import type { JWTHeaderParameters, KeyLike, SignOptions } from '../types'; import { ProduceJWT } from './produce'; /** * The SignJWT class is used to build and sign Compact JWS formatted JSON Web Tokens. * */ export declare class SignJWT extends ProduceJWT { private _protectedHeader; /** * Sets the JWS Protected Header on the SignJWT object. * * @param protectedHeader JWS Protected Header. Must contain an "alg" (JWS Algorithm) property. */ setProtectedHeader(protectedHeader: JWTHeaderParameters): this; /** * Signs and returns the JWT. * * @param key Private Key or Secret to sign the JWT with. See * {@link Algorithm Key Requirements}. * @param options JWT Sign options. */ sign(key: KeyLike | Uint8Array, options?: SignOptions): Promise; }