'use strict'; Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /** * Check if given code is a number */ function isNumber$1(code) { return code > 47 && code < 58; } /** * Check if given character code is alpha code (letter through A to Z) */ function isAlpha$1(code, from, to) { from = from || 65; // A to = to || 90; // Z code &= ~32; // quick hack to convert any char code to uppercase char code return code >= from && code <= to; } function isAlphaNumericWord(code) { return isNumber$1(code) || isAlphaWord(code); } function isAlphaWord(code) { return code === 95 /* _ */ || isAlpha$1(code); } /** * Check for Umlauts i.e. ä, Ä, ö, Ö, ü and Ü */ function isUmlaut(code) { return code === 196 || code == 214 || code === 220 || code === 228 || code === 246 || code === 252; } /** * Check if given character code is a white-space character: a space character * or line breaks */ function isWhiteSpace$3(code) { return code === 32 /* space */ || code === 9 /* tab */ || code === 160; /* non-breaking space */ } /** * Check if given character code is a space character */ function isSpace(code) { return isWhiteSpace$3(code) || code === 10 /* LF */ || code === 13; /* CR */ } /** * Check if given character code is a quote character */ function isQuote$2(code) { return code === 39 /* ' */ || code === 34 /* " */; } /** * A streaming, character code-based string reader */ class Scanner { constructor(str, start, end) { if (end == null && typeof str === 'string') { end = str.length; } this.string = str; this.pos = this.start = start || 0; this.end = end || 0; } /** * Returns true only if the stream is at the end of the file. */ eof() { return this.pos >= this.end; } /** * Creates a new stream instance which is limited to given `start` and `end` * range. E.g. its `eof()` method will look at `end` property, not actual * stream end */ limit(start, end) { return new Scanner(this.string, start, end); } /** * Returns the next character code in the stream without advancing it. * Will return NaN at the end of the file. */ peek() { return this.string.charCodeAt(this.pos); } /** * Returns the next character in the stream and advances it. * Also returns undefined when no more characters are available. */ next() { if (this.pos < this.string.length) { return this.string.charCodeAt(this.pos++); } } /** * `match` can be a character code or a function that takes a character code * and returns a boolean. If the next character in the stream 'matches' * the given argument, it is consumed and returned. * Otherwise, `false` is returned. */ eat(match) { const ch = this.peek(); const ok = typeof match === 'function' ? match(ch) : ch === match; if (ok) { this.next(); } return ok; } /** * Repeatedly calls eat with the given argument, until it * fails. Returns true if any characters were eaten. */ eatWhile(match) { const start = this.pos; while (!this.eof() && this.eat(match)) { /* */ } return this.pos !== start; } /** * Backs up the stream n characters. Backing it up further than the * start of the current token will cause things to break, so be careful. */ backUp(n) { this.pos -= (n || 1); } /** * Get the string between the start of the current token and the * current stream position. */ current() { return this.substring(this.start, this.pos); } /** * Returns substring for given range */ substring(start, end) { return this.string.slice(start, end); } /** * Creates error object with current stream state */ error(message, pos = this.pos) { return new ScannerError(`${message} at ${pos + 1}`, pos, this.string); } } class ScannerError extends Error { constructor(message, pos, str) { super(message); this.pos = pos; this.string = str; } } function tokenScanner$1(tokens) { return { tokens, start: 0, pos: 0, size: tokens.length }; } function peek$3(scanner) { return scanner.tokens[scanner.pos]; } function next(scanner) { return scanner.tokens[scanner.pos++]; } function slice(scanner, from = scanner.start, to = scanner.pos) { return scanner.tokens.slice(from, to); } function readable$1(scanner) { return scanner.pos < scanner.size; } function consume$2(scanner, test) { const token = peek$3(scanner); if (token && test(token)) { scanner.pos++; return true; } return false; } function error$1(scanner, message, token = peek$3(scanner)) { if (token && token.start != null) { message += ` at ${token.start}`; } const err = new Error(message); err['pos'] = token && token.start; return err; } function abbreviation(abbr, options = {}) { const scanner = tokenScanner$1(abbr); const result = statements(scanner, options); if (readable$1(scanner)) { throw error$1(scanner, 'Unexpected character'); } return result; } function statements(scanner, options) { const result = { type: 'TokenGroup', elements: [] }; let ctx = result; let node; const stack = []; while (readable$1(scanner)) { if (node = element$2(scanner, options) || group(scanner, options)) { ctx.elements.push(node); if (consume$2(scanner, isChildOperator)) { stack.push(ctx); ctx = node; } else if (consume$2(scanner, isSiblingOperator$1)) { continue; } else if (consume$2(scanner, isClimbOperator)) { do { if (stack.length) { ctx = stack.pop(); } } while (consume$2(scanner, isClimbOperator)); } } else { break; } } return result; } /** * Consumes group from given scanner */ function group(scanner, options) { if (consume$2(scanner, isGroupStart)) { const result = statements(scanner, options); const token = next(scanner); if (isBracket$2(token, 'group', false)) { result.repeat = repeater$1(scanner); } return result; } } /** * Consumes single element from given scanner */ function element$2(scanner, options) { let attr; const elem = { type: 'TokenElement', name: void 0, attributes: void 0, value: void 0, repeat: void 0, selfClose: false, elements: [] }; if (elementName(scanner, options)) { elem.name = slice(scanner); } while (readable$1(scanner)) { scanner.start = scanner.pos; if (!elem.repeat && !isEmpty(elem) && consume$2(scanner, isRepeater)) { elem.repeat = scanner.tokens[scanner.pos - 1]; } else if (!elem.value && text(scanner)) { elem.value = getText(scanner); } else if (attr = shortAttribute(scanner, 'id', options) || shortAttribute(scanner, 'class', options) || attributeSet(scanner)) { if (!elem.attributes) { elem.attributes = Array.isArray(attr) ? attr.slice() : [attr]; } else { elem.attributes = elem.attributes.concat(attr); } } else { if (!isEmpty(elem) && consume$2(scanner, isCloseOperator)) { elem.selfClose = true; if (!elem.repeat && consume$2(scanner, isRepeater)) { elem.repeat = scanner.tokens[scanner.pos - 1]; } } break; } } return !isEmpty(elem) ? elem : void 0; } /** * Consumes attribute set from given scanner */ function attributeSet(scanner) { if (consume$2(scanner, isAttributeSetStart)) { const attributes = []; let attr; while (readable$1(scanner)) { if (attr = attribute(scanner)) { attributes.push(attr); } else if (consume$2(scanner, isAttributeSetEnd)) { break; } else if (!consume$2(scanner, isWhiteSpace$2)) { throw error$1(scanner, `Unexpected "${peek$3(scanner).type}" token`); } } return attributes; } } /** * Consumes attribute shorthand (class or id) from given scanner */ function shortAttribute(scanner, type, options) { if (isOperator$1(peek$3(scanner), type)) { scanner.pos++; // Consume multiple operators let count = 1; while (isOperator$1(peek$3(scanner), type)) { scanner.pos++; count++; } const attr = { name: [createLiteral$1(type)] }; if (count > 1) { attr.multiple = true; } // Consume expression after shorthand start for React-like components if (options.jsx && text(scanner)) { attr.value = getText(scanner); attr.expression = true; } else { attr.value = literal$1$1(scanner) ? slice(scanner) : void 0; } return attr; } } /** * Consumes single attribute from given scanner */ function attribute(scanner) { if (quoted(scanner)) { // Consumed quoted value: it’s a value for default attribute return { value: slice(scanner) }; } if (literal$1$1(scanner, true)) { const name = slice(scanner); let value; if (consume$2(scanner, isEquals)) { if (quoted(scanner) || literal$1$1(scanner, true)) { value = slice(scanner); } } return { name, value }; } } function repeater$1(scanner) { return isRepeater(peek$3(scanner)) ? scanner.tokens[scanner.pos++] : void 0; } /** * Consumes quoted value from given scanner, if possible */ function quoted(scanner) { const start = scanner.pos; const quote = peek$3(scanner); if (isQuote$1(quote)) { scanner.pos++; while (readable$1(scanner)) { if (isQuote$1(next(scanner), quote.single)) { scanner.start = start; return true; } } throw error$1(scanner, 'Unclosed quote', quote); } return false; } /** * Consumes literal (unquoted value) from given scanner */ function literal$1$1(scanner, allowBrackets) { const start = scanner.pos; const brackets = { attribute: 0, expression: 0, group: 0 }; while (readable$1(scanner)) { const token = peek$3(scanner); if (brackets.expression) { // If we’re inside expression, we should consume all content in it if (isBracket$2(token, 'expression')) { brackets[token.context] += token.open ? 1 : -1; } } else if (isQuote$1(token) || isOperator$1(token) || isWhiteSpace$2(token) || isRepeater(token)) { break; } else if (isBracket$2(token)) { if (!allowBrackets) { break; } if (token.open) { brackets[token.context]++; } else if (!brackets[token.context]) { // Stop if found unmatched closing brace: it must be handled // by parent consumer break; } else { brackets[token.context]--; } } scanner.pos++; } if (start !== scanner.pos) { scanner.start = start; return true; } return false; } /** * Consumes element name from given scanner */ function elementName(scanner, options) { const start = scanner.pos; if (options.jsx && consume$2(scanner, isCapitalizedLiteral)) { // Check for edge case: consume immediate capitalized class names // for React-like components, e.g. `Foo.Bar.Baz` while (readable$1(scanner)) { const { pos } = scanner; if (!consume$2(scanner, isClassNameOperator) || !consume$2(scanner, isCapitalizedLiteral)) { scanner.pos = pos; break; } } } while (readable$1(scanner) && consume$2(scanner, isElementName$1)) { // empty } if (scanner.pos !== start) { scanner.start = start; return true; } return false; } /** * Consumes text value from given scanner */ function text(scanner) { const start = scanner.pos; if (consume$2(scanner, isTextStart)) { let brackets = 0; while (readable$1(scanner)) { const token = next(scanner); if (isBracket$2(token, 'expression')) { if (token.open) { brackets++; } else if (!brackets) { break; } else { brackets--; } } } scanner.start = start; return true; } return false; } function getText(scanner) { let from = scanner.start; let to = scanner.pos; if (isBracket$2(scanner.tokens[from], 'expression', true)) { from++; } if (isBracket$2(scanner.tokens[to - 1], 'expression', false)) { to--; } return slice(scanner, from, to); } function isBracket$2(token, context, isOpen) { return Boolean(token && token.type === 'Bracket' && (!context || token.context === context) && (isOpen == null || token.open === isOpen)); } function isOperator$1(token, type) { return Boolean(token && token.type === 'Operator' && (!type || token.operator === type)); } function isQuote$1(token, isSingle) { return Boolean(token && token.type === 'Quote' && (isSingle == null || token.single === isSingle)); } function isWhiteSpace$2(token) { return Boolean(token && token.type === 'WhiteSpace'); } function isEquals(token) { return isOperator$1(token, 'equal'); } function isRepeater(token) { return Boolean(token && token.type === 'Repeater'); } function isLiteral$2(token) { return token.type === 'Literal'; } function isCapitalizedLiteral(token) { if (isLiteral$2(token)) { const ch = token.value.charCodeAt(0); return ch >= 65 && ch <= 90; } return false; } function isElementName$1(token) { return token.type === 'Literal' || token.type === 'RepeaterNumber' || token.type === 'RepeaterPlaceholder'; } function isClassNameOperator(token) { return isOperator$1(token, 'class'); } function isAttributeSetStart(token) { return isBracket$2(token, 'attribute', true); } function isAttributeSetEnd(token) { return isBracket$2(token, 'attribute', false); } function isTextStart(token) { return isBracket$2(token, 'expression', true); } function isGroupStart(token) { return isBracket$2(token, 'group', true); } function createLiteral$1(value) { return { type: 'Literal', value }; } function isEmpty(elem) { return !elem.name && !elem.value && !elem.attributes; } function isChildOperator(token) { return isOperator$1(token, 'child'); } function isSiblingOperator$1(token) { return isOperator$1(token, 'sibling'); } function isClimbOperator(token) { return isOperator$1(token, 'climb'); } function isCloseOperator(token) { return isOperator$1(token, 'close'); } var Chars$3; (function (Chars) { /** `{` character */ Chars[Chars["CurlyBracketOpen"] = 123] = "CurlyBracketOpen"; /** `}` character */ Chars[Chars["CurlyBracketClose"] = 125] = "CurlyBracketClose"; /** `\\` character */ Chars[Chars["Escape"] = 92] = "Escape"; /** `=` character */ Chars[Chars["Equals"] = 61] = "Equals"; /** `[` character */ Chars[Chars["SquareBracketOpen"] = 91] = "SquareBracketOpen"; /** `]` character */ Chars[Chars["SquareBracketClose"] = 93] = "SquareBracketClose"; /** `*` character */ Chars[Chars["Asterisk"] = 42] = "Asterisk"; /** `#` character */ Chars[Chars["Hash"] = 35] = "Hash"; /** `$` character */ Chars[Chars["Dollar"] = 36] = "Dollar"; /** `-` character */ Chars[Chars["Dash"] = 45] = "Dash"; /** `.` character */ Chars[Chars["Dot"] = 46] = "Dot"; /** `/` character */ Chars[Chars["Slash"] = 47] = "Slash"; /** `:` character */ Chars[Chars["Colon"] = 58] = "Colon"; /** `!` character */ Chars[Chars["Excl"] = 33] = "Excl"; /** `@` character */ Chars[Chars["At"] = 64] = "At"; /** `_` character */ Chars[Chars["Underscore"] = 95] = "Underscore"; /** `(` character */ Chars[Chars["RoundBracketOpen"] = 40] = "RoundBracketOpen"; /** `)` character */ Chars[Chars["RoundBracketClose"] = 41] = "RoundBracketClose"; /** `+` character */ Chars[Chars["Sibling"] = 43] = "Sibling"; /** `>` character */ Chars[Chars["Child"] = 62] = "Child"; /** `^` character */ Chars[Chars["Climb"] = 94] = "Climb"; /** `'` character */ Chars[Chars["SingleQuote"] = 39] = "SingleQuote"; /** `""` character */ Chars[Chars["DoubleQuote"] = 34] = "DoubleQuote"; })(Chars$3 || (Chars$3 = {})); /** * If consumes escape character, sets current stream range to escaped value */ function escaped(scanner) { if (scanner.eat(Chars$3.Escape)) { scanner.start = scanner.pos; if (!scanner.eof()) { scanner.pos++; } return true; } return false; } function tokenize$1(source) { const scanner = new Scanner(source); const result = []; const ctx = { group: 0, attribute: 0, expression: 0, quote: 0 }; let ch = 0; let token; while (!scanner.eof()) { ch = scanner.peek(); token = getToken$1(scanner, ctx); if (token) { result.push(token); if (token.type === 'Quote') { ctx.quote = ch === ctx.quote ? 0 : ch; } else if (token.type === 'Bracket') { ctx[token.context] += token.open ? 