import { getType, getColors, stringify, isObject, assertTypes } from '@vitest/utils'; export { setupColors } from '@vitest/utils'; import { diff } from '@vitest/utils/diff'; import { isMockFunction } from '@vitest/spy'; import { processError } from '@vitest/utils/error'; import { util } from 'chai'; const MATCHERS_OBJECT = Symbol.for("matchers-object"); const JEST_MATCHERS_OBJECT = Symbol.for("$$jest-matchers-object"); const GLOBAL_EXPECT = Symbol.for("expect-global"); const ASYMMETRIC_MATCHERS_OBJECT = Symbol.for("asymmetric-matchers-object"); if (!, MATCHERS_OBJECT)) { const globalState = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); const matchers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); const customEqualityTesters = []; const assymetricMatchers = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null); Object.defineProperty(globalThis, MATCHERS_OBJECT, { get: () => globalState }); Object.defineProperty(globalThis, JEST_MATCHERS_OBJECT, { configurable: true, get: () => ({ state: globalState.get(globalThis[GLOBAL_EXPECT]), matchers, customEqualityTesters }) }); Object.defineProperty(globalThis, ASYMMETRIC_MATCHERS_OBJECT, { get: () => assymetricMatchers }); } function getState(expect) { return globalThis[MATCHERS_OBJECT].get(expect); } function setState(state, expect) { const map = globalThis[MATCHERS_OBJECT]; const current = map.get(expect) || {}; Object.assign(current, state); map.set(expect, current); } function getMatcherUtils() { const c = () => getColors(); const EXPECTED_COLOR = c().green; const RECEIVED_COLOR = c().red; const INVERTED_COLOR = c().inverse; const BOLD_WEIGHT = c().bold; const DIM_COLOR = c().dim; function matcherHint(matcherName, received = "received", expected = "expected", options = {}) { const { comment = "", isDirectExpectCall = false, // seems redundant with received === '' isNot = false, promise = "", secondArgument = "", expectedColor = EXPECTED_COLOR, receivedColor = RECEIVED_COLOR, secondArgumentColor = EXPECTED_COLOR } = options; let hint = ""; let dimString = "expect"; if (!isDirectExpectCall && received !== "") { hint += DIM_COLOR(`${dimString}(`) + receivedColor(received); dimString = ")"; } if (promise !== "") { hint += DIM_COLOR(`${dimString}.`) + promise; dimString = ""; } if (isNot) { hint += `${DIM_COLOR(`${dimString}.`)}not`; dimString = ""; } if (matcherName.includes(".")) { dimString += matcherName; } else { hint += DIM_COLOR(`${dimString}.`) + matcherName; dimString = ""; } if (expected === "") { dimString += "()"; } else { hint += DIM_COLOR(`${dimString}(`) + expectedColor(expected); if (secondArgument) hint += DIM_COLOR(", ") + secondArgumentColor(secondArgument); dimString = ")"; } if (comment !== "") dimString += ` // ${comment}`; if (dimString !== "") hint += DIM_COLOR(dimString); return hint; } const SPACE_SYMBOL = "\xB7"; const replaceTrailingSpaces = (text) => text.replace(/\s+$/gm, (spaces) => SPACE_SYMBOL.repeat(spaces.length)); const printReceived = (object) => RECEIVED_COLOR(replaceTrailingSpaces(stringify(object))); const printExpected = (value) => EXPECTED_COLOR(replaceTrailingSpaces(stringify(value))); return { EXPECTED_COLOR, RECEIVED_COLOR, INVERTED_COLOR, BOLD_WEIGHT, DIM_COLOR, matcherHint, printReceived, printExpected }; } function addCustomEqualityTesters(newTesters) { if (!Array.isArray(newTesters)) { throw new TypeError( `expect.customEqualityTesters: Must be set to an array of Testers. Was given "${getType( newTesters )}"` ); } globalThis[JEST_MATCHERS_OBJECT].customEqualityTesters.push( ...newTesters ); } function getCustomEqualityTesters() { return globalThis[JEST_MATCHERS_OBJECT].customEqualityTesters; } function equals(a, b, customTesters, strictCheck) { customTesters = customTesters || []; return eq(a, b, [], [], customTesters, strictCheck ? hasKey : hasDefinedKey); } const functionToString = Function.prototype.toString; function isAsymmetric(obj) { return !!obj && typeof obj === "object" && "asymmetricMatch" in obj && isA("Function", obj.asymmetricMatch); } function hasAsymmetric(obj, seen = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()) { if (seen.has(obj)) return false; seen.add(obj); if (isAsymmetric(obj)) return true; if (Array.isArray(obj)) return obj.some((i) => hasAsymmetric(i, seen)); if (obj instanceof Set) return Array.from(obj).some((i) => hasAsymmetric(i, seen)); if (isObject(obj)) return Object.values(obj).some((v) => hasAsymmetric(v, seen)); return false; } function asymmetricMatch(a, b) { const asymmetricA = isAsymmetric(a); const asymmetricB = isAsymmetric(b); if (asymmetricA && asymmetricB) return void 0; if (asymmetricA) return a.asymmetricMatch(b); if (asymmetricB) return b.asymmetricMatch(a); } function eq(a, b, aStack, bStack, customTesters, hasKey2) { let result = true; const asymmetricResult = asymmetricMatch(a, b); if (asymmetricResult !== void 0) return asymmetricResult; const testerContext = { equals }; for (let i = 0; i < customTesters.length; i++) { const customTesterResult = customTesters[i].call(testerContext, a, b, customTesters); if (customTesterResult !== void 0) return customTesterResult; } if (a instanceof Error && b instanceof Error) return a.message === b.message; if (typeof URL === "function" && a instanceof URL && b instanceof URL) return a.href === b.href; if (, b)) return true; if (a === null || b === null) return a === b; const className =; if (className !== return false; switch (className) { case "[object Boolean]": case "[object String]": case "[object Number]": if (typeof a !