"use strict"; Object.defineProperty(exports, "__esModule", { value: true }); function _export(target, all) { for(var name in all)Object.defineProperty(target, name, { enumerable: true, get: all[name] }); } _export(exports, { INTERNAL_FEATURES: function() { return INTERNAL_FEATURES; }, isValidVariantFormatString: function() { return isValidVariantFormatString; }, parseVariant: function() { return parseVariant; }, getFileModifiedMap: function() { return getFileModifiedMap; }, createContext: function() { return createContext; }, getContext: function() { return getContext; } }); const _fs = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("fs")); const _url = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("url")); const _postcss = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("postcss")); const _dlv = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("dlv")); const _postcssselectorparser = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("postcss-selector-parser")); const _transformThemeValue = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("../util/transformThemeValue")); const _parseObjectStyles = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("../util/parseObjectStyles")); const _prefixSelector = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("../util/prefixSelector")); const _isPlainObject = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("../util/isPlainObject")); const _escapeClassName = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("../util/escapeClassName")); const _nameClass = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_wildcard(require("../util/nameClass")); const _pluginUtils = require("../util/pluginUtils"); const _corePlugins = require("../corePlugins"); const _sharedState = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_wildcard(require("./sharedState")); const _toPath = require("../util/toPath"); const _log = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("../util/log")); const _negateValue = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("../util/negateValue")); const _isSyntacticallyValidPropertyValue = /*#__PURE__*/ _interop_require_default(require("../util/isSyntacticallyValidPropertyValue")); const _generateRules = require("./generateRules"); const _cacheInvalidation = require("./cacheInvalidation.js"); const _offsets = require("./offsets.js"); const _featureFlags = require("../featureFlags.js"); const _formatVariantSelector = require("../util/formatVariantSelector"); function _interop_require_default(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { default: obj }; } function _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop) { if (typeof WeakMap !== "function") return null; var cacheBabelInterop = new WeakMap(); var cacheNodeInterop = new WeakMap(); return (_getRequireWildcardCache = function(nodeInterop) { return nodeInterop ? cacheNodeInterop : cacheBabelInterop; })(nodeInterop); } function _interop_require_wildcard(obj, nodeInterop) { if (!nodeInterop && obj && obj.__esModule) { return obj; } if (obj === null || typeof obj !== "object" && typeof obj !== "function") { return { default: obj }; } var cache = _getRequireWildcardCache(nodeInterop); if (cache && cache.has(obj)) { return cache.get(obj); } var newObj = {}; var hasPropertyDescriptor = Object.defineProperty && Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; for(var key in obj){ if (key !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(obj, key)) { var desc = hasPropertyDescriptor ? Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(obj, key) : null; if (desc && (desc.get || desc.set)) { Object.defineProperty(newObj, key, desc); } else { newObj[key] = obj[key]; } } } newObj.default = obj; if (cache) { cache.set(obj, newObj); } return newObj; } const INTERNAL_FEATURES = Symbol(); const VARIANT_TYPES = { AddVariant: Symbol.for("ADD_VARIANT"), MatchVariant: Symbol.for("MATCH_VARIANT") }; const VARIANT_INFO = { Base: 1 << 0, Dynamic: 1 << 1 }; function prefix(context, selector) { let prefix = context.tailwindConfig.prefix; return typeof prefix === "function" ? prefix(selector) : prefix + selector; } function normalizeOptionTypes({ type ="any" , ...options }) { let types = [].concat(type); return { ...options, types: types.map((type)=>{ if (Array.isArray(type)) { return { type: type[0], ...type[1] }; } return { type, preferOnConflict: false }; }) }; } function parseVariantFormatString(input) { /** @type {string[]} */ let parts = []; // When parsing whitespace around special characters are insignificant // However, _inside_ of a variant they could be // Because the selector could look like this // @media { &[data-name="foo bar"] } // This is why we do not skip whitespace let current = ""; let depth = 0; for(let idx = 0; idx < input.length; idx++){ let char = input[idx]; if (char === "\\") { // Escaped characters are not special current += "\\" + input[++idx]; } else if (char === "{") { // Nested rule: start ++depth; parts.push(current.trim()); current = ""; } else if (char === "}") { // Nested rule: end if (--depth < 0) { throw new Error(`Your { and } are unbalanced.