1 : -1; } } else { throw scanner.error('Unexpected character'); } } return result; } /** * Returns next token from given scanner, if possible */ function getToken$1(scanner, ctx) { return field$2(scanner, ctx) || repeaterPlaceholder(scanner) || repeaterNumber(scanner) || repeater(scanner) || whiteSpace$1(scanner) || literal$2(scanner, ctx) || operator$1(scanner) || quote(scanner) || bracket$1(scanner); } /** * Consumes literal from given scanner */ function literal$2(scanner, ctx) { const start = scanner.pos; const expressionStart = ctx.expression; let value = ''; while (!scanner.eof()) { // Consume escaped sequence no matter of context if (escaped(scanner)) { value += scanner.current(); continue; } const ch = scanner.peek(); if (ch === Chars$3.Slash && !ctx.quote && !ctx.expression && !ctx.attribute) { // Special case for `/` character between numbers in class names const prev = scanner.string.charCodeAt(scanner.pos - 1); const next = scanner.string.charCodeAt(scanner.pos + 1); if (isNumber$1(prev) && isNumber$1(next)) { value += scanner.string[scanner.pos++]; continue; } } if (ch === ctx.quote || ch === Chars$3.Dollar || isAllowedOperator(ch, ctx)) { // 1. Found matching quote // 2. The `$` character has special meaning in every context // 3. Depending on context, some characters should be treated as operators break; } if (expressionStart) { // Consume nested expressions, e.g. span{{foo}} if (ch === Chars$3.CurlyBracketOpen) { ctx.expression++; } else if (ch === Chars$3.CurlyBracketClose) { if (ctx.expression > expressionStart) { ctx.expression--; } else { break; } } } else if (!ctx.quote) { // Consuming element name if (!ctx.attribute && !isElementName(ch)) { break; } if (isAllowedSpace(ch, ctx) || isAllowedRepeater(ch, ctx) || isQuote$2(ch) || bracketType(ch)) { // Stop for characters not allowed in unquoted literal break; } } value += scanner.string[scanner.pos++]; } if (start !== scanner.pos) { scanner.start = start; return { type: 'Literal', value, start, end: scanner.pos }; } } /** * Consumes white space characters as string literal from given scanner */ function whiteSpace$1(scanner) { const start = scanner.pos; if (scanner.eatWhile(isSpace)) { return { type: 'WhiteSpace', start, end: scanner.pos, value: scanner.substring(start, scanner.pos) }; } } /** * Consumes quote from given scanner */ function quote(scanner) { const ch = scanner.peek(); if (isQuote$2(ch)) { return { type: 'Quote', single: ch === Chars$3.SingleQuote, start: scanner.pos++, end: scanner.pos }; } } /** * Consumes bracket from given scanner */ function bracket$1(scanner) { const ch = scanner.peek(); const context = bracketType(ch); if (context) { return { type: 'Bracket', open: isOpenBracket$2(ch), context, start: scanner.pos++, end: scanner.pos }; } } /** * Consumes operator from given scanner */ function operator$1(scanner) { const op = operatorType$1(scanner.peek()); if (op) { return { type: 'Operator', operator: op, start: scanner.pos++, end: scanner.pos }; } } /** * Consumes node repeat token from current stream position and returns its * parsed value */ function repeater(scanner) { const start = scanner.pos; if (scanner.eat(Chars$3.Asterisk)) { scanner.start = scanner.pos; let count = 1; let implicit = false; if (scanner.eatWhile(isNumber$1)) { count = Number(scanner.current()); } else { implicit = true; } return { type: 'Repeater', count, value: 0, implicit, start, end: scanner.pos }; } } /** * Consumes repeater placeholder `$#` from given scanner */ function repeaterPlaceholder(scanner) { const start = scanner.pos; if (scanner.eat(Chars$3.Dollar) && scanner.eat(Chars$3.Hash)) { return { type: 'RepeaterPlaceholder', value: void 0, start, end: scanner.pos }; } scanner.pos = start; } /** * Consumes numbering token like `$` from given scanner state */ function repeaterNumber(scanner) { const start = scanner.pos; if (scanner.eatWhile(Chars$3.Dollar)) { const size = scanner.pos - start; let reverse = false; let base = 1; let parent = 0; if (scanner.eat(Chars$3.At)) { // Consume numbering modifiers while (scanner.eat(Chars$3.Climb)) { parent++; } reverse = scanner.eat(Chars$3.Dash); scanner.start = scanner.pos; if (scanner.eatWhile(isNumber$1)) { base = Number(scanner.current()); } } scanner.start = start; return { type: 'RepeaterNumber', size, reverse, base, parent, start, end: scanner.pos }; } } function field$2(scanner, ctx) { const start = scanner.pos; // Fields are allowed inside expressions and attributes if ((ctx.expression || ctx.attribute) && scanner.eat(Chars$3.Dollar) && scanner.eat(Chars$3.CurlyBracketOpen)) { scanner.start = scanner.pos; let index; let name = ''; if (scanner.eatWhile(isNumber$1)) { // It’s a field index = Number(scanner.current()); name = scanner.eat(Chars$3.Colon) ? consumePlaceholder$2(scanner) : ''; } else if (isAlpha$1(scanner.peek())) { // It’s a variable name = consumePlaceholder$2(scanner); } if (scanner.eat(Chars$3.CurlyBracketClose)) { return { type: 'Field', index, name, start, end: scanner.pos }; } throw scanner.error('Expecting }'); } // If we reached here then there’s no valid field here, revert // back to starting position scanner.pos = start; } /** * Consumes a placeholder: value right after `:` in field. Could be empty */ function consumePlaceholder$2(stream) { const stack = []; stream.start = stream.pos; while (!stream.eof()) { if (stream.eat(Chars$3.CurlyBracketOpen)) { stack.push(stream.pos); } else if (stream.eat(Chars$3.CurlyBracketClose)) { if (!stack.length) { stream.pos--; break; } stack.pop(); } else { stream.pos++; } } if (stack.length) { stream.pos = stack.pop(); throw stream.error(`Expecting }`); } return stream.current(); } /** * Check if given character code is an operator and it’s allowed in current context */ function isAllowedOperator(ch, ctx) { const op = operatorType$1(ch); if (!op || ctx.quote || ctx.expression) { // No operators inside quoted values or expressions return false; } // Inside attributes, only `equals` is allowed return !ctx.attribute || op === 'equal'; } /** * Check if given character is a space character and is allowed to be consumed * as a space token in current context */ function isAllowedSpace(ch, ctx) { return isSpace(ch) && !ctx.expression; } /** * Check if given character can be consumed as repeater in current context */ function isAllowedRepeater(ch, ctx) { return ch === Chars$3.Asterisk && !ctx.attribute && !ctx.expression; } /** * If given character is a bracket, returns it’s type */ function bracketType(ch) { if (ch === Chars$3.RoundBracketOpen || ch === Chars$3.RoundBracketClose) { return 'group'; } if (ch === Chars$3.SquareBracketOpen || ch === Chars$3.SquareBracketClose) { return 'attribute'; } if (ch === Chars$3.CurlyBracketOpen || ch === Chars$3.CurlyBracketClose) { return 'expression'; } } /** * If given character is an operator, returns it’s type */ function operatorType$1(ch) { return (ch === Chars$3.Child && 'child') || (ch === Chars$3.Sibling && 'sibling') || (ch === Chars$3.Climb && 'climb') || (ch === Chars$3.Dot && 'class') || (ch === Chars$3.Hash && 'id') || (ch === Chars$3.Slash && 'close') || (ch === Chars$3.Equals && 'equal') || void 0; } /** * Check if given character is an open bracket */ function isOpenBracket$2(ch) { return ch === Chars$3.CurlyBracketOpen || ch === Chars$3.SquareBracketOpen || ch === Chars$3.RoundBracketOpen; } /** * Check if given character is allowed in element name */ function isElementName(ch) { return isAlphaNumericWord(ch) || isUmlaut(ch) || ch === Chars$3.Dash || ch === Chars$3.Colon || ch === Chars$3.Excl; } const operators = { child: '>', class: '.', climb: '^', id: '#', equal: '=', close: '/', sibling: '+' }; const tokenVisitor = { Literal(token) { return token.value; }, Quote(token) { return token.single ? '\'' : '"'; }, Bracket(token) { if (token.context === 'attribute') { return token.open ? '[' : ']'; } else if (token.context === 'expression') { return token.open ? '{' : '}'; } else { return token.open ? '(' : '}'; } }, Operator(token) { return operators[token.operator]; }, Field(token, state) { if (token.index != null) { // It’s a field: by default, return TextMate-compatible field return token.name ? `\${${token.index}:${token.name}}` : `\${${token.index}`; } else if (token.name) { // It’s a variable return state.getVariable(token.name); } return ''; }, RepeaterPlaceholder(token, state) { // Find closest implicit repeater let repeater; for (let i = state.repeaters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (state.repeaters[i].implicit) { repeater = state.repeaters[i]; break; } } state.inserted = true; return state.getText(repeater && repeater.value); }, RepeaterNumber(token, state) { let value = 1; const lastIx = state.repeaters.length - 1; // const repeaterIx = Math.max(0, state.repeaters.length - 1 - token.parent); const repeater = state.repeaters[lastIx]; if (repeater) { value = token.reverse ? token.base + repeater.count - repeater.value - 1 : token.base + repeater.value; if (token.parent) { const parentIx = Math.max(0, lastIx - token.parent); if (parentIx !== lastIx) { const parentRepeater = state.repeaters[parentIx]; value += repeater.count * parentRepeater.value; } } } let result = String(value); while (result.length < token.size) { result = '0' + result; } return result; }, WhiteSpace(token) { return token.value; } }; /** * Converts given value token to string */ function stringify$1(token, state) { if (!tokenVisitor[token.type]) { throw new Error(`Unknown token ${token.type}`); } return tokenVisitor[token.type](token, state); } const urlRegex = /^((https?:|ftp:|file:)?\/\/|(www|ftp)\.)[^ ]*$/; const emailRegex = /^[a-z0-9._%+-]+@[a-z0-9.-]+\.[a-z]{2,5}$/; /** * Converts given token-based abbreviation into simplified and unrolled node-based * abbreviation */ function convert(abbr, options = {}) { let textInserted = false; let cleanText; if (options.text) { if (Array.isArray(options.text)) { cleanText = options.text.filter(s => s.trim()); } else { cleanText = options.text; } } const result = { type: 'Abbreviation', children: convertGroup(abbr, { inserted: false, repeaters: [], text: options.text, cleanText, repeatGuard: options.maxRepeat || Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY, getText(pos) { var _a; textInserted = true; let value; if (Array.isArray(options.text)) { if (pos !== undefined && pos >= 0 && pos < cleanText.length) { return cleanText[pos]; } value = pos !== undefined ? options.text[pos] : options.text.join('\n'); } else { value = (_a = options.text) !== null && _a !== void 0 ? _a : ''; } return value; }, getVariable(name) { const varValue = options.variables && options.variables[name]; return varValue != null ? varValue : name; } }) }; if (options.text != null && !textInserted) { // Text given but no implicitly repeated elements: insert it into // deepest child const deepest = deepestNode(last$1(result.children)); if (deepest) { const text = Array.isArray(options.text) ? options.text.join('\n') : options.text; insertText(deepest, text); if (deepest.name === 'a' && options.href) { // Automatically update value of `` element if inserting URL or email insertHref(deepest, text); } } } return result; } /** * Converts given statement to abbreviation nodes */ function convertStatement(node, state) { let result = []; if (node.repeat) { // Node is repeated: we should create copies of given node // and supply context token with actual repeater state const original = node.repeat; const repeat = Object.assign({}, original); repeat.count = repeat.implicit && Array.isArray(state.text) ? state.cleanText.length : (repeat.count || 1); let items; state.repeaters.push(repeat); for (let i = 0; i < repeat.count; i++) { repeat.value = i; node.repeat = repeat; items = isGroup(node) ? convertGroup(node, state) : convertElement(node, state); if (repeat.implicit && !state.inserted) { // It’s an implicit repeater but no repeater placeholders found inside, // we should insert text into deepest node const target = last$1(items); const deepest = target && deepestNode(target); if (deepest) { insertText(deepest, state.getText(repeat.value)); } } result = result.concat(items); // We should output at least one repeated item even if it’s reached // repeat limit if (--state.repeatGuard <= 0) { break; } } state.repeaters.pop(); node.repeat = original; if (repeat.implicit) { state.inserted = true; } } else { result = result.concat(isGroup(node) ? convertGroup(node, state) : convertElement(node, state)); } return result; } function convertElement(node, state) { let children = []; const elem = { type: 'AbbreviationNode', name: node.name && stringifyName(node.name, state), value: node.value && stringifyValue$1(node.value, state), attributes: void 0, children, repeat: node.repeat && Object.assign({}, node.repeat), selfClosing: node.selfClose, }; let result = [elem]; for (const child of node.elements) { children = children.concat(convertStatement(child, state)); } if (node.attributes) { elem.attributes = []; for (const attr of node.attributes) { elem.attributes.push(convertAttribute(attr, state)); } } // In case if current node is a text-only snippet without fields, we should // put all children as siblings if (!elem.name && !elem.attributes && elem.value && !elem.value.some(isField$1)) { // XXX it’s unclear that `children` is not bound to `elem` // due to concat operation result = result.concat(children); } else { elem.children = children; } return result; } function convertGroup(node, state) { let result = []; for (const child of node.elements) { result = result.concat(convertStatement(child, state)); } if (node.repeat) { result = attachRepeater(result, node.repeat); } return result; } function convertAttribute(node, state) { let implied = false; let isBoolean = false; let valueType = node.expression ? 'expression' : 'raw'; let value; const name = node.name && stringifyName(node.name, state); if (name && name[0] === '!') { implied = true; } if (name && name[name.length - 1] === '.') { isBoolean = true; } if (node.value) { const tokens = node.value.slice(); if (isQuote$1(tokens[0])) { // It’s a quoted value: remove quotes from output but mark attribute // value as quoted const quote = tokens.shift(); if (tokens.length && last$1(tokens).type === quote.type) { tokens.pop(); } valueType = quote.single ? 'singleQuote' : 'doubleQuote'; } else if (isBracket$2(tokens[0], 'expression', true)) { // Value is expression: remove brackets but mark value type valueType = 'expression'; tokens.shift(); if (isBracket$2(last$1(tokens), 'expression', false)) { tokens.pop(); } } value = stringifyValue$1(tokens, state); } return { name: isBoolean || implied ? name.slice(implied ? 1 : 0, isBoolean ? -1 : void 0) : name, value, boolean: isBoolean, implied, valueType, multiple: node.multiple }; } /** * Converts given token list to string */ function stringifyName(tokens, state) { let str = ''; for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) { str += stringify$1(tokens[i], state); } return str; } /** * Converts given token list to value list */ function stringifyValue$1(tokens, state) { const result = []; let str = ''; for (let i = 0, token; i < tokens.length; i++) { token = tokens[i]; if (isField$1(token)) { // We should keep original fields in output since some editors has their // own syntax for field or doesn’t support fields at all so we should // capture actual field location in output stream if (str) { result.push(str); str = ''; } result.push(token); } else { str += stringify$1(token, state); } } if (str) { result.push(str); } return result; } function isGroup(node) { return node.type === 'TokenGroup'; } function isField$1(token) { return typeof token === 'object' && token.type === 'Field' && token.index != null; } function last$1(arr) { return arr[arr.length - 1]; } function deepestNode(node) { return node.children.length ? deepestNode(last$1(node.children)) : node; } function insertText(node, text) { if (node.value) { const lastToken = last$1(node.value); if (typeof lastToken === 'string') { node.value[node.value.length - 1] += text; } else { node.value.push(text); } } else { node.value = [text]; } } function insertHref(node, text) { var _a; let href = ''; if (urlRegex.test(text)) { href = text; if (!