/** * @fileoverview Main class using flat config * @author Nicholas C. Zakas */ "use strict"; //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Requirements //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Note: Node.js 12 does not support fs/promises. const fs = require("fs").promises; const { existsSync } = require("fs"); const path = require("path"); const findUp = require("find-up"); const { version } = require("../../package.json"); const { Linter } = require("../linter"); const { getRuleFromConfig } = require("../config/flat-config-helpers"); const { Legacy: { ConfigOps: { getRuleSeverity }, ModuleResolver, naming } } = require("@eslint/eslintrc"); const { findFiles, getCacheFile, isNonEmptyString, isArrayOfNonEmptyString, createIgnoreResult, isErrorMessage, processOptions } = require("./eslint-helpers"); const { pathToFileURL } = require("url"); const { FlatConfigArray } = require("../config/flat-config-array"); const LintResultCache = require("../cli-engine/lint-result-cache"); /* * This is necessary to allow overwriting writeFile for testing purposes. * We can just use fs/promises once we drop Node.js 12 support. */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Typedefs //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // For VSCode IntelliSense /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").ConfigData} ConfigData */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").DeprecatedRuleInfo} DeprecatedRuleInfo */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").LintMessage} LintMessage */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").LintResult} LintResult */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").ParserOptions} ParserOptions */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").Plugin} Plugin */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").ResultsMeta} ResultsMeta */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").RuleConf} RuleConf */ /** @typedef {import("../shared/types").Rule} Rule */ /** @typedef {ReturnType} ExtractedConfig */ /** * The options with which to configure the ESLint instance. * @typedef {Object} FlatESLintOptions * @property {boolean} [allowInlineConfig] Enable or disable inline configuration comments. * @property {ConfigData} [baseConfig] Base config object, extended by all configs used with this instance * @property {boolean} [cache] Enable result caching. * @property {string} [cacheLocation] The cache file to use instead of .eslintcache. * @property {"metadata" | "content"} [cacheStrategy] The strategy used to detect changed files. * @property {string} [cwd] The value to use for the current working directory. * @property {boolean} [errorOnUnmatchedPattern] If `false` then `ESLint#lintFiles()` doesn't throw even if no target files found. Defaults to `true`. * @property {boolean|Function} [fix] Execute in autofix mode. If a function, should return a boolean. * @property {string[]} [fixTypes] Array of rule types to apply fixes for. * @property {boolean} [globInputPaths] Set to false to skip glob resolution of input file paths to lint (default: true). If false, each input file paths is assumed to be a non-glob path to an existing file. * @property {boolean} [ignore] False disables all ignore patterns except for the default ones. * @property {string[]} [ignorePatterns] Ignore file patterns to use in addition to config ignores. These patterns are relative to `cwd`. * @property {ConfigData} [overrideConfig] Override config object, overrides all configs used with this instance * @property {boolean|string} [overrideConfigFile] Searches for default config file when falsy; * doesn't do any config file lookup when `true`; considered to be a config filename * when a string. * @property {Record} [plugins] An array of plugin implementations. * @property {boolean} warnIgnored Show warnings when the file list includes ignored files */ //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Helpers //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ const FLAT_CONFIG_FILENAME = "eslint.config.js"; const debug = require("debug")("eslint:flat-eslint"); const removedFormatters = new Set(["table", "codeframe"]); const privateMembers = new WeakMap(); const importedConfigFileModificationTime = new Map(); /** * It will calculate the error and warning count for collection of messages per file * @param {LintMessage[]} messages Collection of messages * @returns {Object} Contains the stats * @private */ function calculateStatsPerFile(messages) { const stat = { errorCount: 0, fatalErrorCount: 0, warningCount: 0, fixableErrorCount: 0, fixableWarningCount: 0 }; for (let i = 0; i < messages.length; i++) { const message = messages[i]; if (message.fatal || message.severity === 2) { stat.errorCount++; if (message.fatal) { stat.fatalErrorCount++; } if (message.fix) { stat.fixableErrorCount++; } } else { stat.warningCount++; if (message.fix) { stat.fixableWarningCount++; } } } return stat; } /** * Create rulesMeta object. * @param {Map} rules a map of rules from which to generate the object. * @returns {Object} metadata for all enabled rules. */ function createRulesMeta(rules) { return Array.from(rules).reduce((retVal, [id, rule]) => { retVal[id] = rule.meta; return retVal; }, {}); } /** * Return the absolute path of a file named `"__placeholder__.js"` in a given directory. * This is used as a replacement for a missing file path. * @param {string} cwd An absolute directory path. * @returns {string} The absolute path of a file named `"__placeholder__.js"` in the given directory. */ function getPlaceholderPath(cwd) { return path.join(cwd, "__placeholder__.js"); } /** @type {WeakMap} */ const usedDeprecatedRulesCache = new WeakMap(); /** * Create used deprecated rule list. * @param {CLIEngine} eslint The CLIEngine instance. * @param {string} maybeFilePath The absolute path to a lint target file or `""`. * @returns {DeprecatedRuleInfo[]} The used deprecated rule list. */ function getOrFindUsedDeprecatedRules(eslint, maybeFilePath) { const { configs, options: { cwd } } = privateMembers.get(eslint); const filePath = path.isAbsolute(maybeFilePath) ? maybeFilePath : getPlaceholderPath(cwd); const config = configs.getConfig(filePath); // Most files use the same config, so cache it. if (config && !usedDeprecatedRulesCache.has(config)) { const retv = []; if (config.rules) { for (const [ruleId, ruleConf] of Object.entries(config.rules)) { if (getRuleSeverity(ruleConf) === 0) { continue; } const rule = getRuleFromConfig(ruleId, config); const meta = rule && rule.meta; if (meta && meta.deprecated) { retv.push({ ruleId, replacedBy: meta.replacedBy || [] }); } } } usedDeprecatedRulesCache.set(config, Object.freeze(retv)); } return config ? usedDeprecatedRulesCache.get(config) : Object.freeze([]); } /** * Processes the linting results generated by a CLIEngine linting report to * match the ESLint class's API. * @param {CLIEngine} eslint The CLIEngine instance. * @param {CLIEngineLintReport} report The CLIEngine linting report to process. * @returns {LintResult[]} The processed linting results. */ function processLintReport(eslint, { results }) { const descriptor = { configurable: true, enumerable: true, get() { return getOrFindUsedDeprecatedRules(eslint, this.filePath); } }; for (const result of results) { Object.defineProperty(result, "usedDeprecatedRules", descriptor); } return results; } /** * An Array.prototype.sort() compatible compare function to order results by their file path. * @param {LintResult} a The first lint result. * @param {LintResult} b The second lint result. * @returns {number} An integer representing the order in which the two results should occur. */ function compareResultsByFilePath(a, b) { if (a.filePath < b.filePath) { return -1; } if (a.filePath > b.filePath) { return 1; } return 0; } /** * Searches from the current working directory up until finding the * given flat config filename. * @param {string} cwd The current working directory to search from. * @returns {Promise} The filename if found or `undefined` if not. */ function findFlatConfigFile(cwd) { return findUp( FLAT_CONFIG_FILENAME, { cwd } ); } /** * Load the config array from the given filename. * @param {string} filePath The filename to load from. * @returns {Promise} The config loaded from the config file. */ async function loadFlatConfigFile(filePath) { debug(`Loading config from ${filePath}`); const fileURL = pathToFileURL(filePath); debug(`Config file URL is ${fileURL}`); const mtime = (await fs.stat(filePath)).mtime.getTime(); /* * Append a query with the config file's modification time (`mtime`) in order * to import the current version of the config file. Without the query, `import()` would * cache the config file module by the pathname only, and then always return * the same version (the one that was actual when the module was imported for the first