import { Console } from 'node:console'; const denyList = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ "GLOBAL", "root", "global", "Buffer", "ArrayBuffer", "Uint8Array" ]); const nodeGlobals = new Map( Object.getOwnPropertyNames(globalThis).filter((global) => !denyList.has(global)).map((nodeGlobalsKey) => { const descriptor = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor( globalThis, nodeGlobalsKey ); if (!descriptor) { throw new Error( `No property descriptor for ${nodeGlobalsKey}, this is a bug in Vitest.` ); } return [nodeGlobalsKey, descriptor]; }) ); var node = { name: "node", transformMode: "ssr", // this is largely copied from jest's node environment async setupVM() { const vm = await import('node:vm'); let context = vm.createContext(); let global = vm.runInContext( "this", context ); const contextGlobals = new Set(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(global)); for (const [nodeGlobalsKey, descriptor] of nodeGlobals) { if (!contextGlobals.has(nodeGlobalsKey)) { if (descriptor.configurable) { Object.defineProperty(global, nodeGlobalsKey, { configurable: true, enumerable: descriptor.enumerable, get() { const val = globalThis[nodeGlobalsKey]; Object.defineProperty(global, nodeGlobalsKey, { configurable: true, enumerable: descriptor.enumerable, value: val, writable: descriptor.writable === true || nodeGlobalsKey === "performance" }); return val; }, set(val) { Object.defineProperty(global, nodeGlobalsKey, { configurable: true, enumerable: descriptor.enumerable, value: val, writable: true }); } }); } else if ("value" in descriptor) { Object.defineProperty(global, nodeGlobalsKey, { configurable: false, enumerable: descriptor.enumerable, value: descriptor.value, writable: descriptor.writable }); } else { Object.defineProperty(global, nodeGlobalsKey, { configurable: false, enumerable: descriptor.enumerable, get: descriptor.get, set: descriptor.set }); } } } = global; global.Buffer = Buffer; global.ArrayBuffer = ArrayBuffer; global.Uint8Array = Uint8Array; return { getVmContext() { return context; }, teardown() { context = void 0; global = void 0; } }; }, async setup(global) { global.console.Console = Console; return { teardown(global2) { delete global2.console.Console; } }; } }; const LIVING_KEYS = [ "DOMException", "URL", "URLSearchParams", "EventTarget", "NamedNodeMap", "Node", "Attr", "Element", "DocumentFragment", "DOMImplementation", "Document", "XMLDocument", "CharacterData", "Text", "CDATASection", "ProcessingInstruction", "Comment", "DocumentType", "NodeList", "RadioNodeList", "HTMLCollection", "HTMLOptionsCollection", "DOMStringMap", "DOMTokenList", "StyleSheetList", "HTMLElement", "HTMLHeadElement", "HTMLTitleElement", "HTMLBaseElement", "HTMLLinkElement", "HTMLMetaElement", "HTMLStyleElement", "HTMLBodyElement", "HTMLHeadingElement", "HTMLParagraphElement", "HTMLHRElement", "HTMLPreElement", "HTMLUListElement", "HTMLOListElement", "HTMLLIElement", "HTMLMenuElement", "HTMLDListElement", "HTMLDivElement", "HTMLAnchorElement", "HTMLAreaElement", "HTMLBRElement", "HTMLButtonElement", "HTMLCanvasElement", "HTMLDataElement", "HTMLDataListElement", "HTMLDetailsElement", "HTMLDialogElement", "HTMLDirectoryElement", "HTMLFieldSetElement", "HTMLFontElement", "HTMLFormElement", "HTMLHtmlElement", "HTMLImageElement", "HTMLInputElement", "HTMLLabelElement", "HTMLLegendElement", "HTMLMapElement", "HTMLMarqueeElement", "HTMLMediaElement", "HTMLMeterElement", "HTMLModElement", "HTMLOptGroupElement", "HTMLOptionElement", "HTMLOutputElement", "HTMLPictureElement", "HTMLProgressElement", "HTMLQuoteElement", "HTMLScriptElement", "HTMLSelectElement", "HTMLSlotElement", "HTMLSourceElement", "HTMLSpanElement", "HTMLTableCaptionElement", "HTMLTableCellElement", "HTMLTableColElement", "HTMLTableElement", "HTMLTimeElement", "HTMLTableRowElement", "HTMLTableSectionElement", "HTMLTemplateElement", "HTMLTextAreaElement", "HTMLUnknownElement", "HTMLFrameElement", "HTMLFrameSetElement", "HTMLIFrameElement", "HTMLEmbedElement", "HTMLObjectElement", "HTMLParamElement", "HTMLVideoElement", "HTMLAudioElement", "HTMLTrackElement", "HTMLFormControlsCollection", "SVGElement", "SVGGraphicsElement", "SVGSVGElement", "SVGTitleElement", "SVGAnimatedString", "SVGNumber", "SVGStringList", "Event", "CloseEvent", "CustomEvent", "MessageEvent", "ErrorEvent", "HashChangeEvent", "PopStateEvent", "StorageEvent", "ProgressEvent", "PageTransitionEvent", "SubmitEvent", "UIEvent", "FocusEvent", "InputEvent", "MouseEvent", "KeyboardEvent", "TouchEvent", "CompositionEvent", "WheelEvent", "BarProp", "External", "Location", "History", "Screen", "Crypto", "Performance", "Navigator", "PluginArray", "MimeTypeArray", "Plugin", "MimeType", "FileReader", "Blob", "File", "FileList", "ValidityState", "DOMParser", "XMLSerializer", "FormData", "XMLHttpRequestEventTarget", "XMLHttpRequestUpload", "XMLHttpRequest", "WebSocket", "NodeFilter", "NodeIterator", "TreeWalker", "AbstractRange", "Range", "StaticRange", "Selection", "Storage", "CustomElementRegistry", "ShadowRoot", "MutationObserver", "MutationRecord", "Headers", "AbortController", "AbortSignal", "Uint8Array", "Uint16Array", "Uint32Array", "Uint8ClampedArray", "Int8Array", "Int16Array", "Int32Array", "Float32Array", "Float64Array", "ArrayBuffer", "DOMRectReadOnly", "DOMRect", // not specified in docs, but is available "Image", "Audio", "Option", "CSS" ]; const OTHER_KEYS = [ "addEventListener", "alert", // 'atob', "blur", // 'btoa', "cancelAnimationFrame", /* 'clearInterval', */ /* 'clearTimeout', */ "close", "confirm", /* 'console', */ "createPopup", "dispatchEvent", "document", "focus", "frames", "getComputedStyle", "history", "innerHeight", "innerWidth", "length", "location", "matchMedia", "moveBy", "moveTo", "name", "navigator", "open", "outerHeight", "outerWidth", "pageXOffset", "pageYOffset", "parent", "postMessage", "print", "prompt", "removeEventListener", "requestAnimationFrame", "resizeBy", "resizeTo", "screen", "screenLeft", "screenTop", "screenX", "screenY", "scroll", "scrollBy", "scrollLeft", "scrollTo", "scrollTop", "scrollX", "scrollY", "self", /* 'setInterval', */ /* 'setTimeout', */ "stop", /* 'toString', */ "top", "Window", "window" ]; const KEYS = LIVING_KEYS.concat(OTHER_KEYS); const skipKeys = [ "window", "self", "top", "parent" ]; function getWindowKeys(global, win, additionalKeys = []) { const keysArray = [...additionalKeys, ...KEYS]; const keys = new Set(keysArray.concat(Object.getOwnPropertyNames(win)).filter((k) => { if (skipKeys.includes(k)) return false; if (k in global) return keysArray.includes(k); return true; })); return keys; } function isClassLikeName(name) { return name[0] === name[0].toUpperCase(); } function populateGlobal(global, win, options = {}) { const { bindFunctions = false } = options; const keys = getWindowKeys(global, win, options.additionalKeys); const originals = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); const overrideObject = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const key of keys) { const boundFunction = bindFunctions && typeof win[key] === "function" && !isClassLikeName(key) && win[key].bind(win); if (KEYS.includes(key) && key in global) originals.set(key, global[key]); Object.defineProperty(global, key, { get() { if (overrideObject.has(key)) return overrideObject.get(key); if (boundFunction) return boundFunction; return win[key]; }, set(v) { overrideObject.set(key, v); }, configurable: true }); } global.window = global; global.self = global; = global; global.parent = global; if ( = global; if (global.document && global.document.defaultView) { Object.defineProperty(global.document, "defaultView", { get: () => global, enumerable: true, configurable: true }); } skipKeys.forEach((k) => keys.add(k)); return { keys, skipKeys, originals }; } function catchWindowErrors(window) { let userErrorListenerCount = 0; function throwUnhandlerError(e) { if (userErrorListenerCount === 0 && e.error != null) process.emit("uncaughtException", e.error); } const addEventListener = window.addEventListener.bind(window); const removeEventListener = window.removeEventListener.bind(window); window.addEventListener("error", throwUnhandlerError); window.addEventListener = function(...args) { if (args[0] === "error") userErrorListenerCount++; return addEventListener.apply(this, args); }; window.removeEventListener = function(...args) { if (args[0] === "error" && userErrorListenerCount) userErrorListenerCount--; return removeEventListener.apply(this, args); }; return function clearErrorHandlers() { window.removeEventListener("error", throwUnhandlerError); }; } var jsdom = { name: "jsdom", transformMode: "web", async setupVM({ jsdom = {} }) { const { CookieJar, JSDOM, ResourceLoader, VirtualConsole } = await import('jsdom'); const { html = "", userAgent, url = "http://localhost:3000", contentType = "text/html", pretendToBeVisual = true, includeNodeLocations = false, runScripts = "dangerously", resources, console = false, cookieJar = false, ...restOptions } = jsdom; let dom = new JSDOM( html, { pretendToBeVisual, resources: resources ?? (userAgent ? new ResourceLoader({ userAgent }) : void 0), runScripts, url, virtualConsole: console && globalThis.console ? new VirtualConsole().sendTo(globalThis.console) : void 0, cookieJar: cookieJar ? new CookieJar() : void 0, includeNodeLocations, contentType, userAgent, ...restOptions } ); const clearWindowErrors = catchWindowErrors(dom.window); dom.window.Buffer = Buffer; const globalNames = [ "structuredClone", "fetch", "Request", "Response", "BroadcastChannel", "MessageChannel", "MessagePort", "TextEncoder", "TextDecoder" ]; for (const name of globalNames) { const value = globalThis[name]; if (typeof value !