/\w+:/.test(href) && !href.startsWith('//')) { href = `http://${href}`; } } else if (emailRegex.test(text)) { href = `mailto:${text}`; } const hrefAttribute = (_a = node.attributes) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.find(attr => attr.name === 'href'); if (!hrefAttribute) { if (!node.attributes) { node.attributes = []; } node.attributes.push({ name: 'href', value: [href], valueType: 'doubleQuote' }); } else if (!hrefAttribute.value) { hrefAttribute.value = [href]; } } function attachRepeater(items, repeater) { for (const item of items) { if (!item.repeat) { item.repeat = Object.assign({}, repeater); } } return items; } /** * Parses given abbreviation into node tree */ function parseAbbreviation(abbr, options) { try { const tokens = typeof abbr === 'string' ? tokenize$1(abbr) : abbr; return convert(abbreviation(tokens, options), options); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof ScannerError && typeof abbr === 'string') { err.message += `\n${abbr}\n${'-'.repeat(err.pos)}^`; } throw err; } } var OperatorType; (function (OperatorType) { OperatorType["Sibling"] = "+"; OperatorType["Important"] = "!"; OperatorType["ArgumentDelimiter"] = ","; OperatorType["ValueDelimiter"] = "-"; OperatorType["PropertyDelimiter"] = ":"; })(OperatorType || (OperatorType = {})); var Chars$2; (function (Chars) { /** `#` character */ Chars[Chars["Hash"] = 35] = "Hash"; /** `$` character */ Chars[Chars["Dollar"] = 36] = "Dollar"; /** `-` character */ Chars[Chars["Dash"] = 45] = "Dash"; /** `.` character */ Chars[Chars["Dot"] = 46] = "Dot"; /** `:` character */ Chars[Chars["Colon"] = 58] = "Colon"; /** `,` character */ Chars[Chars["Comma"] = 44] = "Comma"; /** `!` character */ Chars[Chars["Excl"] = 33] = "Excl"; /** `@` character */ Chars[Chars["At"] = 64] = "At"; /** `%` character */ Chars[Chars["Percent"] = 37] = "Percent"; /** `_` character */ Chars[Chars["Underscore"] = 95] = "Underscore"; /** `(` character */ Chars[Chars["RoundBracketOpen"] = 40] = "RoundBracketOpen"; /** `)` character */ Chars[Chars["RoundBracketClose"] = 41] = "RoundBracketClose"; /** `{` character */ Chars[Chars["CurlyBracketOpen"] = 123] = "CurlyBracketOpen"; /** `}` character */ Chars[Chars["CurlyBracketClose"] = 125] = "CurlyBracketClose"; /** `+` character */ Chars[Chars["Sibling"] = 43] = "Sibling"; /** `'` character */ Chars[Chars["SingleQuote"] = 39] = "SingleQuote"; /** `"` character */ Chars[Chars["DoubleQuote"] = 34] = "DoubleQuote"; /** `t` character */ Chars[Chars["Transparent"] = 116] = "Transparent"; /** `/` character */ Chars[Chars["Slash"] = 47] = "Slash"; })(Chars$2 || (Chars$2 = {})); function tokenize(abbr, isValue) { let brackets = 0; let token; const scanner = new Scanner(abbr); const tokens = []; while (!scanner.eof()) { token = getToken(scanner, brackets === 0 && !isValue); if (!token) { throw scanner.error('Unexpected character'); } if (token.type === 'Bracket') { if (!brackets && token.open) { mergeTokens(scanner, tokens); } brackets += token.open ? 1 : -1; if (brackets < 0) { throw scanner.error('Unexpected bracket', token.start); } } tokens.push(token); // Forcibly consume next operator after unit-less numeric value or color: // next dash `-` must be used as value delimiter if (shouldConsumeDashAfter(token) && (token = operator(scanner))) { tokens.push(token); } } return tokens; } /** * Returns next token from given scanner, if possible */ function getToken(scanner, short) { return field$1(scanner) || customProperty(scanner) || numberValue(scanner) || colorValue(scanner) || stringValue(scanner) || bracket(scanner) || operator(scanner) || whiteSpace(scanner) || literal$1(scanner, short); } function field$1(scanner) { const start = scanner.pos; if (scanner.eat(Chars$2.Dollar) && scanner.eat(Chars$2.CurlyBracketOpen)) { scanner.start = scanner.pos; let index; let name = ''; if (scanner.eatWhile(isNumber$1)) { // It’s a field index = Number(scanner.current()); name = scanner.eat(Chars$2.Colon) ? consumePlaceholder$1(scanner) : ''; } else if (isAlpha$1(scanner.peek())) { // It’s a variable name = consumePlaceholder$1(scanner); } if (scanner.eat(Chars$2.CurlyBracketClose)) { return { type: 'Field', index, name, start, end: scanner.pos }; } throw scanner.error('Expecting }'); } // If we reached here then there’s no valid field here, revert // back to starting position scanner.pos = start; } /** * Consumes a placeholder: value right after `:` in field. Could be empty */ function consumePlaceholder$1(stream) { const stack = []; stream.start = stream.pos; while (!stream.eof()) { if (stream.eat(Chars$2.CurlyBracketOpen)) { stack.push(stream.pos); } else if (stream.eat(Chars$2.CurlyBracketClose)) { if (!stack.length) { stream.pos--; break; } stack.pop(); } else { stream.pos++; } } if (stack.length) { stream.pos = stack.pop(); throw stream.error(`Expecting }`); } return stream.current(); } /** * Consumes literal from given scanner * @param short Use short notation for consuming value. * The difference between “short” and “full” notation is that first one uses * alpha characters only and used for extracting keywords from abbreviation, * while “full” notation also supports numbers and dashes */ function literal$1(scanner, short) { const start = scanner.pos; if (scanner.eat(isIdentPrefix)) { // SCSS or LESS variable // NB a bit dirty hack: if abbreviation starts with identifier prefix, // consume alpha characters only to allow embedded variables scanner.eatWhile(start ? isKeyword : isLiteral$1); } else if (scanner.eat(isAlphaWord)) { scanner.eatWhile(short ? isLiteral$1 : isKeyword); } else { // Allow dots only at the beginning of literal scanner.eat(Chars$2.Dot); scanner.eatWhile(isLiteral$1); } if (start !== scanner.pos) { scanner.start = start; return createLiteral(scanner, scanner.start = start); } } function createLiteral(scanner, start = scanner.start, end = scanner.pos) { return { type: 'Literal', value: scanner.substring(start, end), start, end }; } /** * Consumes numeric CSS value (number with optional unit) from current stream, * if possible */ function numberValue(scanner) { const start = scanner.pos; if (consumeNumber(scanner)) { scanner.start = start; const rawValue = scanner.current(); // eat unit, which can be a % or alpha word scanner.start = scanner.pos; scanner.eat(Chars$2.Percent) || scanner.eatWhile(isAlphaWord); return { type: 'NumberValue', value: Number(rawValue), rawValue, unit: scanner.current(), start, end: scanner.pos }; } } /** * Consumes quoted string value from given scanner */ function stringValue(scanner) { const ch = scanner.peek(); const start = scanner.pos; let finished = false; if (isQuote$2(ch)) { scanner.pos++; while (!scanner.eof()) { // Do not throw error on malformed string if (scanner.eat(ch)) { finished = true; break; } else { scanner.pos++; } } scanner.start = start; return { type: 'StringValue', value: scanner.substring(start + 1, scanner.pos - (finished ? 1 : 0)), quote: ch === Chars$2.SingleQuote ? 'single' : 'double', start, end: scanner.pos }; } } /** * Consumes a color token from given string */ function colorValue(scanner) { // supported color variations: // #abc → #aabbccc // #0 → #000000 // #fff.5 → rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.5) // #t → transparent const start = scanner.pos; if (scanner.eat(Chars$2.Hash)) { const valueStart = scanner.pos; let color = ''; let alpha = ''; if (scanner.eatWhile(isHex)) { color = scanner.substring(valueStart, scanner.pos); alpha = colorAlpha(scanner); } else if (scanner.eat(Chars$2.Transparent)) { color = '0'; alpha = colorAlpha(scanner) || '0'; } else { alpha = colorAlpha(scanner); } if (color || alpha || scanner.eof()) { const { r, g, b, a } = parseColor(color, alpha); return { type: 'ColorValue', r, g, b, a, raw: scanner.substring(start + 1, scanner.pos), start, end: scanner.pos }; } else { // Consumed # but no actual value: invalid color value, treat it as literal return createLiteral(scanner, start); } } scanner.pos = start; } /** * Consumes alpha value of color: `.1` */ function colorAlpha(scanner) { const start = scanner.pos; if (scanner.eat(Chars$2.Dot)) { scanner.start = start; if (scanner.eatWhile(isNumber$1)) { return scanner.current(); } return '1'; } return ''; } /** * Consumes white space characters as string literal from given scanner */ function whiteSpace(scanner) { const start = scanner.pos; if (scanner.eatWhile(isSpace)) { return { type: 'WhiteSpace', start, end: scanner.pos }; } } /** * Consumes custom CSS property: --foo-bar */ function customProperty(scanner) { const start = scanner.pos; if (scanner.eat(Chars$2.Dash) && scanner.eat(Chars$2.Dash)) { scanner.start = start; scanner.eatWhile(isKeyword); return { type: 'CustomProperty', value: scanner.current(), start, end: scanner.pos }; } scanner.pos = start; } /** * Consumes bracket from given scanner */ function bracket(scanner) { const ch = scanner.peek(); if (isBracket$1(ch)) { return { type: 'Bracket', open: ch === Chars$2.RoundBracketOpen, start: scanner.pos++, end: scanner.pos }; } } /** * Consumes operator from given scanner */ function operator(scanner) { const op = operatorType(scanner.peek()); if (op) { return { type: 'Operator', operator: op, start: scanner.pos++, end: scanner.pos }; } } /** * Eats number value from given stream * @return Returns `true` if number was consumed */ function consumeNumber(stream) { const start = stream.pos; stream.eat(Chars$2.Dash); const afterNegative = stream.pos; const hasDecimal = stream.eatWhile(isNumber$1); const prevPos = stream.pos; if (stream.eat(Chars$2.Dot)) { // It’s perfectly valid to have numbers like `1.`, which enforces // value to float unit type const hasFloat = stream.eatWhile(isNumber$1); if (!hasDecimal && !hasFloat) { // Lone dot stream.pos = prevPos; } } // Edge case: consumed dash only: not a number, bail-out if (stream.pos === afterNegative) { stream.pos = start; } return stream.pos !== start; } function isIdentPrefix(code) { return code === Chars$2.At || code === Chars$2.Dollar; } /** * If given character is an operator, returns it’s type */ function operatorType(ch) { return (ch === Chars$2.Sibling && OperatorType.Sibling) || (ch === Chars$2.Excl && OperatorType.Important) || (ch === Chars$2.Comma && OperatorType.ArgumentDelimiter) || (ch === Chars$2.Colon && OperatorType.PropertyDelimiter) || (ch === Chars$2.Dash && OperatorType.ValueDelimiter) || void 0; } /** * Check if given code is a hex value (/0-9a-f/) */ function isHex(code) { return isNumber$1(code) || isAlpha$1(code, 65, 70); // A-F } function isKeyword(code) { return isAlphaNumericWord(code) || code === Chars$2.Dash; } function isBracket$1(code) { return code === Chars$2.RoundBracketOpen || code === Chars$2.RoundBracketClose; } function isLiteral$1(code) { return isAlphaWord(code) || code === Chars$2.Percent || code === Chars$2.Slash; } /** * Parses given color value from abbreviation into RGBA format */ function parseColor(value, alpha) { let r = '0'; let g = '0'; let b = '0'; let a = Number(alpha != null && alpha !== '' ? alpha : 1); if (value === 't') { a = 0; } else { switch (value.length) { case 0: break; case 1: r = g = b = value + value; break; case 2: r = g = b = value; break; case 3: r = value[0] + value[0]; g = value[1] + value[1]; b = value[2] + value[2]; break; default: value += value; r = value.slice(0, 2); g = value.slice(2, 4); b = value.slice(4, 6); } } return { r: parseInt(r, 16), g: parseInt(g, 16), b: parseInt(b, 16), a }; } /** * Check if scanner reader must consume dash after given token. * Used in cases where user must explicitly separate numeric values */ function shouldConsumeDashAfter(token) { return token.type === 'ColorValue' || (token.type === 'NumberValue' && !token.unit); } /** * Merges last adjacent tokens into a single literal. * This function is used to overcome edge case when function name was parsed * as a list of separate tokens. For example, a `scale3d()` value will be * parsed as literal and number tokens (`scale` and `3d`) which is a perfectly * valid abbreviation but undesired result. This function will detect last adjacent * literal and number values and combine them into single literal */ function mergeTokens(scanner, tokens) { let start = 0; let end = 0; while (tokens.length) { const token = last(tokens); if (token.type === 'Literal' || token.type === 'NumberValue') { start = token.start; if (!end) { end = token.end; } tokens.pop(); } else { break; } } if (start !== end) { tokens.push(createLiteral(scanner, start, end)); } } function last(arr) { return arr[arr.length - 1]; } function tokenScanner(tokens) { return { tokens, start: 0, pos: 0, size: tokens.length }; } function peek$2(scanner) { return scanner.tokens[scanner.pos]; } function readable(scanner) { return scanner.pos < scanner.size; } function consume$1(scanner, test) { if (test(peek$2(scanner))) { scanner.pos++; return true; } return false; } function error(scanner, message, token = peek$2(scanner)) { if (token && token.start != null) { message += ` at ${token.start}`; } const err = new Error(message); err['pos'] = token && token.start; return err; } function parser(tokens, options = {}) { const scanner = tokenScanner(tokens); const result = []; let property; while (readable(scanner)) { if (property = consumeProperty(scanner, options)) { result.push(property); } else if (!consume$1(scanner, isSiblingOperator)) { throw error(scanner, 'Unexpected token'); } } return result; } /** * Consumes single CSS property */ function consumeProperty(scanner, options) { let name; let important = false; let valueFragment; const value = []; const token = peek$2(scanner); const valueMode = !!options.value; if (!valueMode && isLiteral(token) && !isFunctionStart(scanner)) { scanner.pos++; name = token.value; // Consume any following value delimiter after property name consume$1(scanner, isValueDelimiter); } // Skip whitespace right after property name, if any if (valueMode) { consume$1(scanner, isWhiteSpace$1); } while (readable(scanner)) { if (consume$1(scanner, isImportant)) { important = true; } else if (valueFragment = consumeValue(scanner, valueMode)) { value.push(valueFragment); } else if (!consume$1(scanner, isFragmentDelimiter)) { break; } } if (name || value.length || important) { return { name, value, important }; } } /** * Consumes single value fragment, e.g. all value tokens before comma */ function consumeValue(scanner, inArgument) { const result = []; let token; let args; while (readable(scanner)) { token = peek$2(scanner); if (isValue(token)) { scanner.pos++; if (isLiteral(token) && (args = consumeArguments(scanner))) { result.push({ type: 'FunctionCall', name: token.value, arguments: args }); } else { result.push(token); } } else if (isValueDelimiter(token) || (inArgument && isWhiteSpace$1(token))) { scanner.pos++; } else { break; } } return result.length ? { type: 'CSSValue', value: result } : void 0; } function consumeArguments(scanner) { const start = scanner.pos; if (consume$1(scanner, isOpenBracket$1)) { const args = []; let value; while (readable(scanner) && !consume$1(scanner, isCloseBracket$1)) { if (value = consumeValue(scanner, true)) { args.push(value); } else if (!consume$1(scanner, isWhiteSpace$1) && !consume$1(scanner, isArgumentDelimiter)) { throw error(scanner, 'Unexpected token'); } } scanner.start = start; return