import type { ParserServices, TSESTree } from '../ts-estree'; import type { Parser } from './Parser'; import type { Scope } from './Scope'; declare class TokenStore { /** * Checks whether any comments exist or not between the given 2 nodes. * @param left The node to check. * @param right The node to check. * @returns `true` if one or more comments exist. */ commentsExistBetween(left: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token, right: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token): boolean; /** * Gets all comment tokens directly after the given node or token. * @param nodeOrToken The AST node or token to check for adjacent comment tokens. * @returns An array of comments in occurrence order. */ getCommentsAfter(nodeOrToken: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token): TSESTree.Comment[]; /** * Gets all comment tokens directly before the given node or token. * @param nodeOrToken The AST node or token to check for adjacent comment tokens. * @returns An array of comments in occurrence order. */ getCommentsBefore(nodeOrToken: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token): TSESTree.Comment[]; /** * Gets all comment tokens inside the given node. * @param node The AST node to get the comments for. * @returns An array of comments in occurrence order. */ getCommentsInside(node: TSESTree.Node): TSESTree.Comment[]; /** * Gets the first token of the given node. * @param node The AST node. * @param option The option object. If this is a number then it's `options.skip`. If this is a function then it's `options.filter`. * @returns An object representing the token. */ getFirstToken(node: TSESTree.Node, options?: T): SourceCode.ReturnTypeFromOptions | null; /** * Gets the first token between two non-overlapping nodes. * @param left Node before the desired token range. * @param right Node after the desired token range. * @param option The option object. If this is a number then it's `options.skip`. If this is a function then it's `options.filter`. * @returns An object representing the token. */ getFirstTokenBetween(left: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token, right: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token, options?: T): SourceCode.ReturnTypeFromOptions | null; /** * Gets the first `count` tokens of the given node. * @param node The AST node. * @param options The option object. If this is a number then it's `options.count`. If this is a function then it's `options.filter`. * @returns Tokens. */ getFirstTokens(node: TSESTree.Node, options?: T): SourceCode.ReturnTypeFromOptions[]; /** * Gets the first `count` tokens between two non-overlapping nodes. * @param left Node before the desired token range. * @param right Node after the desired token range. * @param options The option object. If this is a number then it's `options.count`. If this is a function then it's `options.filter`. * @returns Tokens between left and right. */ getFirstTokensBetween(left: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token, right: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token, options?: T): SourceCode.ReturnTypeFromOptions[]; /** * Gets the last token of the given node. * @param node The AST node. * @param option The option object. If this is a number then it's `options.skip`. If this is a function then it's `options.filter`. * @returns An object representing the token. */ getLastToken(node: TSESTree.Node, options?: T): SourceCode.ReturnTypeFromOptions | null; /** * Gets the last token between two non-overlapping nodes. * @param left Node before the desired token range. * @param right Node after the desired token range. * @param option The option object. If this is a number then it's `options.skip`. If this is a function then it's `options.filter`. * @returns An object representing the token. */ getLastTokenBetween(left: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token, right: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token, options?: T): SourceCode.ReturnTypeFromOptions | null; /** * Gets the last `count` tokens of the given node. * @param node The AST node. * @param options The option object. If this is a number then it's `options.count`. If this is a function then it's `options.filter`. * @returns Tokens. */ getLastTokens(node: TSESTree.Node, options?: T): SourceCode.ReturnTypeFromOptions[]; /** * Gets the last `count` tokens between two non-overlapping nodes. * @param left Node before the desired token range. * @param right Node after the desired token range. * @param options The option object. If this is a number then it's `options.count`. If this is a function then it's `options.filter`. * @returns Tokens between left and right. */ getLastTokensBetween(left: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token, right: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token, options?: T): SourceCode.ReturnTypeFromOptions[]; /** * Gets the token that follows a given node or token. * @param node The AST node or token. * @param option The option object. If this is a number then it's `options.skip`. If this is a function then it's `options.filter`. * @returns An object representing the token. */ getTokenAfter(node: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token, options?: T): SourceCode.ReturnTypeFromOptions | null; /** * Gets the token that precedes a given node or token. * @param node The AST node or token. * @param options The option object * @returns An object representing the token. */ getTokenBefore(node: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token, options?: T): SourceCode.ReturnTypeFromOptions | null; /** * Gets the token starting at the specified index. * @param offset Index of the start of the token's range. * @param option The option object. If this is a number then it's `options.skip`. If this is a function then it's `options.filter`. * @returns The token starting at index, or null if no such token. */ getTokenByRangeStart(offset: number, options?: T): SourceCode.ReturnTypeFromOptions | null; /** * Gets all tokens that are related to the given node. * @param node The AST node. * @param beforeCount The number of tokens before the node to retrieve. * @param afterCount The number of tokens after the node to retrieve. * @returns Array of objects representing tokens. */ getTokens(node: TSESTree.Node, beforeCount?: number, afterCount?: number): TSESTree.Token[]; /** * Gets all tokens that are related to the given node. * @param node The AST node. * @param options The option object. If this is a function then it's `options.filter`. * @returns Array of objects representing tokens. */ getTokens(node: TSESTree.Node, options: T): SourceCode.ReturnTypeFromOptions[]; /** * Gets the `count` tokens that follows a given node or token. * @param node The AST node. * @param options The option object. If this is a number then it's `options.count`. If this is a function then it's `options.filter`. * @returns Tokens. */ getTokensAfter(node: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token, options?: T | number): SourceCode.ReturnTypeFromOptions[]; /** * Gets the `count` tokens that precedes a given node or token. * @param node The AST node. * @param options The option object. If this is a number then it's `options.count`. If this is a function then it's `options.filter`. * @returns Tokens. */ getTokensBefore(node: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token, options?: T | number): SourceCode.ReturnTypeFromOptions[]; /** * Gets all of the tokens between two non-overlapping nodes. * @param left Node before the desired token range. * @param right Node after the desired token range. * @param options The option object. If this is a number then it's `options.count`. If this is a function then it's `options.filter`. * @returns Tokens between left and right. */ getTokensBetween(left: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token, right: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token, options?: T | number): SourceCode.ReturnTypeFromOptions[]; } declare class SourceCodeBase extends TokenStore { /** * Represents parsed source code. * @param text The source code text. * @param ast The Program node of the AST representing the code. This AST should be created from the text that BOM was stripped. */ constructor(text: string, ast: SourceCode.Program); /** * Represents parsed source code. * @param config The config object. */ constructor(config: SourceCode.SourceCodeConfig); /** * The parsed AST for the source code. */ ast: SourceCode.Program; /** * Retrieves an array containing all comments in the source code. * @returns An array of comment nodes. */ getAllComments(): TSESTree.Comment[]; /** * Converts a (line, column) pair into a range index. * @param loc A line/column location * @returns The range index of the location in the file. */ getIndexFromLoc(location: TSESTree.Position): number; /** * Gets the entire source text split into an array of lines. * @returns The source text as an array of lines. */ getLines(): string[]; /** * Converts a source text index into a (line, column) pair. * @param index The index of a character in a file * @returns A {line, column} location object with a 0-indexed column */ getLocFromIndex(index: number): TSESTree.Position; /** * Gets the deepest node containing a range index. * @param index Range index of the desired node. * @returns The node if found or `null` if not found. */ getNodeByRangeIndex(index: number): TSESTree.Node | null; /** * Gets the source code for the given node. * @param node The AST node to get the text for. * @param beforeCount The number of characters before the node to retrieve. * @param afterCount The number of characters after the node to retrieve. * @returns The text representing the AST