import postcss from 'postcss' import parser from 'postcss-selector-parser' import { resolveMatches } from './generateRules' import escapeClassName from '../util/escapeClassName' import { applyImportantSelector } from '../util/applyImportantSelector' import { movePseudos } from '../util/pseudoElements' /** @typedef {Map} ApplyCache */ function extractClasses(node) { /** @type {Map>} */ let groups = new Map() let container = postcss.root({ nodes: [node.clone()] }) container.walkRules((rule) => { parser((selectors) => { selectors.walkClasses((classSelector) => { let parentSelector = classSelector.parent.toString() let classes = groups.get(parentSelector) if (!classes) { groups.set(parentSelector, (classes = new Set())) } classes.add(classSelector.value) }) }).processSync(rule.selector) }) let normalizedGroups = Array.from(groups.values(), (classes) => Array.from(classes)) let classes = normalizedGroups.flat() return Object.assign(classes, { groups: normalizedGroups }) } let selectorExtractor = parser() /** * @param {string} ruleSelectors */ function extractSelectors(ruleSelectors) { return selectorExtractor.astSync(ruleSelectors) } function extractBaseCandidates(candidates, separator) { let baseClasses = new Set() for (let candidate of candidates) { baseClasses.add(candidate.split(separator).pop()) } return Array.from(baseClasses) } function prefix(context, selector) { let prefix = context.tailwindConfig.prefix return typeof prefix === 'function' ? prefix(selector) : prefix + selector } function* pathToRoot(node) { yield node while (node.parent) { yield node.parent node = node.parent } } /** * Only clone the node itself and not its children * * @param {*} node * @param {*} overrides * @returns */ function shallowClone(node, overrides = {}) { let children = node.nodes node.nodes = [] let tmp = node.clone(overrides) node.nodes = children return tmp } /** * Clone just the nodes all the way to the top that are required to represent * this singular rule in the tree. * * For example, if we have CSS like this: * ```css * @media (min-width: 768px) { * @supports (display: grid) { * .foo { * display: grid; * grid-template-columns: repeat(auto-fit, minmax(200px, 1fr)); * } * } * * @supports (backdrop-filter: blur(1px)) { * .bar { * backdrop-filter: blur(1px); * } * } * * .baz { * color: orange; * } * } * ``` * * And we're cloning `.bar` it'll return a cloned version of what's required for just that single node: * * ```css * @media (min-width: 768px) { * @supports (backdrop-filter: blur(1px)) { * .bar { * backdrop-filter: blur(1px); * } * } * } * ``` * * @param {import('postcss').Node} node */ function nestedClone(node) { for (let parent of pathToRoot(node)) { if (node === parent) { continue } if (parent.type === 'root') { break } node = shallowClone(parent, { nodes: [node], }) } return node } /** * @param {import('postcss').Root} root */ function buildLocalApplyCache(root, context) { /** @type {ApplyCache} */ let cache = new Map() root.walkRules((rule) => { // Ignore rules generated by Tailwind for (let node of pathToRoot(rule)) { if (node.raws.tailwind?.layer !== undefined) { return } } // Clone what's required to represent this singular rule in the tree let container = nestedClone(rule) let sort = context.offsets.create('user') for (let className of extractClasses(rule)) { let list = cache.get(className) || [] cache.set(className, list) list.push([ { layer: 'user', sort, important: false, }, container, ]) } }) return cache } /** * @returns {ApplyCache} */ function buildApplyCache(applyCandidates, context) { for (let candidate of applyCandidates) { if (context.notClassCache.has(candidate) || context.applyClassCache.has(candidate)) { continue } if (context.classCache.has(candidate)) { context.applyClassCache.set( candidate, context.classCache.get(candidate).map(([meta, rule]) => [meta, rule.clone()]) ) continue } let matches = Array.from(resolveMatches(candidate, context)) if (matches.length === 0) { context.notClassCache.add(candidate) continue } context.applyClassCache.set(candidate, matches) } return context.applyClassCache } /** * Build a cache only when it's first used * * @param {() => ApplyCache} buildCacheFn * @returns {ApplyCache} */ function lazyCache(buildCacheFn) { let cache = null return { get: (name) => { cache = cache || buildCacheFn() return cache.get(name) }, has: (name) => { cache = cache || buildCacheFn() return cache.has(name) }, } } /** * Take a series of multiple caches and merge * them so they act like one large cache * * @param {ApplyCache[]} caches * @returns {ApplyCache} */ function combineCaches(caches) { return { get: (name) => caches.flatMap((cache) => cache.get(name) || []), has: (name) => caches.some((cache) => cache.has(name)), } } function extractApplyCandidates(params) { let candidates = params.split(/[\s\t\n]+/g) if (candidates[candidates.length - 1] === '!important') { return [candidates.slice(0, -1), true] } return [candidates, false] } function processApply(root, context, localCache) { let applyCandidates = new Set() // Collect all @apply rules and candidates let applies = [] root.walkAtRules('apply', (rule) => { let [candidates] = extractApplyCandidates(rule.params) for (let util of candidates) { applyCandidates.add(util) } applies.push(rule) }) // Start the @apply process if we have rules with @apply in them if (applies.length === 0) { return } // Fill up some caches! let applyClassCache = combineCaches([localCache, buildApplyCache(applyCandidates, context)]) /** * When we have an apply like this: * * .abc { * @apply hover:font-bold; * } * * What we essentially will do is resolve to this: * * .abc { * @apply .hover\:font-bold:hover { * font-weight: 500; * } * } * * Notice that the to-be-applied class is `.hover\:font-bold:hover` and that the utility candidate was `hover:font-bold`. * What happens in this function is that we prepend a `.