time). * * This ensures that the config file module is loaded and executed again * if it has been changed since the last time it was imported. * If it hasn't been changed, `import()` will just return the cached version. * * Note that we should not overuse queries (e.g., by appending the current time * to always reload the config file module) as that could cause memory leaks * because entries are never removed from the import cache. */ fileURL.searchParams.append("mtime", mtime); /* * With queries, we can bypass the import cache. However, when import-ing a CJS module, * Node.js uses the require infrastructure under the hood. That includes the require cache, * which caches the config file module by its file path (queries have no effect). * Therefore, we also need to clear the require cache before importing the config file module. * In order to get the same behavior with ESM and CJS config files, in particular - to reload * the config file only if it has been changed, we track file modification times and clear * the require cache only if the file has been changed. */ if (importedConfigFileModificationTime.get(filePath) !== mtime) { delete require.cache[filePath]; } const config = (await import(fileURL)).default; importedConfigFileModificationTime.set(filePath, mtime); return config; } /** * Determines which config file to use. This is determined by seeing if an * override config file was passed, and if so, using it; otherwise, as long * as override config file is not explicitly set to `false`, it will search * upwards from the cwd for a file named `eslint.config.js`. * @param {import("./eslint").ESLintOptions} options The ESLint instance options. * @returns {{configFilePath:string|undefined,basePath:string,error:Error|null}} Location information for * the config file. */ async function locateConfigFileToUse({ configFile, cwd }) { // determine where to load config file from let configFilePath; let basePath = cwd; let error = null; if (typeof configFile === "string") { debug(`Override config file path is ${configFile}`); configFilePath = path.resolve(cwd, configFile); } else if (configFile !== false) { debug("Searching for eslint.config.js"); configFilePath = await findFlatConfigFile(cwd); if (configFilePath) { basePath = path.resolve(path.dirname(configFilePath)); } else { error = new Error("Could not find config file."); } } return { configFilePath, basePath, error }; } /** * Calculates the config array for this run based on inputs. * @param {FlatESLint} eslint The instance to create the config array for. * @param {import("./eslint").ESLintOptions} options The ESLint instance options. * @returns {FlatConfigArray} The config array for `eslint``. */ async function calculateConfigArray(eslint, { cwd, baseConfig, overrideConfig, configFile, ignore: shouldIgnore, ignorePatterns }) { // check for cached instance const slots = privateMembers.get(eslint); if (slots.configs) { return slots.configs; } const { configFilePath, basePath, error } = await locateConfigFileToUse({ configFile, cwd }); // config file is required to calculate config if (error) { throw error; } const configs = new FlatConfigArray(baseConfig || [], { basePath, shouldIgnore }); // load config file if (configFilePath) { const fileConfig = await loadFlatConfigFile(configFilePath); if (Array.isArray(fileConfig)) { configs.push(...fileConfig); } else { configs.push(fileConfig); } } // add in any configured defaults configs.push(...slots.defaultConfigs); // append command line ignore patterns if (ignorePatterns && ignorePatterns.length > 0) { let relativeIgnorePatterns; /* * If the config file basePath is different than the cwd, then * the ignore patterns won't work correctly. Here, we adjust the * ignore pattern to include the correct relative path. Patterns * passed as `ignorePatterns` are relative to the cwd, whereas * the config file basePath can be an ancestor of the cwd. */ if (basePath === cwd) { relativeIgnorePatterns = ignorePatterns; } else { const relativeIgnorePath = path.relative(basePath, cwd); relativeIgnorePatterns = ignorePatterns.map(pattern => { const negated = pattern.startsWith("!"); const basePattern = negated ? pattern.slice(1) : pattern; return (negated ? "!" : "") + path.posix.join(relativeIgnorePath, basePattern); }); } /* * Ignore patterns are added to the end of the config array * so they can override default ignores. */ configs.push({ ignores: relativeIgnorePatterns }); } if (overrideConfig) { if (Array.isArray(overrideConfig)) { configs.push(...overrideConfig); } else { configs.push(overrideConfig); } } await configs.normalize(); // cache the config array for this instance slots.configs = configs; return configs; } /** * Processes an source code using ESLint. * @param {Object} config The config object. * @param {string} config.text The source code to verify. * @param {string} config.cwd The path to the current working directory. * @param {string|undefined} config.filePath The path to the file of `text`. If this is undefined, it uses ``. * @param {FlatConfigArray} config.configs The config. * @param {boolean} config.fix If `true` then it does fix. * @param {boolean} config.allowInlineConfig If `true` then it uses directive comments. * @param {Linter} config.linter The linter instance to verify. * @returns {LintResult} The result of linting. * @private */ function verifyText({ text, cwd, filePath: providedFilePath, configs, fix, allowInlineConfig, linter }) { const filePath = providedFilePath || ""; debug(`Lint ${filePath}`); /* * Verify. * `config.extractConfig(filePath)` requires an absolute path, but `linter` * doesn't know CWD, so it gives `linter` an absolute path always. */ const filePathToVerify = filePath === "" ? getPlaceholderPath(cwd) : filePath; const { fixed, messages, output } = linter.verifyAndFix( text, configs, { allowInlineConfig, filename: filePathToVerify, fix, /** * Check if the linter should adopt a given code block or not. * @param {string} blockFilename The virtual filename of a code block. * @returns {boolean} `true` if the linter should adopt the code block. */ filterCodeBlock(blockFilename) { return configs.isExplicitMatch(blockFilename); } } ); // Tweak and return. const result = { filePath: filePath === "" ? filePath : path.resolve(filePath), messages, suppressedMessages: linter.getSuppressedMessages(), ...calculateStatsPerFile(messages) }; if (fixed) { result.output = output; } if ( result.errorCount + result.warningCount > 0 && typeof result.output === "undefined" ) { result.source = text; } return result; } /** * Checks whether a message's rule type should be fixed. * @param {LintMessage} message The message to check. * @param {FlatConfig} config The config for the file that generated the message. * @param {string[]} fixTypes An array of fix types to check. * @returns {boolean} Whether the message should be fixed. */ function shouldMessageBeFixed(message, config, fixTypes) { if (!message.ruleId) { return fixTypes.has("directive"); } const rule = message.ruleId && getRuleFromConfig(message.ruleId, config); return Boolean(rule && rule.meta && fixTypes.has(rule.meta.type)); } /** * Creates an error to be thrown when an array of results passed to `getRulesMetaForResults` was not created by the current engine. * @returns {TypeError} An error object. */ function createExtraneousResultsError() { return new TypeError("Results object was not created from this ESLint instance."); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main API //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * Primary Node.js API for ESLint. */ class FlatESLint { /** * Creates a new instance of the main ESLint API. * @param {FlatESLintOptions} options The options for this instance. */ constructor(options = {}) { const defaultConfigs = []; const processedOptions = processOptions(options); const linter = new Linter({ cwd: processedOptions.cwd, configType: "flat" }); const cacheFilePath = getCacheFile( processedOptions.cacheLocation, processedOptions.cwd ); const lintResultCache = processedOptions.cache ? new LintResultCache(cacheFilePath, processedOptions.cacheStrategy) : null; privateMembers.set(this, { options: processedOptions, linter, cacheFilePath, lintResultCache, defaultConfigs, configs: null }); /** * If additional plugins are passed in, add that to the default * configs for this instance. */ if (options.plugins) { const plugins = {}; for (const [pluginName, plugin] of Object.entries(options.plugins)) { plugins[naming.getShorthandName(pluginName, "eslint-plugin")] = plugin; } defaultConfigs.push({ plugins }); } } /** * The version text. * @type {string} */ static get version() { return version; } /** * Outputs fixes from the given results to files. * @param {LintResult[]} results The lint results. * @returns {Promise} Returns a promise that is used to track side effects. */ static async outputFixes(results) { if (!Array.isArray(results)) { throw new Error("'results' must be an array"); } await Promise.all( results .filter(result => { if (typeof result !