== typeof b) { return false; } else if (typeof a !== "object" && typeof b !== "object") { return, b); } else { return, b.valueOf()); } case "[object Date]": { const numA = +a; const numB = +b; return numA === numB || Number.isNaN(numA) && Number.isNaN(numB); } case "[object RegExp]": return a.source === b.source && a.flags === b.flags; } if (typeof a !== "object" || typeof b !== "object") return false; if (isDomNode(a) && isDomNode(b)) return a.isEqualNode(b); let length = aStack.length; while (length--) { if (aStack[length] === a) return bStack[length] === b; else if (bStack[length] === b) return false; } aStack.push(a); bStack.push(b); if (className === "[object Array]" && a.length !== b.length) return false; const aKeys = keys(a, hasKey2); let key; let size = aKeys.length; if (keys(b, hasKey2).length !== size) return false; while (size--) { key = aKeys[size]; result = hasKey2(b, key) && eq(a[key], b[key], aStack, bStack, customTesters, hasKey2); if (!result) return false; } aStack.pop(); bStack.pop(); return result; } function keys(obj, hasKey2) { const keys2 = []; for (const key in obj) { if (hasKey2(obj, key)) keys2.push(key); } return keys2.concat( Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(obj).filter( (symbol) => Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, symbol).enumerable ) ); } function hasDefinedKey(obj, key) { return hasKey(obj, key) && obj[key] !== void 0; } function hasKey(obj, key) { return, key); } function isA(typeName, value) { return Object.prototype.toString.apply(value) === `[object ${typeName}]`; } function isDomNode(obj) { return obj !== null && typeof obj === "object" && "nodeType" in obj && typeof obj.nodeType === "number" && "nodeName" in obj && typeof obj.nodeName === "string" && "isEqualNode" in obj && typeof obj.isEqualNode === "function"; } function fnNameFor(func) { if ( return; const matches =^(?:async)?\s*function\s*\*?\s*([\w$]+)\s*\(/); return matches ? matches[1] : ""; } function getPrototype(obj) { if (Object.getPrototypeOf) return Object.getPrototypeOf(obj); if (obj.constructor.prototype === obj) return null; return obj.constructor.prototype; } function hasProperty(obj, property) { if (!obj) return false; if (, property)) return true; return hasProperty(getPrototype(obj), property); } const IS_KEYED_SENTINEL = "@@__IMMUTABLE_KEYED__@@"; const IS_SET_SENTINEL = "@@__IMMUTABLE_SET__@@"; const IS_ORDERED_SENTINEL = "@@__IMMUTABLE_ORDERED__@@"; function isImmutableUnorderedKeyed(maybeKeyed) { return !!(maybeKeyed && maybeKeyed[IS_KEYED_SENTINEL] && !maybeKeyed[IS_ORDERED_SENTINEL]); } function isImmutableUnorderedSet(maybeSet) { return !!(maybeSet && maybeSet[IS_SET_SENTINEL] && !maybeSet[IS_ORDERED_SENTINEL]); } const IteratorSymbol = Symbol.iterator; function hasIterator(object) { return !!(object != null && object[IteratorSymbol]); } function iterableEquality(a, b, customTesters = [], aStack = [], bStack = []) { if (typeof a !== "object" || typeof b !== "object" || Array.isArray(a) || Array.isArray(b) || !hasIterator(a) || !hasIterator(b)) return void 0; if (a.constructor !== b.constructor) return false; let length = aStack.length; while (length--) { if (aStack[length] === a) return bStack[length] === b; } aStack.push(a); bStack.push(b); const filteredCustomTesters = [ ...customTesters.filter((t) => t !== iterableEquality), iterableEqualityWithStack ]; function iterableEqualityWithStack(a2, b2) { return iterableEquality( a2, b2, [...filteredCustomTesters], [...aStack], [...bStack] ); } if (a.size !== void 0) { if (a.size !== b.size) { return false; } else if (isA("Set", a) || isImmutableUnorderedSet(a)) { let allFound = true; for (const aValue of a) { if (!b.has(aValue)) { let has = false; for (const bValue of b) { const isEqual = equals(aValue, bValue, filteredCustomTesters); if (isEqual === true) has = true; } if (has === false) { allFound = false; break; } } } aStack.pop(); bStack.pop(); return allFound; } else if (isA("Map", a) || isImmutableUnorderedKeyed(a)) { let allFound = true; for (const aEntry of a) { if (!b.has(aEntry[0]) || !equals(aEntry[1], b.get(aEntry[0]), filteredCustomTesters)) { let has = false; for (const bEntry of b) { const matchedKey = equals(aEntry[0], bEntry[0], filteredCustomTesters); let matchedValue = false; if (matchedKey === true) matchedValue = equals(aEntry[1], bEntry[1], filteredCustomTesters); if (matchedValue === true) has = true; } if (has === false) { allFound = false; break; } } } aStack.pop(); bStack.pop(); return allFound; } } const bIterator = b[IteratorSymbol](); for (const aValue of a) { const nextB =; if (nextB.done || !equals(aValue, nextB.value, filteredCustomTesters)) return false; } if (! return false; aStack.pop(); bStack.pop(); return true; } function hasPropertyInObject(object, key) { const shouldTerminate = !object || typeof object !== "object" || object === Object.prototype; if (shouldTerminate) return false; return, key) || hasPropertyInObject(Object.getPrototypeOf(object), key); } function isObjectWithKeys(a) { return isObject(a) && !(a instanceof Error) && !Array.isArray(a) && !(a instanceof Date); } function subsetEquality(object, subset, customTesters = []) { const filteredCustomTesters = customTesters.filter((t) => t !