import { createMarkdownProcessor, InvalidAstroDataError } from "@astrojs/markdown-remark"; import matter from "gray-matter"; import fs from "node:fs"; import path from "node:path"; import { fileURLToPath, pathToFileURL } from "node:url"; import { normalizePath } from "vite"; import { AstroError, AstroErrorData, MarkdownError } from "../core/errors/index.js"; import { isMarkdownFile } from "../core/util.js"; import { shorthash } from "../runtime/server/shorthash.js"; import { getFileInfo } from "../vite-plugin-utils/index.js"; import { getMarkdownCodeForImages } from "./images.js"; function safeMatter(source, id) { try { return matter(source); } catch (err) { const markdownError = new MarkdownError({ name: "MarkdownError", message: err.message, stack: err.stack, location: { file: id } }); if ( === "YAMLException") { markdownError.setLocation({ file: id, line: err.mark.line, column: err.mark.column }); markdownError.setMessage(err.reason); } throw markdownError; } } const astroServerRuntimeModulePath = normalizePath( fileURLToPath(new URL("../runtime/server/index.js", import.meta.url)) ); const astroErrorModulePath = normalizePath( fileURLToPath(new URL("../core/errors/index.js", import.meta.url)) ); function markdown({ settings, logger }) { let processor; return { enforce: "pre", name: "astro:markdown", async buildStart() { processor = await createMarkdownProcessor(settings.config.markdown); }, // Why not the "transform" hook instead of "load" + readFile? // A: Vite transforms all "import.meta.env" references to their values before // passing to the transform hook. This lets us get the truly raw value // to escape "import.meta.env" ourselves. async load(id) { if (isMarkdownFile(id)) { const { fileId, fileUrl } = getFileInfo(id, settings.config); const rawFile = await fs.promises.readFile(fileId, "utf-8"); const raw = safeMatter(rawFile, id); const fileURL = pathToFileURL(fileId); const renderResult = await processor.render(raw.content, { // @ts-expect-error passing internal prop fileURL, frontmatter: }).catch((err) => { if (err instanceof InvalidAstroDataError) { throw new AstroError(AstroErrorData.InvalidFrontmatterInjectionError); } throw err; }); let html = renderResult.code; const { headings, imagePaths: rawImagePaths, frontmatter } = renderResult.metadata; const imagePaths = []; for (const imagePath of rawImagePaths.values()) { imagePaths.push({ raw: imagePath, resolved: (await this.resolve(imagePath, id))?.id ?? path.join(path.dirname(id), imagePath), safeName: shorthash(imagePath) }); } const { layout } = frontmatter; if (frontmatter.setup) { logger.warn( "markdown", `[${id}] Astro now supports MDX! Support for components in ".md" (or alternative extensions like ".markdown") files using the "setup" frontmatter is no longer enabled by default. Migrate this file to MDX.` ); } const code = ` import { unescapeHTML, spreadAttributes, createComponent, render, renderComponent, maybeRenderHead } from ${JSON.stringify( astroServerRuntimeModulePath )}; import { AstroError, AstroErrorData } from ${JSON.stringify(astroErrorModulePath)}; ${layout ? `import Layout from ${JSON.stringify(layout)};` : ""} ${// Only include the code relevant to `astro:assets` if there's images in the file imagePaths.length > 0 ? getMarkdownCodeForImages(imagePaths, html) : `const html = ${JSON.stringify(html)};`} export const frontmatter = ${JSON.stringify(frontmatter)}; export const file = ${JSON.stringify(fileId)}; export const url = ${JSON.stringify(fileUrl)}; export function rawContent() { return ${JSON.stringify(raw.content)}; } export function compiledContent() { return html; } export function getHeadings() { return ${JSON.stringify(headings)}; } export const Content = createComponent((result, _props, slots) => { const { layout, ...content } = frontmatter; content.file = file; content.url = url; return ${layout ? `render\`\${renderComponent(result, 'Layout', Layout, { file, url, content, frontmatter: content, headings: getHeadings(), rawContent, compiledContent, 'server:root': true, }, { 'default': () => render\`\${unescapeHTML(html)}\` })}\`;` : `render\`\${maybeRenderHead(result)}\${unescapeHTML(html)}\`;`} }); export default Content; `; return { code, meta: { astro: { hydratedComponents: [], clientOnlyComponents: [], scripts: [], propagation: "none", containsHead: false, pageOptions: {} }, vite: { lang: "ts" } } }; } } }; } export { markdown as default };