import boxen from "boxen"; import { diffWords } from "diff"; import { execa } from "execa"; import { bold, cyan, dim, green, magenta, red, yellow } from "kleur/colors"; import fsMod, { existsSync, promises as fs } from "node:fs"; import path from "node:path"; import { fileURLToPath, pathToFileURL } from "node:url"; import maxSatisfying from "semver/ranges/max-satisfying.js"; import ora from "ora"; import preferredPM from "preferred-pm"; import prompts from "prompts"; import { loadTSConfig, resolveConfig, resolveConfigPath, resolveRoot } from "../../core/config/index.js"; import { defaultTSConfig, presets, updateTSConfigForFramework } from "../../core/config/tsconfig.js"; import * as msg from "../../core/messages.js"; import { printHelp } from "../../core/messages.js"; import { appendForwardSlash } from "../../core/path.js"; import { apply as applyPolyfill } from "../../core/polyfill.js"; import { ensureProcessNodeEnv, parseNpmName } from "../../core/util.js"; import { eventCliSession, telemetry } from "../../events/index.js"; import { createLoggerFromFlags, flagsToAstroInlineConfig } from "../flags.js"; import { generate, parse, t, visit } from "./babel.js"; import { ensureImport } from "./imports.js"; import { wrapDefaultExport } from "./wrapper.js"; const ALIASES = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([ ["solid", "solid-js"], ["tailwindcss", "tailwind"] ]); const ASTRO_CONFIG_STUB = `import { defineConfig } from 'astro/config'; export default defineConfig({});`; const TAILWIND_CONFIG_STUB = `/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */ export default { content: ['./src/**/*.{astro,html,js,jsx,md,mdx,svelte,ts,tsx,vue}'], theme: { extend: {}, }, plugins: [], } `; const SVELTE_CONFIG_STUB = `import { vitePreprocess } from '@astrojs/svelte'; export default { preprocess: vitePreprocess(), }; `; const LIT_NPMRC_STUB = `# Lit libraries are required to be hoisted due to dependency issues. public-hoist-pattern[]=*lit* `; const OFFICIAL_ADAPTER_TO_IMPORT_MAP = { netlify: "@astrojs/netlify", vercel: "@astrojs/vercel/serverless", cloudflare: "@astrojs/cloudflare", node: "@astrojs/node" }; async function getRegistry() { const packageManager = (await preferredPM(process.cwd()))?.name || "npm"; try { const { stdout } = await execa(packageManager, ["config", "get", "registry"]); return stdout?.trim()?.replace(/\/$/, "") || ""; } catch (e) { return ""; } } async function add(names, { flags }) { ensureProcessNodeEnv("production"); const inlineConfig = flagsToAstroInlineConfig(flags); const { userConfig } = await resolveConfig(inlineConfig, "add"); telemetry.record(eventCliSession("add", userConfig)); applyPolyfill(); if ( || names.length === 0) { printHelp({ commandName: "astro add", usage: "[...integrations] [...adapters]", tables: { Flags: [ ["--yes", "Accept all prompts."], ["--help", "Show this help message."] ], "UI Frameworks": [ ["react", "astro add react"], ["preact", "astro add preact"], ["vue", "astro add vue"], ["svelte", "astro add svelte"], ["solid-js", "astro add solid-js"], ["lit", "astro add lit"], ["alpinejs", "astro add alpinejs"] ], "Documentation Frameworks": [["starlight", "astro add starlight"]], "SSR Adapters": [ ["netlify", "astro add netlify"], ["vercel", "astro add vercel"], ["deno", "astro add deno"], ["cloudflare", "astro add cloudflare"], ["node", "astro add node"] ], Others: [ ["tailwind", "astro add tailwind"], ["image", "astro add image"], ["mdx", "astro add mdx"], ["partytown", "astro add partytown"], ["sitemap", "astro add sitemap"], ["prefetch", "astro add prefetch"] ] }, description: `For more integrations, check out: ${cyan("")}` }); return; } const cwd = flags.root; const logger = createLoggerFromFlags(flags); const integrationNames = => ALIASES.has(name) ? ALIASES.get(name) : name); const integrations = await validateIntegrations(integrationNames); let installResult = await tryToInstallIntegrations({ integrations, cwd, flags, logger }); const rootPath = resolveRoot(cwd); const root = pathToFileURL(rootPath); root.href = appendForwardSlash(root.href); switch (installResult) { case 1 /* updated */: { if (integrations.find((integration) => === "tailwind")) { await setupIntegrationConfig({ root, logger, flags, integrationName: "Tailwind", possibleConfigFiles: [ "./tailwind.config.cjs", "./tailwind.config.mjs", "./tailwind.config.ts", "./tailwind.config.mts", "./tailwind.config.cts", "./tailwind.config.js" ], defaultConfigFile: "./tailwind.config.mjs", defaultConfigContent: TAILWIND_CONFIG_STUB }); } if (integrations.find((integration) => === "svelte")) { await setupIntegrationConfig({ root, logger, flags, integrationName: "Svelte", possibleConfigFiles: ["./svelte.config.js", "./svelte.config.cjs", "./svelte.config.mjs"], defaultConfigFile: "./svelte.config.js", defaultConfigContent: SVELTE_CONFIG_STUB }); } if (integrations.find((integration) => === "lit") && (await preferredPM(fileURLToPath(root)))?.name === "pnpm") { await setupIntegrationConfig({ root, logger, flags, integrationName: "Lit", possibleConfigFiles: ["./.npmrc"], defaultConfigFile: "./.npmrc", defaultConfigContent: LIT_NPMRC_STUB }); } break; } case 2 /* cancelled */: { null, msg.cancelled( `Dependencies ${bold("NOT")} installed.`, `Be sure to install them manually before continuing!` ) ); break; } case 3 /* failure */: { throw createPrettyError(new Error(`Unable to install dependencies`)); } case 0 /* none */: break; } const rawConfigPath = await resolveConfigPath({ root: rootPath, configFile: flags.config, fs: fsMod }); let configURL = rawConfigPath ? pathToFileURL(rawConfigPath) : void 0; if (configURL) { logger.debug("add", `Found config at ${configURL}`); } else {"add", `Unable to locate a config file, generating one for you.`); configURL = new URL("./astro.config.mjs", root); await fs.writeFile(fileURLToPath(configURL), ASTRO_CONFIG_STUB, { encoding: "utf-8" }); } let ast = null; try { ast = await parseAstroConfig(configURL); logger.debug("add", "Parsed astro config"); const defineConfig = t.identifier("defineConfig"); ensureImport( ast, t.importDeclaration( [t.importSpecifier(defineConfig, defineConfig)], t.stringLiteral("astro/config") ) ); wrapDefaultExport(ast, defineConfig); logger.debug("add", "Astro config ensured `defineConfig`"); for (const integration of integrations) { if (isAdapter(integration)) { const officialExportName = OFFICIAL_ADAPTER_TO_IMPORT_MAP[]; if (officialExportName) { await setAdapter(ast, integration, officialExportName); } else { null, ` ${magenta( `Check our deployment docs for ${bold( integration.packageName )} to update your "adapter" config.` )}` ); } } else { await addIntegration(ast, integration); } logger.debug("add", `Astro config added integration ${}`); } } catch (err) { logger.debug("add", "Error parsing/modifying astro config: ", err); throw createPrettyError(err); } let configResult; if (ast) { try { configResult = await updateAstroConfig({ configURL, ast, flags, logger, logAdapterInstructions: integrations.some(isAdapter) }); } catch (err) { logger.debug("add", "Error updating astro config", err); throw createPrettyError(err); } } switch (configResult) { case 2 /* cancelled */: {, msg.cancelled(`Your configuration has ${bold("NOT")} been updated.`)); break; } case 0 /* none */: { const pkgURL = new URL("./package.json", configURL); if (existsSync(fileURLToPath(pkgURL))) { const { dependencies = {}, devDependencies = {} } = await fs.readFile(fileURLToPath(pkgURL)).then((res) => JSON.parse(res.toString())); const deps = Object.keys(Object.assign(dependencies, devDependencies)); const missingDeps = integrations.filter( (integration) => !deps.includes(integration.packageName) ); if (missingDeps.length === 0) {, msg.success(`Configuration up-to-date.`)); break; } }, msg.success(`Configuration up-to-date.`)); break; } default: { const list = => ` - ${integration.packageName}`).join("\n"); null, msg.success( `Added the following integration${integrations.length === 1 ? "" : "s"} to your project: ${list}` ) ); } } const updateTSConfigResult = await updateTSConfig(cwd, logger, integrations, flags); switch (updateTSConfigResult) { case 0 /* none */: { break; } case 2 /* cancelled */: { null, msg.cancelled(`Your TypeScript configuration has ${bold("NOT")} been updated.