args; } } function isLiteral(token) { return token && token.type === 'Literal'; } function isBracket(token, open) { return token && token.type === 'Bracket' && (open == null || token.open === open); } function isOpenBracket$1(token) { return isBracket(token, true); } function isCloseBracket$1(token) { return isBracket(token, false); } function isWhiteSpace$1(token) { return token && token.type === 'WhiteSpace'; } function isOperator(token, operator) { return token && token.type === 'Operator' && (!operator || token.operator === operator); } function isSiblingOperator(token) { return isOperator(token, OperatorType.Sibling); } function isArgumentDelimiter(token) { return isOperator(token, OperatorType.ArgumentDelimiter); } function isFragmentDelimiter(token) { return isArgumentDelimiter(token); } function isImportant(token) { return isOperator(token, OperatorType.Important); } function isValue(token) { return token.type === 'StringValue' || token.type === 'ColorValue' || token.type === 'NumberValue' || token.type === 'Literal' || token.type === 'Field' || token.type === 'CustomProperty'; } function isValueDelimiter(token) { return isOperator(token, OperatorType.PropertyDelimiter) || isOperator(token, OperatorType.ValueDelimiter); } function isFunctionStart(scanner) { const t1 = scanner.tokens[scanner.pos]; const t2 = scanner.tokens[scanner.pos + 1]; return t1 && t2 && isLiteral(t1) && t2.type === 'Bracket'; } /** * Parses given abbreviation into property set */ function parse$2(abbr, options) { try { const tokens = typeof abbr === 'string' ? tokenize(abbr, options && options.value) : abbr; return parser(tokens, options); } catch (err) { if (err instanceof ScannerError && typeof abbr === 'string') { err.message += `\n${abbr}\n${'-'.repeat(err.pos)}^`; } throw err; } } /** * Merges attributes in current node: de-duplicates attributes with the same name * and merges class names */ function mergeAttributes(node, config) { if (!node.attributes) { return; } const attributes = []; const lookup = {}; for (const attr of node.attributes) { if (attr.name) { const attrName = attr.name; if (attrName in lookup) { const prev = lookup[attrName]; if (attrName === 'class') { prev.value = mergeValue(prev.value, attr.value, ' '); } else { mergeDeclarations(prev, attr, config); } } else { // Create new attribute instance so we can safely modify it later attributes.push(lookup[attrName] = Object.assign({}, attr)); } } else { attributes.push(attr); } } node.attributes = attributes; } /** * Merges two token lists into single list. Adjacent strings are merged together */ function mergeValue(prev, next, glue) { if (prev && next) { if (prev.length && glue) { append(prev, glue); } for (const t of next) { append(prev, t); } return prev; } const result = prev || next; return result && result.slice(); } /** * Merges data from `src` attribute into `dest` and returns it */ function mergeDeclarations(dest, src, config) { dest.name = src.name; if (!config.options['output.reverseAttributes']) { dest.value = src.value; } // Keep high-priority properties if (!dest.implied) { dest.implied = src.implied; } if (!dest.boolean) { dest.boolean = src.boolean; } if (dest.valueType !== 'expression') { dest.valueType = src.valueType; } return dest; } function append(tokens, value) { const lastIx = tokens.length - 1; if (typeof tokens[lastIx] === 'string' && typeof value === 'string') { tokens[lastIx] += value; } else { tokens.push(value); } } /** * Walks over each child node of given markup abbreviation AST node (not including * given one) and invokes `fn` on each node. * The `fn` callback accepts context node, list of ancestor nodes and optional * state object */ function walk$1(node, fn, state) { const ancestors = [node]; const callback = (ctx) => { fn(ctx, ancestors, state); ancestors.push(ctx); ctx.children.forEach(callback); ancestors.pop(); }; node.children.forEach(callback); } /** * Finds node which is the deepest for in current node or node itself. */ function findDeepest(node) { let parent; while (node.children.length) { parent = node; node = node.children[node.children.length - 1]; } return { parent, node }; } function isNode(node) { return node.type === 'AbbreviationNode'; } /** * Finds matching snippet from `registry` and resolves it into a parsed abbreviation. * Resolved node is then updated or replaced with matched abbreviation tree. * * A HTML registry basically contains aliases to another Emmet abbreviations, * e.g. a predefined set of name, attributes and so on, possibly a complex * abbreviation with multiple elements. So we have to get snippet, parse it * and recursively resolve it. */ function resolveSnippets(abbr, config) { const stack = []; const reversed = config.options['output.reverseAttributes']; const resolve = (child) => { const snippet = child.name && config.snippets[child.name]; // A snippet in stack means circular reference. // It can be either a user error or a perfectly valid snippet like // "img": "img[src alt]/", e.g. an element with predefined shape. // In any case, simply stop parsing and keep element as is if (!snippet || stack.includes(snippet)) { return null; } const snippetAbbr = parseAbbreviation(snippet, config); stack.push(snippet); walkResolve(snippetAbbr, resolve); stack.pop(); // Add attributes from current node into every top-level node of parsed abbreviation for (const topNode of snippetAbbr.children) { if (child.attributes) { const from = topNode.attributes || []; const to = child.attributes || []; topNode.attributes = reversed ? to.concat(from) : from.concat(to); } mergeNodes(child, topNode); } return snippetAbbr; }; walkResolve(abbr, resolve); return abbr; } function walkResolve(node, resolve, config) { let children = []; for (const child of node.children) { const resolved = resolve(child); if (resolved) { children = children.concat(resolved.children); const deepest = findDeepest(resolved); if (isNode(deepest.node)) { deepest.node.children = deepest.node.children.concat(walkResolve(child, resolve)); } } else { children.push(child); child.children = walkResolve(child, resolve); } } return node.children = children; } /** * Adds data from first node into second node */ function mergeNodes(from, to) { if (from.selfClosing) { to.selfClosing = true; } if (from.value != null) { to.value = from.value; } if (from.repeat) { to.repeat = from.repeat; } } const expressionStart = '{'; const expressionEnd = '}'; function createOutputStream(options, level = 0) { return { options, value: '', level, offset: 0, line: 0, column: 0 }; } /** * Pushes plain string into output stream without newline processing */ function push(stream, text) { const processText = stream.options['output.text']; _push(stream, processText(text, stream.offset, stream.line, stream.column)); } /** * Pushes given string with possible newline formatting into output */ function pushString(stream, value) { // If given value contains newlines, we should push content line-by-line and // use `pushNewline()` to maintain proper line/column state const lines = splitByLines$1(value); for (let i = 0, il = lines.length - 1; i <= il; i++) { push(stream, lines[i]); if (i !== il) { pushNewline(stream, true); } } } /** * Pushes new line into given output stream */ function pushNewline(stream, indent) { const baseIndent = stream.options['output.baseIndent']; const newline = stream.options['output.newline']; push(stream, newline + baseIndent); stream.line++; stream.column = baseIndent.length; if (indent) { pushIndent(stream, indent === true ? stream.level : indent); } } /** * Adds indentation of `size` to current output stream */ function pushIndent(stream, size = stream.level) { const indent = stream.options['output.indent']; push(stream, indent.repeat(Math.max(size, 0))); } /** * Pushes field/tabstop into output stream */ function pushField(stream, index, placeholder) { const field = stream.options['output.field']; // NB: use `_push` instead of `push` to skip text processing _push(stream, field(index, placeholder, stream.offset, stream.line, stream.column)); } /** * Returns given tag name formatted according to given config */ function tagName(name, config) { return strCase(name, config.options['output.tagCase']); } /** * Returns given attribute name formatted according to given config */ function attrName(name, config) { return strCase(name, config.options['output.attributeCase']); } /** * Returns character for quoting value of given attribute */ function attrQuote(attr, config, isOpen) { if (attr.valueType === 'expression') { return isOpen ? expressionStart : expressionEnd; } return config.options['output.attributeQuotes'] === 'single' ? '\'' : '"'; } /** * Check if given attribute is boolean */ function isBooleanAttribute(attr, config) { return attr.boolean || config.options['output.booleanAttributes'].includes((attr.name || '').toLowerCase()); } /** * Returns a token for self-closing tag, depending on current options */ function selfClose(config) { switch (config.options['output.selfClosingStyle']) { case 'xhtml': return ' /'; case 'xml': return '/'; default: return ''; } } /** * Check if given tag name belongs to inline-level element * @param node Parsed node or tag name */ function isInline(node, config) { if (typeof node === 'string') { return config.options.inlineElements.includes(node.toLowerCase()); } // inline node is a node either with inline-level name or text-only node return node.name ? isInline(node.name, config) : Boolean(node.value && !node.attributes); } /** * Splits given text by lines */ function splitByLines$1(text) { return text.split(/\r\n|\r|\n/g); } /** * Pushes raw string into output stream without any processing */ function _push(stream, text) { stream.value += text; stream.offset += text.length; stream.column += text.length; } function strCase(str, type) { if (type) { return type === 'upper' ? str.toUpperCase() : str.toLowerCase(); } return str; } const elementMap = { p: 'span', ul: 'li', ol: 'li', table: 'tr', tr: 'td', tbody: 'tr', thead: 'tr', tfoot: 'tr', colgroup: 'col', select: 'option', optgroup: 'option', audio: 'source', video: 'source', object: 'param', map: 'area' }; function implicitTag(node, ancestors, config) { if (!node.name && node.attributes) { resolveImplicitTag(node, ancestors, config); } } function resolveImplicitTag(node, ancestors, config) { const parent = getParentElement(ancestors); const contextName = config.context ? config.context.name : ''; const parentName = lowercase(parent ? parent.name : contextName); node.name = elementMap[parentName] || (isInline(parentName, config) ? 'span' : 'div'); } function lowercase(str) { return (str || '').toLowerCase(); } /** * Returns closest element node from given ancestors list */ function getParentElement(ancestors) { for (let i = ancestors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const elem = ancestors[i]; if (isNode(elem)) { return elem; } } } var latin = { "common": ["lorem", "ipsum", "dolor", "sit", "amet", "consectetur", "adipisicing", "elit"], "words": ["exercitationem", "perferendis", "perspiciatis", "laborum", "eveniet", "sunt", "iure", "nam", "nobis", "eum", "cum", "officiis", "excepturi", "odio", "consectetur", "quasi", "aut", "quisquam", "vel", "eligendi", "itaque", "non", "odit", "tempore", "quaerat", "dignissimos", "facilis", "neque", "nihil", "expedita", "vitae", "vero", "ipsum", "nisi", "animi", "cumque", "pariatur", "velit", "modi", "natus", "iusto", "eaque", "sequi", "illo", "sed", "ex", "et", "voluptatibus", "tempora", "veritatis", "ratione", "assumenda", "incidunt", "nostrum", "placeat", "aliquid", "fuga", "provident", "praesentium", "rem", "necessitatibus", "suscipit", "adipisci", "quidem", "possimus", "voluptas", "debitis", "sint", "accusantium", "unde", "sapiente", "voluptate", "qui", "aspernatur", "laudantium", "soluta", "amet", "quo", "aliquam", "saepe", "culpa", "libero", "ipsa", "dicta", "reiciendis", "nesciunt", "doloribus", "autem", "impedit", "minima", "maiores", "repudiandae", "ipsam", "obcaecati", "ullam", "enim", "totam", "delectus", "ducimus", "quis", "voluptates", "dolores", "molestiae", "harum", "dolorem", "quia", "voluptatem", "molestias", "magni", "distinctio", "omnis", "illum", "dolorum", "voluptatum", "ea", "quas", "quam", "corporis", "quae", "blanditiis", "atque", "deserunt", "laboriosam", "earum", "consequuntur", "hic", "cupiditate", "quibusdam", "accusamus", "ut", "rerum", "error", "minus", "eius", "ab", "ad", "nemo", "fugit", "officia", "at", "in", "id", "quos", "reprehenderit", "numquam", "iste", "fugiat", "sit", "inventore", "beatae", "repellendus", "magnam", "recusandae", "quod", "explicabo", "doloremque", "aperiam", "consequatur", "asperiores", "commodi", "optio", "dolor", "labore", "temporibus", "repellat", "veniam", "architecto", "est", "esse", "mollitia", "nulla", "a", "similique", "eos", "alias", "dolore", "tenetur", "deleniti", "porro", "facere", "maxime", "corrupti"] }; var ru = { "common": ["далеко-далеко", "за", "словесными", "горами", "в стране", "гласных", "и согласных", "живут", "рыбные", "тексты"], "words": ["вдали", "от всех", "они", "буквенных", "домах", "на берегу", "семантика", "большого", "языкового", "океана", "маленький", "ручеек", "даль", "журчит", "по всей", "обеспечивает", "ее","всеми", "необходимыми", "правилами", "эта", "парадигматическая", "страна", "которой", "жаренные", "предложения", "залетают", "прямо", "рот", "даже", "всемогущая", "пунктуация", "не", "имеет", "власти", "над", "рыбными", "текстами", "ведущими", "безорфографичный", "образ", "жизни", "однажды", "одна", "маленькая", "строчка","рыбного", "текста", "имени", "lorem", "ipsum", "решила", "выйти", "большой", "мир", "грамматики", "великий", "оксмокс", "предупреждал", "о", "злых", "запятых", "диких", "знаках", "вопроса", "коварных", "точках", "запятой", "но", "текст", "дал", "сбить", "себя", "толку", "он", "собрал", "семь", "своих", "заглавных", "букв", "подпоясал", "инициал", "за", "пояс", "пустился", "дорогу", "взобравшись", "первую", "вершину", "курсивных", "гор", "бросил", "последний", "взгляд", "назад", "силуэт", "своего", "родного", "города", "буквоград", "заголовок", "деревни", "алфавит", "подзаголовок", "своего", "переулка", "грустный", "реторический", "вопрос", "скатился", "его", "щеке", "продолжил", "свой", "путь", "дороге", "встретил", "рукопись", "она", "предупредила", "моей", "все", "переписывается", "несколько", "раз", "единственное", "что", "меня", "осталось", "это", "приставка", "возвращайся", "ты", "лучше", "свою", "безопасную", "страну", "послушавшись", "рукописи", "наш", "продолжил", "свой", "путь", "вскоре", "ему", "повстречался", "коварный", "составитель", "рекламных", "текстов", "напоивший", "языком", "речью", "заманивший", "свое", "агентство", "которое", "использовало", "снова", "снова", "своих", "проектах", "если", "переписали", "то", "живет", "там", "до", "сих", "пор"] }; var sp = { "common": ["mujer", "uno", "dolor", "más", "de", "poder", "mismo", "si"], "words": ["ejercicio", "preferencia", "perspicacia", "laboral", "paño", "suntuoso", "molde", "namibia", "planeador", "mirar", "demás", "oficinista", "excepción", "odio", "consecuencia", "casi", "auto", "chicharra", "velo", "elixir", "ataque", "no", "odio", "temporal", "cuórum", "dignísimo", "facilismo", "letra", "nihilista", "expedición", "alma", "alveolar", "aparte", "león", "animal", "como", "paria", "belleza", "modo", "natividad", "justo", "ataque", "séquito", "pillo", "sed", "ex", "y", "voluminoso", "temporalidad", "verdades", "racional", "asunción", "incidente", "marejada", "placenta", "amanecer", "fuga", "previsor", "presentación", "lejos", "necesariamente", "sospechoso", "adiposidad", "quindío", "pócima", "voluble", "débito", "sintió", "accesorio", "falda", "sapiencia", "volutas", "queso", "permacultura", "laudo", "soluciones", "entero", "pan", "litro", "tonelada", "culpa", "libertario", "mosca", "dictado", "reincidente", "nascimiento", "dolor", "escolar", "impedimento", "mínima", "mayores", "repugnante", "dulce", "obcecado", "montaña", "enigma", "total", "deletéreo", "décima", "cábala", "fotografía", "dolores", "molesto", "olvido", "paciencia", "resiliencia", "voluntad", "molestias", "magnífico", "distinción", "ovni", "marejada", "cerro", "torre", "y", "abogada", "manantial", "corporal", "agua", "crepúsculo", "ataque", "desierto", "laboriosamente", "angustia", "afortunado", "alma", "encefalograma", "materialidad", "cosas", "o", "renuncia", "error", "menos", "conejo", "abadía", "analfabeto", "remo", "fugacidad", "oficio", "en", "almácigo", "vos", "pan", "represión", "números", "triste", "refugiado", "trote", "inventor", "corchea", "repelente", "magma", "recusado", "patrón", "explícito", "paloma", "síndrome", "inmune", "autoinmune", "comodidad", "ley", "vietnamita", "demonio", "tasmania", "repeler", "apéndice", "arquitecto", "columna", "yugo", "computador", "mula", "a", "propósito", "fantasía", "alias", "rayo", "tenedor", "deleznable", "ventana", "cara", "anemia", "corrupto"] }; const vocabularies = { ru, sp, latin }; const reLorem = /^lorem([a-z]*)(\d*)(-\d*)?