== subsetEquality); const subsetEqualityWithContext = (seenReferences = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap()) => (object2, subset2) => { if (!isObjectWithKeys(subset2)) return void 0; return Object.keys(subset2).every((key) => { if (isObjectWithKeys(subset2[key])) { if (seenReferences.has(subset2[key])) return equals(object2[key], subset2[key], filteredCustomTesters); seenReferences.set(subset2[key], true); } const result = object2 != null && hasPropertyInObject(object2, key) && equals(object2[key], subset2[key], [ ...filteredCustomTesters, subsetEqualityWithContext(seenReferences) ]); seenReferences.delete(subset2[key]); return result; }); }; return subsetEqualityWithContext()(object, subset); } function typeEquality(a, b) { if (a == null || b == null || a.constructor === b.constructor) return void 0; return false; } function arrayBufferEquality(a, b) { let dataViewA = a; let dataViewB = b; if (!(a instanceof DataView && b instanceof DataView)) { if (!(a instanceof ArrayBuffer) || !(b instanceof ArrayBuffer)) return void 0; try { dataViewA = new DataView(a); dataViewB = new DataView(b); } catch { return void 0; } } if (dataViewA.byteLength !== dataViewB.byteLength) return false; for (let i = 0; i < dataViewA.byteLength; i++) { if (dataViewA.getUint8(i) !== dataViewB.getUint8(i)) return false; } return true; } function sparseArrayEquality(a, b, customTesters = []) { if (!Array.isArray(a) || !Array.isArray(b)) return void 0; const aKeys = Object.keys(a); const bKeys = Object.keys(b); const filteredCustomTesters = customTesters.filter((t) => t !== sparseArrayEquality); return equals(a, b, filteredCustomTesters, true) && equals(aKeys, bKeys); } function generateToBeMessage(deepEqualityName, expected = "#{this}", actual = "#{exp}") { const toBeMessage = `expected ${expected} to be ${actual} // equality`; if (["toStrictEqual", "toEqual"].includes(deepEqualityName)) return `${toBeMessage} If it should pass with deep equality, replace "toBe" with "${deepEqualityName}" Expected: ${expected} Received: serializes to the same string `; return toBeMessage; } function pluralize(word, count) { return `${count} ${word}${count === 1 ? "" : "s"}`; } class AsymmetricMatcher { constructor(sample, inverse = false) { this.sample = sample; this.inverse = inverse; } // should have "jest" to be compatible with its ecosystem $$typeof = Symbol.for("jest.asymmetricMatcher"); getMatcherContext(expect) { return { ...getState(expect || globalThis[GLOBAL_EXPECT]), equals, isNot: this.inverse, customTesters: getCustomEqualityTesters(), utils: { ...getMatcherUtils(), diff, stringify, iterableEquality, subsetEquality } }; } // implement custom chai/loupe inspect for better AssertionError.message formatting // [Symbol.for("chai/inspect")](options) { const result = stringify(this, options.depth, { min: true }); if (result.length <= options.truncate) return result; return `${this.toString()}{\u2026}`; } } class StringContaining extends AsymmetricMatcher { constructor(sample, inverse = false) { if (!isA("String", sample)) throw new Error("Expected is not a string"); super(sample, inverse); } asymmetricMatch(other) { const result = isA("String", other) && other.includes(this.sample); return this.inverse ? !result : result; } toString() { return `String${this.inverse ? "Not" : ""}Containing`; } getExpectedType() { return "string"; } } class Anything extends AsymmetricMatcher { asymmetricMatch(other) { return other != null; } toString() { return "Anything"; } toAsymmetricMatcher() { return "Anything"; } } class ObjectContaining extends AsymmetricMatcher { constructor(sample, inverse = false) { super(sample, inverse); } getPrototype(obj) { if (Object.getPrototypeOf) return Object.getPrototypeOf(obj); if (obj.constructor.prototype === obj) return null; return obj.constructor.prototype; } hasProperty(obj, property) { if (!obj) return false; if (, property)) return true; return this.hasProperty(this.getPrototype(obj), property); } asymmetricMatch(other) { if (typeof this.sample !== "object") { throw new TypeError( `You must provide an object to ${this.toString()}, not '${typeof this.sample}'.` ); } let result = true; const matcherContext = this.getMatcherContext(); for (const property in this.sample) { if (!this.hasProperty(other, property) || !equals(this.sample[property], other[property], matcherContext.customTesters)) { result = false; break; } } return this.inverse ? !result : result; } toString() { return `Object${this.inverse ? "Not" : ""}Containing`; } getExpectedType() { return "object"; } } class ArrayContaining extends AsymmetricMatcher { constructor(sample, inverse = false) { super(sample, inverse); } asymmetricMatch(other) { if (!Array.isArray(this.sample)) { throw new TypeError( `You must provide an array to ${this.toString()}, not '${typeof this.sample}'.` ); } const matcherContext = this.getMatcherContext(); const result = this.sample.length === 0 || Array.isArray(other) && this.sample.every( (item) => other.some((another) => equals(item, another, matcherContext.customTesters)) ); return this.inverse ? !result : result; } toString() { return `Array${this.inverse ? "Not" : ""}Containing`; } getExpectedType() { return "array"; } } class Any extends AsymmetricMatcher { constructor(sample) { if (typeof sample === "undefined") { throw new TypeError( "any() expects to be passed a constructor function. Please pass one or use anything() to match any object." ); } super(sample); } fnNameFor(func) { if ( return; const functionToString = Function.prototype.toString; const matches =^(?:async)?\s*function\s*\*?