlan; const changedPackages = await git__namespace.getChangedPackagesSinceRef({ cwd, ref: sinceBranch || config.baseBranch, changedFilePatterns: config.changedFilePatterns }); if (changedPackages.length > 0 && changesets.length === 0) { logger.error("Some packages have been changed but no changesets were found. Run `changeset add` to resolve this error."); logger.error("If this change doesn't need a release, run `changeset add --empty`."); process.exit(1); } if (output) { await fs__default["default"].writeFile(path__default["default"].join(cwd, output), JSON.stringify(releasePlan, undefined, 2)); return; } const print = verbose ? verbosePrint : SimplePrint; print("patch", releases); logger.log("---"); print("minor", releases); logger.log("---"); print("major", releases); return releasePlan; } function SimplePrint(type, releases) { const packages = releases.filter(r => r.type === type); if (packages.length) { logger.info(chalk__default["default"]`Packages to be bumped at {green ${type}}:\n`); const pkgs = packages.map(({ name }) => `- ${name}`).join("\n"); logger.log(chalk__default["default"].green(pkgs)); } else { logger.info(chalk__default["default"]`{red NO} packages to be bumped at {green ${type}}`); } } function verbosePrint(type, releases) { const packages = releases.filter(r => r.type === type); if (packages.length) { logger.info(chalk__default["default"]`Packages to be bumped at {green ${type}}`); const columns = packages.map(({ name, newVersion: version, changesets }) => [chalk__default["default"].green(name), version, changesets.map(c => chalk__default["default"].blue(` .changeset/${c}.md`)).join(" +")]); const t1 = table__default["default"]([{ value: "Package Name", width: 20 }, { value: "New Version", width: 20 }, { value: "Related Changeset Summaries", width: 70 }], columns, { paddingLeft: 1, paddingRight: 0, headerAlign: "center", align: "left" }); logger.log(t1.render() + "\n"); } else { logger.info(chalk__default["default"]`Running release would release {red NO} packages as a {green ${type}}`); } } async function pre(cwd, options) { if (options.command === "enter") { try { await pre$1.enterPre(cwd, options.tag); logger__namespace.success(`Entered pre mode with tag ${chalk__default["default"].cyan(options.tag)}`); logger__namespace.info("Run `changeset version` to version packages with prerelease versions"); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof errors.PreEnterButInPreModeError) { logger__namespace.error("`changeset pre enter` cannot be run when in pre mode"); logger__namespace.info("If you're trying to exit pre mode, run `changeset pre exit`"); throw new errors.ExitError(1); } throw err; } } else { try { await pre$1.exitPre(cwd); logger__namespace.success(`Exited pre mode`); logger__namespace.info("Run `changeset version` to version packages with normal versions"); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof errors.PreExitButNotInPreModeError) { logger__namespace.error("`changeset pre exit` can only be run when in pre mode"); logger__namespace.info("If you're trying to enter pre mode, run `changeset pre enter`"); throw new errors.ExitError(1); } throw err; } } } async function run$1(cwd) { const { packages, tool } = await getPackages.getPackages(cwd); const allExistingTags = await git__namespace.getAllTags(cwd); for (const pkg of packages) { const tag = tool !== "root" ? `${pkg.packageJson.name}@${pkg.packageJson.version}` : `v${pkg.packageJson.version}`; if (allExistingTags.has(tag)) { logger.log("Skipping tag (already exists): ", tag); } else { logger.log("New tag: ", tag); await git__namespace.tag(tag, cwd); } } } async function run(input, flags, cwd) { if (input[0] === "init") { await init(cwd); return; } if (!fs__default["default"].existsSync(path__default["default"].resolve(cwd, ".changeset"))) { logger.error("There is no .changeset folder. "); logger.error("If this is the first time `changesets` have been used in this project, run `yarn changeset init` to get set up."); logger.error("If you expected there to be changesets, you should check git history for when the folder was removed to ensure you do not lose any configuration."); throw new errors.ExitError(1); } const packages = await getPackages.getPackages(cwd); let config$1; try { config$1 = await config.read(cwd, packages); } catch (e) { let oldConfigExists = await fs__default["default"].pathExists(path__default["default"].resolve(cwd, ".changeset/config.js")); if (oldConfigExists) { logger.error("It looks like you're using the version 1 `.changeset/config.js` file"); logger.error("You'll need to convert it to a `.changeset/config.json` file"); logger.error("The format of the config object has significantly changed in v2 as well"); logger.error(" - we thoroughly recommend looking at the changelog for this package for what has changed"); throw new errors.ExitError(1); } else { throw e; } } if (input.length < 1) { const { empty, open } = flags; // @ts-ignore if this is undefined, we have already exited await add(cwd, { empty, open }, config$1); } else if (input[0] !