$/i; function lorem(node, ancestors, config) { let m; if (node.name && (m = node.name.match(reLorem))) { const db = vocabularies[m[1]] || vocabularies.latin; const minWordCount = m[2] ? Math.max(1, Number(m[2])) : 30; const maxWordCount = m[3] ? Math.max(minWordCount, Number(m[3].slice(1))) : minWordCount; const wordCount = rand(minWordCount, maxWordCount); const repeat = node.repeat || findRepeater(ancestors); node.name = node.attributes = void 0; node.value = [paragraph(db, wordCount, !repeat || repeat.value === 0)]; if (node.repeat && ancestors.length > 1) { resolveImplicitTag(node, ancestors, config); } } } /** * Returns random integer between from and to values */ function rand(from, to) { return Math.floor(Math.random() * (to - from) + from); } function sample(arr, count) { const len = arr.length; const iterations = Math.min(len, count); const result = []; while (result.length < iterations) { const str = arr[rand(0, len)]; if (!result.includes(str)) { result.push(str); } } return result; } function choice(val) { return val[rand(0, val.length - 1)]; } function sentence(words, end) { if (words.length) { words = [capitalize(words[0])].concat(words.slice(1)); } return words.join(' ') + (end || choice('?!...')); // more dots than question marks } function capitalize(word) { return word[0].toUpperCase() + word.slice(1); } /** * Insert commas at randomly selected words. This function modifies values * inside `words` array */ function insertCommas(words) { if (words.length < 2) { return words; } words = words.slice(); const len = words.length; const hasComma = /,$/; let totalCommas = 0; if (len > 3 && len <= 6) { totalCommas = rand(0, 1); } else if (len > 6 && len <= 12) { totalCommas = rand(0, 2); } else { totalCommas = rand(1, 4); } for (let i = 0, pos; i < totalCommas; i++) { pos = rand(0, len - 2); if (!hasComma.test(words[pos])) { words[pos] += ','; } } return words; } /** * Generate a paragraph of "Lorem ipsum" text * @param dict Words dictionary * @param wordCount Words count in paragraph * @param startWithCommon Should paragraph start with common "lorem ipsum" sentence. */ function paragraph(dict, wordCount, startWithCommon) { const result = []; let totalWords = 0; let words; if (startWithCommon && dict.common) { words = dict.common.slice(0, wordCount); totalWords += words.length; result.push(sentence(insertCommas(words), '.')); } while (totalWords < wordCount) { words = sample(dict.words, Math.min(rand(2, 30), wordCount - totalWords)); totalWords += words.length; result.push(sentence(insertCommas(words))); } return result.join(' '); } function findRepeater(ancestors) { for (let i = ancestors.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { const element = ancestors[i]; if (element.type === 'AbbreviationNode' && element.repeat) { return element.repeat; } } } /** * XSL transformer: removes `select` attributes from certain nodes that contain * children */ function xsl(node) { if (matchesName(node.name) && node.attributes && (node.children.length || node.value)) { node.attributes = node.attributes.filter(isAllowed); } } function isAllowed(attr) { return attr.name !== 'select'; } function matchesName(name) { return name === 'xsl:variable' || name === 'xsl:with-param'; } const reElement = /^(-+)([a-z0-9]+[a-z0-9-]*)/i; const reModifier = /^(_+)([a-z0-9]+[a-z0-9-_]*)/i; const blockCandidates1 = (className) => /^[a-z]\-/i.test(className); const blockCandidates2 = (className) => /^[a-z]/i.test(className); function bem(node, ancestors, config) { expandClassNames(node); expandShortNotation(node, ancestors, config); } /** * Expands existing class names in BEM notation in given `node`. * For example, if node contains `b__el_mod` class name, this method ensures * that element contains `b__el` class as well */ function expandClassNames(node) { const data = getBEMData(node); const classNames = []; for (const cl of data.classNames) { // remove all modifiers and element prefixes from class name to get a base element name const ix = cl.indexOf('_'); if (ix > 0 && !cl.startsWith('-')) { classNames.push(cl.slice(0, ix)); classNames.push(cl.slice(ix)); } else { classNames.push(cl); } } if (classNames.length) { data.classNames = classNames.filter(uniqueClass); data.block = findBlockName(data.classNames); updateClass(node, data.classNames.join(' ')); } } /** * Expands short BEM notation, e.g. `-element` and `_modifier` */ function expandShortNotation(node, ancestors, config) { const data = getBEMData(node); const classNames = []; const { options } = config; const path = ancestors.slice(1).concat(node); for (let cl of data.classNames) { let prefix = ''; let m; const originalClass = cl; // parse element definition (could be only one) if (m = cl.match(reElement)) { prefix = getBlockName(path, m[1].length, config.context) + options['bem.element'] + m[2]; classNames.push(prefix); cl = cl.slice(m[0].length); } // parse modifiers definitions if (m = cl.match(reModifier)) { if (!prefix) { prefix = getBlockName(path, m[1].length); classNames.push(prefix); } classNames.push(`${prefix}${options['bem.modifier']}${m[2]}`); cl = cl.slice(m[0].length); } if (cl === originalClass) { // class name wasn’t modified: it’s not a BEM-specific class, // add it as-is into output classNames.push(originalClass); } } const arrClassNames = classNames.filter(uniqueClass); if (arrClassNames.length) { updateClass(node, arrClassNames.join(' ')); } } /** * Returns BEM data from given abbreviation node */ function getBEMData(node) { if (!node._bem) { let classValue = ''; if (node.attributes) { for (const attr of node.attributes) { if (attr.name === 'class' && attr.value) { classValue = stringifyValue(attr.value); break; } } } node._bem = parseBEM(classValue); } return node._bem; } function getBEMDataFromContext(context) { if (!context._bem) { context._bem = parseBEM(context.attributes && context.attributes.class || ''); } return context._bem; } /** * Parses BEM data from given class name */ function parseBEM(classValue) { const classNames = classValue ? classValue.split(/\s+/) : []; return { classNames, block: findBlockName(classNames) }; } /** * Returns block name for given `node` by `prefix`, which tells the depth of * of parent node lookup */ function getBlockName(ancestors, depth = 0, context) { const maxParentIx = 0; let parentIx = Math.max(ancestors.length - depth, maxParentIx); do { const parent = ancestors[parentIx]; if (parent) { const data = getBEMData(parent); if (data.block) { return data.block; } } } while (maxParentIx < parentIx--); if (context) { const data = getBEMDataFromContext(context); if (data.block) { return data.block; } } return ''; } function findBlockName(classNames) { return find(classNames, blockCandidates1) || find(classNames, blockCandidates2) || void 0; } /** * Finds class name from given list which may be used as block name */ function find(classNames, filter) { for (const cl of classNames) { if (reElement.test(cl) || reModifier.test(cl)) { break; } if (filter(cl)) { return cl; } } } function updateClass(node, value) { for (const attr of node.attributes) { if (attr.name === 'class') { attr.value = [value]; break; } } } function stringifyValue(value) { let result = ''; for (const t of value) { result += typeof t === 'string' ? t : t.name; } return result; } function uniqueClass(item, ix, arr) { return !!item && arr.indexOf(item) === ix; } function walk(abbr, visitor, state) { const callback = (ctx, index, items) => { const { parent, current } = state; state.parent = current; state.current = ctx; visitor(ctx, index, items, state, next); state.current = current; state.parent = parent; }; const next = (node, index, items) => { state.ancestors.push(state.current); callback(node, index, items); state.ancestors.pop(); }; abbr.children.forEach(callback); } function createWalkState(config) { return { // @ts-ignore: Will set value in iterator current: null, parent: void 0, ancestors: [], config, field: 1, out: createOutputStream(config.options) }; } const caret = [{ type: 'Field', index: 0, name: '' }]; /** * Check if given node is a snippet: a node without name and attributes */ function isSnippet(node) { return node ? !node.name && !node.attributes : false; } /** * Check if given node is inline-level element, e.g. element with explicitly * defined node name */ function isInlineElement(node, config) { return node ? isInline(node, config) : false; } /** * Check if given value token is a field */ function isField(token) { return typeof token === 'object' && token.type === 'Field'; } function pushTokens(tokens, state) { const { out } = state; let largestIndex = -1; for (const t of tokens) { if (typeof t === 'string') { pushString(out, t); } else { pushField(out, state.field + t.index, t.name); if (t.index > largestIndex) { largestIndex = t.index; } } } if (largestIndex !== -1) { state.field += largestIndex + 1; } } /** * Splits given value token by lines: returns array where each entry is a token list * for a single line */ function splitByLines(tokens) { const result = []; let line = []; for (const t of tokens) { if (typeof t === 'string') { const lines = t.split(/\r\n?|\n/g); line.push(lines.shift() || ''); while (lines.length) { result.push(line); line = [lines.shift() || '']; } } else { line.push(t); } } line.length && result.push(line); return result; } /** * Check if given attribute should be outputted */ function shouldOutputAttribute(attr) { // In case if attribute is implied, check if it has a defined value: // either non-empty value or quoted empty value return !attr.implied || attr.valueType !== 'raw' || (!!attr.value && attr.value.length > 0); } var TemplateChars; (function (TemplateChars) { /** `[` character */ TemplateChars[TemplateChars["Start"] = 91] = "Start"; /** `]` character */ TemplateChars[TemplateChars["End"] = 93] = "End"; /* `_` character */ TemplateChars[TemplateChars["Underscore"] = 95] = "Underscore"; /* `-` character */ TemplateChars[TemplateChars["Dash"] = 45] = "Dash"; })(TemplateChars || (TemplateChars = {})); /** * Splits given string into template tokens. * Template is a string which contains placeholders which are uppercase names * between `[` and `]`, for example: `[PLACEHOLDER]`. * Unlike other templates, a placeholder may contain extra characters before and * after name: `[%PLACEHOLDER.]`. If data for `PLACEHOLDER` is defined, it will * be outputted with with these extra character, otherwise will be completely omitted. */ function template(text) { const tokens = []; const scanner = { pos: 0, text }; let placeholder; let offset = scanner.pos; let pos = scanner.pos; while (scanner.pos < scanner.text.length) { pos = scanner.pos; if (placeholder = consumePlaceholder(scanner)) { if (offset !== scanner.pos) { tokens.push(text.slice(offset, pos)); } tokens.push(placeholder); offset = scanner.pos; } else { scanner.pos++; } } if (offset !== scanner.pos) { tokens.push(text.slice(offset)); } return tokens; } /** * Consumes placeholder like `[#ID]` from given scanner */ function consumePlaceholder(scanner) { if (peek$1(scanner) === TemplateChars.Start) { const start = ++scanner.pos; let namePos = start; let afterPos = start; let stack = 1; while (scanner.pos < scanner.text.length) { const code = peek$1(scanner); if (isTokenStart(code)) { namePos = scanner.pos; while (isToken(peek$1(scanner))) { scanner.pos++; } afterPos = scanner.pos; } else { if (code === TemplateChars.Start) { stack++; } else if (code === TemplateChars.End) { if (--stack === 0) { return { before: scanner.text.slice(start, namePos), after: scanner.text.slice(afterPos, scanner.pos++), name: scanner.text.slice(namePos, afterPos) }; } } scanner.pos++; } } } } function peek$1(scanner, pos = scanner.pos) { return scanner.text.charCodeAt(pos); } function isTokenStart(code) { return code >= 65 && code <= 90; // A-Z } function isToken(code) { return isTokenStart(code) || (code > 47 && code < 58) /* 0-9 */ || code === TemplateChars.Underscore || code === TemplateChars.Dash; } function createCommentState(config) { const { options } = config; return { enabled: options['comment.enabled'], trigger: options['comment.trigger'], before: options['comment.before'] ? template(options['comment.before']) : void 0, after: options['comment.after'] ? template(options['comment.after']) : void 0 }; } /** * Adds comment prefix for given node, if required */ function commentNodeBefore(node, state) { if (shouldComment(node, state) && state.comment.before) { output(node, state.comment.before, state); } } /** * Adds comment suffix for given node, if required */ function commentNodeAfter(node, state) { if (shouldComment(node, state) && state.comment.after) { output(node, state.comment.after, state); } } /** * Check if given node should be commented */ function shouldComment(node, state) { const { comment } = state; if (!comment.enabled || !comment.trigger || !node.name || !node.attributes) { return false; } for (const attr of node.attributes) { if (attr.name && comment.trigger.includes(attr.name)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Pushes given template tokens into output stream */ function output(node, tokens, state) { const attrs = {}; const { out } = state; // Collect attributes payload for (const attr of node.attributes) { if (attr.name && attr.value) { attrs[attr.name.toUpperCase()] = attr.value; } } // Output parsed tokens for (const token of tokens) { if (typeof token === 'string') { pushString(out, token); } else if (attrs[token.name]) { pushString(out, token.before); pushTokens(attrs[token.name], state); pushString(out, token.after); } } } const htmlTagRegex = /^<([\w\-:]+)[\s>]/; const reservedKeywords = new Set([ 'for', 'while', 'of', 'async', 'await', 'const', 'let', 'var', 'continue', 'break', 'debugger', 'do', 'export', 'import', 'in', 'instanceof', 'new', 'return', 'switch', 'this', 'throw', 'try', 'catch', 'typeof', 'void', 'with', 'yield' ]); function html(abbr, config) { const state = createWalkState(config); state.comment = createCommentState(config); walk(abbr, element$1, state); return state.out.value; } /** * Outputs `node` content to output stream of `state` * @param node Context node * @param index Index of `node` in `items` * @param items List of `node`’s siblings * @param state Current walk state */ function element$1(node, index, items, state, next) { const { out, config } = state; const format = shouldFormat$1(node, index, items, state); // Pick offset level for current node const level = getIndent(state); out.level += level; format && pushNewline(out, true); if (node.name) { const name = tagName(node.name, config); commentNodeBefore(node, state); pushString(out, `<${name}`); if (node.attributes) { for (const attr of node.attributes) { if (shouldOutputAttribute(attr)) { pushAttribute(attr, state); } } } if (node.selfClosing && !node.children.length && !node.value) { pushString(out, `${selfClose(config)}>`); } else { pushString(out, '>'); if (!pushSnippet(node, state, next)) { if (node.value) { const innerFormat = node.value.some(hasNewline) || startsWithBlockTag(node.value, config); innerFormat && pushNewline(state.out, ++out.level); pushTokens(node.value, state); innerFormat && pushNewline(state.out, --out.level); } node.children.forEach(next); if (!node.value && !node.children.length) { const innerFormat = config.options['output.formatLeafNode'] || config.options['output.formatForce'].includes(node.name); innerFormat && pushNewline(state.out, ++out.level); pushTokens(caret, state); innerFormat && pushNewline(state.out, --out.level); } } pushString(out, ``); commentNodeAfter(node, state); } } else if (!pushSnippet(node, state, next) && node.value) { // A text-only node (snippet) pushTokens(node.value, state); node.children.forEach(next); } if (format && index === items.length - 1 && state.parent) { const offset = isSnippet(state.parent) ? 