\s*([\w$]+)\s*\(/); return matches ? matches[1] : ""; } asymmetricMatch(other) { if (this.sample === String) return typeof other == "string" || other instanceof String; if (this.sample === Number) return typeof other == "number" || other instanceof Number; if (this.sample === Function) return typeof other == "function" || other instanceof Function; if (this.sample === Boolean) return typeof other == "boolean" || other instanceof Boolean; if (this.sample === BigInt) return typeof other == "bigint" || other instanceof BigInt; if (this.sample === Symbol) return typeof other == "symbol" || other instanceof Symbol; if (this.sample === Object) return typeof other == "object"; return other instanceof this.sample; } toString() { return "Any"; } getExpectedType() { if (this.sample === String) return "string"; if (this.sample === Number) return "number"; if (this.sample === Function) return "function"; if (this.sample === Object) return "object"; if (this.sample === Boolean) return "boolean"; return this.fnNameFor(this.sample); } toAsymmetricMatcher() { return `Any<${this.fnNameFor(this.sample)}>`; } } class StringMatching extends AsymmetricMatcher { constructor(sample, inverse = false) { if (!isA("String", sample) && !isA("RegExp", sample)) throw new Error("Expected is not a String or a RegExp"); super(new RegExp(sample), inverse); } asymmetricMatch(other) { const result = isA("String", other) && this.sample.test(other); return this.inverse ? !result : result; } toString() { return `String${this.inverse ? "Not" : ""}Matching`; } getExpectedType() { return "string"; } } class CloseTo extends AsymmetricMatcher { precision; constructor(sample, precision = 2, inverse = false) { if (!isA("Number", sample)) throw new Error("Expected is not a Number"); if (!isA("Number", precision)) throw new Error("Precision is not a Number"); super(sample); this.inverse = inverse; this.precision = precision; } asymmetricMatch(other) { if (!isA("Number", other)) return false; let result = false; if (other === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY && this.sample === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { result = true; } else if (other === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY && this.sample === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { result = true; } else { result = Math.abs(this.sample - other) < 10 ** -this.precision / 2; } return this.inverse ? !result : result; } toString() { return `Number${this.inverse ? "Not" : ""}CloseTo`; } getExpectedType() { return "number"; } toAsymmetricMatcher() { return [ this.toString(), this.sample, `(${pluralize("digit", this.precision)})` ].join(" "); } } const JestAsymmetricMatchers = (chai, utils) => { utils.addMethod( chai.expect, "anything", () => new Anything() ); utils.addMethod( chai.expect, "any", (expected) => new Any(expected) ); utils.addMethod( chai.expect, "stringContaining", (expected) => new StringContaining(expected) ); utils.addMethod( chai.expect, "objectContaining", (expected) => new ObjectContaining(expected) ); utils.addMethod( chai.expect, "arrayContaining", (expected) => new ArrayContaining(expected) ); utils.addMethod( chai.expect, "stringMatching", (expected) => new StringMatching(expected) ); utils.addMethod( chai.expect, "closeTo", (expected, precision) => new CloseTo(expected, precision) ); chai.expect.not = { stringContaining: (expected) => new StringContaining(expected, true), objectContaining: (expected) => new ObjectContaining(expected, true), arrayContaining: (expected) => new ArrayContaining(expected, true), stringMatching: (expected) => new StringMatching(expected, true), closeTo: (expected, precision) => new CloseTo(expected, precision, true) }; }; function recordAsyncExpect(test, promise) { if (test && promise instanceof Promise) { promise = promise.finally(() => { const index = test.promises.indexOf(promise); if (index !== -1) test.promises.splice(index, 1); }); if (!test.promises) test.promises = []; test.promises.push(promise); } return promise; } function wrapSoft(utils, fn) { return function(...args) { var _a; const test = utils.flag(this, "vitest-test"); const state = (test == null ? void 0 : test.context._local) ? test.context.expect.getState() : getState(globalThis[GLOBAL_EXPECT]); if (!state.soft) return fn.apply(this, args); if (!test) throw new Error("expect.soft() can only be used inside a test"); try { return fn.apply(this, args); } catch (err) { test.result || (test.result = { state: "fail" }); test.result.state = "fail"; (_a = test.result).errors || (_a.errors = []); test.result.errors.push(processError(err)); } }; } const JestChaiExpect = (chai, utils) => { const { AssertionError } = chai; const c = () => getColors(); const customTesters = getCustomEqualityTesters(); function def(name, fn) { const addMethod = (n) => { const softWrapper = wrapSoft(utils, fn); utils.addMethod(chai.Assertion.prototype, n, softWrapper); utils.addMethod(globalThis[JEST_MATCHERS_OBJECT].matchers, n, softWrapper); }; if (Array.isArray(name)) name.forEach((n) => addMethod(n)); else addMethod(name); } ["throw", "throws", "Throw"].forEach((m) => { utils.overwriteMethod(chai.Assertion.prototype, m, (_super) => { return function(...args) { const promise = utils.flag(this, "promise"); const object = utils.flag(this, "object"); const isNot = utils.flag(this, "negate"); if (promise === "rejects") { utils.flag(this, "object", () => { throw object; }); } else if (promise === "resolves" && typeof object !