== "object" || result === null) { throw new Error("'results' must include only objects"); } return ( typeof result.output === "string" && path.isAbsolute(result.filePath) ); }) .map(r => fs.writeFile(r.filePath, r.output)) ); } /** * Returns results that only contains errors. * @param {LintResult[]} results The results to filter. * @returns {LintResult[]} The filtered results. */ static getErrorResults(results) { const filtered = []; results.forEach(result => { const filteredMessages = result.messages.filter(isErrorMessage); const filteredSuppressedMessages = result.suppressedMessages.filter(isErrorMessage); if (filteredMessages.length > 0) { filtered.push({ ...result, messages: filteredMessages, suppressedMessages: filteredSuppressedMessages, errorCount: filteredMessages.length, warningCount: 0, fixableErrorCount: result.fixableErrorCount, fixableWarningCount: 0 }); } }); return filtered; } /** * Returns meta objects for each rule represented in the lint results. * @param {LintResult[]} results The results to fetch rules meta for. * @returns {Object} A mapping of ruleIds to rule meta objects. * @throws {TypeError} When the results object wasn't created from this ESLint instance. * @throws {TypeError} When a plugin or rule is missing. */ getRulesMetaForResults(results) { // short-circuit simple case if (results.length === 0) { return {}; } const resultRules = new Map(); const { configs, options: { cwd } } = privateMembers.get(this); /* * We can only accurately return rules meta information for linting results if the * results were created by this instance. Otherwise, the necessary rules data is * not available. So if the config array doesn't already exist, just throw an error * to let the user know we can't do anything here. */ if (!configs) { throw createExtraneousResultsError(); } for (const result of results) { /* * Normalize filename for . */ const filePath = result.filePath === "" ? getPlaceholderPath(cwd) : result.filePath; const allMessages = result.messages.concat(result.suppressedMessages); for (const { ruleId } of allMessages) { if (!ruleId) { continue; } /* * All of the plugin and rule information is contained within the * calculated config for the given file. */ const config = configs.getConfig(filePath); if (!config) { throw createExtraneousResultsError(); } const rule = getRuleFromConfig(ruleId, config); // ignore unknown rules if (rule) { resultRules.set(ruleId, rule); } } } return createRulesMeta(resultRules); } /** * Executes the current configuration on an array of file and directory names. * @param {string|string[]} patterns An array of file and directory names. * @returns {Promise} The results of linting the file patterns given. */ async lintFiles(patterns) { if (!isNonEmptyString(patterns) && !isArrayOfNonEmptyString(patterns)) { throw new Error("'patterns' must be a non-empty string or an array of non-empty strings"); } const { cacheFilePath, lintResultCache, linter, options: eslintOptions } = privateMembers.get(this); const configs = await calculateConfigArray(this, eslintOptions); const { allowInlineConfig, cache, cwd, fix, fixTypes, globInputPaths, errorOnUnmatchedPattern, warnIgnored } = eslintOptions; const startTime = Date.now(); const fixTypesSet = fixTypes ? new Set(fixTypes) : null; // Delete cache file; should this be done here? if (!cache && cacheFilePath) { debug(`Deleting cache file at ${cacheFilePath}`); try { await fs.unlink(cacheFilePath); } catch (error) { const errorCode = error && error.code; // Ignore errors when no such file exists or file system is read only (and cache file does not exist) if (errorCode !== "ENOENT" && !