0 : 1; pushNewline(out, out.level - offset); } out.level -= level; } /** * Outputs given attribute’s content into output stream */ function pushAttribute(attr, state) { const { out, config } = state; if (attr.name) { const attributes = config.options['markup.attributes']; const valuePrefix = config.options['markup.valuePrefix']; let { name, value } = attr; let lQuote = attrQuote(attr, config, true); let rQuote = attrQuote(attr, config); if (attributes) { name = getMultiValue(name, attributes, attr.multiple) || name; } name = attrName(name, config); if (config.options['jsx.enabled'] && attr.multiple) { lQuote = expressionStart; rQuote = expressionEnd; } const prefix = valuePrefix ? getMultiValue(attr.name, valuePrefix, attr.multiple) : null; if (prefix && (value === null || value === void 0 ? void 0 : value.length) === 1 && typeof value[0] === 'string') { // Add given prefix in object notation const val = value[0]; value = [isPropKey(val) ? `${prefix}.${val}` : `${prefix}['${val}']`]; if (config.options['jsx.enabled']) { lQuote = expressionStart; rQuote = expressionEnd; } } if (isBooleanAttribute(attr, config) && !value) { // If attribute value is omitted and it’s a boolean value, check for // `compactBoolean` option: if it’s disabled, set value to attribute name // (XML style) if (!config.options['output.compactBoolean']) { value = [name]; } } else if (!value) { value = caret; } pushString(out, ' ' + name); if (value) { pushString(out, '=' + lQuote); pushTokens(value, state); pushString(out, rQuote); } else if (config.options['output.selfClosingStyle'] !== 'html') { pushString(out, '=' + lQuote + rQuote); } } } function pushSnippet(node, state, next) { if (node.value && node.children.length) { // We have a value and child nodes. In case if value contains fields, // we should output children as a content of first field const fieldIx = node.value.findIndex(isField); if (fieldIx !== -1) { pushTokens(node.value.slice(0, fieldIx), state); const line = state.out.line; let pos = fieldIx + 1; node.children.forEach(next); // If there was a line change, trim leading whitespace for better result if (state.out.line !== line && typeof node.value[pos] === 'string') { pushString(state.out, node.value[pos++].trimLeft()); } pushTokens(node.value.slice(pos), state); return true; } } return false; } /** * Check if given node should be formatted in its parent context */ function shouldFormat$1(node, index, items, state) { const { config, parent } = state; if (!config.options['output.format']) { return false; } if (index === 0 && !parent) { // Do not format very first node return false; } // Do not format single child of snippet if (parent && isSnippet(parent) && items.length === 1) { return false; } /** * Adjacent text-only/snippet nodes */ if (isSnippet(node)) { // Adjacent text-only/snippet nodes const format = isSnippet(items[index - 1]) || isSnippet(items[index + 1]) // Has newlines: looks like wrapping code fragment || node.value.some(hasNewline) // Format as wrapper: contains children which will be outputted as field content || (node.value.some(isField) && node.children.length); if (format) { return true; } } if (isInline(node, config)) { // Check if inline node is the next sibling of block-level node if (index === 0) { // First node in parent: format if it’s followed by a block-level element for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { if (!isInline(items[i], config)) { return true; } } } else if (!isInline(items[index - 1], config)) { // Node is right after block-level element return true; } if (config.options['output.inlineBreak']) { // check for adjacent inline elements before and after current element let adjacentInline = 1; let before = index; let after = index; while (isInlineElement(items[--before], config)) { adjacentInline++; } while (isInlineElement(items[++after], config)) { adjacentInline++; } if (adjacentInline >= config.options['output.inlineBreak']) { return true; } } // Edge case: inline node contains node that should receive formatting for (let i = 0, il = node.children.length; i < il; i++) { if (shouldFormat$1(node.children[i], i, node.children, state)) { return true; } } return false; } return true; } /** * Returns indentation offset for given node */ function getIndent(state) { const { config, parent } = state; if (!parent || isSnippet(parent) || (parent.name && config.options['output.formatSkip'].includes(parent.name))) { return 0; } return 1; } /** * Check if given node value contains newlines */ function hasNewline(value) { return typeof value === 'string' && /\r|\n/.test(value); } /** * Check if given node value starts with block-level tag */ function startsWithBlockTag(value, config) { if (value.length && typeof value[0] === 'string') { const matches = htmlTagRegex.exec(value[0]); if ((matches === null || matches === void 0 ? void 0 : matches.length) && !config.options['inlineElements'].includes(matches[1].toLowerCase())) { return true; } } return false; } function getMultiValue(key, data, multiple) { return (multiple && data[`${key}*`]) || data[key]; } function isPropKey(name) { return !reservedKeywords.has(name) && /^[a-zA-Z_$][\w_$]*$/.test(name); } function indentFormat(abbr, config, options) { const state = createWalkState(config); state.options = options || {}; walk(abbr, element, state); return state.out.value; } /** * Outputs `node` content to output stream of `state` * @param node Context node * @param index Index of `node` in `items` * @param items List of `node`’s siblings * @param state Current walk state */ function element(node, index, items, state, next) { const { out, options } = state; const { primary, secondary } = collectAttributes(node); // Pick offset level for current node const level = state.parent ? 1 : 0; out.level += level; // Do not indent top-level elements if (shouldFormat(node, index, items, state)) { pushNewline(out, true); } if (node.name && (node.name !== 'div' || !primary.length)) { pushString(out, (options.beforeName || '') + node.name + (options.afterName || '')); } pushPrimaryAttributes(primary, state); pushSecondaryAttributes(secondary.filter(shouldOutputAttribute), state); if (node.selfClosing && !node.value && !node.children.length) { if (state.options.selfClose) { pushString(out, state.options.selfClose); } } else { pushValue(node, state); node.children.forEach(next); } out.level -= level; } /** * From given node, collects all attributes as `primary` (id, class) and * `secondary` (all the rest) lists. In most indent-based syntaxes, primary attribute * has special syntax */ function collectAttributes(node) { const primary = []; const secondary = []; if (node.attributes) { for (const attr of node.attributes) { if (isPrimaryAttribute(attr)) { primary.push(attr); } else { secondary.push(attr); } } } return { primary, secondary }; } /** * Outputs given attributes as primary into output stream */ function pushPrimaryAttributes(attrs, state) { for (const attr of attrs) { if (attr.value) { if (attr.name === 'class') { pushString(state.out, '.'); // All whitespace characters must be replaced with dots in class names const tokens = attr.value.map(t => typeof t === 'string' ? t.replace(/\s+/g, '.') : t); pushTokens(tokens, state); } else { // ID attribute pushString(state.out, '#'); pushTokens(attr.value, state); } } } } /** * Outputs given attributes as secondary into output stream */ function pushSecondaryAttributes(attrs, state) { if (attrs.length) { const { out, config, options } = state; options.beforeAttribute && pushString(out, options.beforeAttribute); for (let i = 0; i < attrs.length; i++) { const attr = attrs[i]; pushString(out, attrName(attr.name || '', config)); if (isBooleanAttribute(attr, config) && !attr.value) { if (!config.options['output.compactBoolean'] && options.booleanValue) { pushString(out, '=' + options.booleanValue); } } else { pushString(out, '=' + attrQuote(attr, config, true)); pushTokens(attr.value || caret, state); pushString(out, attrQuote(attr, config)); } if (i !== attrs.length - 1 && options.glueAttribute) { pushString(out, options.glueAttribute); } } options.afterAttribute && pushString(out, options.afterAttribute); } } /** * Outputs given node value into state output stream */ function pushValue(node, state) { // We should either output value or add caret but for leaf nodes only (no children) if (!node.value && node.children.length) { return; } const value = node.value || caret; const lines = splitByLines(value); const { out, options } = state; if (lines.length === 1) { if (node.name || node.attributes) { push(out, ' '); } pushTokens(value, state); } else { // We should format multi-line value with terminating `|` character // and same line length const lineLengths = []; let maxLength = 0; // Calculate lengths of all lines and max line length for (const line of lines) { const len = valueLength(line); lineLengths.push(len); if (len > maxLength) { maxLength = len; } } // Output each line, padded to max length out.level++; for (let i = 0; i < lines.length; i++) { pushNewline(out, true); options.beforeTextLine && push(out, options.beforeTextLine); pushTokens(lines[i], state); if (options.afterTextLine) { push(out, ' '.repeat(maxLength - lineLengths[i])); push(out, options.afterTextLine); } } out.level--; } } function isPrimaryAttribute(attr) { return attr.name === 'class' || attr.name === 'id'; } /** * Calculates string length from given tokens */ function valueLength(tokens) { let len = 0; for (const token of tokens) { len += typeof token === 'string' ? token.length : token.name.length; } return len; } function shouldFormat(node, index, items, state) { // Do not format first top-level element or snippets if (!state.parent && index === 0) { return false; } return !isSnippet(node); } function haml(abbr, config) { return indentFormat(abbr, config, { beforeName: '%', beforeAttribute: '(', afterAttribute: ')', glueAttribute: ' ', afterTextLine: ' |', booleanValue: 'true', selfClose: '/' }); } function slim(abbr, config) { return indentFormat(abbr, config, { beforeAttribute: ' ', glueAttribute: ' ', beforeTextLine: '| ', selfClose: '/' }); } function pug(abbr, config) { return indentFormat(abbr, config, { beforeAttribute: '(', afterAttribute: ')', glueAttribute: ', ', beforeTextLine: '| ', selfClose: config.options['output.selfClosingStyle'] === 'xml' ? '/' : '' }); } const formatters = { html, haml, slim, pug }; /** * Parses given Emmet abbreviation into a final abbreviation tree with all * required transformations applied */ function parse$1(abbr, config) { let oldTextValue; if (typeof abbr === 'string') { const parseOpt = Object.assign({}, config); if (config.options['jsx.enabled']) { parseOpt.jsx = true; } if (config.options['markup.href']) { parseOpt.href = true; } abbr = parseAbbreviation(abbr, parseOpt); // remove text field before snippets(abbr, config) call // as abbreviation(abbr, parseOpt) already handled it oldTextValue = config.text; config.text = undefined; } // Run abbreviation resolve in two passes: // 1. Map each node to snippets, which are abbreviations as well. A single snippet // may produce multiple nodes // 2. Transform every resolved node abbr = resolveSnippets(abbr, config); walk$1(abbr, transform, config); config.text = oldTextValue !== null && oldTextValue !== void 0 ? oldTextValue : config.text; return abbr; } /** * Converts given abbreviation to string according to provided `config` */ function stringify(abbr, config) { const formatter = formatters[config.syntax] || html; return formatter(abbr, config); } /** * Modifies given node and prepares it for output */ function transform(node, ancestors, config) { implicitTag(node, ancestors, config); mergeAttributes(node, config); lorem(node, ancestors, config); if (config.syntax === 'xsl') { xsl(node); } if (config.options['bem.enabled']) { bem(node, ancestors, config); } } var CSSSnippetType; (function (CSSSnippetType) { CSSSnippetType["Raw"] = "Raw"; CSSSnippetType["Property"] = "Property"; })(CSSSnippetType || (CSSSnippetType = {})); const reProperty = /^([a-z-]+)(?:\s*:\s*([^\n\r;]+?);*)?$/; const opt = { value: true }; /** * Creates structure for holding resolved CSS snippet */ function createSnippet(key, value) { // A snippet could be a raw text snippet (e.g. arbitrary text string) or a // CSS property with possible values separated by `|`. // In latter case, we have to parse snippet as CSS abbreviation const m = value.match(reProperty); if (m) { const keywords = {}; const parsed = m[2] ? m[2].split('|').map(parseValue) : []; for (const item of parsed) { for (const cssVal of item) { collectKeywords(cssVal, keywords); } } return { type: CSSSnippetType.Property, key, property: m[1], value: parsed, keywords, dependencies: [] }; } return { type: CSSSnippetType.Raw, key, value }; } /** * Nests more specific CSS properties into shorthand ones, e.g. * `background-position-x` -> `background-position` -> `background` */ function nest(snippets) { snippets = snippets.slice().sort(snippetsSort); const stack = []; let prev; // For sorted list of CSS properties, create dependency graph where each // shorthand property contains its more specific one, e.g. // background -> background-position -> background-position-x for (const cur of snippets.filter(isProperty)) { // Check if current property belongs to one from parent stack. // Since `snippets` array is sorted, items are perfectly aligned // from shorthands to more specific variants while (stack.length) { prev = stack[stack.length - 1]; if (cur.property.startsWith(prev.property) && cur.property.charCodeAt(prev.property.length) === 45 /* - */) { prev.dependencies.push(cur); stack.push(cur); break; } stack.pop(); } if (!stack.length) { stack.push(cur); } } return snippets; } /** * A sorting function for array of snippets */ function snippetsSort(a, b) { if (a.key === b.key) { return 0; } return a.key < b.key ? -1 : 1; } function parseValue(value) { return parse$2(value.trim(), opt)[0].value; } function isProperty(snippet) { return snippet.type === CSSSnippetType.Property; } function collectKeywords(cssVal, dest) { for (const v of cssVal.value) { if (v.type === 'Literal') { dest[v.value] = v; } else if (v.type === 'FunctionCall') { dest[v.name] = v; } else if (v.type === 'Field') { // Create literal from field, if available const value = v.name.trim(); if (value) { dest[value] = { type: 'Literal', value }; } } } } /** * Calculates how close `str1` matches `str2` using fuzzy match. * How matching works: * – first characters of both `str1` and `str2` *must* match * – `str1` length larger than `str2` length is allowed only when `unmatched` is true * – ideal match is when `str1` equals to `str2` (score: 1) * – next best match is `str2` starts with `str1` (score: 1 × percent of matched characters) * – other scores depend on how close characters of `str1` to the beginning of `str2` * @param partialMatch Allow length `str1` to be greater than `str2` length */ function scoreMatch(str1, str2, partialMatch = false) { str1 = str1.toLowerCase(); str2 = str2.toLowerCase(); if (str1 === str2) { return 1; } // Both strings MUST start with the same character if (!str1 || !str2 || str1.charCodeAt(0) !