== "function") { if (!isNot) { const message = utils.flag(this, "message") || "expected promise to throw an error, but it didn't"; const error = { showDiff: false }; throw new AssertionError(message, error, utils.flag(this, "ssfi")); } else { return; } } _super.apply(this, args); }; }); }); def("withTest", function(test) { utils.flag(this, "vitest-test", test); return this; }); def("toEqual", function(expected) { const actual = utils.flag(this, "object"); const equal = equals( actual, expected, [...customTesters, iterableEquality] ); return this.assert( equal, "expected #{this} to deeply equal #{exp}", "expected #{this} to not deeply equal #{exp}", expected, actual ); }); def("toStrictEqual", function(expected) { const obj = utils.flag(this, "object"); const equal = equals( obj, expected, [ ...customTesters, iterableEquality, typeEquality, sparseArrayEquality, arrayBufferEquality ], true ); return this.assert( equal, "expected #{this} to strictly equal #{exp}", "expected #{this} to not strictly equal #{exp}", expected, obj ); }); def("toBe", function(expected) { const actual = this._obj; const pass =, expected); let deepEqualityName = ""; if (!pass) { const toStrictEqualPass = equals( actual, expected, [ ...customTesters, iterableEquality, typeEquality, sparseArrayEquality, arrayBufferEquality ], true ); if (toStrictEqualPass) { deepEqualityName = "toStrictEqual"; } else { const toEqualPass = equals( actual, expected, [...customTesters, iterableEquality] ); if (toEqualPass) deepEqualityName = "toEqual"; } } return this.assert( pass, generateToBeMessage(deepEqualityName), "expected #{this} not to be #{exp} // equality", expected, actual ); }); def("toMatchObject", function(expected) { const actual = this._obj; return this.assert( equals(actual, expected, [...customTesters, iterableEquality, subsetEquality]), "expected #{this} to match object #{exp}", "expected #{this} to not match object #{exp}", expected, actual ); }); def("toMatch", function(expected) { if (typeof expected === "string") return this.include(expected); else return this.match(expected); }); def("toContain", function(item) { const actual = this._obj; if (typeof Node !== "undefined" && actual instanceof Node) { if (!(item instanceof Node)) throw new TypeError(`toContain() expected a DOM node as the argument, but got ${typeof item}`); return this.assert( actual.contains(item), "expected #{this} to contain element #{exp}", "expected #{this} not to contain element #{exp}", item, actual ); } if (typeof DOMTokenList !== "undefined" && actual instanceof DOMTokenList) { assertTypes(item, "class name", ["string"]); const isNot = utils.flag(this, "negate"); const expectedClassList = isNot ? actual.value.replace(item, "").trim() : `${actual.value} ${item}`; return this.assert( actual.contains(item), `expected "${actual.value}" to contain "${item}"`, `expected "${actual.value}" not to contain "${item}"`, expectedClassList, actual.value ); } if (actual != null && typeof actual !== "string") utils.flag(this, "object", Array.from(actual)); return this.contain(item); }); def("toContainEqual", function(expected) { const obj = utils.flag(this, "object"); const index = Array.from(obj).findIndex((item) => { return equals(item, expected, customTesters); }); this.assert( index !== -1, "expected #{this} to deep equally contain #{exp}", "expected #{this} to not deep equally contain #{exp}", expected ); }); def("toBeTruthy", function() { const obj = utils.flag(this, "object"); this.assert( Boolean(obj), "expected #{this} to be truthy", "expected #{this} to not be truthy", obj, false ); }); def("toBeFalsy", function() { const obj = utils.flag(this, "object"); this.assert( !obj, "expected #{this} to be falsy", "expected #{this} to not be falsy", obj, false ); }); def("toBeGreaterThan", function(expected) { const actual = this._obj; assertTypes(actual, "actual", ["number", "bigint"]); assertTypes(expected, "expected", ["number", "bigint"]); return this.assert( actual > expected, `expected ${actual} to be greater than ${expected}`, `expected ${actual} to be not greater than ${expected}`, actual, expected, false ); }); def("toBeGreaterThanOrEqual", function(expected) { const actual = this._obj; assertTypes(actual, "actual", ["number", "bigint"]); assertTypes(expected, "expected", ["number", "bigint"]); return this.assert( actual >= expected, `expected ${actual} to be greater than or equal to ${expected}`, `expected ${actual} to be not greater than or equal to ${expected}`, actual, expected, false ); }); def("toBeLessThan", function(expected) { const actual = this._obj; assertTypes(actual, "actual", ["number", "bigint"]); assertTypes(expected, "expected", ["number", "bigint"]); return this.assert( actual < expected, `expected ${actual} to be less than ${expected}`, `expected ${actual} to be not less than ${expected}`, actual, expected, false ); }); def("toBeLessThanOrEqual", function(expected) { const actual = this._obj; assertTypes(actual, "actual", ["number", "bigint"]); assertTypes(expected, "expected", ["number", "bigint"]); return this.assert( actual <= expected, `expected ${actual} to be less than or equal to ${expected}`, `expected ${actual} to be not less than or equal to ${expected}`, actual, expected, false ); }); def("toBeNaN", function() { return; }); def("toBeUndefined", function() { return; }); def("toBeNull", function() { return; }); def("toBeDefined", function() { const negate = utils.flag(this, "negate"); utils.flag(this, "negate", false); if (negate) return; return; }); def("toBeTypeOf", function(expected) { const actual = typeof this._obj; const equal = expected === actual; return this.assert( equal, "expected #{this} to be type of #{exp}", "expected #{this} not to be type of #{exp}", expected, actual ); }); def("toBeInstanceOf", function(obj) { return this.instanceOf(obj); }); def("toHaveLength", function(length) { return this.have.length(length); }); def("toHaveProperty", function(...args) { if (Array.isArray(args[0])) args[0] = args[0].map((key) => String(key).replace(/([.