node. */ getText(node?: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token, beforeCount?: number, afterCount?: number): string; /** * The flag to indicate that the source code has Unicode BOM. */ hasBOM: boolean; /** * Determines if two nodes or tokens have at least one whitespace character * between them. Order does not matter. Returns false if the given nodes or * tokens overlap. * @param first The first node or token to check between. * @param second The second node or token to check between. * @returns True if there is a whitespace character between any of the tokens found between the two given nodes or tokens. */ isSpaceBetween(first: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token, second: TSESTree.Node | TSESTree.Token): boolean; /** * Determines if two nodes or tokens have at least one whitespace character * between them. Order does not matter. Returns false if the given nodes or * tokens overlap. * For backward compatibility, this method returns true if there are * `JSXText` tokens that contain whitespace between the two. * @param first The first node or token to check between. * @param second The second node or token to check between. * @returns {boolean} True if there is a whitespace character between * any of the tokens found between the two given nodes or tokens. * @deprecated in favor of isSpaceBetween */ isSpaceBetweenTokens(first: TSESTree.Token, second: TSESTree.Token): boolean; /** * Returns the scope of the given node. * This information can be used track references to variables. */ getScope(node: TSESTree.Node): Scope.Scope; /** * Returns an array of the ancestors of the given node, starting at * the root of the AST and continuing through the direct parent of the current node. * This array does not include the currently-traversed node itself. */ getAncestors(node: TSESTree.Node): TSESTree.Node[]; /** * Returns a list of variables declared by the given node. * This information can be used to track references to variables. */ getDeclaredVariables(node: TSESTree.Node): readonly Scope.Variable[]; /** * Marks a variable with the given name in the current scope as used. * This affects the no-unused-vars rule. */ markVariableAsUsed(name: string, node: TSESTree.Node): boolean; /** * The source code split into lines according to ECMA-262 specification. * This is done to avoid each rule needing to do so separately. */ lines: string[]; /** * The indexes in `text` that each line starts */ lineStartIndices: number[]; /** * The parser services of this source code. */ parserServices?: Partial; /** * The scope of this source code. */ scopeManager: Scope.ScopeManager | null; /** * The original text source code. BOM was stripped from this text. */ text: string; /** * All of the tokens and comments in the AST. * * TODO: rename to 'tokens' */ tokensAndComments: TSESTree.Token[]; /** * The visitor keys to traverse AST. */ visitorKeys: SourceCode.VisitorKeys; /** * Split the source code into multiple lines based on the line delimiters. * @param text Source code as a string. * @returns Array of source code lines. */ static splitLines(text: string): string[]; } declare namespace SourceCode { interface Program extends TSESTree.Program { comments: TSESTree.Comment[]; tokens: TSESTree.Token[]; } interface SourceCodeConfig { /** * The Program node of the AST representing the code. This AST should be created from the text that BOM was stripped. */ ast: Program; /** * The parser services. */ parserServices: ParserServices | null; /** * The scope of this source code. */ scopeManager: Scope.ScopeManager | null; /** * The source code text. */ text: string; /** * The visitor keys to traverse AST. */ visitorKeys: VisitorKeys | null; } type VisitorKeys = Parser.VisitorKeys; type FilterPredicate = (token: TSESTree.Token) => boolean; type GetFilterPredicate = TFilter extends ((token: TSESTree.Token) => token is infer U extends TSESTree.Token) ? U : TDefault; type GetFilterPredicateFromOptions = TOptions extends { filter?: FilterPredicate; } ? GetFilterPredicate : GetFilterPredicate; type ReturnTypeFromOptions = T extends { includeComments: true; } ? GetFilterPredicateFromOptions : GetFilterPredicateFromOptions>; type CursorWithSkipOptions = FilterPredicate | number | { /** * The predicate function to choose tokens. */ filter?: FilterPredicate; /** * The flag to iterate comments as well. */ includeComments?: boolean; /** * The count of tokens the cursor skips. */ skip?: number; }; type CursorWithCountOptions = FilterPredicate | number | { /** * The predicate function to choose tokens. */ filter?: FilterPredicate; /** * The flag to iterate comments as well. */ includeComments?: boolean; /** * The maximum count of tokens the cursor iterates. */ count?: number; }; } declare const SourceCode_base: typeof SourceCodeBase; declare class SourceCode extends SourceCode_base { } export { SourceCode }; //#