(errorCode === "EROFS" && !existsSync(cacheFilePath))) { throw error; } } } const filePaths = await findFiles({ patterns: typeof patterns === "string" ? [patterns] : patterns, cwd, globInputPaths, configs, errorOnUnmatchedPattern }); debug(`${filePaths.length} files found in: ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`); /* * Because we need to process multiple files, including reading from disk, * it is most efficient to start by reading each file via promises so that * they can be done in parallel. Then, we can lint the returned text. This * ensures we are waiting the minimum amount of time in between lints. */ const results = await Promise.all( filePaths.map(({ filePath, ignored }) => { /* * If a filename was entered that matches an ignore * pattern, then notify the user. */ if (ignored) { if (warnIgnored) { return createIgnoreResult(filePath, cwd); } return void 0; } const config = configs.getConfig(filePath); /* * Sometimes a file found through a glob pattern will * be ignored. In this case, `config` will be undefined * and we just silently ignore the file. */ if (!config) { return void 0; } // Skip if there is cached result. if (lintResultCache) { const cachedResult = lintResultCache.getCachedLintResults(filePath, config); if (cachedResult) { const hadMessages = cachedResult.messages && cachedResult.messages.length > 0; if (hadMessages && fix) { debug(`Reprocessing cached file to allow autofix: ${filePath}`); } else { debug(`Skipping file since it hasn't changed: ${filePath}`); return cachedResult; } } } // set up fixer for fixTypes if necessary let fixer = fix; if (fix && fixTypesSet) { // save original value of options.fix in case it's a function const originalFix = (typeof fix === "function") ? fix : () => true; fixer = message => shouldMessageBeFixed(message, config, fixTypesSet) && originalFix(message); } return fs.readFile(filePath, "utf8") .then(text => { // do the linting const result = verifyText({ text, filePath, configs, cwd, fix: fixer, allowInlineConfig, linter }); /* * Store the lint result in the LintResultCache. * NOTE: The LintResultCache will remove the file source and any * other properties that are difficult to serialize, and will * hydrate those properties back in on future lint runs. */ if (lintResultCache) { lintResultCache.setCachedLintResults(filePath, config, result); } return result; }); }) ); // Persist the cache to disk. if (lintResultCache) { lintResultCache.reconcile(); } const finalResults = results.filter(result => !!result); return processLintReport(this, { results: finalResults }); } /** * Executes the current configuration on text. * @param {string} code A string of JavaScript code to lint. * @param {Object} [options] The options. * @param {string} [options.filePath] The path to the file of the source code. * @param {boolean} [options.warnIgnored] When set to true, warn if given filePath is an ignored path. * @returns {Promise} The results of linting the string of code given. */ async lintText(code, options = {}) { // Parameter validation if (typeof code !== "string") { throw new Error("'code' must be a string"); } if (typeof options !== "object") { throw new Error("'options' must be an object, null, or undefined"); } // Options validation const { filePath, warnIgnored, ...unknownOptions } = options || {}; const unknownOptionKeys = Object.keys(unknownOptions); if (unknownOptionKeys.length > 0) { throw new Error(`'options' must not include the unknown option(s): ${unknownOptionKeys.join(", ")}`); } if (filePath !== void 0 && !isNonEmptyString(filePath)) { throw new Error("'options.filePath' must be a non-empty string or undefined"); } if (typeof warnIgnored !== "boolean" && typeof warnIgnored !== "undefined") { throw new Error("'options.warnIgnored' must be a boolean or undefined"); } // Now we can get down to linting const { linter, options: eslintOptions } = privateMembers.get(this); const configs = await calculateConfigArray(this, eslintOptions); const { allowInlineConfig, cwd, fix, warnIgnored: constructorWarnIgnored } = eslintOptions; const results = []; const startTime = Date.now(); const resolvedFilename = path.resolve(cwd, filePath || "__placeholder__.js"); // Clear the last used config arrays. if (resolvedFilename && await this.isPathIgnored(resolvedFilename)) { const shouldWarnIgnored = typeof warnIgnored === "boolean" ? warnIgnored : constructorWarnIgnored; if (shouldWarnIgnored) { results.push(createIgnoreResult(resolvedFilename, cwd)); } } else { // Do lint. results.push(verifyText({ text: code, filePath: resolvedFilename.endsWith("__placeholder__.js") ? "" : resolvedFilename, configs, cwd, fix, allowInlineConfig, linter })); } debug(`Linting complete in: ${Date.now() - startTime}ms`); return processLintReport(this, { results }); } /** * Returns the formatter representing the given formatter name. * @param {string} [name] The name of the formatter to load. * The following values are allowed: * - `undefined` ... Load `stylish` builtin formatter. * - A builtin formatter name ... Load the builtin formatter. * - A third-party formatter name: * - `foo` → `eslint-formatter-foo` * - `@foo` → `@foo/eslint-formatter` * - `@foo/bar` → `@foo/eslint-formatter-bar` * - A file path ... Load the file. * @returns {Promise} A promise resolving to the formatter object. * This promise will be rejected if the given formatter was not found or not * a function. */ async loadFormatter(name = "stylish") { if (typeof name !