`); } parts.push(current.trim()); current = ""; } else { // Normal character current += char; } } if (current.length > 0) { parts.push(current.trim()); } parts = parts.filter((part)=>part !== ""); return parts; } function insertInto(list, value, { before =[] } = {}) { before = [].concat(before); if (before.length <= 0) { list.push(value); return; } let idx = list.length - 1; for (let other of before){ let iidx = list.indexOf(other); if (iidx === -1) continue; idx = Math.min(idx, iidx); } list.splice(idx, 0, value); } function parseStyles(styles) { if (!Array.isArray(styles)) { return parseStyles([ styles ]); } return styles.flatMap((style)=>{ let isNode = !Array.isArray(style) && !(0, _isPlainObject.default)(style); return isNode ? style : (0, _parseObjectStyles.default)(style); }); } function getClasses(selector, mutate) { let parser = (0, _postcssselectorparser.default)((selectors)=>{ let allClasses = []; if (mutate) { mutate(selectors); } selectors.walkClasses((classNode)=>{ allClasses.push(classNode.value); }); return allClasses; }); return parser.transformSync(selector); } /** * Ignore everything inside a :not(...). This allows you to write code like * `div:not(.foo)`. If `.foo` is never found in your code, then we used to * not generated it. But now we will ignore everything inside a `:not`, so * that it still gets generated. * * @param {selectorParser.Root} selectors */ function ignoreNot(selectors) { selectors.walkPseudos((pseudo)=>{ if (pseudo.value === ":not") { pseudo.remove(); } }); } function extractCandidates(node, state = { containsNonOnDemandable: false }, depth = 0) { let classes = []; let selectors = []; if (node.type === "rule") { // Handle normal rules selectors.push(...node.selectors); } else if (node.type === "atrule") { // Handle at-rules (which contains nested rules) node.walkRules((rule)=>selectors.push(...rule.selectors)); } for (let selector of selectors){ let classCandidates = getClasses(selector, ignoreNot); // At least one of the selectors contains non-"on-demandable" candidates. if (classCandidates.length === 0) { state.containsNonOnDemandable = true; } for (let classCandidate of classCandidates){ classes.push(classCandidate); } } if (depth === 0) { return [ state.containsNonOnDemandable || classes.length === 0, classes ]; } return classes; } function withIdentifiers(styles) { return parseStyles(styles).flatMap((node)=>{ let nodeMap = new Map(); let [containsNonOnDemandableSelectors, candidates] = extractCandidates(node); // If this isn't "on-demandable", assign it a universal candidate to always include it. if (containsNonOnDemandableSelectors) { candidates.unshift(_sharedState.NOT_ON_DEMAND); } // However, it could be that it also contains "on-demandable" candidates. // E.g.: `span, .foo {}`, in that case it should still be possible to use // `@apply foo` for example. return candidates.map((c)=>{ if (!nodeMap.has(node)) { nodeMap.set(node, node); } return [ c, nodeMap.get(node) ]; }); }); } function isValidVariantFormatString(format) { return format.startsWith("@") || format.includes("&"); } function parseVariant(variant) { variant = variant.replace(/\n+/g, "").replace(/\s{1,}/g, " ").trim(); let fns = parseVariantFormatString(variant).map((str)=>{ if (!str.startsWith("@")) { return ({ format })=>format(str); } let [, name, params] = /@(\S*)( .+|[({].*)?/g.exec(str); var _params_trim; return ({ wrap })=>{ return wrap(_postcss.default.atRule({ name, params: (_params_trim = params === null || params === void 0 ? void 0 : params.trim()) !== null && _params_trim !== void 0 ? _params_trim : "" })); }; }).reverse(); return (api)=>{ for (let fn of fns){ fn(api); } }; } /** * * @param {any} tailwindConfig * @param {any} context * @param {object} param2 * @param {Offsets} param2.offsets */ function buildPluginApi(tailwindConfig, context, { variantList , variantMap , offsets , classList }) { function getConfigValue(path, defaultValue) { return path ? (0, _dlv.default)(tailwindConfig, path, defaultValue) : tailwindConfig; } function applyConfiguredPrefix(selector) { return (0, _prefixSelector.default)(tailwindConfig.prefix, selector); } function prefixIdentifier(identifier, options) { if (identifier === _sharedState.NOT_ON_DEMAND) { return _sharedState.NOT_ON_DEMAND; } if (!options.respectPrefix) { return identifier; } return context.tailwindConfig.prefix + identifier; } function resolveThemeValue(path, defaultValue, opts = {}) { let parts = (0, _toPath.toPath)(path); let value = getConfigValue([ "theme", ...parts ], defaultValue); return (0, _transformThemeValue.default)(parts[0])(value, opts); } let variantIdentifier = 0; let api = { postcss: _postcss.default, prefix: applyConfiguredPrefix, e: _escapeClassName.default, config: getConfigValue, theme: resolveThemeValue, corePlugins: (path)=>{ if (Array.isArray(tailwindConfig.corePlugins)) { return tailwindConfig.corePlugins.includes(path); } return getConfigValue([ "corePlugins", path ], true); }, variants: ()=>{ // Preserved for backwards compatibility but not used in v3.0+ return []; }, addBase (base) { for (let [identifier, rule] of withIdentifiers(base)){ let prefixedIdentifier = prefixIdentifier(identifier, {}); let offset = offsets.create("base"); if (!context.candidateRuleMap.has(prefixedIdentifier)) { context.candidateRuleMap.set(prefixedIdentifier, []); } context.candidateRuleMap.get(prefixedIdentifier).push([ { sort: offset, layer: "base" }, rule ]); } }, /** * @param {string} group * @param {Record} declarations */ addDefaults (group, declarations) { const groups = { [`@defaults ${group}`]: declarations }; for (let [identifier, rule] of withIdentifiers(groups)){ let prefixedIdentifier = prefixIdentifier(identifier, {}); if (!context.candidateRuleMap.has(prefixedIdentifier)) { context.candidateRuleMap.set(prefixedIdentifier, []); } context.candidateRuleMap.get(prefixedIdentifier).push([ { sort: offsets.create("defaults"), layer: "defaults" }, rule ]); } }, addComponents (components, options) { let defaultOptions = { preserveSource: false, respectPrefix: true, respectImportant: false }; options = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, Array.isArray(options) ? {} : options); for (let [identifier, rule] of withIdentifiers(components)){ let prefixedIdentifier = prefixIdentifier(identifier, options); classList.add(prefixedIdentifier); if (!context.candidateRuleMap.has(prefixedIdentifier)) { context.candidateRuleMap.set(prefixedIdentifier, []); } context.candidateRuleMap.get(prefixedIdentifier).push([ { sort: offsets.create("components"), layer: "components", options }, rule ]); } }, addUtilities (utilities, options) { let defaultOptions = { preserveSource: false, respectPrefix: true, respectImportant: true }; options = Object.assign({}, defaultOptions, Array.isArray(options) ? {} : options); for (let [identifier, rule] of withIdentifiers(utilities)){ let prefixedIdentifier = prefixIdentifier(identifier, options); classList.add(prefixedIdentifier); if (!context.candidateRuleMap.has(prefixedIdentifier)) { context.candidateRuleMap.set(prefixedIdentifier, []); } context.candidateRuleMap.get(prefixedIdentifier).push([ { sort: offsets.create("utilities"), layer: "utilities", options }, rule ]); } }, matchUtilities: function(utilities, options) { let defaultOptions = { respectPrefix: true, respectImportant: true, modifiers: false }; options = normalizeOptionTypes({ ...defaultOptions, ...options }); let offset = offsets.create("utilities"); for(let identifier in utilities){ let prefixedIdentifier = prefixIdentifier(identifier, options); let rule = utilities[identifier]; classList.add([ prefixedIdentifier, options ]); function wrapped(modifier, { isOnlyPlugin }) { let [value, coercedType, utilityModifier] = (0, _pluginUtils.coerceValue)(options.types, modifier, options, tailwindConfig); if (value === undefined) { return []; } if (!options.types.some(({ type })=>type === coercedType)) { if (isOnlyPlugin) { _log.default.warn([ `Unnecessary typehint \`${coercedType}\` in \`${identifier}-${modifier}\`.`, `You can safely update it to \`${identifier}-${modifier.replace(coercedType + ":", "")}\`.` ]); } else { return []; } } if (!(0, _isSyntacticallyValidPropertyValue.default)(value)) { return []; } let extras = { get modifier () { if (!options.modifiers) { _log.default.warn(`modifier-used-without-options-for-${identifier}`, [ "Your plugin must set `modifiers: true` in its options to support modifiers." ]); } return utilityModifier; } }; let modifiersEnabled = (0, _featureFlags.flagEnabled)(tailwindConfig, "generalizedModifiers"); let ruleSets = [].concat(modifiersEnabled ? rule(value, extras) : rule(value)).filter(Boolean).map((declaration)=>({ [(0, _nameClass.default)(identifier, modifier)]: declaration })); return ruleSets; } let withOffsets = [ { sort: offset, layer: "utilities", options }, wrapped ]; if (!context.candidateRuleMap.has(prefixedIdentifier)) { context.candidateRuleMap.set(prefixedIdentifier, []); } context.candidateRuleMap.get(prefixedIdentifier).push(withOffsets); } }, matchComponents: function(components, options) { let defaultOptions = { respectPrefix: true, respectImportant: false, modifiers: false }; options = normalizeOptionTypes({ ...defaultOptions, ...options }); let offset = offsets.create("components"); for(let identifier in components){ let prefixedIdentifier = prefixIdentifier(identifier, options); let rule = components[identifier]; classList.add([ prefixedIdentifier, options ]); function wrapped(modifier, { isOnlyPlugin }) { let [value, coercedType, utilityModifier] = (0, _pluginUtils.coerceValue)(options.types, modifier, options, tailwindConfig); if (value === undefined) { return []; } if (!options.types.some(({ type })=>type === coercedType)) { if (isOnlyPlugin) { _log.default.warn([ `Unnecessary typehint \`${coercedType}\` in \`${identifier}-${modifier}\`.`, `You can safely update it to \`${identifier}-${modifier.replace(coercedType + ":", "")}\`.` ]); } else { return []; } } if (!(0, _isSyntacticallyValidPropertyValue.default)(value)) { return []; } let extras = { get modifier () { if (!options.modifiers) { _log.default.warn(`modifier-used-without-options-for-${identifier}`, [ "Your plugin must set `modifiers: true` in its options to support modifiers." ]); } return utilityModifier; } }; let modifiersEnabled = (0, _featureFlags.flagEnabled)(tailwindConfig, "generalizedModifiers"); let ruleSets = [].concat(modifiersEnabled ? rule(value, extras) : rule(value)).filter(Boolean).map((declaration)=>({ [(0, _nameClass.default)(identifier, modifier)]: declaration })); return ruleSets; } let withOffsets = [ { sort: offset, layer: "components", options }, wrapped ]; if (!context.candidateRuleMap.has(prefixedIdentifier)) { context.candidateRuleMap.set(prefixedIdentifier, []); } context.candidateRuleMap.get(prefixedIdentifier).push(withOffsets); } }, addVariant (variantName, variantFunctions, options = {}) { variantFunctions = [].concat(variantFunctions).map((variantFunction)=>{ if (typeof variantFunction !