/// import * as stream from "stream"; export = generate; declare function generate(options?: generate.Options, callback?: generate.Callback): generate.Generator; declare function generate(callback?: generate.Callback): generate.Generator; declare namespace generate { type Callback = (err?: Error, records?: any) => void; type MatcherFunc = (value: any) => boolean; class Generator extends stream.Readable { constructor(options?: Options); readonly options: Options; } interface Options { /** * Define the number of generated fields and the generation method. */ columns?: number | string[]; /** * Set the field delimiter. */ delimiter?: string; /** * Period to run in milliseconds. */ duration?: number; /** * If specified, then buffers will be decoded to strings using the specified encoding. */ encoding?: string; /** * When to stop the generation. */ end?: number | Date; /** * One or multiple characters to print at the end of the file; only apply when objectMode is disabled. */ eof?: boolean | string; /** * Generate buffers equals length as defined by the `highWaterMark` option. */ fixed_size?: boolean; fixedSize?: boolean; /** * The maximum number of bytes to store in the internal buffer before ceasing to read from the underlying resource. */ high_water_mark?: number; highWaterMark?: number; /** * Number of lines or records to generate. */ length?: number; /** * Maximum number of characters per word. */ max_word_length?: number; maxWordLength?: number; /** * Whether this stream should behave as a stream of objects. */ object_mode?: boolean objectMode?: boolean; /** * One or multiple characters used to delimit records. */ row_delimiter?: string; /** * Generate idempotent random characters if a number provided. */ seed?: boolean | number; /** * The time to wait between the generation of each records */ sleep?: number; } }