` and escape the candidate. * This will result in `.hover\:font-bold` * Which means that we can replace `.hover\:font-bold` with `.abc` in `.hover\:font-bold:hover` resulting in `.abc:hover` * * @param {string} selector * @param {string} utilitySelectors * @param {string} candidate */ function replaceSelector(selector, utilitySelectors, candidate) { let selectorList = extractSelectors(selector) let utilitySelectorsList = extractSelectors(utilitySelectors) let candidateList = extractSelectors(`.${escapeClassName(candidate)}`) let candidateClass = candidateList.nodes[0].nodes[0] selectorList.each((sel) => { /** @type {Set} */ let replaced = new Set() utilitySelectorsList.each((utilitySelector) => { let hasReplaced = false utilitySelector = utilitySelector.clone() utilitySelector.walkClasses((node) => { if (node.value !== candidateClass.value) { return } // Don't replace multiple instances of the same class // This is theoretically correct but only partially // We'd need to generate every possible permutation of the replacement // For example with `.foo + .foo { … }` and `section { @apply foo; }` // We'd need to generate all of these: // - `.foo + .foo` // - `.foo + section` // - `section + .foo` // - `section + section` if (hasReplaced) { return } // Since you can only `@apply` class names this is sufficient // We want to replace the matched class name with the selector the user is using // Ex: Replace `.text-blue-500` with `` node.replaceWith( => node.clone())) // Record that we did something and we want to use this new selector replaced.add(utilitySelector) hasReplaced = true }) }) // Sort tag names before class names (but only sort each group (separated by a combinator) // separately and not in total) // This happens when replacing `.bar` in `` with a tag like `section` for (let sel of replaced) { let groups = [[]] for (let node of sel.nodes) { if (node.type === 'combinator') { groups.push(node) groups.push([]) } else { let last = groups[groups.length - 1] last.push(node) } } sel.nodes = [] for (let group of groups) { if (Array.isArray(group)) { group.sort((a, b) => { if (a.type === 'tag' && b.type === 'class') { return -1 } else if (a.type === 'class' && b.type === 'tag') { return 1 } else if (a.type === 'class' && b.type === 'pseudo' && b.value.startsWith('::')) { return -1 } else if (a.type === 'pseudo' && a.value.startsWith('::') && b.type === 'class') { return 1 } return 0 }) } sel.nodes = sel.nodes.concat(group) } } sel.replaceWith(...replaced) }) return selectorList.toString() } let perParentApplies = new Map() // Collect all apply candidates and their rules for (let apply of applies) { let [candidates] = perParentApplies.get(apply.parent) || [[], apply.source] perParentApplies.set(apply.parent, [candidates, apply.source]) let [applyCandidates, important] = extractApplyCandidates(apply.params) if (apply.parent.type === 'atrule') { if ( === 'screen') { let screenType = apply.parent.params throw apply.error( `@apply is not supported within nested at-rules like @screen. We suggest you write this as @apply ${applyCandidates .map((c) => `${screenType}:${c}`) .join(' ')} instead.` ) } throw apply.error( `@apply is not supported within nested at-rules like @${}. You can fix this by un-nesting @${}.` ) } for (let applyCandidate of applyCandidates) { if ([prefix(context, 'group'), prefix(context, 'peer')].includes(applyCandidate)) { // TODO: Link to specific documentation page with error code. throw apply.error(`@apply should not be used with the '${applyCandidate}' utility`) } if (!applyClassCache.has(applyCandidate)) { throw apply.error( `The \`${applyCandidate}\` class does not exist. If \`${applyCandidate}\` is a custom class, make sure it is defined within a \`@layer\` directive.