== str2.charCodeAt(0)) { return 0; } const str1Len = str1.length; const str2Len = str2.length; if (!partialMatch && str1Len > str2Len) { return 0; } // Characters from `str1` which are closer to the beginning of a `str2` should // have higher score. // For example, if `str2` is `abcde`, it’s max score is: // 5 + 4 + 3 + 2 + 1 = 15 (sum of character positions in reverse order) // Matching `abd` against `abcde` should produce: // 5 + 4 + 2 = 11 // Acronym bonus for match right after `-`. Matching `abd` against `abc-de` // should produce: // 6 + 5 + 4 (use `d` position in `abd`, not in abc-de`) const minLength = Math.min(str1Len, str2Len); const maxLength = Math.max(str1Len, str2Len); let i = 1; let j = 1; let score = maxLength; let ch1 = 0; let ch2 = 0; let found = false; let acronym = false; while (i < str1Len) { ch1 = str1.charCodeAt(i); found = false; acronym = false; while (j < str2Len) { ch2 = str2.charCodeAt(j); if (ch1 === ch2) { found = true; score += maxLength - (acronym ? i : j); break; } // add acronym bonus for exactly next match after unmatched `-` acronym = ch2 === 45 /* - */; j++; } if (!found) { if (!partialMatch) { return 0; } break; } i++; } const matchRatio = i / maxLength; const delta = maxLength - minLength; const maxScore = sum(maxLength) - sum(delta); return (score * matchRatio) / maxScore; } /** * Calculates sum of first `n` numbers, e.g. 1+2+3+...n */ function sum(n) { return n * (n + 1) / 2; } function color(token, shortHex) { if (!token.r && !token.g && !token.b && !token.a) { return 'transparent'; } else if (token.a === 1) { return asHex(token, shortHex); } return asRGB(token); } /** * Output given color as hex value * @param short Produce short value (e.g. #fff instead of #ffffff), if possible */ function asHex(token, short) { const fn = (short && isShortHex(token.r) && isShortHex(token.g) && isShortHex(token.b)) ? toShortHex : toHex; return '#' + fn(token.r) + fn(token.g) + fn(token.b); } /** * Output current color as `rgba?(...)` CSS color */ function asRGB(token) { const values = [token.r, token.g, token.b]; if (token.a !== 1) { values.push(frac(token.a, 8)); } return `${values.length === 3 ? 'rgb' : 'rgba'}(${values.join(', ')})`; } function frac(num, digits = 4) { return num.toFixed(digits).replace(/\.?0+$/, ''); } function isShortHex(hex) { return !(hex % 17); } function toShortHex(num) { return (num >> 4).toString(16); } function toHex(num) { return pad(num.toString(16), 2); } function pad(value, len) { while (value.length < len) { value = '0' + value; } return value; } const CSSAbbreviationScope = { /** Include all possible snippets in match */ Global: '@@global', /** Include raw snippets only (e.g. no properties) in abbreviation match */ Section: '@@section', /** Include properties only in abbreviation match */ Property: '@@property', /** Resolve abbreviation in context of CSS property value */ Value: '@@value', }; function css(abbr, config) { var _a; const out = createOutputStream(config.options); const format = config.options['output.format']; if (((_a = config.context) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.name) === CSSAbbreviationScope.Section) { // For section context, filter out unmatched snippets abbr = abbr.filter(node => node.snippet); } for (let i = 0; i < abbr.length; i++) { if (format && i !== 0) { pushNewline(out, true); } property(abbr[i], out, config); } return out.value; } /** * Outputs given abbreviation node into output stream */ function property(node, out, config) { const isJSON = config.options['stylesheet.json']; if (node.name) { // It’s a CSS property const name = isJSON ? toCamelCase(node.name) : node.name; pushString(out, name + config.options['stylesheet.between']); if (node.value.length) { propertyValue(node, out, config); } else { pushField(out, 0, ''); } if (isJSON) { // For CSS-in-JS, always finalize property with comma // NB: seems like `important` is not available in CSS-in-JS syntaxes push(out, ','); } else { outputImportant(node, out, true); push(out, config.options['stylesheet.after']); } } else { // It’s a regular snippet, output plain tokens without any additional formatting for (const cssVal of node.value) { for (const v of cssVal.value) { outputToken(v, out, config); } } outputImportant(node, out, node.value.length > 0); } } function propertyValue(node, out, config) { const isJSON = config.options['stylesheet.json']; const num = isJSON ? getSingleNumeric(node) : null; if (num && (!num.unit || num.unit === 'px')) { // For CSS-in-JS, if property contains single numeric value, output it // as JS number push(out, String(num.value)); } else { const quote = getQuote(config); isJSON && push(out, quote); for (let i = 0; i < node.value.length; i++) { if (i !== 0) { push(out, ', '); } outputValue(node.value[i], out, config); } isJSON && push(out, quote); } } function outputImportant(node, out, separator) { if (node.important) { if (separator) { push(out, ' '); } push(out, '!important'); } } function outputValue(value, out, config) { for (let i = 0, prevEnd = -1; i < value.value.length; i++) { const token = value.value[i]; // Handle edge case: a field is written close to previous token like this: `foo${bar}`. // We should not add delimiter here if (i !== 0 && (token.type !== 'Field' || token.start !== prevEnd)) { push(out, ' '); } outputToken(token, out, config); prevEnd = token['end']; } } function outputToken(token, out, config) { if (token.type === 'ColorValue') { push(out, color(token, config.options['stylesheet.shortHex'])); } else if (token.type === 'Literal' || token.type === 'CustomProperty') { pushString(out, token.value); } else if (token.type === 'NumberValue') { pushString(out, frac(token.value, 4) + token.unit); } else if (token.type === 'StringValue') { const quote = token.quote === 'double' ? '"' : '\''; pushString(out, quote + token.value + quote); } else if (token.type === 'Field') { pushField(out, token.index, token.name); } else if (token.type === 'FunctionCall') { push(out, token.name + '('); for (let i = 0; i < token.arguments.length; i++) { if (i) { push(out, ', '); } outputValue(token.arguments[i], out, config); } push(out, ')'); } } /** * If value of given property is a single numeric value, returns this token */ function getSingleNumeric(node) { if (node.value.length === 1) { const cssVal = node.value[0]; if (cssVal.value.length === 1 && cssVal.value[0].type === 'NumberValue') { return cssVal.value[0]; } } } /** * Converts kebab-case string to camelCase */ function toCamelCase(str) { return str.replace(/\-(\w)/g, (_, letter) => letter.toUpperCase()); } function getQuote(config) { return config.options['stylesheet.jsonDoubleQuotes'] ? '"' : '\''; } const gradientName = 'lg'; /** * Parses given Emmet abbreviation into a final abbreviation tree with all * required transformations applied */ function parse(abbr, config) { var _a; const snippets = ((_a = config.cache) === null || _a === void 0 ? void 0 : _a.stylesheetSnippets) || convertSnippets(config.snippets); if (config.cache) { config.cache.stylesheetSnippets = snippets; } if (typeof abbr === 'string') { abbr = parse$2(abbr, { value: isValueScope(config) }); } const filteredSnippets = getSnippetsForScope(snippets, config); for (const node of abbr) { resolveNode(node, filteredSnippets, config); } return abbr; } /** * Converts given raw snippets into internal snippets representation */ function convertSnippets(snippets) { const result = []; for (const key of Object.keys(snippets)) { result.push(createSnippet(key, snippets[key])); } return nest(result); } /** * Resolves given node: finds matched CSS snippets using fuzzy match and resolves * keyword aliases from node value */ function resolveNode(node, snippets, config) { if (!resolveGradient(node, config)) { const score = config.options['stylesheet.fuzzySearchMinScore']; if (isValueScope(config)) { // Resolve as value of given CSS property const propName = config.context.name; const snippet = snippets.find(s => s.type === CSSSnippetType.Property && s.property === propName); resolveValueKeywords(node, config, snippet, score); node.snippet = snippet; } else if (node.name) { const snippet = findBestMatch(node.name, snippets, score, true); node.snippet = snippet; if (snippet) { if (snippet.type === CSSSnippetType.Property) { resolveAsProperty(node, snippet, config); } else { resolveAsSnippet(node, snippet); } } } } if (node.name || config.context) { // Resolve numeric values for CSS properties only resolveNumericValue(node, config); } return node; } /** * Resolves CSS gradient shortcut from given property, if possible */ function resolveGradient(node, config) { let gradientFn = null; const cssVal = node.value.length === 1 ? node.value[0] : null; if (cssVal && cssVal.value.length === 1) { const v = cssVal.value[0]; if (v.type === 'FunctionCall' && v.name === gradientName) { gradientFn = v; } } if (gradientFn || node.name === gradientName) { if (!gradientFn) { gradientFn = { type: 'FunctionCall', name: 'linear-gradient', arguments: [cssValue(field(0, ''))] }; } else { gradientFn = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, gradientFn), { name: 'linear-gradient' }); } if (!config.context) { node.name = 'background-image'; } node.value = [cssValue(gradientFn)]; return true; } return false; } /** * Resolves given parsed abbreviation node as CSS property */ function resolveAsProperty(node, snippet, config) { const abbr = node.name; // Check for unmatched part of abbreviation // For example, in `dib` abbreviation the matched part is `d` and `ib` should // be considered as inline value. If unmatched fragment exists, we should check // if it matches actual value of snippet. If either explicit value is specified // or unmatched fragment did not resolve to to a keyword, we should consider // matched snippet as invalid const inlineValue = getUnmatchedPart(abbr, snippet.key); if (inlineValue) { if (node.value.length) { // Already have value: unmatched part indicates matched snippet is invalid return node; } const kw = resolveKeyword(inlineValue, config, snippet); if (!kw) { return node; } node.value.push(cssValue(kw)); } node.name = snippet.property; if (node.value.length) { // Replace keyword alias from current abbreviation node with matched keyword resolveValueKeywords(node, config, snippet); } else if (snippet.value.length) { const defaultValue = snippet.value[0]; // https://github.com/emmetio/emmet/issues/558 // We should auto-select inserted value only if there’s multiple value // choice node.value = snippet.value.length === 1 || defaultValue.some(hasField) ? defaultValue : defaultValue.map(n => wrapWithField(n, config)); } return node; } function resolveValueKeywords(node, config, snippet, minScore) { for (const cssVal of node.value) { const value = []; for (const token of cssVal.value) { if (token.type === 'Literal') { value.push(resolveKeyword(token.value, config, snippet, minScore) || token); } else if (token.type === 'FunctionCall') { // For function calls, we should find matching function call // and merge arguments const match = resolveKeyword(token.name, config, snippet, minScore); if (match && match.type === 'FunctionCall') { value.push(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, match), { arguments: token.arguments.concat(match.arguments.slice(token.arguments.length)) })); } else { value.push(token); } } else { value.push(token); } } cssVal.value = value; } } /** * Resolves given parsed abbreviation node as a snippet: a plain code chunk */ function resolveAsSnippet(node, snippet) { // When resolving snippets, we have to do the following: // 1. Replace field placeholders with actual field tokens. // 2. If input values given, put them instead of fields let offset = 0; let m; const reField = /\$\{(\d+)(:[^}]+)?\}/g; const inputValue = node.value[0]; const outputValue = []; while (m = reField.exec(snippet.value)) { if (offset !== m.index) { outputValue.push(literal(snippet.value.slice(offset, m.index))); } offset = m.index + m[0].length; if (inputValue && inputValue.value.length) { outputValue.push(inputValue.value.shift()); } else { outputValue.push(field(Number(m[1]), m[2] ? m[2].slice(1) : '')); } } const tail = snippet.value.slice(offset); if (tail) { outputValue.push(literal(tail)); } node.name = void 0; node.value = [cssValue(...outputValue)]; return node; } /** * Finds best matching item from `items` array * @param abbr Abbreviation to match * @param items List of items for match * @param minScore The minimum score the best matched item should have to be a valid match. */ function findBestMatch(abbr, items, minScore = 0, partialMatch = false) { let matchedItem = null; let maxScore = 0; for (const item of items) { const score = scoreMatch(abbr, getScoringPart(item), partialMatch); if (score === 1) { // direct hit, no need to look further return item; } if (score && score >= maxScore) { maxScore = score; matchedItem = item; } } return maxScore >= minScore ? matchedItem : null; } function getScoringPart(item) { return typeof item === 'string' ? item : item.key; } /** * Returns a part of `abbr` that wasn’t directly matched against `str`. * For example, if abbreviation `poas` is matched against `position`, * the unmatched part will be `as` since `a` wasn’t found in string stream */ function getUnmatchedPart(abbr, str) { for (let i = 0, lastPos = 0; i < abbr.length; i++) { lastPos = str.indexOf(abbr[i], lastPos); if (lastPos === -1) { return abbr.slice(i); } lastPos++; } return ''; } /** * Resolves given keyword shorthand into matched snippet keyword or global keyword, * if possible */ function resolveKeyword(kw, config, snippet, minScore) { let ref; if (snippet) { if (ref = findBestMatch(kw, Object.keys(snippet.keywords), minScore)) { return snippet.keywords[ref]; } for (const dep of snippet.dependencies) { if (ref = findBestMatch(kw, Object.keys(dep.keywords), minScore)) { return dep.keywords[ref]; } } } if (ref = findBestMatch(kw, config.options['stylesheet.keywords'], minScore)) { return literal(ref); } return null; } /** * Resolves numeric values in given abbreviation node */ function resolveNumericValue(node, config) { const aliases = config.options['stylesheet.unitAliases']; const unitless = config.options['stylesheet.unitless']; for (const v of node.value) { for (const t of v.value) { if (t.type === 'NumberValue') { if (t.unit) { t.unit = aliases[t.unit] || t.unit; } else if (t.value !