[\]])/g, "\\$1")).join("."); const actual = this._obj; const [propertyName, expected] = args; const getValue = () => { const hasOwn =, propertyName); if (hasOwn) return { value: actual[propertyName], exists: true }; return utils.getPathInfo(actual, propertyName); }; const { value, exists } = getValue(); const pass = exists && (args.length === 1 || equals(expected, value, customTesters)); const valueString = args.length === 1 ? "" : ` with value ${utils.objDisplay(expected)}`; return this.assert( pass, `expected #{this} to have property "${propertyName}"${valueString}`, `expected #{this} to not have property "${propertyName}"${valueString}`, expected, exists ? value : void 0 ); }); def("toBeCloseTo", function(received, precision = 2) { const expected = this._obj; let pass = false; let expectedDiff = 0; let receivedDiff = 0; if (received === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY && expected === Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY) { pass = true; } else if (received === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY && expected === Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) { pass = true; } else { expectedDiff = 10 ** -precision / 2; receivedDiff = Math.abs(expected - received); pass = receivedDiff < expectedDiff; } return this.assert( pass, `expected #{this} to be close to #{exp}, received difference is ${receivedDiff}, but expected ${expectedDiff}`, `expected #{this} to not be close to #{exp}, received difference is ${receivedDiff}, but expected ${expectedDiff}`, received, expected, false ); }); const assertIsMock = (assertion) => { if (!isMockFunction(assertion._obj)) throw new TypeError(`${utils.inspect(assertion._obj)} is not a spy or a call to a spy!`); }; const getSpy = (assertion) => { assertIsMock(assertion); return assertion._obj; }; const ordinalOf = (i) => { const j = i % 10; const k = i % 100; if (j === 1 && k !== 11) return `${i}st`; if (j === 2 && k !== 12) return `${i}nd`; if (j === 3 && k !== 13) return `${i}rd`; return `${i}th`; }; const formatCalls = (spy, msg, actualCall) => { if (spy.mock.calls) { msg += c().gray(` Received: ${, i) => { let methodCall = c().bold(` ${ordinalOf(i + 1)} ${spy.getMockName()} call: `); if (actualCall) methodCall += diff(actualCall, callArg, { omitAnnotationLines: true }); else methodCall += stringify(callArg).split("\n").map((line) => ` ${line}`).join("\n"); methodCall += "\n"; return methodCall; }).join("\n")}`); } msg += c().gray(` Number of calls: ${c().bold(spy.mock.calls.length)} `); return msg; }; const formatReturns = (spy, msg, actualReturn) => { msg += c().gray(` Received: ${, i) => { let methodCall = c().bold(` ${ordinalOf(i + 1)} ${spy.getMockName()} call return: `); if (actualReturn) methodCall += diff(actualReturn, callReturn.value, { omitAnnotationLines: true }); else methodCall += stringify(callReturn).split("\n").map((line) => ` ${line}`).join("\n"); methodCall += "\n"; return methodCall; }).join("\n")}`); msg += c().gray(` Number of calls: ${c().bold(spy.mock.calls.length)} `); return msg; }; def(["toHaveBeenCalledTimes", "toBeCalledTimes"], function(number) { const spy = getSpy(this); const spyName = spy.getMockName(); const callCount = spy.mock.calls.length; return this.assert( callCount === number, `expected "${spyName}" to be called #{exp} times, but got ${callCount} times`, `expected "${spyName}" to not be called #{exp} times`, number, callCount, false ); }); def("toHaveBeenCalledOnce", function() { const spy = getSpy(this); const spyName = spy.getMockName(); const callCount = spy.mock.calls.length; return this.assert( callCount === 1, `expected "${spyName}" to be called once, but got ${callCount} times`, `expected "${spyName}" to not be called once`, 1, callCount, false ); }); def(["toHaveBeenCalled", "toBeCalled"], function() { const spy = getSpy(this); const spyName = spy.getMockName(); const callCount = spy.mock.calls.length; const called = callCount > 0; const isNot = utils.flag(this, "negate"); let msg = utils.getMessage( this, [ called, `expected "${spyName}" to be called at least once`, `expected "${spyName}" to not be called at all, but actually been called ${callCount} times`, true, called ] ); if (called && isNot) msg = formatCalls(spy, msg); if (called && isNot || !called && !isNot) throw new AssertionError(msg); }); def(["toHaveBeenCalledWith", "toBeCalledWith"], function(...args) { const spy = getSpy(this); const spyName = spy.getMockName(); const pass = spy.mock.calls.some((callArg) => equals(callArg, args, [...customTesters, iterableEquality])); const isNot = utils.flag(this, "negate"); const msg = utils.getMessage( this, [ pass, `expected "${spyName}" to be called with arguments: #{exp}`, `expected "${spyName}" to not be called with arguments: #{exp}`, args ] ); if (pass && isNot || !pass && !isNot) throw new AssertionError(formatCalls(spy, msg, args)); }); def(["toHaveBeenNthCalledWith", "nthCalledWith"], function(times, ...args) { const