import { bold } from "kleur/colors"; import { REROUTE_DIRECTIVE_HEADER } from "./consts.js"; async function renderEndpoint(mod, context, ssr, logger) { const { request, url } = context; const method = request.method.toUpperCase(); const handler = mod[method] ?? mod["ALL"]; if (!ssr && ssr === false && method !== "GET") { logger.warn( "router", `${url.pathname} ${bold( method )} requests are not available for a static site. Update your config to \`output: 'server'\` or \`output: 'hybrid'\` to enable.` ); } if (handler === void 0) { logger.warn( "router", `No API Route handler exists for the method "${method}" for the route "${url.pathname}". Found handlers: ${Object.keys(mod).map((exp) => JSON.stringify(exp)).join(", ")} ` + ("all" in mod ? `One of the exported handlers is "all" (lowercase), did you mean to export 'ALL'? ` : "") ); return new Response(null, { status: 404 }); } if (typeof handler !== "function") { logger.error( "router", `The route "${url.pathname}" exports a value for the method "${method}", but it is of the type ${typeof handler} instead of a function.` ); return new Response(null, { status: 500 }); } const response = await, context); if (response.status === 404 || response.status === 500) { response.headers.set(REROUTE_DIRECTIVE_HEADER, "no"); } return response; } export { renderEndpoint };