import type { StarlightPlugin, StarlightUserConfig } from "@astrojs/starlight/types"; import type { AstroIntegrationLogger } from "astro"; import { type StarlightGhostConfig, validateConfig } from "./src/schemas/config"; import starlightGhostcms from "./src/integrations/starlight-ghostcms"; export type { StarlightGhostConfig }; export default function starlightGhostCMS( userConfig?: StarlightGhostConfig, ): StarlightPlugin { const config: StarlightGhostConfig = validateConfig(userConfig); return { name: "@matthiesenxyz/starlight-ghostcms-plugin", hooks: { setup({ astroConfig, addIntegration, config: starlightConfig, logger, updateConfig: updateStarlightConfig, }) { // Add the Starlight-GhostCMS integration addIntegration(starlightGhostcms(config)); // Update the Starlight config with the GhostCMS config updateStarlightConfig({ social: {, ...overrideRSS(,, }, components: { ...starlightConfig.components, ...overrideStarlightComponent( starlightConfig.components, logger, "MarkdownContent", ), ...overrideStarlightComponent( starlightConfig.components, logger, "Sidebar", ), ...overrideStarlightComponent( starlightConfig.components, logger, "SiteTitle", ), }, }); }, }, }; } function overrideRSS( socials: StarlightUserConfig["social"], url: string | undefined ) { if (socials?.rss) { return {}; } if (url === undefined) { return undefined; } return { rss: `${url}/rss.xml` }; } function overrideStarlightComponent( components: StarlightUserConfig["components"], logger: AstroIntegrationLogger, component: keyof NonNullable, ) { if (components?.[component]) { logger.warn( `It looks like you already have a \`${component}\` component override in your Starlight configuration.`, ); logger.warn( `To use \`starlight-ghostcms\`, remove the override for the \`${component}\` component.\n`, ); logger.warn("This Warning can be ignored if you know what your doing ;)"); return {}; } return { [component]: `@matthiesenxyz/starlight-ghostcms/overrides/${component}.astro`, }; }