spy = getSpy(this); const spyName = spy.getMockName(); const nthCall = spy.mock.calls[times - 1]; this.assert( equals(nthCall, args, [...customTesters, iterableEquality]), `expected ${ordinalOf(times)} "${spyName}" call to have been called with #{exp}`, `expected ${ordinalOf(times)} "${spyName}" call to not have been called with #{exp}`, args, nthCall ); }); def(["toHaveBeenLastCalledWith", "lastCalledWith"], function(...args) { const spy = getSpy(this); const spyName = spy.getMockName(); const lastCall = spy.mock.calls[spy.mock.calls.length - 1]; this.assert( equals(lastCall, args, [...customTesters, iterableEquality]), `expected last "${spyName}" call to have been called with #{exp}`, `expected last "${spyName}" call to not have been called with #{exp}`, args, lastCall ); }); def(["toThrow", "toThrowError"], function(expected) { if (typeof expected === "string" || typeof expected === "undefined" || expected instanceof RegExp) return this.throws(expected); const obj = this._obj; const promise = utils.flag(this, "promise"); const isNot = utils.flag(this, "negate"); let thrown = null; if (promise === "rejects") { thrown = obj; } else if (promise === "resolves" && typeof obj !== "function") { if (!isNot) { const message = utils.flag(this, "message") || "expected promise to throw an error, but it didn't"; const error = { showDiff: false }; throw new AssertionError(message, error, utils.flag(this, "ssfi")); } else { return; } } else { let isThrow = false; try { obj(); } catch (err) { isThrow = true; thrown = err; } if (!isThrow && !isNot) { const message = utils.flag(this, "message") || "expected function to throw an error, but it didn't"; const error = { showDiff: false }; throw new AssertionError(message, error, utils.flag(this, "ssfi")); } } if (typeof expected === "function") { const name = ||; return this.assert( thrown && thrown instanceof expected, `expected error to be instance of ${name}`, `expected error not to be instance of ${name}`, expected, thrown ); } if (expected instanceof Error) { return this.assert( thrown && expected.message === thrown.message, `expected error to have message: ${expected.message}`, `expected error not to have message: ${expected.message}`, expected.message, thrown && thrown.message ); } if (typeof expected === "object" && "asymmetricMatch" in expected && typeof expected.asymmetricMatch === "function") { const matcher = expected; return this.assert( thrown && matcher.asymmetricMatch(thrown), "expected error to match asymmetric matcher", "expected error not to match asymmetric matcher", matcher, thrown ); } throw new Error(`"toThrow" expects string, RegExp, function, Error instance or asymmetric matcher, got "${typeof expected}"`); }); def(["toHaveReturned", "toReturn"], function() { const spy = getSpy(this); const spyName = spy.getMockName(); const calledAndNotThrew = spy.mock.calls.length > 0 && spy.mock.results.some(({ type }) => type !== "throw"); this.assert( calledAndNotThrew, `expected "${spyName}" to be successfully called at least once`, `expected "${spyName}" to not be successfully called`, calledAndNotThrew, !calledAndNotThrew, false ); }); def(["toHaveReturnedTimes", "toReturnTimes"], function(times) { const spy = getSpy(this); const spyName = spy.getMockName(); const successfulReturns = spy.mock.results.reduce((success, { type }) => type === "throw" ? success : ++success, 0); this.assert( successfulReturns === times, `expected "${spyName}" to be successfully called ${times} times`, `expected "${spyName}" to not be successfully called ${times} times`, `expected number of returns: ${times}`, `received number of returns: ${successfulReturns}`, false ); }); def(["toHaveReturnedWith", "toReturnWith"], function(value) { const spy = getSpy(this); const spyName = spy.getMockName(); const pass = spy.mock.results.some(({ type, value: result }) => type === "return" && equals(value, result)); const isNot = utils.flag(this, "negate"); const msg = utils.getMessage( this, [ pass, `expected "${spyName}" to return with: #{exp} at least once`, `expected "${spyName}" to not return with: #{exp}`, value ] ); if (pass && isNot || !pass && !isNot) throw new AssertionError(formatReturns(spy, msg, value)); }); def(["toHaveLastReturnedWith", "lastReturnedWith"], function(value) { const spy = getSpy(this); const spyName = spy.getMockName(); const { value: lastResult } = spy.mock.results[spy.mock.results.length - 1]; const pass = equals(lastResult, value); this.assert( pass, `expected last "${spyName}" call to return #{exp}`, `expected last "${spyName}" call to not return #{exp}`, value, lastResult ); }); def(["toHaveNthReturnedWith", "nthReturnedWith"], function(nthCall, value) { const spy = getSpy(this); const spyName = spy.getMockName(); const isNot = utils.flag(this, "negate"); const { type: callType, value: callResult } = spy.mock.results[nthCall - 1]; const ordinalCall = `${ordinalOf(nthCall)} call`; if (!isNot && callType === "throw")`expected ${ordinalCall} to return #{exp}, but instead it threw an error`); const nthCallReturn = equals(callResult, value); this.assert( nthCallReturn, `expected ${ordinalCall} "${spyName}" call to return #{exp}`, `expected ${ordinalCall} "${spyName}" call to not return #{exp}`, value, callResult ); }); def("toSatisfy", function(matcher, message) { return, message); }); utils.addProperty(chai.Assertion.prototype, "resolves", function __VITEST_RESOLVES__() { const error = new Error("resolves"); utils.flag(this, "promise", "resolves"); utils.flag(this, "error", error); const test = utils.flag(this, "vitest-test"); const obj = utils.flag(this, "object"); if (typeof (obj == null ? void 0 : obj.then) !