import { KeyObject, publicEncrypt, constants, privateDecrypt } from 'node:crypto'; import { deprecate } from 'node:util'; import checkKeyLength from './check_key_length.js'; import { isCryptoKey } from './webcrypto.js'; import { checkEncCryptoKey } from '../lib/crypto_key.js'; import isKeyObject from './is_key_object.js'; import invalidKeyInput from '../lib/invalid_key_input.js'; import { types } from './is_key_like.js'; const checkKey = (key, alg) => { if (key.asymmetricKeyType !== 'rsa') { throw new TypeError('Invalid key for this operation, its asymmetricKeyType must be rsa'); } checkKeyLength(key, alg); }; const RSA1_5 = deprecate(() => constants.RSA_PKCS1_PADDING, 'The RSA1_5 "alg" (JWE Algorithm) is deprecated and will be removed in the next major revision.'); const resolvePadding = (alg) => { switch (alg) { case 'RSA-OAEP': case 'RSA-OAEP-256': case 'RSA-OAEP-384': case 'RSA-OAEP-512': return constants.RSA_PKCS1_OAEP_PADDING; case 'RSA1_5': return RSA1_5(); default: return undefined; } }; const resolveOaepHash = (alg) => { switch (alg) { case 'RSA-OAEP': return 'sha1'; case 'RSA-OAEP-256': return 'sha256'; case 'RSA-OAEP-384': return 'sha384'; case 'RSA-OAEP-512': return 'sha512'; default: return undefined; } }; function ensureKeyObject(key, alg, ...usages) { if (isKeyObject(key)) { return key; } if (isCryptoKey(key)) { checkEncCryptoKey(key, alg, ...usages); return KeyObject.from(key); } throw new TypeError(invalidKeyInput(key, ...types)); } export const encrypt = (alg, key, cek) => { const padding = resolvePadding(alg); const oaepHash = resolveOaepHash(alg); const keyObject = ensureKeyObject(key, alg, 'wrapKey', 'encrypt'); checkKey(keyObject, alg); return publicEncrypt({ key: keyObject, oaepHash, padding }, cek); }; export const decrypt = (alg, key, encryptedKey) => { const padding = resolvePadding(alg); const oaepHash = resolveOaepHash(alg); const keyObject = ensureKeyObject(key, alg, 'unwrapKey', 'decrypt'); checkKey(keyObject, alg); return privateDecrypt({ key: keyObject, oaepHash, padding }, encryptedKey); };