`) ); break; } case 3 /* failure */: { throw new Error( `Unknown error parsing tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json. Could not update TypeScript settings.` ); } default:, msg.success(`Successfully updated TypeScript settings`)); } } function isAdapter(integration) { return integration.type === "adapter"; } async function parseAstroConfig(configURL) { const source = await fs.readFile(fileURLToPath(configURL), { encoding: "utf-8" }); const result = parse(source); if (!result) throw new Error("Unknown error parsing astro config"); if (result.errors.length > 0) throw new Error("Error parsing astro config: " + JSON.stringify(result.errors)); return result; } const toIdent = (name) => { const ident = name.trim().replace(/[-_./]?astro(?:js)?[-_.]?/g, "").replace(/\.js/, "").replace(/[.\-_/]+([a-zA-Z])/g, (_, w) => w.toUpperCase()).replace(/^[^a-zA-Z$_]+/, ""); return `${ident[0].toLowerCase()}${ident.slice(1)}`; }; function createPrettyError(err) { err.message = `Astro could not update your astro.config.js file safely. Reason: ${err.message} You will need to add these integration(s) manually. Documentation:`; return err; } async function addIntegration(ast, integration) { const integrationId = t.identifier(toIdent(; ensureImport( ast, t.importDeclaration( [t.importDefaultSpecifier(integrationId)], t.stringLiteral(integration.packageName) ) ); visit(ast, { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-shadow ExportDefaultDeclaration(path2) { if (!t.isCallExpression(path2.node.declaration)) return; const configObject = path2.node.declaration.arguments[0]; if (!t.isObjectExpression(configObject)) return; let integrationsProp = => { if (prop.type !== "ObjectProperty") return false; if (prop.key.type === "Identifier") { if ( === "integrations") return true; } if (prop.key.type === "StringLiteral") { if (prop.key.value === "integrations") return true; } return false; }); const integrationCall = t.callExpression(integrationId, []); if (!integrationsProp) { t.objectProperty(t.identifier("integrations"), t.arrayExpression([integrationCall])) ); return; } if (integrationsProp.value.type !== "ArrayExpression") throw new Error("Unable to parse integrations"); const existingIntegrationCall = integrationsProp.value.elements.find( (expr) => t.isCallExpression(expr) && t.isIdentifier(expr.callee) && === ); if (existingIntegrationCall) return; integrationsProp.value.elements.push(integrationCall); } }); } async function setAdapter(ast, adapter, exportName) { const adapterId = t.identifier(toIdent(; ensureImport( ast, t.importDeclaration([t.importDefaultSpecifier(adapterId)], t.stringLiteral(exportName)) ); visit(ast, { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-shadow ExportDefaultDeclaration(path2) { if (!t.isCallExpression(path2.node.declaration)) return; const configObject = path2.node.declaration.arguments[0]; if (!t.isObjectExpression(configObject)) return; let outputProp = => { if (prop.type !== "ObjectProperty") return false; if (prop.key.type === "Identifier") { if ( === "output") return true; } if (prop.key.type === "StringLiteral") { if (prop.key.value === "output") return true; } return false; }); if (!outputProp) { t.objectProperty(t.identifier("output"), t.stringLiteral("server")) ); } let adapterProp = => { if (prop.type !== "ObjectProperty") return false; if (prop.key.type === "Identifier") { if ( === "adapter") return true; } if (prop.key.type === "StringLiteral") { if (prop.key.value === "adapter") return true; } return false; }); let adapterCall; switch ( { case "node": { adapterCall = t.callExpression(adapterId, [ t.objectExpression([ t.objectProperty(t.identifier("mode"), t.stringLiteral("standalone")) ]) ]); break; } default: { adapterCall = t.callExpression(adapterId, []); } } if (!adapterProp) {"adapter"), adapterCall)); return; } adapterProp.value = adapterCall; } }); } var UpdateResult = /* @__PURE__ */ ((UpdateResult2) => { UpdateResult2[UpdateResult2["none"] = 0] = "none"; UpdateResult2[UpdateResult2["updated"] = 1] = "updated"; UpdateResult2[UpdateResult2["cancelled"] = 2] = "cancelled"; UpdateResult2[UpdateResult2["failure"] = 3] = "failure"; return UpdateResult2; })(UpdateResult || {}); async function updateAstroConfig({ configURL, ast, flags, logger, logAdapterInstructions }) { const input = await fs.readFile(fileURLToPath(configURL), { encoding: "utf-8" }); let output = await generate(ast); const comment = "//"; const defaultExport = "export default defineConfig"; output = output.replace(` ${comment}`, ""); output = output.replace(`${defaultExport}`, ` ${comment} ${defaultExport}`); if (input === output) { return 0 /* none */; } const diff = getDiffContent(input, output); if (!diff) { return 0 /* none */; } const message = ` ${boxen(diff, { margin: 0.5, padding: 0.5, borderStyle: "round", title: configURL.pathname.split("/").pop() })} `; null, ` ${magenta("Astro will make the following changes to your config file:")} ${message}` ); if (logAdapterInstructions) { null, magenta( ` For complete deployment options, visit ${bold( "" )} ` ) ); } if (await askToContinue({ flags })) { await fs.writeFile(fileURLToPath(configURL), output, { encoding: "utf-8" }); logger.debug("add", `Updated astro config`); return 1 /* updated */; } else { return 2 /* cancelled */; } } async function getInstallIntegrationsCommand({ integrations, logger, cwd = process.cwd() }) { const pm = await preferredPM(cwd); logger.debug("add", `package manager: ${JSON.stringify(pm)}`); if (!pm) return null; const dependencies = await convertIntegrationsToInstallSpecifiers(integrations); switch ( { case "npm": return { pm: "npm", command: "install", flags: [], dependencies }; case "yarn": return { pm: "yarn", command: "add", flags: [], dependencies }; case "pnpm": return { pm: "pnpm", command: "add", flags: [], dependencies }; case "bun": return { pm: "bun", command: "add", flags: [], dependencies }; default: return null; } } async function convertIntegrationsToInstallSpecifiers(integrations) { const ranges = {}; for (let { packageName, dependencies } of integrations) { ranges[packageName] = "*"; for (const [name, range] of dependencies) { ranges[name] = range; } } return Promise.all( Object.entries(ranges).map(([name, range]) => resolveRangeToInstallSpecifier(name, range)) ); } async function resolveRangeToInstallSpecifier(name, range) { const versions = await fetchPackageVersions(name); if (versions instanceof Error) return name; const stableVersions = versions.filter((v) => !v.includes("-")); const maxStable = maxSatisfying(stableVersions, range); return `${name}@^${maxStable}`; } const INHERITED_FLAGS = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set([ "P", "save-prod", "D", "save-dev", "E", "save-exact", "no-save" ]); async function tryToInstallIntegrations({ integrations, cwd, flags, logger }) { const installCommand = await getInstallIntegrationsCommand({ integrations, cwd, logger }); const inheritedFlags = Object.entries(flags).map(([flag]) => { if (flag == "_") return; if (INHERITED_FLAGS.has(flag)) { if (flag.length === 1) return `-${flag}`; return `--${flag}`; } }).filter(Boolean).flat(); if (installCommand === null) { return 0 /* none */; } else { const coloredOutput = `${bold(} ${installCommand.command}${[ "", ...installCommand.flags, ...inheritedFlags ].join(" ")} ${cyan(installCommand.dependencies.join(" "))}`; const message = ` ${boxen(coloredOutput, { margin: 0.5, padding: 0.5, borderStyle: "round" })} `; null, ` ${magenta("Astro will run the following command:")} ${dim( "If you skip this step, you can always run it yourself later" )} ${message}` ); if (await askToContinue({ flags })) { const spinner = ora("Installing dependencies...").start(); try { await execa(, [ installCommand.command, ...installCommand.flags, ...inheritedFlags, ...installCommand.dependencies ], { cwd, // reset NODE_ENV to ensure install command run in dev mode env: { NODE_ENV: void 0 } } ); spinner.succeed(); return 1 /* updated */; } catch (err) {; logger.debug("add", "Error installing dependencies", err); console.error("\n", err.stdout || err.message, "\n"); return 3 /* failure */; } } else { return 2 /* cancelled */; } } } async function fetchPackageJson(scope, name, tag) { const packageName = `${scope ? `${scope}/` : ""}${name}`; const registry = await getRegistry(); const res = await fetch(`${registry}/${packageName}/${tag}`); if (res.status >= 200 && res.status < 300) { return await res.json(); } else if (res.status === 404) { return new Error(); } else { return new Error(`Failed to fetch ${registry}/${packageName}/${tag} - GET ${res.status}`); } } async function fetchPackageVersions(packageName) { const registry = await getRegistry(); const res = await fetch(`${registry}/${packageName}`, { headers: { accept: "application/vnd.npm.install-v1+json" } }); if (res.status >= 200 && res.status < 300) { return await res.json().then((data) => Object.keys(data.versions)); } else if (res.status === 404) { return new Error(); } else { return new Error(`Failed to fetch ${registry}/${packageName} - GET ${res.status}`); } } async function validateIntegrations(integrations) { const spinner = ora("Resolving packages...").start(); try { const integrationEntries = await Promise.all( (integration) => { const parsed = parseIntegrationName(integration); if (!parsed) { throw new Error(`${bold(integration)} does not appear to be a valid package name!`); } let { scope, name, tag } = parsed; let pkgJson; let pkgType; if (scope && scope !== "@astrojs") { pkgType = "third-party"; } else { const firstPartyPkgCheck = await fetchPackageJson("@astrojs", name, tag); if (firstPartyPkgCheck instanceof Error) { if (firstPartyPkgCheck.message) { spinner.warn(yellow(firstPartyPkgCheck.message)); } spinner.warn( yellow(`${bold(integration)} is not an official Astro package. Use at your own risk!`) ); const response = await prompts({ type: "confirm", name: "askToContinue", message: "Continue?", initial: true }); if (!response.askToContinue) { throw new Error( `No problem! Find our official integrations at ${cyan( "" )}` ); } spinner.start("Resolving with third party packages..."); pkgType = "third-party"; } else { pkgType = "first-party"; pkgJson = firstPartyPkgCheck; } } if (pkgType === "third-party") { const thirdPartyPkgCheck = await fetchPackageJson(scope, name, tag); if (thirdPartyPkgCheck instanceof Error) { if (thirdPartyPkgCheck.message) { spinner.warn(yellow(thirdPartyPkgCheck.message)); } throw new Error(`Unable to fetch ${bold(integration)}. Does the package exist?`); } else { pkgJson = thirdPartyPkgCheck; } } const resolvedScope = pkgType === "first-party" ? "@astrojs" : scope; const packageName = `${resolvedScope ? `${resolvedScope}/` : ""}${name}`; let dependencies = [ [pkgJson["name"], `^${pkgJson["version"]}`] ]; if (pkgJson["peerDependencies"]) { const meta = pkgJson["peerDependenciesMeta"] || {}; for (const peer in pkgJson["peerDependencies"]) { const optional = meta[peer]?.optional || false; const isAstro = peer === "astro"; if (!optional && !isAstro) { dependencies.push([peer, pkgJson["peerDependencies"][peer]]); } } } let integrationType; const keywords = Array.isArray(pkgJson["keywords"]) ? pkgJson["keywords"] : []; if (keywords.includes("astro-integration")) { integrationType = "integration"; } else if (keywords.includes("astro-adapter")) { integrationType = "adapter"; } else { throw new Error( `${bold( packageName )} doesn't appear to be an integration or an adapter. Find our official integrations at ${cyan( "" )}` ); } return { id: integration, packageName, dependencies, type: integrationType }; }) ); spinner.succeed(); return integrationEntries; } catch (e) { if (e instanceof Error) {; process.exit(1); } else { throw e; } } } async function updateTSConfig(cwd = process.cwd(), logger, integrationsInfo, flags) { const