== "string") { // Safelist public API functions return (api = {})=>{ let { args , modifySelectors , container , separator , wrap , format } = api; let result = variantFunction(Object.assign({ modifySelectors, container, separator }, options.type === VARIANT_TYPES.MatchVariant && { args, wrap, format })); if (typeof result === "string" && !isValidVariantFormatString(result)) { throw new Error(`Your custom variant \`${variantName}\` has an invalid format string. Make sure it's an at-rule or contains a \`&\` placeholder.`); } if (Array.isArray(result)) { return result.filter((variant)=>typeof variant === "string").map((variant)=>parseVariant(variant)); } // result may be undefined with legacy variants that use APIs like `modifySelectors` // result may also be a postcss node if someone was returning the result from `modifySelectors` return result && typeof result === "string" && parseVariant(result)(api); }; } if (!isValidVariantFormatString(variantFunction)) { throw new Error(`Your custom variant \`${variantName}\` has an invalid format string. Make sure it's an at-rule or contains a \`&\` placeholder.`); } return parseVariant(variantFunction); }); insertInto(variantList, variantName, options); variantMap.set(variantName, variantFunctions); context.variantOptions.set(variantName, options); }, matchVariant (variant, variantFn, options) { var _options_id; // A unique identifier that "groups" these variants together. // This is for internal use only which is why it is not present in the types let id = (_options_id = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.id) !== null && _options_id !== void 0 ? _options_id : ++variantIdentifier; let isSpecial = variant === "@"; let modifiersEnabled = (0, _featureFlags.flagEnabled)(tailwindConfig, "generalizedModifiers"); var _options_values; for (let [key, value] of Object.entries((_options_values = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.values) !== null && _options_values !== void 0 ? _options_values : {})){ if (key === "DEFAULT") continue; api.addVariant(isSpecial ? `${variant}${key}` : `${variant}-${key}`, ({ args , container })=>{ return variantFn(value, modifiersEnabled ? { modifier: args === null || args === void 0 ? void 0 : args.modifier, container } : { container }); }, { ...options, value, id, type: VARIANT_TYPES.MatchVariant, variantInfo: VARIANT_INFO.Base }); } var _options_values1; let hasDefault = "DEFAULT" in ((_options_values1 = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.values) !== null && _options_values1 !== void 0 ? _options_values1 : {}); api.addVariant(variant, ({ args , container })=>{ if ((args === null || args === void 0 ? void 0 : args.value) === _sharedState.NONE && !hasDefault) { return null; } var // (JetBrains) plugins. _args_value; return variantFn((args === null || args === void 0 ? void 0 : args.value) === _sharedState.NONE ? options.values.DEFAULT : (_args_value = args === null || args === void 0 ? void 0 : args.value) !== null && _args_value !== void 0 ? _args_value : typeof args === "string" ? args : "", modifiersEnabled ? { modifier: args === null || args === void 0 ? void 0 : args.modifier, container } : { container }); }, { ...options, id, type: VARIANT_TYPES.MatchVariant, variantInfo: VARIANT_INFO.Dynamic }); } }; return api; } let fileModifiedMapCache = new WeakMap(); function getFileModifiedMap(context) { if (!fileModifiedMapCache.has(context)) { fileModifiedMapCache.set(context, new Map()); } return fileModifiedMapCache.get(context); } function trackModified(files, fileModifiedMap) { let changed = false; let mtimesToCommit = new Map(); for (let file of files){ var _fs_statSync; if (!file) continue; let parsed = _url.default.parse(file); let pathname = parsed.hash ? parsed.href.replace(parsed.hash, "") : parsed.href; pathname = parsed.search ? pathname.replace(parsed.search, "") : pathname; let newModified = (_fs_statSync = _fs.default.statSync(decodeURIComponent(pathname), { throwIfNoEntry: false })) === null || _fs_statSync === void 0 ? void 0 : _fs_statSync.mtimeMs; if (!newModified) { continue; } if (!fileModifiedMap.has(file) || newModified > fileModifiedMap.get(file)) { changed = true; } mtimesToCommit.set(file, newModified); } return [ changed, mtimesToCommit ]; } function extractVariantAtRules(node) { node.walkAtRules((atRule)=>{ if ([ "responsive", "variants" ].includes(atRule.name)) { extractVariantAtRules(atRule); atRule.before(atRule.nodes); atRule.remove(); } }); } function collectLayerPlugins(root) { let layerPlugins = []; root.each((node)=>{ if (node.type === "atrule" && [ "responsive", "variants" ].includes(node.name)) { node.name = "layer"; node.params = "utilities"; } }); // Walk @layer rules and treat them