"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); exports.decodeJwt = void 0; const base64url_js_1 = require("./base64url.js"); const buffer_utils_js_1 = require("../lib/buffer_utils.js"); const is_object_js_1 = require("../lib/is_object.js"); const errors_js_1 = require("./errors.js"); function decodeJwt(jwt) { if (typeof jwt !== 'string') throw new errors_js_1.JWTInvalid('JWTs must use Compact JWS serialization, JWT must be a string'); const { 1: payload, length } = jwt.split('.'); if (length === 5) throw new errors_js_1.JWTInvalid('Only JWTs using Compact JWS serialization can be decoded'); if (length !== 3) throw new errors_js_1.JWTInvalid('Invalid JWT'); if (!payload) throw new errors_js_1.JWTInvalid('JWTs must contain a payload'); let decoded; try { decoded = (0, base64url_js_1.decode)(payload); } catch { throw new errors_js_1.JWTInvalid('Failed to base64url decode the payload'); } let result; try { result = JSON.parse(buffer_utils_js_1.decoder.decode(decoded)); } catch { throw new errors_js_1.JWTInvalid('Failed to parse the decoded payload as JSON'); } if (!(0, is_object_js_1.default)(result)) throw new errors_js_1.JWTInvalid('Invalid JWT Claims Set'); return result; } exports.decodeJwt = decodeJwt;