import { stringifyParams } from "../routing/params.js"; import { validateDynamicRouteModule, validateGetStaticPathsResult } from "../routing/validation.js"; import { generatePaginateFunction } from "./paginate.js"; async function callGetStaticPaths({ mod, route, routeCache, logger, ssr }) { const cached = routeCache.get(route); if (!mod) { throw new Error("This is an error caused by Astro and not your code. Please file an issue."); } if (cached?.staticPaths) { return cached.staticPaths; } validateDynamicRouteModule(mod, { ssr, route }); if (ssr && !route.prerender) { const entry = Object.assign([], { keyed: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() }); routeCache.set(route, { ...cached, staticPaths: entry }); return entry; } let staticPaths = []; if (!mod.getStaticPaths) { throw new Error("Unexpected Error."); } staticPaths = await mod.getStaticPaths({ // Q: Why the cast? // A: So users downstream can have nicer typings, we have to make some sacrifice in our internal typings, which necessitate a cast here paginate: generatePaginateFunction(route) }); validateGetStaticPathsResult(staticPaths, logger, route); const keyedStaticPaths = staticPaths; keyedStaticPaths.keyed = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(); for (const sp of keyedStaticPaths) { const paramsKey = stringifyParams(sp.params, route); keyedStaticPaths.keyed.set(paramsKey, sp); } routeCache.set(route, { ...cached, staticPaths: keyedStaticPaths }); return keyedStaticPaths; } class RouteCache { logger; cache = {}; mode; constructor(logger, mode = "production") { this.logger = logger; this.mode = mode; } /** Clear the cache. */ clearAll() { this.cache = {}; } set(route, entry) { if (this.mode === "production" && this.cache[route.component]?.staticPaths) { this.logger.warn(null, `Internal Warning: route cache overwritten. (${route.component})`); } this.cache[route.component] = entry; } get(route) { return this.cache[route.component]; } } function findPathItemByKey(staticPaths, params, route, logger) { const paramsKey = stringifyParams(params, route); const matchedStaticPath = staticPaths.keyed.get(paramsKey); if (matchedStaticPath) { return matchedStaticPath; } logger.debug("router", `findPathItemByKey() - Unexpected cache miss looking for ${paramsKey}`); } export { RouteCache, callGetStaticPaths, findPathItemByKey };