like plugins root.walkAtRules("layer", (layerRule)=>{ extractVariantAtRules(layerRule); if (layerRule.params === "base") { for (let node of layerRule.nodes){ layerPlugins.push(function({ addBase }) { addBase(node, { respectPrefix: false }); }); } layerRule.remove(); } else if (layerRule.params === "components") { for (let node of layerRule.nodes){ layerPlugins.push(function({ addComponents }) { addComponents(node, { respectPrefix: false, preserveSource: true }); }); } layerRule.remove(); } else if (layerRule.params === "utilities") { for (let node of layerRule.nodes){ layerPlugins.push(function({ addUtilities }) { addUtilities(node, { respectPrefix: false, preserveSource: true }); }); } layerRule.remove(); } }); return layerPlugins; } function resolvePlugins(context, root) { let corePluginList = Object.entries({ ..._corePlugins.variantPlugins, ..._corePlugins.corePlugins }).map(([name, plugin])=>{ if (!context.tailwindConfig.corePlugins.includes(name)) { return null; } return plugin; }).filter(Boolean); let userPlugins = context.tailwindConfig.plugins.map((plugin)=>{ if (plugin.__isOptionsFunction) { plugin = plugin(); } return typeof plugin === "function" ? plugin : plugin.handler; }); let layerPlugins = collectLayerPlugins(root); // TODO: This is a workaround for backwards compatibility, since custom variants // were historically sorted before screen/stackable variants. let beforeVariants = [ _corePlugins.variantPlugins["childVariant"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["pseudoElementVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["pseudoClassVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["hasVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["ariaVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["dataVariants"] ]; let afterVariants = [ _corePlugins.variantPlugins["supportsVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["reducedMotionVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["prefersContrastVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["screenVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["orientationVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["directionVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["darkVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["forcedColorsVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["printVariant"] ]; // This is a compatibility fix for the pre 3.4 dark mode behavior // `class` retains the old behavior, but `selector` keeps the new behavior let isLegacyDarkMode = context.tailwindConfig.darkMode === "class" || Array.isArray(context.tailwindConfig.darkMode) && context.tailwindConfig.darkMode[0] === "class"; if (isLegacyDarkMode) { afterVariants = [ _corePlugins.variantPlugins["supportsVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["reducedMotionVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["prefersContrastVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["darkVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["screenVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["orientationVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["directionVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["forcedColorsVariants"], _corePlugins.variantPlugins["printVariant"] ]; } return [ ...corePluginList, ...beforeVariants, ...userPlugins, ...afterVariants, ...layerPlugins ]; } function registerPlugins(plugins, context) { let variantList = []; let variantMap = new Map(); context.variantMap = variantMap; let offsets = new _offsets.Offsets(); context.offsets = offsets; let classList = new Set(); let pluginApi = buildPluginApi(context.tailwindConfig, context, { variantList, variantMap, offsets, classList }); for (let plugin of plugins){ if (Array.isArray(plugin)) { for (let pluginItem of plugin){ pluginItem(pluginApi); } } else { plugin === null || plugin === void 0 ? void 0 : plugin(pluginApi); } } // Make sure to record bit masks for every variant offsets.recordVariants(variantList, (variant)=>variantMap.get(variant).length); // Build variantMap for (let [variantName, variantFunctions] of variantMap.entries()){ context.variantMap.set(variantName, variantFunctions.map((variantFunction, idx)=>[ offsets.forVariant(variantName, idx), variantFunction ])); } var _context_tailwindConfig_safelist; let safelist = ((_context_tailwindConfig_safelist = context.tailwindConfig.safelist) !== null && _context_tailwindConfig_safelist !== void 0 ? _context_tailwindConfig_safelist : []).filter(Boolean); if (safelist.length > 0) { let checks = []; for (let value of safelist){ if (typeof value === "string") { context.changedContent.push({ content: value, extension: "html" }); continue; } if (value instanceof RegExp) { _log.default.warn("root-regex", [ "Regular expressions in `safelist` work differently in Tailwind CSS v3.0.", "Update your `safelist` configuration to eliminate this warning.", "https://tailwindcss.com/docs/content-configuration#safelisting-classes" ]); continue; } checks.push(value); } if (checks.length > 0) { let patternMatchingCount = new Map(); let prefixLength = context.tailwindConfig.prefix.length; let checkImportantUtils = checks.some((check)=>check.pattern.source.includes("!")); for (let util of classList){ let utils = Array.isArray(util) ? (()=>{ let [utilName, options] = util; var _options_values; let values = Object.keys((_options_values = options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.values) !