# meow [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/meow.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/sindresorhus/meow) > CLI app helper ![](meow.gif) ## Features - Parses arguments - Converts flags to [camelCase](https://github.com/sindresorhus/camelcase) - Negates flags when using the `--no-` prefix - Outputs version when `--version` - Outputs description and supplied help text when `--help` - Makes unhandled rejected promises [fail hard](https://github.com/sindresorhus/hard-rejection) instead of the default silent fail - Sets the process title to the binary name defined in package.json ## Install ``` $ npm install meow ``` ## Usage ``` $ ./foo-app.js unicorns --rainbow ``` ```js #!/usr/bin/env node 'use strict'; const meow = require('meow'); const foo = require('.'); const cli = meow(` Usage $ foo Options --rainbow, -r Include a rainbow Examples $ foo unicorns --rainbow 🌈 unicorns 🌈 `, { flags: { rainbow: { type: 'boolean', alias: 'r' } } }); /* { input: ['unicorns'], flags: {rainbow: true}, ... } */ foo(cli.input[0], cli.flags); ``` ## API ### meow(helpText, options?) ### meow(options) Returns an `object` with: - `input` *(Array)* - Non-flag arguments - `flags` *(Object)* - Flags converted to camelCase excluding aliases - `unnormalizedFlags` *(Object)* - Flags converted to camelCase including aliases - `pkg` *(Object)* - The `package.json` object - `help` *(string)* - The help text used with `--help` - `showHelp([exitCode=2])` *(Function)* - Show the help text and exit with `exitCode` - `showVersion()` *(Function)* - Show the version text and exit #### helpText Type: `string` Shortcut for the `help` option. #### options Type: `object` ##### flags Type: `object` Define argument flags. The key is the flag name and the value is an object with any of: - `type`: Type of value. (Possible values: `string` `boolean` `number`) - `alias`: Usually used to define a short flag alias. - `default`: Default value when the flag is not specified. Example: ```js flags: { unicorn: { type: 'string', alias: 'u', default: 'rainbow' } } ``` ##### description Type: `string | boolean`\ Default: The package.json `"description"` property Description to show above the help text. Set it to `false` to disable it altogether. ##### help Type: `string | boolean` The help text you want shown. The input is reindented and starting/ending newlines are trimmed which means you can use a [template literal](https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/template_strings) without having to care about using the correct amount of indent. The description will be shown above your help text automatically. ##### version Type: `string | boolean`\ Default: The package.json `"version"` property Set a custom version output. ##### autoHelp Type: `boolean`\ Default: `true` Automatically show the help text when the `--help` flag is present. Useful to set this value to `false` when a CLI manages child CLIs with their own help text. This option is only considered when there is only one argument in `process.argv`. ##### autoVersion Type: `boolean`\ Default: `true` Automatically show the version text when the `--version` flag is present. Useful to set this value to `false` when a CLI manages child CLIs with their own version text. This option is only considered when there is only one argument in `process.argv`. ##### pkg Type: `object`\ Default: Closest package.json upwards package.json as an `object`. *You most likely don't need this option.* ##### argv Type: `string[]`\ Default: `process.argv.slice(2)` Custom arguments object. ##### inferType Type: `boolean`\ Default: `false` Infer the argument type. By default, the argument `5` in `$ foo 5` becomes a string. Enabling this would infer it as a number. ##### booleanDefault Type: `boolean | null | undefined`\ Default: `false` Value of `boolean` flags not defined in `argv`. If set to `undefined` the flags not defined in `argv` will be excluded from the result. The `default` value set in `boolean` flags take precedence over `booleanDefault`. Example: ```js const meow = require('meow'); const cli = meow(` Usage $ foo Options --rainbow, -r Include a rainbow --unicorn, -u Include a unicorn --no-sparkles Exclude sparkles Examples $ foo 🌈 unicorns✨🌈 `, { booleanDefault: undefined, flags: { rainbow: { type: 'boolean', default: true, alias: 'r' }, unicorn: { type: 'boolean', default: false, alias: 'u' }, cake: { type: 'boolean', alias: 'c' }, sparkles: { type: 'boolean', default: true } } }); /* { flags: { rainbow: true, unicorn: false, sparkles: true }, unnormalizedFlags: { rainbow: true, r: true, unicorn: false, u: false, sparkles: true }, … } */ ``` ##### hardRejection Type: `boolean`\ Default: `true` Whether to use [`hard-rejection`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/hard-rejection) or not. Disabling this can be useful if you need to handle `process.on('unhandledRejection')` yourself. ## Promises Meow will make unhandled rejected promises [fail hard](https://github.com/sindresorhus/hard-rejection) instead of the default silent fail. Meaning you don't have to manually `.catch()` promises used in your CLI. ## Tips See [`chalk`](https://github.com/chalk/chalk) if you want to colorize the terminal output. See [`get-stdin`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/get-stdin) if you want to accept input from stdin. See [`conf`](https://github.com/sindresorhus/conf) if you need to persist some data. See [`update-notifier`](https://github.com/yeoman/update-notifier) if you want update notifications. [More useful CLI utilities…](https://github.com/sindresorhus/awesome-nodejs#command-line-utilities) ---
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