` ) } let rules = applyClassCache.get(applyCandidate) candidates.push([applyCandidate, important, rules]) } } for (let [parent, [candidates, atApplySource]] of perParentApplies) { let siblings = [] for (let [applyCandidate, important, rules] of candidates) { let potentialApplyCandidates = [ applyCandidate, ...extractBaseCandidates([applyCandidate], context.tailwindConfig.separator), ] for (let [meta, node] of rules) { let parentClasses = extractClasses(parent) let nodeClasses = extractClasses(node) // When we encounter a rule like `.dark .a, .b { … }` we only want to be left with `[.dark, .a]` if the base applyCandidate is `.a` or with `[.b]` if the base applyCandidate is `.b` // So we've split them into groups nodeClasses = nodeClasses.groups .filter((classList) => classList.some((className) => potentialApplyCandidates.includes(className)) ) .flat() // Add base utility classes from the @apply node to the list of // classes to check whether it intersects and therefore results in a // circular dependency or not. // // E.g.: // .foo { // @apply hover:a; // This applies "a" but with a modifier // } // // We only have to do that with base classes of the `node`, not of the `parent` // E.g.: // .hover\:foo { // @apply bar; // } // .bar { // @apply foo; // } // // This should not result in a circular dependency because we are // just applying `.foo` and the rule above is `.hover\:foo` which is // unrelated. However, if we were to apply `hover:foo` then we _did_ // have to include this one. nodeClasses = nodeClasses.concat( extractBaseCandidates(nodeClasses, context.tailwindConfig.separator) ) let intersects = parentClasses.some((selector) => nodeClasses.includes(selector)) if (intersects) { throw node.error( `You cannot \`@apply\` the \`${applyCandidate}\` utility here because it creates a circular dependency.` ) } let root = postcss.root({ nodes: [node.clone()] }) // Make sure every node in the entire tree points back at the @apply rule that generated it root.walk((node) => { node.source = atApplySource }) let canRewriteSelector = node.type !== 'atrule' || (node.type === 'atrule' && !== 'keyframes') if (canRewriteSelector) { root.walkRules((rule) => { // Let's imagine you have the following structure: // // .foo { // @apply bar; // } // // @supports (a: b) { // .bar { // color: blue // } // // .something-unrelated {} // } // // In this case we want to apply `.bar` but it happens to be in // an atrule node. We clone that node instead of the nested one // because we still want that @supports rule to be there once we // applied everything. // // However it happens to be that the `.something-unrelated` is // also in that same shared @supports atrule. This is not good, // and this should not be there. The good part is that this is // a clone already and it can be safely removed. The question is // how do we know we can remove it. Basically what we can do is // match it against the applyCandidate that you want to apply. If // it doesn't match the we can safely delete it. // // If we didn't do this, then the `replaceSelector` function // would have replaced this with something that didn't exist and // therefore it removed the selector altogether. In this specific // case it would result in `{}` instead of `.something-unrelated {}` if (!extractClasses(rule).some((candidate) => candidate === applyCandidate)) { rule.remove() return } // Strip the important selector from the parent selector if at the beginning let importantSelector = typeof context.tailwindConfig.important === 'string' ? context.tailwindConfig.important : null // We only want to move the "important" selector if this is a Tailwind-generated utility // We do *not* want to do this for user CSS that happens to be structured the same let isGenerated = parent.raws.tailwind !== undefined let parentSelector = isGenerated && importantSelector && parent.selector.indexOf(importantSelector) === 0 ? parent.selector.slice(importantSelector.length) : parent.selector // If the selector becomes empty after replacing the important selector // This means that it's the same as the parent selector and we don't want to replace it // Otherwise we'll crash if (parentSelector === '') { parentSelector = parent.selector } rule.selector = replaceSelector(parentSelector, rule.selector, applyCandidate) // And then re-add it if it was removed if (importantSelector && parentSelector !== parent.selector) { rule.selector = applyImportantSelector(rule.selector, importantSelector) } rule.walkDecls((d) => { d.important = meta.important || important }) // Move pseudo elements to the end of the selector (if necessary) let selector = parser().astSync(rule.selector) selector.each((sel) => movePseudos(sel)) rule.selector = selector.toString() }) } // It could be that the node we were inserted was removed because the class didn't match // If that was the *only* rule in the parent, then we have nothing add so we skip it if (!root.nodes[0]) { continue } // Insert it siblings.push([meta.sort, root.nodes[0]]) } } // Inject the rules, sorted, correctly let nodes = context.offsets.sort(siblings).map((s) => s[1]) // `parent` refers to the node at `.abc` in: .abc { @apply mt-2 } parent.after(nodes) } for (let apply of applies) { // If there are left-over declarations, just remove the @apply if (apply.parent.nodes.length > 1) { apply.remove() } else { // The node is empty, drop the full node apply.parent.remove() } } // Do it again, in case we have other `@apply` rules processApply(root, context, localCache) } export default function expandApplyAtRules(context) { return (root) => { // Build a cache of the user's CSS so we can use it to resolve classes used by @apply let localCache = lazyCache(() => buildLocalApplyCache(root, context)) processApply(root, context, localCache) } }