== null && _options_values !== void 0 ? _options_values : {}); let classes = values.map((value)=>(0, _nameClass.formatClass)(utilName, value)); if (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.supportsNegativeValues) { // This is the normal negated version // e.g. `-inset-1` or `-tw-inset-1` classes = [ ...classes, ...classes.map((cls)=>"-" + cls) ]; // This is the negated version *after* the prefix // e.g. `tw--inset-1` // The prefix is already attached to util name // So we add the negative after the prefix classes = [ ...classes, ...classes.map((cls)=>cls.slice(0, prefixLength) + "-" + cls.slice(prefixLength)) ]; } if (options.types.some(({ type })=>type === "color")) { classes = [ ...classes, ...classes.flatMap((cls)=>Object.keys(context.tailwindConfig.theme.opacity).map((opacity)=>`${cls}/${opacity}`)) ]; } if (checkImportantUtils && (options === null || options === void 0 ? void 0 : options.respectImportant)) { classes = [ ...classes, ...classes.map((cls)=>"!" + cls) ]; } return classes; })() : [ util ]; for (let util of utils){ for (let { pattern , variants =[] } of checks){ // RegExp with the /g flag are stateful, so let's reset the last // index pointer to reset the state. pattern.lastIndex = 0; if (!patternMatchingCount.has(pattern)) { patternMatchingCount.set(pattern, 0); } if (!pattern.test(util)) continue; patternMatchingCount.set(pattern, patternMatchingCount.get(pattern) + 1); context.changedContent.push({ content: util, extension: "html" }); for (let variant of variants){ context.changedContent.push({ content: variant + context.tailwindConfig.separator + util, extension: "html" }); } } } } for (let [regex, count] of patternMatchingCount.entries()){ if (count !== 0) continue; _log.default.warn([ `The safelist pattern \`${regex}\` doesn't match any Tailwind CSS classes.`, "Fix this pattern or remove it from your `safelist` configuration.", "https://tailwindcss.com/docs/content-configuration#safelisting-classes" ]); } } } var _context_tailwindConfig_darkMode, _concat_; let darkClassName = (_concat_ = [].concat((_context_tailwindConfig_darkMode = context.tailwindConfig.darkMode) !== null && _context_tailwindConfig_darkMode !== void 0 ? _context_tailwindConfig_darkMode : "media")[1]) !== null && _concat_ !== void 0 ? _concat_ : "dark"; // A list of utilities that are used by certain Tailwind CSS utilities but // that don't exist on their own. This will result in them "not existing" and // sorting could be weird since you still require them in order to make the // host utilities work properly. (Thanks Biology) let parasiteUtilities = [ prefix(context, darkClassName), prefix(context, "group"), prefix(context, "peer") ]; context.getClassOrder = function getClassOrder(classes) { // Sort classes so they're ordered in a deterministic manner let sorted = [ ...classes ].sort((a, z)=>{ if (a === z) return 0; if (a < z) return -1; return 1; }); // Non-util classes won't be generated, so we default them to null let sortedClassNames = new Map(sorted.map((className)=>[ className, null ])); // Sort all classes in order // Non-tailwind classes won't be generated and will be left as `null` let rules = (0, _generateRules.generateRules)(new Set(sorted), context, true); rules = context.offsets.sort(rules); let idx = BigInt(parasiteUtilities.length); for (const [, rule] of rules){ let candidate = rule.raws.tailwind.candidate; var _sortedClassNames_get; // When multiple rules match a candidate // always take the position of the first one sortedClassNames.set(candidate, (_sortedClassNames_get = sortedClassNames.get(candidate)) !== null && _sortedClassNames_get !== void 0 ? _sortedClassNames_get : idx++); } return classes.map((className)=>{ var _sortedClassNames_get; let order = (_sortedClassNames_get = sortedClassNames.get(className)) !== null && _sortedClassNames_get !== void 0 ? _sortedClassNames_get : null; let parasiteIndex = parasiteUtilities.indexOf(className); if (order === null && parasiteIndex !== -1) { // This will make sure that it is at the very beginning of the // `components` layer which technically means 'before any // components'. order = BigInt(parasiteIndex); } return [ className, order ]; }); }; // Generate a list of strings for autocompletion purposes, e.g. // ['uppercase', 'lowercase', ...] context.getClassList = function getClassList(options = {}) { let output = []; for (let util of classList){ if (Array.isArray(util)) { var _utilOptions_types; let [utilName, utilOptions] = util; let negativeClasses = []; var _utilOptions_modifiers; let modifiers = Object.keys((_utilOptions_modifiers = utilOptions === null || utilOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : utilOptions.modifiers) !== null && _utilOptions_modifiers !== void 0 ? _utilOptions_modifiers : {}); if (utilOptions === null || utilOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : (_utilOptions_types = utilOptions.types) === null || _utilOptions_types === void 0 ? void 0 : _utilOptions_types.some(({ type })=>type === "color")) { var _context_tailwindConfig_theme_opacity; modifiers.push(...Object.keys((_context_tailwindConfig_theme_opacity = context.tailwindConfig.theme.opacity) !