// @ts-check import chokidar from 'chokidar' import fs from 'fs' import micromatch from 'micromatch' import normalizePath from 'normalize-path' import path from 'path' import { readFileWithRetries } from './utils.js' /** * The core idea of this watcher is: * 1. Whenever a file is added, changed, or renamed we queue a rebuild * 2. Perform as few rebuilds as possible by batching them together * 3. Coalesce events that happen in quick succession to avoid unnecessary rebuilds * 4. Ensure another rebuild happens _if_ changed while a rebuild is in progress */ /** * * @param {*} args * @param {{ state, rebuild(changedFiles: any[]): Promise }} param1 * @returns {{ * fswatcher: import('chokidar').FSWatcher, * refreshWatchedFiles(): void, * }} */ export function createWatcher(args, { state, rebuild }) { let shouldPoll = args['--poll'] let shouldCoalesceWriteEvents = shouldPoll || process.platform === 'win32' // Polling interval in milliseconds // Used only when polling or coalescing add/change events on Windows let pollInterval = 10 let watcher = chokidar.watch([], { // Force checking for atomic writes in all situations // This causes chokidar to wait up to 100ms for a file to re-added after it's been unlinked // This only works when watching directories though atomic: true, usePolling: shouldPoll, interval: shouldPoll ? pollInterval : undefined, ignoreInitial: true, awaitWriteFinish: shouldCoalesceWriteEvents ? { stabilityThreshold: 50, pollInterval: pollInterval, } : false, }) // A queue of rebuilds, file reads, etc… to run let chain = Promise.resolve() /** * A list of files that have been changed since the last rebuild * * @type {{file: string, content: () => Promise, extension: string}[]} */ let changedContent = [] /** * A list of files for which a rebuild has already been queued. * This is used to prevent duplicate rebuilds when multiple events are fired for the same file. * The rebuilt file is cleared from this list when it's associated rebuild has _started_ * This is because if the file is changed during a rebuild it won't trigger a new rebuild which it should **/ let pendingRebuilds = new Set() let _timer let _reject /** * Rebuilds the changed files and resolves when the rebuild is * complete regardless of whether it was successful or not */ async function rebuildAndContinue() { let changes = changedContent.splice(0) // There are no changes to rebuild so we can just do nothing if (changes.length === 0) { return Promise.resolve() } // Clear all pending rebuilds for the about-to-be-built files changes.forEach((change) => pendingRebuilds.delete(change.file)) // Resolve the promise even when the rebuild fails return rebuild(changes).then( () => {}, (e) => { console.error(e.toString()) } ) } /** * * @param {*} file * @param {(() => Promise) | null} content * @param {boolean} skipPendingCheck * @returns {Promise} */ function recordChangedFile(file, content = null, skipPendingCheck = false) { file = path.resolve(file) // Applications like Vim/Neovim fire both rename and change events in succession for atomic writes // In that case rebuild has already been queued by rename, so can be skipped in change if (pendingRebuilds.has(file) && !skipPendingCheck) { return Promise.resolve() } // Mark that a rebuild of this file is going to happen // It MUST happen synchronously before the rebuild is queued for this to be effective pendingRebuilds.add(file) changedContent.push({ file, content: content ?? (() => fs.promises.readFile(file, 'utf8')), extension: path.extname(file).slice(1), }) if (_timer) { clearTimeout(_timer) _reject() } // If a rebuild is already in progress we don't want to start another one until the 10ms timer has expired chain = chain.then( () => new Promise((resolve, reject) => { _timer = setTimeout(resolve, 10) _reject = reject }) ) // Resolves once this file has been rebuilt (or the rebuild for this file has failed) // This queues as many rebuilds as there are changed files // But those rebuilds happen after some delay // And will immediately resolve if there are no changes chain = chain.then(rebuildAndContinue, rebuildAndContinue) return chain } watcher.on('change', (file) => recordChangedFile(file)) watcher.on('add', (file) => recordChangedFile(file)) // Restore watching any files that are "removed" // This can happen when a file is pseudo-atomically replaced (a copy is created, overwritten, the old one is unlinked, and the new one is renamed) // TODO: An an optimization we should allow removal when the config changes watcher.on('unlink', (file) => { file = normalizePath(file) // Only re-add the file if it's not covered by a dynamic pattern if (!micromatch.some([file], state.contentPatterns.dynamic)) { watcher.add(file) } }) // Some applications such as Visual Studio (but not VS Code) // will only fire a rename event for atomic writes and not a change event // This is very likely a chokidar bug but it's one we need to work around // We treat this as a change event and rebuild the CSS watcher.on('raw', (evt, filePath, meta) => { if (evt !== 'rename' || filePath === null) { return } let watchedPath = meta.watchedPath // Watched path might be the file itself // Or the directory it is in filePath = watchedPath.endsWith(filePath) ? watchedPath : path.join(watchedPath, filePath) // Skip this event since the files it is for does not match any of the registered content globs if (!micromatch.some([filePath], state.contentPatterns.all)) { return } // Skip since we've already queued a rebuild for this file that hasn't happened yet if (pendingRebuilds.has(filePath)) { return } // We'll go ahead and add the file to the pending rebuilds list here // It'll be removed when the rebuild starts unless the read fails // which will be taken care of as well pendingRebuilds.add(filePath) async function enqueue() { try { // We need to read the file as early as possible outside of the chain // because it may be gone by the time we get to it. doing the read // immediately increases the chance that the file is still there let content = await readFileWithRetries(path.resolve(filePath)) if (content === undefined) { return } // This will push the rebuild onto the chain // We MUST skip the rebuild check here otherwise the rebuild will never happen on Linux // This is because the order of events and timing is different on Linux // @ts-ignore: TypeScript isn't picking up that content is a string here await recordChangedFile(filePath, () => content, true) } catch { // If reading the file fails, it's was probably a deleted temporary file // So we can ignore it and no rebuild is needed } } enqueue().then(() => { // If the file read fails we still need to make sure the file isn't stuck in the pending rebuilds list pendingRebuilds.delete(filePath) }) }) return { fswatcher: watcher, refreshWatchedFiles() { watcher.add(Array.from(state.contextDependencies)) watcher.add(Array.from(state.configBag.dependencies)) watcher.add(state.contentPatterns.all) }, } }