'use strict'; const stripAnsi = require('strip-ansi'); const Prompt = require('../prompt'); const roles = require('../roles'); const utils = require('../utils'); const { reorder, scrollUp, scrollDown, isObject, swap } = utils; class ArrayPrompt extends Prompt { constructor(options) { super(options); this.cursorHide(); this.maxSelected = options.maxSelected || Infinity; this.multiple = options.multiple || false; this.initial = options.initial || 0; this.delay = options.delay || 0; this.longest = 0; this.num = ''; } async initialize() { if (typeof this.options.initial === 'function') { this.initial = await this.options.initial.call(this); } await this.reset(true); await super.initialize(); } async reset() { let { choices, initial, autofocus, suggest } = this.options; this.state._choices = []; this.state.choices = []; this.choices = await Promise.all(await this.toChoices(choices)); this.choices.forEach(ch => (ch.enabled = false)); if (typeof suggest !== 'function' && this.selectable.length === 0) { throw new Error('At least one choice must be selectable'); } if (isObject(initial)) initial = Object.keys(initial); if (Array.isArray(initial)) { if (autofocus != null) this.index = this.findIndex(autofocus); initial.forEach(v => this.enable(this.find(v))); await this.render(); } else { if (autofocus != null) initial = autofocus; if (typeof initial === 'string') initial = this.findIndex(initial); if (typeof initial === 'number' && initial > -1) { this.index = Math.max(0, Math.min(initial, this.choices.length)); this.enable(this.find(this.index)); } } if (this.isDisabled(this.focused)) { await this.down(); } } async toChoices(value, parent) { this.state.loadingChoices = true; let choices = []; let index = 0; let toChoices = async(items, parent) => { if (typeof items === 'function') items = await items.call(this); if (items instanceof Promise) items = await items; for (let i = 0; i < items.length; i++) { let choice = items[i] = await this.toChoice(items[i], index++, parent); choices.push(choice); if (choice.choices) { await toChoices(choice.choices, choice); } } return choices; }; return toChoices(value, parent) .then(choices => { this.state.loadingChoices = false; return choices; }); } async toChoice(ele, i, parent) { if (typeof ele === 'function') ele = await ele.call(this, this); if (ele instanceof Promise) ele = await ele; if (typeof ele === 'string') ele = { name: ele }; if (ele.normalized) return ele; ele.normalized = true; let origVal = ele.value; let role = roles(ele.role, this.options); ele = role(this, ele); if (typeof ele.disabled === 'string' && !ele.hint) { ele.hint = ele.disabled; ele.disabled = true; } if (ele.disabled === true && ele.hint == null) { ele.hint = '(disabled)'; } // if the choice was already normalized, return it if (ele.index != null) return ele; ele.name = ele.name || ele.key || ele.title || ele.value || ele.message; ele.message = ele.message || ele.name || ''; ele.value = [ele.value, ele.name].find(this.isValue.bind(this)); ele.input = ''; ele.index = i; ele.cursor = 0; utils.define(ele, 'parent', parent); ele.level = parent ? parent.level + 1 : 1; if (ele.indent == null) { ele.indent = parent ? parent.indent + ' ' : (ele.indent || ''); } ele.path = parent ? parent.path + '.' + ele.name : ele.name; ele.enabled = !!(this.multiple && !this.isDisabled(ele) && (ele.enabled || this.isSelected(ele))); if (!this.isDisabled(ele)) { this.longest = Math.max(this.longest, stripAnsi(ele.message).length); } // shallow clone the choice first let choice = { ...ele }; // then allow the choice to be reset using the "original" values ele.reset = (input = choice.input, value = choice.value) => { for (let key of Object.keys(choice)) ele[key] = choice[key]; ele.input = input; ele.value = value; }; if (origVal == null && typeof ele.initial === 'function') { ele.input = await ele.initial.call(this, this.state, ele, i); } return ele; } async onChoice(choice, i) { this.emit('choice', choice, i, this); if (typeof choice.onChoice === 'function') { await choice.onChoice.call(this, this.state, choice, i); } } async addChoice(ele, i, parent) { let choice = await this.toChoice(ele, i, parent); this.choices.push(choice); this.index = this.choices.length - 1; this.limit = this.choices.length; return choice; } async newItem(item, i, parent) { let ele = { name: 'New choice name?', editable: true, newChoice: true, ...item }; let choice = await this.addChoice(ele, i, parent); choice.updateChoice = () => { delete choice.newChoice; choice.name = choice.message = choice.input; choice.input = ''; choice.cursor = 0; }; return this.render(); } indent(choice) { if (choice.indent == null) { return choice.level > 1 ? ' '.repeat(choice.level - 1) : ''; } return choice.indent; } dispatch(s, key) { if (this.multiple && this[key.name]) return this[key.name](); this.alert(); } focus(choice, enabled) { if (typeof enabled !