== null && _context_tailwindConfig_theme_opacity !== void 0 ? _context_tailwindConfig_theme_opacity : {})); } let metadata = { modifiers }; let includeMetadata = options.includeMetadata && modifiers.length > 0; var _utilOptions_values; for (let [key, value] of Object.entries((_utilOptions_values = utilOptions === null || utilOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : utilOptions.values) !== null && _utilOptions_values !== void 0 ? _utilOptions_values : {})){ // Ignore undefined and null values if (value == null) { continue; } let cls = (0, _nameClass.formatClass)(utilName, key); output.push(includeMetadata ? [ cls, metadata ] : cls); if ((utilOptions === null || utilOptions === void 0 ? void 0 : utilOptions.supportsNegativeValues) && (0, _negateValue.default)(value)) { let cls = (0, _nameClass.formatClass)(utilName, `-${key}`); negativeClasses.push(includeMetadata ? [ cls, metadata ] : cls); } } output.push(...negativeClasses); } else { output.push(util); } } return output; }; // Generate a list of available variants with meta information of the type of variant. context.getVariants = function getVariants() { let result = []; for (let [name, options] of context.variantOptions.entries()){ if (options.variantInfo === VARIANT_INFO.Base) continue; var _options_values; result.push({ name, isArbitrary: options.type === Symbol.for("MATCH_VARIANT"), values: Object.keys((_options_values = options.values) !== null && _options_values !== void 0 ? _options_values : {}), hasDash: name !== "@", selectors ({ modifier , value } = {}) { let candidate = "__TAILWIND_PLACEHOLDER__"; let rule = _postcss.default.rule({ selector: `.${candidate}` }); let container = _postcss.default.root({ nodes: [ rule.clone() ] }); let before = container.toString(); var _context_variantMap_get; let fns = ((_context_variantMap_get = context.variantMap.get(name)) !== null && _context_variantMap_get !== void 0 ? _context_variantMap_get : []).flatMap(([_, fn])=>fn); let formatStrings = []; for (let fn of fns){ var _options_values; let localFormatStrings = []; var _options_values_value; let api = { args: { modifier, value: (_options_values_value = (_options_values = options.values) === null || _options_values === void 0 ? void 0 : _options_values[value]) !== null && _options_values_value !== void 0 ? _options_values_value : value }, separator: context.tailwindConfig.separator, modifySelectors (modifierFunction) { // Run the modifierFunction over each rule container.each((rule)=>{ if (rule.type !== "rule") { return; } rule.selectors = rule.selectors.map((selector)=>{ return modifierFunction({ get className () { return (0, _generateRules.getClassNameFromSelector)(selector); }, selector }); }); }); return container; }, format (str) { localFormatStrings.push(str); }, wrap (wrapper) { localFormatStrings.push(`@${wrapper.name} ${wrapper.params} { & }`); }, container }; let ruleWithVariant = fn(api); if (localFormatStrings.length > 0) { formatStrings.push(localFormatStrings); } if (Array.isArray(ruleWithVariant)) { for (let variantFunction of ruleWithVariant){ localFormatStrings = []; variantFunction(api); formatStrings.push(localFormatStrings); } } } // Reverse engineer the result of the `container` let manualFormatStrings = []; let after = container.toString(); if (before !== after) { // Figure out all selectors container.walkRules((rule)=>{ let modified = rule.selector; // Rebuild the base selector, this is what plugin authors would do // as well. E.g.: `${variant}${separator}${className}`. // However, plugin authors probably also prepend or append certain // classes, pseudos, ids, ... let rebuiltBase = (0, _postcssselectorparser.default)((selectors)=>{ selectors.walkClasses((classNode)=>{ classNode.value = `${name}${context.tailwindConfig.separator}${classNode.value}`; }); }).processSync(modified); // Now that we know the original selector, the new selector, and // the rebuild part in between, we can replace the part that plugin // authors need to rebuild with `&`, and eventually store it in the // collectedFormats. Similar to what `format('...')` would do. // // E.g.: // variant: foo // selector: .markdown > p // modified (by plugin): .foo .foo\\:markdown > p // rebuiltBase (internal): .foo\\:markdown > p // format: .foo & manualFormatStrings.push(modified.replace(rebuiltBase, "&").replace(candidate, "&")); }); // Figure out all atrules container.walkAtRules((atrule)=>{ manualFormatStrings.push(`@${atrule.name} (${atrule.params}) { & }`); }); } var _options_values1; let isArbitraryVariant = !(value in ((_options_values1 = options.values) !== null && _options_values1 !== void 0 ? _options_values1 : {})); var _options_INTERNAL_FEATURES; let internalFeatures = (_options_INTERNAL_FEATURES = options[INTERNAL_FEATURES]) !== null && _options_INTERNAL_FEATURES !