integrations = (integration) => ); const firstIntegrationWithTSSettings = integrations.find( (integration) => presets.has(integration) ); if (!firstIntegrationWithTSSettings) { return 0 /* none */; } let inputConfig = await loadTSConfig(cwd); let inputConfigText = ""; if (inputConfig === "invalid-config" || inputConfig === "unknown-error") { return 3 /* failure */; } else if (inputConfig === "missing-config") { logger.debug("add", "Couldn't find tsconfig.json or jsconfig.json, generating one"); inputConfig = { tsconfig: defaultTSConfig, tsconfigFile: path.join(cwd, "tsconfig.json"), rawConfig: { tsconfig: defaultTSConfig, tsconfigFile: path.join(cwd, "tsconfig.json") } }; } else { inputConfigText = JSON.stringify(inputConfig.rawConfig.tsconfig, null, 2); } const configFileName = path.basename(inputConfig.tsconfigFile); const outputConfig = updateTSConfigForFramework( inputConfig.rawConfig.tsconfig, firstIntegrationWithTSSettings ); const output = JSON.stringify(outputConfig, null, 2); const diff = getDiffContent(inputConfigText, output); if (!diff) { return 0 /* none */; } const message = ` ${boxen(diff, { margin: 0.5, padding: 0.5, borderStyle: "round", title: configFileName })} `; null, ` ${magenta(`Astro will make the following changes to your ${configFileName}:`)} ${message}` ); const conflictingIntegrations = [...Object.keys(presets).filter((config) => config !== "vue")]; const hasConflictingIntegrations = integrations.filter((integration) => presets.has(integration)).length > 1 && integrations.filter((integration) => conflictingIntegrations.includes(integration)).length > 0; if (hasConflictingIntegrations) { null, red( ` ${bold( "Caution:" )} Selected UI frameworks require conflicting tsconfig.json settings, as such only settings for ${bold( firstIntegrationWithTSSettings )} were used. More information: ` ) ); } if (await askToContinue({ flags })) { await fs.writeFile(inputConfig.tsconfigFile, output, { encoding: "utf-8" }); logger.debug("add", `Updated ${configFileName} file`); return 1 /* updated */; } else { return 2 /* cancelled */; } } function parseIntegrationName(spec) { const result = parseNpmName(spec); if (!result) return; let { scope, name } = result; let tag = "latest"; if (scope) { name = name.replace(scope + "/", ""); } if (name.includes("@")) { const tagged = name.split("@"); name = tagged[0]; tag = tagged[1]; } return { scope, name, tag }; } async function askToContinue({ flags }) { if (flags.yes || flags.y) return true; const response = await prompts({ type: "confirm", name: "askToContinue", message: "Continue?", initial: true }); return Boolean(response.askToContinue); } function getDiffContent(input, output) { let changes = []; for (const change of diffWords(input, output)) { let lines = change.value.trim().split("\n").slice(0, change.count); if (lines.length === 0) continue; if (change.added) { if (!change.value.trim()) continue; changes.push(change.value); } } if (changes.length === 0) { return null; } let diffed = output; for (let newContent of changes) { const coloredOutput = newContent.split("\n").map((ln) => ln ? green(ln) : "").join("\n"); diffed = diffed.replace(newContent, coloredOutput); } return diffed; } async function setupIntegrationConfig(opts) { const logger = opts.logger; const possibleConfigFiles = (p) => fileURLToPath(new URL(p, opts.root)) ); let alreadyConfigured = false; for (const possibleConfigPath of possibleConfigFiles) { if (existsSync(possibleConfigPath)) { alreadyConfigured = true; break; } } if (!alreadyConfigured) { null, ` ${magenta(`Astro will generate a minimal ${bold(opts.defaultConfigFile)} file.`)} ` ); if (await askToContinue({ flags: opts.flags })) { await fs.writeFile( fileURLToPath(new URL(opts.defaultConfigFile, opts.root)), opts.defaultConfigContent, { encoding: "utf-8" } ); logger.debug("add", `Generated default ${opts.defaultConfigFile} file`); } } else { logger.debug("add", `Using existing ${opts.integrationName} configuration`); } } export { add, validateIntegrations };