import { TRANSITION_AFTER_SWAP, doPreparation, doSwap } from "./events.js"; const inBrowser = import.meta.env.SSR === false; const pushState = inBrowser && history.pushState.bind(history); const replaceState = inBrowser && history.replaceState.bind(history); const updateScrollPosition = (positions) => { if (history.state) { history.scrollRestoration = "manual"; replaceState({ ...history.state, ...positions }, ""); } }; const supportsViewTransitions = inBrowser && !!document.startViewTransition; const transitionEnabledOnThisPage = () => inBrowser && !!document.querySelector('[name="astro-view-transitions-enabled"]'); const samePage = (thisLocation, otherLocation) => thisLocation.pathname === otherLocation.pathname && ===; let originalLocation; let viewTransition; let skipTransition = false; let viewTransitionFinished; const triggerEvent = (name) => document.dispatchEvent(new Event(name)); const onPageLoad = () => triggerEvent("astro:page-load"); const announce = () => { let div = document.createElement("div"); div.setAttribute("aria-live", "assertive"); div.setAttribute("aria-atomic", "true"); div.className = "astro-route-announcer"; document.body.append(div); setTimeout( () => { let title = document.title || document.querySelector("h1")?.textContent || location.pathname; div.textContent = title; }, // Much thought went into this magic number; the gist is that screen readers // need to see that the element changed and might not do so if it happens // too quickly. 60 ); }; const PERSIST_ATTR = "data-astro-transition-persist"; const DIRECTION_ATTR = "data-astro-transition"; const OLD_NEW_ATTR = "data-astro-transition-fallback"; const VITE_ID = "data-vite-dev-id"; let parser; let currentHistoryIndex = 0; if (inBrowser) { if (history.state) { currentHistoryIndex = history.state.index; scrollTo({ left: history.state.scrollX, top: history.state.scrollY }); } else if (transitionEnabledOnThisPage()) { replaceState({ index: currentHistoryIndex, scrollX, scrollY }, ""); history.scrollRestoration = "manual"; } } const throttle = (cb, delay) => { let wait = false; let onceMore = false; return (...args) => { if (wait) { onceMore = true; return; } cb(...args); wait = true; setTimeout(() => { if (onceMore) { onceMore = false; cb(...args); } wait = false; }, delay); }; }; async function fetchHTML(href, init) { try { const res = await fetch(href, init); const contentType = res.headers.get("content-type") ?? ""; const mediaType = contentType.split(";", 1)[0].trim(); if (mediaType !== "text/html" && mediaType !== "application/xhtml+xml") { return null; } const html = await res.text(); return { html, redirected: res.redirected ? res.url : void 0, mediaType }; } catch (err) { return null; } } function getFallback() { const el = document.querySelector('[name="astro-view-transitions-fallback"]'); if (el) { return el.getAttribute("content"); } return "animate"; } function runScripts() { let wait = Promise.resolve(); for (const script of Array.from(document.scripts)) { if (script.dataset.astroExec === "") continue; const type = script.getAttribute("type"); if (type && type !== "module" && type !== "text/javascript") continue; const newScript = document.createElement("script"); newScript.innerHTML = script.innerHTML; for (const attr of script.attributes) { if ( === "src") { const p = new Promise((r) => { newScript.onload = newScript.onerror = r; }); wait = wait.then(() => p); } newScript.setAttribute(, attr.value); } newScript.dataset.astroExec = ""; script.replaceWith(newScript); } return wait; } const moveToLocation = (to, from, options, pageTitleForBrowserHistory, historyState) => { const intraPage = samePage(from, to); const targetPageTitle = document.title; document.title = pageTitleForBrowserHistory; let scrolledToTop = false; if (to.href !== location.href && !historyState) { if (options.history === "replace") { const current = history.state; replaceState( { ...options.state, index: current.index, scrollX: current.scrollX, scrollY: current.scrollY }, "", to.href ); } else { pushState( { ...options.state, index: ++currentHistoryIndex, scrollX: 0, scrollY: 0 }, "", to.href ); } } originalLocation = to; if (!intraPage) { scrollTo({ left: 0, top: 0, behavior: "instant" }); scrolledToTop = true; } if (historyState) { scrollTo(historyState.scrollX, historyState.scrollY); } else { if (to.hash) { history.scrollRestoration = "auto"; const savedState = history.state; location.href = to.href; history.state || replaceState(savedState, ""); } else { if (!scrolledToTop) { scrollTo({ left: 0, top: 0, behavior: "instant" }); } } history.scrollRestoration = "manual"; } document.title = targetPageTitle; }; function preloadStyleLinks(newDocument) { const links = []; for (const el of newDocument.querySelectorAll("head link[rel=stylesheet]")) { if (!document.querySelector( `[${PERSIST_ATTR}="${el.getAttribute( PERSIST_ATTR )}"], link[rel=stylesheet][href="${el.getAttribute("href")}"]` )) { const c = document.createElement("link"); c.setAttribute("rel", "preload"); c.setAttribute("as", "style"); c.setAttribute("href", el.getAttribute("href")); links.push( new Promise((resolve) => { ["load", "error"].forEach((evName) => c.addEventListener(evName, resolve)); document.head.append(c); }) ); } } return links; } async function updateDOM(preparationEvent, options, historyState, fallback) { const persistedHeadElement = (el, newDoc) => { const id = el.getAttribute(PERSIST_ATTR); const newEl = id && newDoc.head.querySelector(`[${PERSIST_ATTR}="${id}"]`); if (newEl) { return newEl; } if (el.matches("link[rel=stylesheet]")) { const href = el.getAttribute("href"); return newDoc.head.querySelector(`link[rel=stylesheet][href="${href}"]`); } return null; }; const saveFocus = () => { const activeElement = document.activeElement; if (activeElement?.closest(`[${PERSIST_ATTR}]`)) { if (activeElement instanceof HTMLInputElement || activeElement instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) { const start = activeElement.selectionStart; const end = activeElement.selectionEnd; return { activeElement, start, end }; } return { activeElement }; } else { return { activeElement: null }; } }; const restoreFocus = ({ activeElement, start, end }) => { if (activeElement) { activeElement.focus(); if (activeElement instanceof HTMLInputElement || activeElement instanceof HTMLTextAreaElement) { activeElement.selectionStart = start; activeElement.selectionEnd = end; } } }; const defaultSwap = (beforeSwapEvent) => { const html = document.documentElement; const astroAttributes = [...html.attributes].filter( ({ name }) => (html.removeAttribute(name), name.startsWith("data-astro-")) ); [...beforeSwapEvent.newDocument.documentElement.attributes, ...astroAttributes].forEach( ({ name, value }) => html.setAttribute(name, value) ); for (const s1 of document.scripts) { for (const s2 of beforeSwapEvent.newDocument.scripts) { if ( // Inline !s1.src && s1.textContent === s2.textContent || // External s1.src && s1.type === s2.type && s1.src === s2.src ) { s2.dataset.astroExec = ""; break; } } } for (const el of Array.from(document.head.children)) { const newEl = persistedHeadElement(el, beforeSwapEvent.newDocument); if (newEl) { newEl.remove(); } else { el.remove(); } } document.head.append(...beforeSwapEvent.newDocument.head.children); const oldBody = document.body; const savedFocus = saveFocus(); document.body.replaceWith(beforeSwapEvent.newDocument.body); for (const el of oldBody.querySelectorAll(`[${PERSIST_ATTR}]`)) { const id = el.getAttribute(PERSIST_ATTR); const newEl = document.querySelector(`[${PERSIST_ATTR}="${id}"]`); if (newEl) { newEl.replaceWith(el); } } restoreFocus(savedFocus); }; async function animate(phase) { function isInfinite(animation) { const effect = animation.effect; if (!effect || !(effect instanceof KeyframeEffect) || ! return false; const style = window.getComputedStyle(, effect.pseudoElement); return style.animationIterationCount === "infinite"; } const currentAnimations = document.getAnimations(); document.documentElement.setAttribute(OLD_NEW_ATTR, phase); const nextAnimations = document.getAnimations(); const newAnimations = nextAnimations.filter( (a) => !currentAnimations.includes(a) && !isInfinite(a) ); return Promise.all( => a.finished)); } if (!skipTransition) { document.documentElement.setAttribute(DIRECTION_ATTR, preparationEvent.direction); if (fallback === "animate") { await animate("old"); } } else { throw new DOMException("Transition was skipped"); } const pageTitleForBrowserHistory = document.title; const swapEvent = await doSwap(preparationEvent, viewTransition, defaultSwap); moveToLocation(, swapEvent.from, options, pageTitleForBrowserHistory, historyState); triggerEvent(TRANSITION_AFTER_SWAP); if (fallback === "animate" && !skipTransition) { animate("new").then(() => viewTransitionFinished()); } } async function transition(direction, from, to, options, historyState) { if (!transitionEnabledOnThisPage() || location.origin !== to.origin) { location.href = to.href; return; } const navigationType = historyState ? "traverse" : options.history === "replace" ? "replace" : "push"; if (navigationType !