== void 0 ? _options_INTERNAL_FEATURES : {}; let respectPrefix = (()=>{ if (isArbitraryVariant) return false; if (internalFeatures.respectPrefix === false) return false; return true; })(); formatStrings = formatStrings.map((format)=>format.map((str)=>({ format: str, respectPrefix }))); manualFormatStrings = manualFormatStrings.map((format)=>({ format, respectPrefix })); let opts = { candidate, context }; let result = formatStrings.map((formats)=>(0, _formatVariantSelector.finalizeSelector)(`.${candidate}`, (0, _formatVariantSelector.formatVariantSelector)(formats, opts), opts).replace(`.${candidate}`, "&").replace("{ & }", "").trim()); if (manualFormatStrings.length > 0) { result.push((0, _formatVariantSelector.formatVariantSelector)(manualFormatStrings, opts).toString().replace(`.${candidate}`, "&")); } return result; } }); } return result; }; } /** * Mark as class as retroactively invalid * * * @param {string} candidate */ function markInvalidUtilityCandidate(context, candidate) { if (!context.classCache.has(candidate)) { return; } // Mark this as not being a real utility context.notClassCache.add(candidate); // Remove it from any candidate-specific caches context.classCache.delete(candidate); context.applyClassCache.delete(candidate); context.candidateRuleMap.delete(candidate); context.candidateRuleCache.delete(candidate); // Ensure the stylesheet gets rebuilt context.stylesheetCache = null; } /** * Mark as class as retroactively invalid * * @param {import('postcss').Node} node */ function markInvalidUtilityNode(context, node) { let candidate = node.raws.tailwind.candidate; if (!candidate) { return; } for (const entry of context.ruleCache){ if (entry[1].raws.tailwind.candidate === candidate) { context.ruleCache.delete(entry); // context.postCssNodeCache.delete(node) } } markInvalidUtilityCandidate(context, candidate); } function createContext(tailwindConfig, changedContent = [], root = _postcss.default.root()) { var _tailwindConfig_blocklist; let context = { disposables: [], ruleCache: new Set(), candidateRuleCache: new Map(), classCache: new Map(), applyClassCache: new Map(), // Seed the not class cache with the blocklist (which is only strings) notClassCache: new Set((_tailwindConfig_blocklist = tailwindConfig.blocklist) !== null && _tailwindConfig_blocklist !== void 0 ? _tailwindConfig_blocklist : []), postCssNodeCache: new Map(), candidateRuleMap: new Map(), tailwindConfig, changedContent: changedContent, variantMap: new Map(), stylesheetCache: null, variantOptions: new Map(), markInvalidUtilityCandidate: (candidate)=>markInvalidUtilityCandidate(context, candidate), markInvalidUtilityNode: (node)=>markInvalidUtilityNode(context, node) }; let resolvedPlugins = resolvePlugins(context, root); registerPlugins(resolvedPlugins, context); return context; } let contextMap = _sharedState.contextMap; let configContextMap = _sharedState.configContextMap; let contextSourcesMap = _sharedState.contextSourcesMap; function getContext(root, result, tailwindConfig, userConfigPath, tailwindConfigHash, contextDependencies) { let sourcePath = result.opts.from; let isConfigFile = userConfigPath !== null; _sharedState.env.DEBUG && console.log("Source path:", sourcePath); let existingContext; if (isConfigFile && contextMap.has(sourcePath)) { existingContext = contextMap.get(sourcePath); } else if (configContextMap.has(tailwindConfigHash)) { let context = configContextMap.get(tailwindConfigHash); contextSourcesMap.get(context).add(sourcePath); contextMap.set(sourcePath, context); existingContext = context; } let cssDidChange = (0, _cacheInvalidation.hasContentChanged)(sourcePath, root); // If there's already a context in the cache and we don't need to // reset the context, return the cached context. if (existingContext) { let [contextDependenciesChanged, mtimesToCommit] = trackModified([ ...contextDependencies ], getFileModifiedMap(existingContext)); if (!contextDependenciesChanged && !cssDidChange) { return [ existingContext, false, mtimesToCommit ]; } } // If this source is in the context map, get the old context. // Remove this source from the context sources for the old context, // and clean up that context if no one else is using it. This can be // called by many processes in rapid succession, so we check for presence // first because the first process to run this code will wipe it out first. if (contextMap.has(sourcePath)) { let oldContext = contextMap.get(sourcePath); if (contextSourcesMap.has(oldContext)) { contextSourcesMap.get(oldContext).delete(sourcePath); if (contextSourcesMap.get(oldContext).size === 0) { contextSourcesMap.delete(oldContext); for (let [tailwindConfigHash, context] of configContextMap){ if (context === oldContext) { configContextMap.delete(tailwindConfigHash); } } for (let disposable of oldContext.disposables.splice(0)){ disposable(oldContext); } } } } _sharedState.env.DEBUG && console.log("Setting up new context..."); let context = createContext(tailwindConfig, [], root); Object.assign(context, { userConfigPath }); let [, mtimesToCommit] = trackModified([ ...contextDependencies ], getFileModifiedMap(context)); // --- // Update all context tracking state configContextMap.set(tailwindConfigHash, context); contextMap.set(sourcePath, context); if (!contextSourcesMap.has(context)) { contextSourcesMap.set(context, new Set()); } contextSourcesMap.get(context).add(sourcePath); return [ context, true, mtimesToCommit ]; }