== "pre" && input.length > 1) { logger.error("Too many arguments passed to changesets - we only accept the command name as an argument"); } else { const { sinceMaster, since, verbose, output, otp, empty, ignore, snapshot, snapshotPrereleaseTemplate, tag, open, gitTag } = flags; const deadFlags = ["updateChangelog", "isPublic", "skipCI", "commit"]; deadFlags.forEach(flag => { if (flags[flag]) { logger.error(`the flag ${flag} has been removed from changesets for version 2`); logger.error(`Please encode the desired value into your config`); logger.error(`See our changelog for more details`); throw new errors.ExitError(1); } }); // Command line options need to be undefined, otherwise their // default value overrides the user's provided config in their // config file. For this reason, we only assign them to this // object as and when they exist. switch (input[0]) { case "add": { await add(cwd, { empty, open }, config$1); return; } case "version": { let ignoreArrayFromCmd; if (typeof ignore === "string") { ignoreArrayFromCmd = [ignore]; } else { // undefined or an array ignoreArrayFromCmd = ignore; } // Validate that items in ignoreArrayFromCmd are valid project names let pkgNames = new Set(packages.packages.map(({ packageJson }) => packageJson.name)); const messages = []; for (const pkgName of ignoreArrayFromCmd || []) { if (!pkgNames.has(pkgName)) { messages.push(`The package "${pkgName}" is passed to the \`--ignore\` option but it is not found in the project. You may have misspelled the package name.`); } } if (config$1.ignore.length > 0 && ignoreArrayFromCmd) { messages.push(`It looks like you are trying to use the \`--ignore\` option while ignore is defined in the config file. This is currently not allowed, you can only use one of them at a time.`); } else if (ignoreArrayFromCmd) { // use the ignore flags from cli config$1.ignore = ignoreArrayFromCmd; } // Validate that all dependents of ignored packages are listed in the ignore list const dependentsGraph = getDependentsGraph.getDependentsGraph(packages, { bumpVersionsWithWorkspaceProtocolOnly: config$1.bumpVersionsWithWorkspaceProtocolOnly }); for (const ignoredPackage of config$1.ignore) { const dependents = dependentsGraph.get(ignoredPackage) || []; for (const dependent of dependents) { if (!config$1.ignore.includes(dependent)) { messages.push(`The package "${dependent}" depends on the ignored package "${ignoredPackage}", but "${dependent}" is not being ignored. Please pass "${dependent}" to the \`--ignore\` flag.`); } } } if (messages.length > 0) { logger.error(messages.join("\n")); throw new errors.ExitError(1); } if (snapshotPrereleaseTemplate) { config$1.snapshot.prereleaseTemplate = snapshotPrereleaseTemplate; } await version(cwd, { snapshot }, config$1); return; } case "publish": { await run$2(cwd, { otp, tag, gitTag }, config$1); return; } case "status": { await getStatus(cwd, { sinceMaster, since, verbose, output }, config$1); return; } case "tag": { await run$1(cwd); return; } case "pre": { let command = input[1]; if (command !== "enter" && command !== "exit") { logger.error("`enter`, `exit` or `snapshot` must be passed after prerelease"); throw new errors.ExitError(1); } let tag = input[2]; if (command === "enter" && typeof tag !== "string") { logger.error(`A tag must be passed when using prerelese enter`); throw new errors.ExitError(1); } // @ts-ignore await pre(cwd, { command, tag }); return; } case "bump": { logger.error('In version 2 of changesets, "bump" has been renamed to "version" - see our changelog for an explanation'); logger.error("To fix this, use `changeset version` instead, and update any scripts that use changesets"); throw new errors.ExitError(1); } case "release": { logger.error('In version 2 of changesets, "release" has been renamed to "publish" - see our changelog for an explanation'); logger.error("To fix this, use `changeset publish` instead, and update any scripts that use changesets"); throw new errors.ExitError(1); } default: { logger.error(`Invalid command ${input[0]} was provided`); throw new errors.ExitError(1); } } } } const { input, flags } = meow__default["default"](` Usage $ changeset [command] Commands init add [--empty] [--open] version [--ignore] [--snapshot ] [--snapshot-prerelease-template