"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); const http = require("node:http"); const https = require("node:https"); const node_events_1 = require("node:events"); const errors_js_1 = require("../util/errors.js"); const buffer_utils_js_1 = require("../lib/buffer_utils.js"); const fetchJwks = async (url, timeout, options) => { let get; switch (url.protocol) { case 'https:': get = https.get; break; case 'http:': get = http.get; break; default: throw new TypeError('Unsupported URL protocol.'); } const { agent, headers } = options; const req = get(url.href, { agent, timeout, headers, }); const [response] = (await Promise.race([(0, node_events_1.once)(req, 'response'), (0, node_events_1.once)(req, 'timeout')])); if (!response) { req.destroy(); throw new errors_js_1.JWKSTimeout(); } if (response.statusCode !== 200) { throw new errors_js_1.JOSEError('Expected 200 OK from the JSON Web Key Set HTTP response'); } const parts = []; for await (const part of response) { parts.push(part); } try { return JSON.parse(buffer_utils_js_1.decoder.decode((0, buffer_utils_js_1.concat)(...parts))); } catch { throw new errors_js_1.JOSEError('Failed to parse the JSON Web Key Set HTTP response as JSON'); } }; exports.default = fetchJwks;