== 0 && !unitless.includes(node.name)) { t.unit = t.rawValue.includes('.') ? config.options['stylesheet.floatUnit'] : config.options['stylesheet.intUnit']; } } } } } /** * Constructs CSS value token */ function cssValue(...args) { return { type: 'CSSValue', value: args }; } /** * Constructs literal token */ function literal(value) { return { type: 'Literal', value }; } /** * Constructs field token */ function field(index, name) { return { type: 'Field', index, name }; } /** * Check if given value contains fields */ function hasField(value) { for (const v of value.value) { if (v.type === 'Field' || (v.type === 'FunctionCall' && v.arguments.some(hasField))) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Wraps tokens of given abbreviation with fields */ function wrapWithField(node, config, state = { index: 1 }) { let value = []; for (const v of node.value) { switch (v.type) { case 'ColorValue': value.push(field(state.index++, color(v, config.options['stylesheet.shortHex']))); break; case 'Literal': value.push(field(state.index++, v.value)); break; case 'NumberValue': value.push(field(state.index++, `${v.value}${v.unit}`)); break; case 'StringValue': const q = v.quote === 'single' ? '\'' : '"'; value.push(field(state.index++, q + v.value + q)); break; case 'FunctionCall': value.push(field(state.index++, v.name), literal('(')); for (let i = 0, il = v.arguments.length; i < il; i++) { value = value.concat(wrapWithField(v.arguments[i], config, state).value); if (i !== il - 1) { value.push(literal(', ')); } } value.push(literal(')')); break; default: value.push(v); } } return Object.assign(Object.assign({}, node), { value }); } /** * Check if abbreviation should be expanded in CSS value context */ function isValueScope(config) { if (config.context) { return config.context.name === CSSAbbreviationScope.Value || !config.context.name.startsWith('@@'); } return false; } /** * Returns snippets for given scope */ function getSnippetsForScope(snippets, config) { if (config.context) { if (config.context.name === CSSAbbreviationScope.Section) { return snippets.filter(s => s.type === CSSSnippetType.Raw); } if (config.context.name === CSSAbbreviationScope.Property) { return snippets.filter(s => s.type === CSSSnippetType.Property); } } return snippets; } var markupSnippets = { "a": "a[href]", "a:blank": "a[href='http://${0}' target='_blank' rel='noopener noreferrer']", "a:link": "a[href='http://${0}']", "a:mail": "a[href='mailto:${0}']", "a:tel": "a[href='tel:+${0}']", "abbr": "abbr[title]", "acr|acronym": "acronym[title]", "base": "base[href]/", "basefont": "basefont/", "br": "br/", "frame": "frame/", "hr": "hr/", "bdo": "bdo[dir]", "bdo:r": "bdo[dir=rtl]", "bdo:l": "bdo[dir=ltr]", "col": "col/", "link": "link[rel=stylesheet href]/", "link:css": "link[href='${1:style}.css']", "link:print": "link[href='${1:print}.css' media=print]", "link:favicon": "link[rel='shortcut icon' type=image/x-icon href='${1:favicon.ico}']", "link:mf|link:manifest": "link[rel='manifest' href='${1:manifest.json}']", "link:touch": "link[rel=apple-touch-icon href='${1:favicon.png}']", "link:rss": "link[rel=alternate type=application/rss+xml title=RSS href='${1:rss.xml}']", "link:atom": "link[rel=alternate type=application/atom+xml title=Atom href='${1:atom.xml}']", "link:im|link:import": "link[rel=import href='${1:component}.html']", "meta": "meta/", "meta:utf": "meta[http-equiv=Content-Type content='text/html;charset=UTF-8']", "meta:vp": "meta[name=viewport content='width=${1:device-width}, initial-scale=${2:1.0}']", "meta:compat": "meta[http-equiv=X-UA-Compatible content='${1:IE=7}']", "meta:edge": "meta:compat[content='${1:ie=edge}']", "meta:redirect": "meta[http-equiv=refresh content='0; url=${1:http://example.com}']", "meta:refresh": "meta[http-equiv=refresh content='${1:5}']", "meta:kw": "meta[name=keywords content]", "meta:desc": "meta[name=description content]", "style": "style", "script": "script", "script:src": "script[src]", "script:module": "script[type=module src]", "img": "img[src alt]/", "img:s|img:srcset": "img[srcset src alt]", "img:z|img:sizes": "img[sizes srcset src alt]", "picture": "picture", "src|source": "source/", 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return scanner.text.charCodeAt(--scanner.pos); } } /** * Consumes current character code if it matches given `match` code or function */ function consume(scanner, match) { if (sol(scanner)) { return false; } const ok = typeof match === 'function' ? match(peek(scanner)) : match === peek(scanner); if (ok) { scanner.pos--; } return !!ok; } function consumeWhile(scanner, match) { const start = scanner.pos; while (consume(scanner, match)) { // empty } return scanner.pos < start; } var Chars$1; (function (Chars) { Chars[Chars["SingleQuote"] = 39] = "SingleQuote"; Chars[Chars["DoubleQuote"] = 34] = "DoubleQuote"; Chars[Chars["Escape"] = 92] = "Escape"; })(Chars$1 || (Chars$1 = {})); /** * Check if given character code is a quote */ function isQuote(c) { return c === Chars$1.SingleQuote || c === Chars$1.DoubleQuote; } /** * Consumes quoted value, if possible * @return Returns `true` is value was consumed */ function consumeQuoted(scanner) { const start = scanner.pos; const quote = previous(scanner); if (isQuote(quote)) { while (!sol(scanner)) { if (previous(scanner) === quote && peek(scanner) !== Chars$1.Escape) { return true; } } } scanner.pos = start; return false; } var Brackets; (function (Brackets) { Brackets[Brackets["SquareL"] = 91] = "SquareL"; Brackets[Brackets["SquareR"] = 93] = "SquareR"; Brackets[Brackets["RoundL"] = 40] = "RoundL"; Brackets[Brackets["RoundR"] = 41] = "RoundR"; Brackets[Brackets["CurlyL"] = 123] = "CurlyL"; Brackets[Brackets["CurlyR"] = 125] = "CurlyR"; })(Brackets || (Brackets = {})); const bracePairs = { [Brackets.SquareL]: Brackets.SquareR, [Brackets.RoundL]: Brackets.RoundR, [Brackets.CurlyL]: Brackets.CurlyR, }; var Chars; (function (Chars) { Chars[Chars["Tab"] = 9] = "Tab"; Chars[Chars["Space"] = 32] = "Space"; /** `-` character */ Chars[Chars["Dash"] = 45] = "Dash"; /** `/` character */ Chars[Chars["Slash"] = 47] = "Slash"; /** `:` character */ Chars[Chars["Colon"] = 58] = "Colon"; /** `=` character */ Chars[Chars["Equals"] = 61] = "Equals"; /** `<` character */ Chars[Chars["AngleLeft"] = 60] = "AngleLeft"; /** `>` character */ Chars[Chars["AngleRight"] = 62] = "AngleRight"; })(Chars || (Chars = {})); /** * Check if given reader’s current position points at the end of HTML tag */ function isHtml(scanner) { const start = scanner.pos; if (!consume(scanner, Chars.AngleRight)) { return false; } let ok = false; consume(scanner, Chars.Slash); // possibly self-closed element while (!sol(scanner)) { consumeWhile(scanner, isWhiteSpace); if (consumeIdent(scanner)) { // ate identifier: could be a tag name, boolean attribute or unquoted // attribute value if (consume(scanner, Chars.Slash)) { // either closing tag or invalid tag ok = consume(scanner, Chars.AngleLeft); break; } else if (consume(scanner, Chars.AngleLeft)) { // opening tag ok = true; break; } else if (consume(scanner, isWhiteSpace)) { // boolean attribute continue; } else if (consume(scanner, Chars.Equals)) { // simple unquoted value or invalid attribute if (consumeIdent(scanner)) { continue; } break; } else if (consumeAttributeWithUnquotedValue(scanner)) { // identifier was a part of unquoted value ok = true; break; } // invalid tag break; } if (consumeAttribute(scanner)) { continue; } break; } scanner.pos = start; return ok; } /** * Consumes HTML attribute from given string. * @return `true` if attribute was consumed. */ function consumeAttribute(scanner) { return consumeAttributeWithQuotedValue(scanner) || consumeAttributeWithUnquotedValue(scanner); } function consumeAttributeWithQuotedValue(scanner) { const start = scanner.pos; if (consumeQuoted(scanner) && consume(scanner, Chars.Equals) && consumeIdent(scanner)) { return true; } scanner.pos = start; return false; } function consumeAttributeWithUnquotedValue(scanner) { const start = scanner.pos; const stack = []; while (!sol(scanner)) { const ch = peek(scanner); if (isCloseBracket(ch)) { stack.push(ch); } else if (isOpenBracket(ch)) { if (stack.pop() !== bracePairs[ch]) { // Unexpected open bracket break; } } else if (!isUnquotedValue(ch)) { break; } scanner.pos--; } if (start !== scanner.pos && consume(scanner, Chars.Equals) && consumeIdent(scanner)) { return true; } scanner.pos = start; return false; } /** * Consumes HTML identifier from stream */ function consumeIdent(scanner) { return consumeWhile(scanner, isIdent); } /** * Check if given character code belongs to HTML identifier */ function isIdent(ch) { return ch === Chars.Colon || ch === Chars.Dash || isAlpha(ch) || isNumber(ch); } /** * Check if given character code is alpha code (letter though A to Z) */ function isAlpha(ch) { ch &= ~32; // quick hack to convert any char code to uppercase char code return ch >= 65 && ch <= 90; // A-Z } /** * Check if given code is a number */ function isNumber(ch) { return ch > 47 && ch < 58; } /** * Check if given code is a whitespace */ function isWhiteSpace(ch) { return ch === Chars.Space || ch === Chars.Tab; } /** * Check if given code may belong to unquoted attribute value */ function isUnquotedValue(ch) { return !isNaN(ch) && ch !== Chars.Equals && !isWhiteSpace(ch) && !isQuote(ch); } function isOpenBracket(ch) { return ch === Brackets.CurlyL || ch === Brackets.RoundL || ch === Brackets.SquareL; } function isCloseBracket(ch) { return ch === Brackets.CurlyR || ch === Brackets.RoundR || ch === Brackets.SquareR; } const code = (ch) => ch.charCodeAt(0); const specialChars = '#.*:$-_!@%^+>/'.split('').map(code); const defaultOptions = { type: 'markup', lookAhead: true, prefix: '' }; /** * Extracts Emmet abbreviation from given string. * The goal of this module is to extract abbreviation from current editor’s line, * e.g. like this: `.foo[title=bar|]` -> `.foo[title=bar]`, where * `|` is a current caret position. * @param line A text line where abbreviation should be expanded * @param pos Caret position in line. If not given, uses end of line * @param options Extracting options */ function extractAbbreviation(line, pos = line.length, options = {}) { // make sure `pos` is within line range const opt = Object.assign(Object.assign({}, defaultOptions), options); pos = Math.min(line.length, Math.max(0, pos == null ? line.length : pos)); if (opt.lookAhead) { pos = offsetPastAutoClosed(line, pos, opt); } let ch; const start = getStartOffset(line, pos, opt.prefix || ''); if (start === -1) { return void 0; } const scanner = backwardScanner(line, start); scanner.pos = pos; const stack = []; while (!sol(scanner)) { ch = peek(scanner); if (stack.includes(Brackets.CurlyR)) { if (ch === Brackets.CurlyR) { stack.push(ch); scanner.pos--; continue; } if (ch !== Brackets.CurlyL) { scanner.pos--; continue; } } if (isCloseBrace(ch, opt.type)) { stack.push(ch); } else if (isOpenBrace(ch, opt.type)) { if (stack.pop() !== bracePairs[ch]) { // unexpected brace break; } } else if (stack.includes(Brackets.SquareR) || stack.includes(Brackets.CurlyR)) { // respect all characters inside attribute sets or text nodes scanner.pos--; continue; } else if (isHtml(scanner) || !isAbbreviation(ch)) { break; } scanner.pos--; } if (!stack.length && scanner.pos !== pos) { // Found something, remove some invalid symbols from the // beginning and return abbreviation const abbreviation = line.slice(scanner.pos, pos).replace(/^[*+>^]+/, ''); return { abbreviation, location: pos - abbreviation.length, start: options.prefix ? start - options.prefix.length : pos - abbreviation.length, end: pos }; } } /** * Returns new `line` index which is right after characters beyound `pos` that * editor will likely automatically close, e.g. }, ], and quotes */ function offsetPastAutoClosed(line, pos, options) { // closing quote is allowed only as a next character if (isQuote(line.charCodeAt(pos))) { pos++; } // offset pointer until non-autoclosed character is found while (isCloseBrace(line.charCodeAt(pos), options.type)) { pos++; } return pos; } /** * Returns start offset (left limit) in `line` where we should stop looking for * abbreviation: it’s nearest to `pos` location of `prefix` token */ function getStartOffset(line, pos, prefix) { if (!prefix) { return 0; } const scanner = backwardScanner(line); const compiledPrefix = prefix.split('').map(code); scanner.pos = pos; let result; while (!sol(scanner)) { if (consumePair(scanner, Brackets.SquareR, Brackets.SquareL) || consumePair(scanner, Brackets.CurlyR, Brackets.CurlyL)) { continue; } result = scanner.pos; if (consumeArray(scanner, compiledPrefix)) { return result; } scanner.pos--; } return -1; } /** * Consumes full character pair, if possible */ function consumePair(scanner, close, open) { const start = scanner.pos; if (consume(scanner, close)) { while (!sol(scanner)) { if (consume(scanner, open)) { return true; } scanner.pos--; } } scanner.pos = start; return false; } /** * Consumes all character codes from given array, right-to-left, if possible */ function consumeArray(scanner, arr) { const start = scanner.pos; let consumed = false; for (let i = arr.length - 1; i >= 0 && !sol(scanner); i--) { if (!consume(scanner, arr[i])) { break; } consumed = i === 0; } if (!consumed) { scanner.pos = start; } return consumed; } function isAbbreviation(ch) { return (ch > 64 && ch < 91) // uppercase letter || (ch > 96 && ch < 123) // lowercase letter || (ch > 47 && ch < 58) // number || specialChars.includes(ch); // special character } function isOpenBrace(ch, syntax) { return ch === Brackets.RoundL || (syntax === 'markup' && (ch === Brackets.SquareL || ch === Brackets.CurlyL)); } function isCloseBrace(ch, syntax) { return ch === Brackets.RoundR || (syntax === 'markup' && (ch === Brackets.SquareR || ch === Brackets.CurlyR)); } function expandAbbreviation(abbr, config) { const resolvedConfig = resolveConfig(config); return resolvedConfig.type === 'stylesheet' ? stylesheet(abbr, resolvedConfig) : markup(abbr, resolvedConfig); } /** * Expands given *markup* abbreviation (e.g. regular Emmet abbreviation that * produces structured output like HTML) and outputs it according to options * provided in config */ function markup(abbr, config) { return stringify(parse$1(abbr, config), config); } /** * Expands given *stylesheet* abbreviation (a special Emmet abbreviation designed for * stylesheet languages like CSS, SASS etc.) and outputs it according to options * provided in config */ function stylesheet(abbr, config) { return css(parse(abbr, config), config); } exports.CSSAbbreviationScope = CSSAbbreviationScope; exports.default = expandAbbreviation; exports.extract = extractAbbreviation; exports.markup = markup; exports.markupAbbreviation = parseAbbreviation; exports.parseMarkup = parse$1; exports.parseStylesheet = parse; exports.parseStylesheetSnippets = convertSnippets; exports.resolveConfig = resolveConfig; exports.stringifyMarkup = stringify; exports.stringifyStylesheet = css; exports.stylesheet = stylesheet; exports.stylesheetAbbreviation = parse$2; //# sourceMappingURL=emmet.cjs.map