== 'boolean') enabled = choice.enabled; if (enabled && !choice.enabled && this.selected.length >= this.maxSelected) { return this.alert(); } this.index = choice.index; choice.enabled = enabled && !this.isDisabled(choice); return choice; } space() { if (!this.multiple) return this.alert(); if (!this.focused) return; this.toggle(this.focused); return this.render(); } a() { if (this.maxSelected < this.choices.length) return this.alert(); let enabled = this.selectable.every(ch => ch.enabled); this.choices.forEach(ch => (ch.enabled = !enabled)); return this.render(); } i() { // don't allow choices to be inverted if it will result in // more than the maximum number of allowed selected items. if (this.choices.length - this.selected.length > this.maxSelected) { return this.alert(); } this.choices.forEach(ch => (ch.enabled = !ch.enabled)); return this.render(); } g() { if (!this.choices.some(ch => !!ch.parent)) return this.a(); const focused = this.focused; this.toggle((focused.parent && !focused.choices) ? focused.parent : focused); return this.render(); } toggle(choice, enabled) { if (!choice.enabled && this.selected.length >= this.maxSelected) { return this.alert(); } if (typeof enabled !== 'boolean') enabled = !choice.enabled; choice.enabled = enabled; if (choice.choices) { choice.choices.forEach(ch => this.toggle(ch, enabled)); } let parent = choice.parent; while (parent) { let choices = parent.choices.filter(ch => this.isDisabled(ch)); parent.enabled = choices.every(ch => ch.enabled === true); parent = parent.parent; } reset(this, this.choices); this.emit('toggle', choice, this); return choice; } enable(choice) { if (this.selected.length >= this.maxSelected) return this.alert(); choice.enabled = !this.isDisabled(choice); choice.choices && choice.choices.forEach(this.enable.bind(this)); return choice; } disable(choice) { choice.enabled = false; choice.choices && choice.choices.forEach(this.disable.bind(this)); return choice; } number(n) { this.num += n; let number = num => { let i = Number(num); if (i > this.choices.length - 1) return this.alert(); let focused = this.focused; let choice = this.choices.find(ch => i === ch.index); if (!choice.enabled && this.selected.length >= this.maxSelected) { return this.alert(); } if (this.visible.indexOf(choice) === -1) { let choices = reorder(this.choices); let actualIdx = choices.indexOf(choice); if (focused.index > actualIdx) { let start = choices.slice(actualIdx, actualIdx + this.limit); let end = choices.filter(ch => !start.includes(ch)); this.choices = start.concat(end); } else { let pos = actualIdx - this.limit + 1; this.choices = choices.slice(pos).concat(choices.slice(0, pos)); } } this.index = this.choices.indexOf(choice); this.toggle(this.focused); return this.render(); }; clearTimeout(this.numberTimeout); return new Promise(resolve => { let len = this.choices.length; let num = this.num; let handle = (val = false, res) => { clearTimeout(this.numberTimeout); if (val) res = number(num); this.num = ''; resolve(res); }; if (num === '0' || (num.length === 1 && Number(num + '0') > len)) { return handle(true); } if (Number(num) > len) { return handle(false, this.alert()); } this.numberTimeout = setTimeout(() => handle(true), this.delay); }); } home() { this.choices = reorder(this.choices); this.index = 0; return this.render(); } end() { let pos = this.choices.length - this.limit; let choices = reorder(this.choices); this.choices = choices.slice(pos).concat(choices.slice(0, pos)); this.index = this.limit - 1; return this.render(); } first() { this.index = 0; return this.render(); } last() { this.index = this.visible.length - 1; return this.render(); } prev() { if (this.visible.length <= 1) return this.alert(); return this.up(); } next() { if (this.visible.length <= 1) return this.alert(); return this.down(); } right() { if (this.cursor >= this.input.length) return this.alert(); this.cursor++; return this.render(); } left() { if (this.cursor <= 0) return this.alert(); this.cursor--; return this.render(); } up() { let len = this.choices.length; let vis = this.visible.length; let idx = this.index; if (this.options.scroll === false && idx === 0) { return this.alert(); } if (len > vis && idx === 0) { return this.scrollUp(); } this.index = ((idx - 1 % len) + len) % len; if (this.isDisabled() && !this.allChoicesAreDisabled()) { return this.up(); } return this.render(); } down() { let len = this.choices.length; let vis = this.visible.length; let idx = this.index; if (this.options.scroll === false && idx === vis - 1) { return this.alert(); } if (len > vis && idx === vis - 1) { return this.scrollDown(); } this.index = (idx + 1) % len; if (this.isDisabled() && !this.allChoicesAreDisabled()) { return this.down(); } return this.render(); } scrollUp(i = 0) { this.choices = scrollUp(this.choices); this.index = i; if (this.isDisabled()) { return this.up(); } return this.render(); } scrollDown(i = this.visible.length - 1) { this.choices = scrollDown(this.choices); this.index = i; if (this.isDisabled()) { return this.down(); } return this.render(); } async shiftUp() { if (this.options.sort === true) { this.sorting = true; this.swap(this.index - 1); await this.up(); this.sorting = false; return; } return this.scrollUp(this.index); } async shiftDown() { if (this.options.sort === true) { this.sorting = true; this.swap(this.index + 1); await this.down(); this.sorting = false; return; } return this.scrollDown(this.index); } pageUp() { if (this.visible.length <= 1) return this.alert(); this.limit = Math.max(this.limit - 1, 0); this.index = Math.min(this.limit - 1, this.index); this._limit = this.limit; if (this.isDisabled()) { return this.up(); } return this.render(); } pageDown() { if (this.visible.length >= this.choices.length) return this.alert(); this.index = Math.max(0, this.index); this.limit = Math.min(this.limit + 1, this.choices.length); this._limit = this.limit; if (this.isDisabled()) { return this.down(); } return this.render(); } swap(pos) { swap(this.choices, this.index, pos); } allChoicesAreDisabled(choices = this.choices) { return choices.every(choice => this.isDisabled(choice)); } isDisabled(choice = this.focused) { let keys = ['disabled', 'collapsed', 'hidden', 'completing', 'readonly']; if (choice && keys.some(key => choice[key] === true)) { return true; } return choice && choice.role === 'heading'; } isEnabled(choice = this.focused) { if (Array.isArray(choice)) return choice.every(ch => this.isEnabled(ch)); if (choice.choices) { let choices = choice.choices.filter(ch => !this.isDisabled(ch)); return choice.enabled && choices.every(ch => this.isEnabled(ch)); } return choice.enabled && !this.isDisabled(choice); } isChoice(choice, value) { return choice.name === value || choice.index === Number(value); } isSelected(choice) { if (Array.isArray(this.initial)) { return this.initial.some(value => this.isChoice(choice, value)); } return this.isChoice(choice, this.initial); } map(names = [], prop = 'value') { return [].concat(names || []).reduce((acc, name) => { acc[name] = this.find(name, prop); return acc; }, {}); } filter(value, prop) { let isChoice = (ele, i) => [ele.name, i].includes(value); let fn = typeof value === 'function' ? value : isChoice; let choices = this.options.multiple ? this.state._choices : this.choices; let result = choices.filter(fn); if (prop) { return result.map(ch => ch[prop]); } return result; } find(value, prop) { if (isObject(value)) return prop ? value[prop] : value; let isChoice = (ele, i) => [ele.name, i].includes(value); let fn = typeof value === 'function' ? value : isChoice; let choice = this.choices.find(fn); if (choice) { return prop ? choice[prop] : choice; } } findIndex(value) { return this.choices.indexOf(this.find(value)); } async submit() { let choice = this.focused; if (!choice) return this.alert(); if (choice.newChoice) { if (!choice.input) return this.alert(); choice.updateChoice(); return this.render(); } if (this.choices.some(ch => ch.newChoice)) { return this.alert(); } let { reorder, sort } = this.options; let multi = this.multiple === true; let value = this.selected; if (value === void 0) { return this.alert(); } // re-sort choices to original order if (Array.isArray(value) && reorder !== false && sort !== true) { value = utils.reorder(value); } this.value = multi ? value.map(ch => ch.name) : value.name; return super.submit(); } set choices(choices = []) { this.state._choices = this.state._choices || []; this.state.choices = choices; for (let choice of choices) { if (!this.state._choices.some(ch => ch.name === choice.name)) { this.state._choices.push(choice); } } if (!this._initial && this.options.initial) { this._initial = true; let init = this.initial; if (typeof init === 'string' || typeof init === 'number') { let choice = this.find(init); if (choice) { this.initial = choice.index; this.focus(choice, true); } } } } get choices() { return reset(this, this.state.choices || []); } set visible(visible) { this.state.visible = visible; } get visible() { return (this.state.visible || this.choices).slice(0, this.limit); } set limit(num) { this.state.limit = num; } get limit() { let { state, options, choices } = this; let limit = state.limit || this._limit || options.limit || choices.length; return Math.min(limit, this.height); } set value(value) { super.value = value; } get value() { if (typeof super.value !== 'string' && super.value === this.initial) { return this.input; } return super.value; } set index(i) { this.state.index = i; } get index() { return Math.max(0, this.state ? this.state.index : 0); } get enabled() { return this.filter(this.isEnabled.bind(this)); } get focused() { let choice = this.choices[this.index]; if (choice && this.state.submitted && this.multiple !== true) { choice.enabled = true; } return choice; } get selectable() { return this.choices.filter(choice => !this.isDisabled(choice)); } get selected() { return this.multiple ? this.enabled : this.focused; } } function reset(prompt, choices) { if (choices instanceof Promise) return choices; if (typeof choices === 'function') { if (utils.isAsyncFn(choices)) return choices; choices = choices.call(prompt, prompt); } for (let choice of choices) { if (Array.isArray(choice.choices)) { let items = choice.choices.filter(ch => !prompt.isDisabled(ch)); choice.enabled = items.every(ch => ch.enabled === true); } if (prompt.isDisabled(choice) === true) { delete choice.enabled; } } return choices; } module.exports = ArrayPrompt;