== "string") { throw new Error("'name' must be a string"); } // replace \ with / for Windows compatibility const normalizedFormatName = name.replace(/\\/gu, "/"); const namespace = naming.getNamespaceFromTerm(normalizedFormatName); // grab our options const { cwd } = privateMembers.get(this).options; let formatterPath; // if there's a slash, then it's a file (TODO: this check seems dubious for scoped npm packages) if (!namespace && normalizedFormatName.includes("/")) { formatterPath = path.resolve(cwd, normalizedFormatName); } else { try { const npmFormat = naming.normalizePackageName(normalizedFormatName, "eslint-formatter"); // TODO: This is pretty dirty...would be nice to clean up at some point. formatterPath = ModuleResolver.resolve(npmFormat, getPlaceholderPath(cwd)); } catch { formatterPath = path.resolve(__dirname, "../", "cli-engine", "formatters", `${normalizedFormatName}.js`); } } let formatter; try { formatter = (await import(pathToFileURL(formatterPath))).default; } catch (ex) { // check for formatters that have been removed if (removedFormatters.has(name)) { ex.message = `The ${name} formatter is no longer part of core ESLint. Install it manually with \`npm install -D eslint-formatter-${name}\``; } else { ex.message = `There was a problem loading formatter: ${formatterPath}\nError: ${ex.message}`; } throw ex; } if (typeof formatter !== "function") { throw new TypeError(`Formatter must be a function, but got a ${typeof formatter}.`); } const eslint = this; return { /** * The main formatter method. * @param {LintResults[]} results The lint results to format. * @param {ResultsMeta} resultsMeta Warning count and max threshold. * @returns {string} The formatted lint results. */ format(results, resultsMeta) { let rulesMeta = null; results.sort(compareResultsByFilePath); return formatter(results, { ...resultsMeta, cwd, get rulesMeta() { if (!rulesMeta) { rulesMeta = eslint.getRulesMetaForResults(results); } return rulesMeta; } }); } }; } /** * Returns a configuration object for the given file based on the CLI options. * This is the same logic used by the ESLint CLI executable to determine * configuration for each file it processes. * @param {string} filePath The path of the file to retrieve a config object for. * @returns {Promise} A configuration object for the file * or `undefined` if there is no configuration data for the object. */ async calculateConfigForFile(filePath) { if (!isNonEmptyString(filePath)) { throw new Error("'filePath' must be a non-empty string"); } const options = privateMembers.get(this).options; const absolutePath = path.resolve(options.cwd, filePath); const configs = await calculateConfigArray(this, options); return configs.getConfig(absolutePath); } /** * Finds the config file being used by this instance based on the options * passed to the constructor. * @returns {string|undefined} The path to the config file being used or * `undefined` if no config file is being used. */ async findConfigFile() { const options = privateMembers.get(this).options; const { configFilePath } = await locateConfigFileToUse(options); return configFilePath; } /** * Checks if a given path is ignored by ESLint. * @param {string} filePath The path of the file to check. * @returns {Promise} Whether or not the given path is ignored. */ async isPathIgnored(filePath) { const config = await this.calculateConfigForFile(filePath); return config === void 0; } } /** * Returns whether flat config should be used. * @returns {Promise} Whether flat config should be used. */ async function shouldUseFlatConfig() { switch (process.env.ESLINT_USE_FLAT_CONFIG) { case "true": return true; case "false": return false; default: /* * If neither explicitly enabled nor disabled, then use the presence * of a flat config file to determine enablement. */ return !!(await findFlatConfigFile(process.cwd())); } } //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Public Interface //------------------------------------------------------------------------------ module.exports = { FlatESLint, shouldUseFlatConfig };