== "traverse") { updateScrollPosition({ scrollX, scrollY }); } if (samePage(from, to) && !!to.hash) { moveToLocation(to, from, options, document.title, historyState); return; } const prepEvent = await doPreparation( from, to, direction, navigationType, options.sourceElement,, options.formData, defaultLoader ); if (prepEvent.defaultPrevented) { location.href = to.href; return; } async function defaultLoader(preparationEvent) { const href =; const init = {}; if (preparationEvent.formData) { init.method = "POST"; const form = preparationEvent.sourceElement instanceof HTMLFormElement ? preparationEvent.sourceElement : preparationEvent.sourceElement instanceof HTMLElement && "form" in preparationEvent.sourceElement ? preparationEvent.sourceElement.form : preparationEvent.sourceElement?.closest("form"); init.body = form?.attributes.getNamedItem("enctype")?.value === "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" ? new URLSearchParams(preparationEvent.formData) : preparationEvent.formData; } const response = await fetchHTML(href, init); if (response === null) { preparationEvent.preventDefault(); return; } if (response.redirected) { = new URL(response.redirected); } parser ??= new DOMParser(); preparationEvent.newDocument = parser.parseFromString(response.html, response.mediaType); preparationEvent.newDocument.querySelectorAll("noscript").forEach((el) => el.remove()); if (!preparationEvent.newDocument.querySelector('[name="astro-view-transitions-enabled"]') && !preparationEvent.formData) { preparationEvent.preventDefault(); return; } const links = preloadStyleLinks(preparationEvent.newDocument); links.length && await Promise.all(links); if (import.meta.env.DEV) await prepareForClientOnlyComponents(preparationEvent.newDocument,; } skipTransition = false; if (supportsViewTransitions) { viewTransition = document.startViewTransition( async () => await updateDOM(prepEvent, options, historyState) ); } else { const updateDone = (async () => { await new Promise((r) => setTimeout(r)); await updateDOM(prepEvent, options, historyState, getFallback()); })(); viewTransition = { updateCallbackDone: updateDone, // this is about correct ready: updateDone, // good enough finished: new Promise((r) => viewTransitionFinished = r), // see end of updateDOM skipTransition: () => { skipTransition = true; } }; } viewTransition.ready.then(async () => { await runScripts(); onPageLoad(); announce(); }); viewTransition.finished.then(() => { document.documentElement.removeAttribute(DIRECTION_ATTR); document.documentElement.removeAttribute(OLD_NEW_ATTR); }); await viewTransition.ready; } let navigateOnServerWarned = false; async function navigate(href, options) { if (inBrowser === false) { if (!navigateOnServerWarned) { const warning = new Error( "The view transitions client API was called during a server side render. This may be unintentional as the navigate() function is expected to be called in response to user interactions. Please make sure that your usage is correct." ); = "Warning"; console.warn(warning); navigateOnServerWarned = true; } return; } await transition("forward", originalLocation, new URL(href, location.href), options ?? {}); } function onPopState(ev) { if (!transitionEnabledOnThisPage() && ev.state) { location.reload(); return; } if (ev.state === null) { return; } const state = history.state; const nextIndex = state.index; const direction = nextIndex > currentHistoryIndex ? "forward" : "back"; currentHistoryIndex = nextIndex; transition(direction, originalLocation, new URL(location.href), {}, state); } const onScroll = () => { updateScrollPosition({ scrollX, scrollY }); }; if (inBrowser) { if (supportsViewTransitions || getFallback() !== "none") { originalLocation = new URL(location.href); addEventListener("popstate", onPopState); addEventListener("load", onPageLoad); if ("onscrollend" in window) addEventListener("scrollend", onScroll); else addEventListener("scroll", throttle(onScroll, 350), { passive: true }); } for (const script of document.scripts) { script.dataset.astroExec = ""; } } async function prepareForClientOnlyComponents(newDocument, toLocation) { if (newDocument.body.querySelector(`astro-island[client='only']`)) { const nextPage = document.createElement("iframe"); nextPage.src = toLocation.href; = "none"; document.body.append(nextPage); nextPage.contentWindow.console = Object.keys(console).reduce((acc, key) => { acc[key] = () => { }; return acc; }, {}); await hydrationDone(nextPage); const nextHead = nextPage.contentDocument?.head; if (nextHead) { document.head.querySelectorAll(`style[${PERSIST_ATTR}=""]`).forEach((s) => s.removeAttribute(PERSIST_ATTR)); const viteIds = [...nextHead.querySelectorAll(`style[${VITE_ID}]`)].map( (style) => style.getAttribute(VITE_ID) ); viteIds.forEach((id) => { const style = document.head.querySelector(`style[${VITE_ID}="${id}"]`); if (style && !newDocument.head.querySelector(`style[${VITE_ID}="${id}"]`)) { newDocument.head.appendChild(style.cloneNode(true)); } }); } async function hydrationDone(loadingPage) { await new Promise( (r) => loadingPage.contentWindow?.addEventListener("load", r, { once: true }) ); return new Promise(async (r) => { for (let count = 0; count <= 20; ++count) { if (!loadingPage.contentDocument.body.querySelector("astro-island[ssr]")) break; await new Promise((r2) => setTimeout(r2, 50)); } r(); }); } } } export { navigate, supportsViewTransitions, transitionEnabledOnThisPage, updateScrollPosition };