== "function") throw new TypeError(`You must provide a Promise to expect() when using .resolves, not '${typeof obj}'.`); const proxy = new Proxy(this, { get: (target, key, receiver) => { const result = Reflect.get(target, key, receiver); if (typeof result !== "function") return result instanceof chai.Assertion ? proxy : result; return async (...args) => { const promise = obj.then( (value) => { utils.flag(this, "object", value); return, ...args); }, (err) => { const _error = new AssertionError( `promise rejected "${utils.inspect(err)}" instead of resolving`, { showDiff: false } ); _error.cause = err; _error.stack = error.stack.replace(error.message, _error.message); throw _error; } ); return recordAsyncExpect(test, promise); }; } }); return proxy; }); utils.addProperty(chai.Assertion.prototype, "rejects", function __VITEST_REJECTS__() { const error = new Error("rejects"); utils.flag(this, "promise", "rejects"); utils.flag(this, "error", error); const test = utils.flag(this, "vitest-test"); const obj = utils.flag(this, "object"); const wrapper = typeof obj === "function" ? obj() : obj; if (typeof (wrapper == null ? void 0 : wrapper.then) !== "function") throw new TypeError(`You must provide a Promise to expect() when using .rejects, not '${typeof wrapper}'.`); const proxy = new Proxy(this, { get: (target, key, receiver) => { const result = Reflect.get(target, key, receiver); if (typeof result !== "function") return result instanceof chai.Assertion ? proxy : result; return async (...args) => { const promise = wrapper.then( (value) => { const _error = new AssertionError( `promise resolved "${utils.inspect(value)}" instead of rejecting`, { showDiff: true, expected: new Error("rejected promise"), actual: value } ); _error.stack = error.stack.replace(error.message, _error.message); throw _error; }, (err) => { utils.flag(this, "object", err); return, ...args); } ); return recordAsyncExpect(test, promise); }; } }); return proxy; }); }; function getMatcherState(assertion, expect) { const obj = assertion._obj; const isNot = util.flag(assertion, "negate"); const promise = util.flag(assertion, "promise") || ""; const jestUtils = { ...getMatcherUtils(), diff, stringify, iterableEquality, subsetEquality }; const matcherState = { ...getState(expect), customTesters: getCustomEqualityTesters(), isNot, utils: jestUtils, promise, equals, // needed for built-in jest-snapshots, but we don't use it suppressedErrors: [] }; return { state: matcherState, isNot, obj }; } class JestExtendError extends Error { constructor(message, actual, expected) { super(message); this.actual = actual; this.expected = expected; } } function JestExtendPlugin(expect, matchers) { return (c, utils) => { Object.entries(matchers).forEach(([expectAssertionName, expectAssertion]) => { function expectWrapper(...args) { const { state, isNot, obj } = getMatcherState(this, expect); const result =, obj, ...args); if (result && typeof result === "object" && result instanceof Promise) { return result.then(({ pass: pass2, message: message2, actual: actual2, expected: expected2 }) => { if (pass2 && isNot || !pass2 && !isNot) throw new JestExtendError(message2(), actual2, expected2); }); } const { pass, message, actual, expected } = result; if (pass && isNot || !pass && !isNot) throw new JestExtendError(message(), actual, expected); } const softWrapper = wrapSoft(utils, expectWrapper); utils.addMethod(globalThis[JEST_MATCHERS_OBJECT].matchers, expectAssertionName, softWrapper); utils.addMethod(c.Assertion.prototype, expectAssertionName, softWrapper); class CustomMatcher extends AsymmetricMatcher { constructor(inverse = false, ...sample) { super(sample, inverse); } asymmetricMatch(other) { const { pass } = this.getMatcherContext(expect), other, ...this.sample ); return this.inverse ? !pass : pass; } toString() { return `${this.inverse ? "not." : ""}${expectAssertionName}`; } getExpectedType() { return "any"; } toAsymmetricMatcher() { return `${this.toString()}<${", ")}>`; } } const customMatcher = (...sample) => new CustomMatcher(false, ...sample); Object.defineProperty(expect, expectAssertionName, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value: customMatcher, writable: true }); Object.defineProperty(expect.not, expectAssertionName, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value: (...sample) => new CustomMatcher(true, ...sample), writable: true }); Object.defineProperty(globalThis[ASYMMETRIC_MATCHERS_OBJECT], expectAssertionName, { configurable: true, enumerable: true, value: customMatcher, writable: true }); }); }; } const JestExtend = (chai, utils) => { utils.addMethod(chai.expect, "extend", (expect, expects) => { chai.use(JestExtendPlugin(expect, expects)); }); }; export { ASYMMETRIC_MATCHERS_OBJECT, Any, Anything, ArrayContaining, AsymmetricMatcher, GLOBAL_EXPECT, JEST_MATCHERS_OBJECT, JestAsymmetricMatchers, JestChaiExpect, JestExtend, MATCHERS_OBJECT, ObjectContaining, StringContaining, StringMatching, addCustomEqualityTesters, arrayBufferEquality, equals, fnNameFor, generateToBeMessage, getState, hasAsymmetric, hasProperty, isA, isAsymmetric, isImmutableUnorderedKeyed, isImmutableUnorderedSet, iterableEquality, pluralize, setState, sparseArrayEquality, subsetEquality, typeEquality };