== "undefined" && typeof dom.window[name] === "undefined") dom.window[name] = value; } return { getVmContext() { return dom.getInternalVMContext(); }, teardown() { clearWindowErrors(); dom.window.close(); dom = void 0; } }; }, async setup(global, { jsdom = {} }) { const { CookieJar, JSDOM, ResourceLoader, VirtualConsole } = await import('jsdom'); const { html = "", userAgent, url = "http://localhost:3000", contentType = "text/html", pretendToBeVisual = true, includeNodeLocations = false, runScripts = "dangerously", resources, console = false, cookieJar = false, ...restOptions } = jsdom; const dom = new JSDOM( html, { pretendToBeVisual, resources: resources ?? (userAgent ? new ResourceLoader({ userAgent }) : void 0), runScripts, url, virtualConsole: console && global.console ? new VirtualConsole().sendTo(global.console) : void 0, cookieJar: cookieJar ? new CookieJar() : void 0, includeNodeLocations, contentType, userAgent, ...restOptions } ); const { keys, originals } = populateGlobal(global, dom.window, { bindFunctions: true }); const clearWindowErrors = catchWindowErrors(global); return { teardown(global2) { clearWindowErrors(); dom.window.close(); keys.forEach((key) => delete global2[key]); originals.forEach((v, k) => global2[k] = v); } }; } }; async function teardownWindow(win) { if (win.close && win.happyDOM.abort) { await win.happyDOM.abort(); win.close(); } else { win.happyDOM.cancelAsync(); } } var happy = { name: "happy-dom", transformMode: "web", async setupVM({ happyDOM = {} }) { const { Window } = await import('happy-dom'); let win = new Window({ ...happyDOM, console: console && globalThis.console ? globalThis.console : void 0, url: happyDOM.url || "http://localhost:3000", settings: { ...happyDOM.settings, disableErrorCapturing: true } }); win.Buffer = Buffer; if (typeof structuredClone !== "undefined" && !win.structuredClone) win.structuredClone = structuredClone; return { getVmContext() { return win; }, async teardown() { await teardownWindow(win); win = void 0; } }; }, async setup(global, { happyDOM = {} }) { const { Window, GlobalWindow } = await import('happy-dom'); const win = new (GlobalWindow || Window)({ ...happyDOM, console: console && global.console ? global.console : void 0, url: happyDOM.url || "http://localhost:3000", settings: { ...happyDOM.settings, disableErrorCapturing: true } }); const { keys, originals } = populateGlobal(global, win, { bindFunctions: true, // jsdom doesn't support Request and Response, but happy-dom does additionalKeys: ["Request", "Response"] }); return { async teardown(global2) { await teardownWindow(win); keys.forEach((key) => delete global2[key]); originals.forEach((v, k) => global2[k] = v); } }; } }; var edge = { name: "edge-runtime", transformMode: "ssr", async setupVM() { const { EdgeVM } = await import('@edge-runtime/vm'); const vm = new EdgeVM({ extend: (context) => { = context; context.Buffer = Buffer; return context; } }); return { getVmContext() { return vm.context; }, teardown() { } }; }, async setup(global) { const { EdgeVM } = await import('@edge-runtime/vm'); const vm = new EdgeVM({ extend: (context) => { = context; context.Buffer = Buffer; KEYS.forEach((key) => { if (key in global) context[key] = global[key]; }); return context; } }); const { keys, originals } = populateGlobal(global, vm.context, { bindFunctions: true }); return { teardown(global2) { keys.forEach((key) => delete global2[key]); originals.forEach((v, k) => global2[k] = v); } }; } }; const environments = { node, jsdom, "happy-dom": happy, "edge-runtime": edge }; const envPackageNames = { "jsdom": "jsdom", "happy-dom": "happy-dom", "edge-runtime": "@edge-runtime/vm" }; function getEnvPackageName(env) { if (env === "node") return null; if (env in envPackageNames) return envPackageNames[env]; if (env[0] === "." || env[0] === "/") return null; return `vitest-environment-${env}`; } export { environments as e, getEnvPackageName as g, populateGlobal as p };